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And u. S. Whistleblower Edward Snowden says the government surveillance and internet giants are a greater threat to privacy than ever before as his auto biography goes on sale. Hello our next vice or welcome to the program u. S. President donald trump appears to have softened his stance on a possible military strike on iran on sunday he tweeted that he was poised to strike as american officials were dispatched to saudi arabia to assess how the attacks were launched on a Saudi Oil Field in refinery and on monday american officials were still accusing iran but trump himself no longer seemed in a rush to go to war. As. The crown prince of bahrain. Official visit to the white house was planned long ago but it couldnt be more timely the biggest question was would President Trump take military action against iran without preconditions the way the United States is were prepared that any country in the history. Of in any history where what were i dont want war with anybody i am somebody that would like got to have. These satellite Images Released by the u. S. Military purportedly show the damage inflicted on the saudi oil plants and demonstrate how precise the attacks were carried out with drones or possibly cruise missiles. Washington says the attacks were simply too complicated to be the work of who the rebels in neighboring yemen saudi arabia claims iran was behind the strike. These weapons are iranian weapons our initial investigations show the terrorist attack did not come from yemen as to who it is claimed white house representatives have also publicly blamed iran for the bombings but have yet to provide any definitive evidence on twitter u. S. President trump hinted at the possibility of military action he said theres reason to believe that we know the culprit and a locked and loaded depending on verification so is this simply saber rattling from President Trump or is he heading down the road to military strikes. The president s going to have to make some very hard calls. With that his Political Base will be divided over whether there needs to be a direct u. S. Military response or whether the u. S. We should ports should be supporting. Countries in the region responding to attacks against. The iranian president Hassan Rouhani met with his allies in ankara and defended the campaign against saudi arabia. Jim out of the way you many people are simply defending themselves these attacks the reciprocal and have to end the only solution for yemen has to be political. White house officials announce it to be debating the basic course of action communication or confrontation correspondent is in washington to tell us more all over what is u. S. President trump going to do now he seems to be blowing hot and cold well that was a typical adult trump play that weve witnessed here today lots of back and forth threats of retaliation 1st of all and then later he walks everything back and says he does not want any military intervention at all which of course does not come as a big surprise dont forget were nearing the 2020 election here at all times reelection is at stake and the americans are increasingly getting tired of war and also pulling the american troops out of International Conflicts has been one of Donald Trumps core promises and hes really trying to go to the liver on these promises. Ok well as to the strikes them selves theres a lot of mystery it would seem saudi arabia saying it believes iran carried them out the americans are saying the same and then the whos the rebels in yemen saying they did it what proof is there of anything here. Well the saudi led military cola coalition in yemen today provided some evidence they believe that iran is behind these attacks they also believe that these attacks were carried out by iranian drones and they believe in addition to that that these drones came from the direction of iran rather than from the direction of yemen in the south and some satellite footage that was already made public yesterday by the americans would suggest some of the same but on the other hand you have the u. N. Special envoy for yemen who is a bit more careful on who saying that he is not 100 percent convinced there are a lot of other theories around who could be behind these attacks and so the Saudi Led Coalition and saudi arabia are now focusing on their investigation to find out where exactly these drones might have been launched. As you know all over it back in june President Trump threatened military action again against a red when it shot down a u. S. Drone then Nothing Happened is the expectation in washington that hill again back down. Well one thing is clear in comparison to last time it all its adding out these threats and donald trump must be careful that hes not losing his credibility here he is threatened once when an american drone was shot down in the strait of hormuz and then the retaliate strike was called off just a couple minutes before and as much as he says so and continues threatening he is continues losing his credibility so this is dangerous for him he might feel himself item self trapped in a situation where he has to act but its very unlikely of course that he will order direct retaliation attacks on the rainy and targets those would rather be targets perhaps in syria and in iraq over the iranian proxies there well lets not forget what this is all about all this is all about the nuclear deal that the president is trying to renegotiate so hes trying to force iran back to the negotiating table to reach a new nuclear deal the americans believe that iran is iran is still working on a nuclear bomb president rouhani of iran has already said that he is not available and 3 therefore the struggle continues ok thanks for that all over salad in washington and now to some of the other stories making news around the world. In a letter to congress u. S. President donald trump has announced that the United States will enter a limited trade pact with japan in the