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Hello im kristie want to welcome to news africa its good to have you along this behind me here is in nigeria we begin with this today because the un ses the countrys housing is the worst in the world they line a far is the u. N. Special reckless full on rights to adequate housing shes just presented preliminary findings off to make 10 day Fact Finding Mission to nigeria 5 what i witnessed is that in so many ways the lives of so many nigerians are at stake because of the housing situation now about 2 thirds of nigerians in urban areas are say to be living in informal settlements the u. N. Reports states that africas most populous nation has a shortage of get this 22000000 houses so how are People Living our correspondent funny in lagos gives us a glimpse. Lagos has been dubbed the mega city of slums and now Kokoda Torrijos for its squalid conditions is one of the citys worst and i visited mccorkle and its people in the floating slum for the 1st time i realized there are degrees of just how bad bad housing could be even here some have a roof over their heads others are forced to seek temporary shelter when it rains this family of 6 were evicted from their home during the day they can use a makeshift kitchen to cook their meals that was a year ago since then many more evictions have taken place the authorities in lagos are raising houses to make way for luxury Waterfront Properties but luxury homes are beyond the reach of most nigerians and then there is growing population with 200000000 people today nigerias population is expected to double by 2015 what the country lacks is Affordable Housing and supplements with functioning toilet cleaner water and Waste Disposal the un criticised this week but terrible housing is just one of the visible symptoms of an even bigger problem facing nigeria the country has the highest rate of extreme poverty world wide im now joined by d. W. Correspondent flourished who is in lagos for us. To see so we have just learned that 70 percent off nigerians in urban areas live in informal settlements why is that the case. Well christine you are very right most. Areas in nigeria leave you from all settlements and thats of because of several reasons one of the reasons is because we have precision ted number of people moving from villages from rural areas to the cities just to try to find a better life to get a better life for themselves and so the cities unable to really plan are on this number because they dont really know how many people are coming into the city so you find people just secondly wherever the confines of pleased to be their head and thats the reason why most people even in foremost it to me ok sure and i guess nigeria is not i mean thats phenomenon is not unique to nigeria but but heres the thing i mean this is never really shocked me you have the u. N. Saying your country needs 22000000 houses right thats the deficit but then we also hear of stories like in the city where you are laid low as there are thousands of houses that are that are vacant to help us understand that. Well here in lagos you find that thousands like you said thousands of houses are vacant and the reason is because these houses are just too expensive for ordinary people to afford you can imagine most people here in lagos and leave on 2. 00 a day and this leads to money how are they able to pay their rent and many of these long loads require that people pay at least a year old celina advance so thats very far reaching for most people be nigeria in nigeria or especially in lagos thats why you find that several houses have been built with theyre just sitting there vacant nobody to see the actually leaving them because theyre too expensive for an area people. Push the rep its also raised the issue of what she called the forced evictions of entire communities what is that all about. Well there are communities in lagos and other major cities the main jury out where you have people who just said lean over the years its a good example is michael cool life was just seen in the reports where hundreds and thousands of people are living on on on whats hour and this these are obviously informal settlements that hes a city planner and in an effort to try to enforce the city plan the government just goes with bulldozers are wipes out entire cities and what you find is that hundreds of thousands of people i rent out homeless and i think the shocking part of the thing is that the government actually has no plan no plans for many of these people that are being evicted yes they are carrying out carrying them out of the slums and out of these informal settlements but what is the other option left maybe sleeping on the roads or having to sports meets family members ok financial i mean this is a multifaceted problem what is youll government doing what action have we seen from your government should tackle this this housing crisis. Well 1st of all there are no income government provided no income houses but even this no Income Housing us till very far reaching for an army of people and there are definitely policies in place on paper but the implementation of them is where we really have a problem for example in lagos nonlawyers are free to charge what ever amounts they wish to charge for their houses and nobody is going to call them to account for it because there are no regulations to guide how much it particular apartment or house should should go for so right