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Package later today. And imprisoned in the ice the biggest polluter expedition in history will get frozen into the ice and just go with the flow while scientists monitor the impact of Climate Change on the arctic you. Are an above. Color a very warm welcome to you on the dock sheba millions of people around the world are taking part in strikes and rallies calling for action on Climate Change ahead of a key u. N. Summit next week throughout the day well be checking in with our correspondents reporting from climate protests all around the world but theyre going to start right here in berlin. The protesters have taken to the streets of the german capital the mostly young crowd is gathered. At the citys famous Brandenburg Gate to listen to speeches and live music friday for future strikes are taking place in more than 500 towns and cities across germany. Joining me now is our correspondent on how much time she is standing by at the Brandenburg Gate welcome really tell us whats being planned in the german capital today. I am series yes im standing here just a few 100 meters from the Brandenburg Gate where the main protest thats happening here in berlin has kicked off with a huge concert its jarring silent and sobs of peoples the organizers have talked about 80000. 00 people attending this protest here in the capital and now this lonely marching towards the city center and will then ends up in front of the Brandenburg Gate again but there are more protests going on in the capital throughout the whole afternoon theres a bicycle protest planned raise protest the protestant churches called its great congregation to ring the church bells so they are all sorts of protests going on here in berlin so we can see lots of pics i think young people behind me but the activists who are for all people to come to this approach is young and old are they who signs the older people there is there. Yeah definitely i talked to some of some of the older people as well just spoke to cardenas 50 years old and usually works as a nurse today she came here with all of her 11 colleagues to join the climate strike its their 1st strike because usually of course theyre working on fridays and but today is a special day for a lot of people a lot of employers have given their employees a day off a lot of people have joined the protest in their lunch breaks i talked to is in christiane who are in their seventys and who joined the protest in solitary she with their 4 grandchildren so there are definitely older people here but also still predominantly a lot of young faces freida future activists whove gone on strike for many months now but we can say that this time this protest is different because theres a wide variety of actors who have called for people to join the protest from Civil Society even businesses Business Leaders have called on employers to join the strike so its its quite yet quite something to look at. Absolutely and all the people are determined to get their message across as we can see from all the placards people behind you clearly for how much time thank you so much for that update from the heart of berlin. Meanwhile the German Coalition government has been holding urgent talks on a major package of measures to reduce the countrys Carbon Emissions the talks went through the night and it seems theres now been a breakthrough i spoke to our chief Political Editor michelle and i asked him what this latest development and what had been agreed. By the might main point for the Coalition Government as it he is those protests going on at the Brandenburg Gate in that direction while they were sitting in the chancery behind me and they needed to deliver a breakthrough a last minute breakthrough although this is been months in the making and what we saw here is a struggle between the social Democrat Coalition Partner Party you basically wanted to slap a tax on carbon they wanted to make the emission of c o 2 much more expensive with germany having missed its 2020 goals and aiming to at least fulfill the 2030 goals of reducing c o 2 emissions by a 3rd and there weve seen information coming through which includes as you mentioned earlier a ban on oil fueled heating but also at the same time incentives people can get up to 40 percent of the cost of replacing their or seizing reimbursed by a government scheme so it seems to be a very complex solution that they came out with in the end taking on board both interest in both directions both incentives but also a balance of having technology in the future that emits a lot of c o 2 so we should have these talks between the Coalition Government has been going on for some 18 hours in the chancery behind you why did it take so long. Well because it was very calm complex indeed we had 2 signs take. Very fast they were insisting that there should be more of an incentive based scheme well in the end they get a bit of both those fuel prices will go up in the near future 1st by 3 percent then 10 percent but at the same time there will be incentives balancing out for instance people who depend on their car to drive to work getting more of a tax break so we can be very curious to watch the the small print in that press conference thats due to start and one half hours what that compromise entails the most important thing was that the coalition demonstrated that they can deliver on this issue of Climate Change particularly on this day of global protests here to prove that they can do attitude in this coalition that is struggling particularly from the weakness of the social democrats right now survey Important Message from the government theyre standing in front of the chancery in the heart of berlin chief Political Editor thank you very much other than that this is. So its not just in butler and this friday millions of people around the world are taking part in strikes and rallies calling for action on Climate Change ahead of the key u. N. Summit next week australia hosts all the fuss rallies of the day with similar protests unfolding across 150. 