coming weeks the initial trade deal is expected to cover Tariff Barriers and include an executive Agreement Regarding digital trade it is unclear if the deal will include agriculture. Israelis go to the polls later today in the countrys closely fought repeat election conservative Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who was unable to form a governing coalition after aprils vote this in a jerusalems western wall on the final day of campaigning he faces a strong challenge from former army chief benny gantz who is running as a centrist. This week his teenager who sailed across the atlantic to make a point about Climate Change received a high honor in washington d. C. On monday im talking about great attend work force. Was at the ord ceremony swedish climate activists granted to bergen several of her fridays for future colleagues received amnesty internationals highs toward here in washington d. C. They called for further action on pressure to be put on governments across the planet and also called for young and old to come out on september 20th and 27th to coincide with the un Climate Summit taking place in new york in mass protests across the world. And. Called on the audience to get involved in bringing about change. The changes and the politics you call i had to take on this crisis simply doesnt exist today that is why every single one of us must push from every possible angle to hold. Those responsible accountable and to make the people in power act and to take the measures required it may seem impossible to pull the emergency brake and yet that is what we have to do whistleblower Edward Snowdens autobiography goes on sale this week the former american Intelligence Analyst shocked the world when he leaked details of a massive american internet spying program that spanned the globe hes living in exile in russia because he faces espionage charges back home some see him as a hero others condemn him as americas most wanted traitor as with snowden his recent permanent record to set the record straight himself told German Television that hes concerned about the fates of future whistleblowers and i think thats one of the saddest lessons from this story what does it say to the next whistleblower and what does a simple world what does it say about ourselves when the only place the american disick and can be heard is from places that we wouldnt expect. In 2013 snowden was working as a contractor for the National Security agency or n. S. A. In interviews hed said hed become disillusioned and had ethical concerns about the massive government surveillance programs that were part of his assignment later that year snowden was accused of leaking classified information to the media the documents revealed the way governments were using online data from the devices of ordinary citizens to monitor their lives snowden also sees more immediate dangers on our virtual doorstep an internet giant you can look around the world today governments are no threat there creasing more through with each passing year and you can say the same of these internet john or theyve made an enemy of privacy they make their money by selling our lives as a product snowdens at 1st there is say hes sharing of classified files that disclosed military secrets to americas enemies and endangered the u. S. Agents was a reckless act snowden has been living in exile in russia ever since the u. S. Wants him extradited on espionage charges he could face decades in prison in his memoir snowden complains that countries around the world had refused to grant him asylum it became evidence that even the most advanced democracies were afraid of incurring the wrath of the u. S. Government snowden regards germany as among those countries but the German Foreign minister stands firm on his commitments to legal procedure. I consider it to be fundamentally wrong for ministers to comment on how they think asylum procedures should turn out. These are processed according to the law. That snowden denies any collaboration with the russian government his russian residence permit runs out next year hes living of an undisclosed address in moscow. France has a Culture Ministry is on high alert after it detected signs of an a tourist disease that destroys all of trees a bacteria which causes whats often called all of leprosy as devastated groves across neighboring italy news that its cross the borders has growers in Southern France deeply worried. The tool trees infected with the feared plant as es in Southern France were discovered in private gardens not far from the mediterranean coast they had to be called but wouldnt have survived much longer anyway i seen a back to. Back syrian that enters the sap its carried by the staff of the plants and it causes the plant to dry out like its running out of water. Because the lower 1st of the os facts many different plants its native to costa rica but has spread to other places through trade in Agricultural Products in california in the late 1990 s. It almost wiped out an entire one producing region its found equally attractive conditions in italy where it 1st appeared in 2013 transmitted by insects like this one particular strain of the bacteria has ravaged olive groves across the country killing many trees that were centuries old especially in the Southern Region of up. Experts say the disease can spread by up to 2 kilometers a month if an infected plant is detected the only response authorities currently have is to kill every other potential carrier plant within 100 meter radius in france the authorities still hope they can keep celera at bay. You dont cut down century old trees like this with pleasure it hurts but you have to do it is to preserve all the rest of our heritage but we want. All of farmers in Southern France can only hope the authorities were quick enough to stop the further transmission of dilemma fastidious this time and they know it probably wont be the last. And youre watching t. V. 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