it were not really seeing much of Government Intervention in that area it appears as though the government does not yet recognize the urgency of the situation. In lagos for us thank you. Its true zimbabwes capital harare away officials shut the citys main Water Treatment plant because they have no foreign currency to import chemicals needed to clean the water that has lived millions of the citys residents facing dry taps and thats not the worst thing its feared people will now result to fix the water from unprotected sources which could lead to the outbreak of water borne diseases like cholera now correspondent privilege will shine 80 is in for more on the story high privilege good to see you so you know better than than we do get that this situation of foreign currencies only compounding a water crisis that already exists in harare and perhaps broadly in the country. Yes as you rightly say christine. Their situation the lack of foreign currency in the country is compounding its affecting almost every sector that is relying on importations if you look at the heresy to cancer at the moment theyre using regiment of 17 chemicals to purify the water from lake shapiro i think from the visuals you can see that. The water contaminated when i went to the dam you you you could you were greeted by you know a heavy stench you know from a distance of 500 meters to the dam we thinking that maybe you know its something that is coming from a damn site but this is water that is meant for consumption so you can see that. You really need a supply of foreign currency weekly and monthly to court to decontaminate this water so that it is portable for drinking and for use in houses privileged. Thank you. South africa we only dons company is arguably the best in the country and their latest production is said to be breathtaking and thats not even the story one of their truth is a dance with a difference its take a look. New summer target is getting ready to burst into the spotlight hes up next at the johannesburg theater motors the lead phone line the latest piece by south africas most prestigious Dance Company the 1000000000 it dances. Was was was dancing professionally is a dream come true and something more to never thought hed achieved he lost a leg to bone can someone whos 11 or more does love for music and movement remained her are now. On our i was 15 i was a d. J. In being 8 this can lead to dancing as i was dancing to merge behind additional things and starting to love dancing and stoller frame told me how to dance to it if i you know in a to get serious illness that it is you know as the traditions of before i was dancing as pooja and and buy into it before you can contribute i was much has been a full time dancer for a year now its an outlet for his agility and physical strength he says it also proves his determination but as a disabled densa has to work harder than the other us full fulford trio able bodies to to catch something and it can take in the fresh seconds for me to go and take intensity you know thats only the difference yeah. Yeah but for their country it. Was. The when he isnt dancing motors a motivational speaker he wants to inspire others living with a disability to dream big. When he dances the audience isnt or a fist effortless grace. You can even see on the on crutches i think thats one of the one of the things once i finally notice the moses like no way so its just one of those things of its not even a case of being on crutches it was a case of like once you know somebody like michael because they were just a dancer truth be told for me it was so amazing its just a maze you see Something Like that it was actually it was a shock because you couldnt see maybe when you saw him it was like wow. Hoping to make it big motor will be heading to new york next to our audiences there. Was and that is it for alfie deputies afaik as always the cattle are stories on our website of page because weve seen all that dot say today will leave you with it. Even after johnson the late nights i dont. Write to us to see people in particular that i like to see as the kids find strength growing up her. Doctor has to shirk. On youtube. My milk and im getting a little brown you can use the you want to hold its personal its divisive its about topics but its like those who want to climb a tree in the turn. To. The only reason to get out. Hello and welcome to the latest from arts and culture well it may be a collective but the berlin philharmonic is a very single minded orchestra and so conducting debut with them is certainly a big deal well see how sun too much yes that our valley of finland made out and also take a look at these stories. Germanys tom johnson musician trumpet player till is also a virtual so with the camera and he has trained his lens on germanys erstwhile industrial heartland the ruler valley. And since the beginning all of the 19th century there are a fixture in sicilian folklore we look into the traditional horse drawn cart that still charm the islands tourist. Well it was a critical moment for sun too. This past weekend the young finnish conductor debuted with the berlin Philharmonic Orchestra even though hes already a star in scandinavia with no less than 2 orchestras in his charge in finland and in sweden the true test for the 33 year old was on the continent so lets see if he passed. To watch. Movies like a percussionist because he is one

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