00 countries the demonstrations are being held with activists grettir both fridays for future movement. The Largest Global climate protest the world has ever seen thats what organizers have been calling todays quake of strikes for the planet. Student demonstrators have been turning out and then millions some of the 1st rallies kicked off in australia. The very room the front lines of Climate Change you know its already happening its not waiting for it to happen or you know a matter of time if its already well i say in school im learning about the effects of Climate Change and im learning that we need to do something yes im seeing that the people in charge and the people who are running our country arent doing anything. This is the 1st time adults have joined the climate strikes on such a significant scale like here in hong kong parents have also been taking part. In. I think this is such a peaceful protest that its only fair to show them that were all part of this and that its ok that they fight for their future to come. In thailand hundreds of young protesters storms the Environment Ministry before dropping to the ground to play dead saying that will be the future if governments dont act now. My. Children in india have also been heating tea activists scratch a term books rallying cry to take to the streets to fend off unfair. A mental disaster. This is a fight this is going to impact every day for the rest of my life this is a fight im fighting for at the world i inherit will not be boiling over with docs in stuff you know im fighting your quit a world which in which i will be able to breathe. And they like millions of children around the world hope that the adults in power hear their cause and take action to save the planet for future generations what. We saw there already climate protests underway in india did obviously a follicle attended a demonstration in the capital delhi and had this to say. Adrian capital a group of people including students who have skipped classes are out on the streets demanding action on Climate Change theyre demonstrating in front of the ministry of open affairs and housing and thats because this protest was intended to draw attention to indias rapidly growing cities which are reeling from extreme air pollution and heatwaves studies show that human induced climate activity the big of all. The students here are demanding the policymakers take steps to cut Carbon Emissions to move away from fossil fuels and Police Climate issues at the center of city planning policies to tackle what they say is a climate emergency. So that was in delhi and another major climate strike is taking place in the british capital london lets head to our correspondent bigot mass bigots or large protests going on there tell us whats happening. Well ive seen some really Young Children Primary School children lots of music its very vibrant its very colorful lots of funny had make signs you know like Climate Change as well as that homework but its really a big talent i have to say this place here which is just in the front of the British Parliament has of late been filled with threats of protestors but today. Its a different scene much more positive message i would say bouts nonetheless are very large and the children have a real need to make their voices heard. And because it seems british politicians have also been attending these protests what theyve been saying. I think that the macho yet in Central London is mostly really organized by by the children and self organize there are politicians that have come out in support mostly opposition politicians british policies on on Climate Change not that if you look at if you compared to the rest of the world series of may has committed the country to be called a neutral by 2050 however there are huge questions that im very mental protesters are asking for example about expanding the heater attitude also about fracking and i think that Climate Change altogether is not as much on the public mind at the moment because brets that is so much dominating out the Public Discourse so i think its a frustration also of many what i hear you say there is another emergency that you should really focus on and thats not gregs it and we can really feel big get the energy and the kind of commitment of these young people behind you bigot month in london thank you very much reporting from there. And the momentum for these protests was created by gratitude as you know shes the initiator all of the fund is for future strikes today shes spearheading a rally in new york she travelled to the United States a few weeks ago to be there for the un Climate Summit next week that was a piece that energized the young and spurred them to action why was god why do we want to know why do we scientists and veyron mental organisations and politicians have been trying for years to make the climate a matter of urgency in vain for a 16 year old plato to work has done it to emerge brave the open sea on a 2 week voyage of 40 yacht from europe to the u. S. To bring her message to the american president a selfproclaimed climate skeptic in person the media. Follow the trip closely. The climate an ecological crisis is a Global Crisis the biggest crisis humanity has to the face and if we dont manage to Work Together to cooperate and to to Work Together despite our differences then we will fail so we need to to stand together and support each other. And to take action it all started about a year ago every friday connected to him back protested in front of a Swedish Parliament and in so doing spark the fridays for future Movement Just a few months later the schoolgirl mobilized millions of people for the climate suddenly young people all over the world took to the streets like here in india. And mexico. Or in australia. Or in europe. After her arrival in new york at the end of august to back made it clear at a meeting with u. N. General Assembly President Mary Espinosa the she hoped the upcoming climate gathering would lead to concrete action you are going to. Be some kind of break. And. Where people start to realize what is actually done and. So we have high expectations. And mistakes to deliver. Now to imbed is counting on the support of her fellow campaigners all over the world and we will continue 5 that are both. Young people in south africa also have heeded what great attune bird has been saying and has got have gone on strike demonstrations already underway in johannesburg with protesters marched on the countrys Constitutional Court to demand action on Climate Change. And yet another fight is a future marches underway in cape town we can go over to our correspondent in cape town krishna and it seems a lot of Climate Change of protests are underway in the country tell us about whats happening where you are. But you can see in the background its not so many people anymore most people are going back home at the moment but before we had hundreds of people coming here marching to the Parliament House south africa trying to address the politicians and trying to tell them how argent the need is to take action on the Global Climate crisis how they call it and as you mentioned earlier cape town was not the only place in south africa where these protests happens today also in jerks and in durban we have seen similar events taking place but i cant turn to 1st the 1st time the impact of Climate Change had a huge drought how do you experience that. Right i mean last Year Cape Town was almost the 1st big city on earth to run dry because of this massive draws back then water was rationed only 50 liters per person per day it was the big topic everybody talked about it and although the situation has improved by now the dams reached a level of about 80 percent water is still a topic there still some restrictions on going you cant just fill a Swimming Pool as water here thats still forbidden and the town tennessee and cape town are saying this water scarcity will remain in the future so the situation in cape town seems to have improved but what about the rest of Southern Africa. Im richard weve seen of this year in several countries how problematic the situation is earlier this year in mozambique we saw cyclonic. Killing hundreds of people then in the media the president just declared a state of emergency massive drug there and in zimbabwe just came from the pipes also running dry of the dams are very low and another water crisis is boiling up there so Southern Africa is really hit very hard by the effects of the changing climate. In cape town thank you very much for that update from there. As you can see no matter which city the energy is created and all the places where these protests are taking place specially among the young People Living are being affected with some other stories making news around the the some of the Large Coalition fighting crews here rebels in yemen has destroyed 4 sites near the port city for the saudi state media says the sites were being used by the iranian backed militants to assemble the weapons including sea mines the airstrike follows last weekends attack on saudi arabias oil industry which the who the say they carried out israel is facing a political impasse after inconclusive elections on tuesday a centrist benny gantz has rejected calls from israels Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to form a unity government netanyahu had proposed leading the coalition but guns is blue and white party says it will not pull my lines with netanyahu as Prime Minister. At least 11 people have died in severe flooding in cambodia the high waters have forced evacuation of more than 10000 families does of heavy rain caused the meek on river to overflow submerging homes and crops. 11 provinces remain at risk of flooding as heavy rainfall is forecast until next week. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has apologized again after more racist images from his past were released a photo of him wearing brown face at a school ghana in 2001 was followed by another photo and video showing him in blackface as a teenager the scandals threatened to undermine to do israel Action Campaign less than 5 weeks before the vote. So how much of a threat are rising sea levels to cities around the world they have very few that question but the Common Thread is that low lying cities in asia and the pacific will be the worst hit one estimate says 4 out of 5 people will be impacted by the rise in sea levels by 2050 but places like in southern pakistan are already feeling the effects. In the Coastal Region of katie banda houses lie abandoned and rice fields liason merge beneath the water. The rising sea level has turned the area into a swamp and aberrated families whove lived here for generations. I got of course our previous home was flooded we had to move to save ourselves from the ocean. The area was once a thriving agricultural hub now the submerged remains of the rice mill are a tragic reminder of what once was. There was a vast agriculture and all of the surrounding areas in the fresh water of the river in this used to reach. Rice was the primary crop and the red rice of this area was very famous. Flooding isnt the only problem encroaching sea water has started to contaminate the groundwater and its rendering fertile Agricultural Land further inland to use less to. Its had a devastating impact on the local population many of whom now depend on fishing to earn a living a Competitive Industry thats not as profitable as it once was. At the National Institute of oceanography scientists some monitoring developments with concern its director general says pakistans entire coastline is at the risk of being flooded because of whats happening miles. Some miles away. There is no learn was between antarctica and northern arabian sea so if they need changes just because of the Climate Change your climber ship if it is getting old is pretty hard to. Do. This is. She is protected by a sea wall that keeps the ocean from encroaching but in nearby rural areas many people feel that they are left to their own devices to protect their homes the ocean has already reached new house as well. The houses will also get flooded with the passage of time which will make things worse this area was completely filled with sea water a few days ago we drained it and tried to build small protective barriers around the mosque or else well should we do were helpless. In pakistans Coastal Regions achieving lasting protection against the ocean seems like an impossibility. Of an ice breaker set to begin a year long mission to monitor the impact of Climate Change in the arctic the polish then will drift freely through the polar ice as it measures the extent of warming the arctic region has already experienced biggest stanbridge increases. At 1st the Arctic Research ship. Will be able to journey north under its own steam navigating through a thin sheet of arctic ice but soon afterwards the vessel will face much tougher conditions. For it here it will drift through the arctic ocean surrounded by pack ice on its way to the north pole and beyond. The ship boasts an Extensive Network of measuring stations designed to collect data on interactions between ice sea and the atmosphere. Because the arctic is warming up faster and faster it is considered the epicenter of global Climate Change. The expedition to gain better understanding of the arctic influence on global Climate Change the Data Collected by oceanographers could be valuable for the future. During their journey the crew of the pool large will be accompanied by ice breakers from china russia and sweden. And helicopters will deliver the necessary supplies. The extraordinary experiment will last 350. 00 days and travel 2500 kilometers it may be the last of its kind because if Global Warming continues at the present rate then the arctic could already be ice free by the summer of 2030. Now scientists binyamin dhaba is due to join the Mission Early i think news why the impact of Climate Change in the arctic is so important the arctic ocean ice usually very consider very much ice covered ocean and be seen in the recent couple of decades of those he changed and some are large stars of the archaean overcoming rather seasonally ice cover so some of the ice is not there and that makes a difference of much sunlight for example so one. And only one every quark that comes in the patient shows that in your service temperatures actually in both increasing it is threefold. Related to the global average so that means 3 times as much of an increase in the past 3 decades and you are than elsewhere and it is there for example cold air masses for me r. T. Those can be a lot less in 2 days so were not so far away from their may think you know. That was scientists bynum and now for a very rare kind of animal discovered in the wild its a zebra but not the usual type this a week old spotted zebra fold it was discovered by a tour guide in kenyas Masai Mara National reserve his extremely rare patton is a likely result offer genetic mutation now he has been christened kira and young kira has caused quite a stir at the national bar with drivers and photographers keen for a low thats hope things quiet down soon for the newly born. Heres a recap of the top stories that were following for you. Rallies in strikes are taking place around the globe. According for Climate Action demonstrators in some 150 countries one bullied is to do more to combat Climate Change ahead of the key the u. N. Summit next week. And then by a little thousands of him demonstrating his jotham at the School English and government book on a major package of protection as is the expected to include incentives to 0 emission electric vehicles and transport. Up next to help program in good shape stay with us the best gift that. Keeps us in shape what makes us see. My name is dr carson he could i talk to medical experts. Watch them at work. And then discuss what you can do to improve your head. Stay tuned and lets all try to stay a good change the next deal. Where the real talent resides. Really i come from there are lots of people in fact more than a 1000000000 users was the largest democracy really thats one reason why im passionate about people and the aspirations and the concerns. Of the television reporters Fried Chicken bun and onto the floor of the bun in one and i remember thinking at the time if the barley in the role Going Forward anything can happen if people come together and unite for a call. But i do the news that often confronted to 2 situations more conflicts being discussed and i see to sponsor my job to confront good speeches on policies and development to put the spotlight on issues that matter most hunger Food Security oppression martian isolation. To not has been achieved so much more needs to be john and i feel people have to be at the heart of solutions my name is on the top sheet off and i work at g. W. Hello and welcome to in good shape now i left in sweet it brings back all my childhood memories all those precious memories of my youth what about you do you feel the same but what if you were

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