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A rhino baby to tell you how. Your welcome to the program a call for National Dialogue to end the bloody separatist conflict in cameroon pressed them holby i gave iraq public statements in which he announced plans to hold major talks in an effort to bring peace to the country for the past 2 years separatist have been fighting for independence in a war that has killed 2000 people and displaced hundreds of thousands be called on the separatists to surrender and promised they will be pardoned. Its a sign of the severity of camerons crisis that the president. Doesnt usually appear in public address the nation on t. V. Many had gathered to hear his call for dialogue. I have decided to convene from the end of this month a major National Dialogue that will enable us to seek ways and means of reconciling the demands of the people of the northwest and southwest. And all of the communities of our nation. Down to the no tonight show. Dialogue is sorely needed in a country that has been mired in a bloody conflict between the army and anglo fighting separatists who demand independence for the north west and southwest regions of come rain its a conflict that has left more than 2000 people dead and forced tens of thousands to flee across the border to refugee camps in nigeria last month the leader of the angry phone separatists and 9 of his supporters were sentenced to life in prison and move that has left even francophone cameroonians skeptical of b. S. Message. As i know our anger phone brothers this dialogue will not succeed and since the leaders have not been released. Really i dont want to be like this but their leaders can be in jail and we say theres dialogue. That you dont you need to free people in jail to talk about dying i dont deserve it when people are in prison who are going to talk to this point hes talking about National Dialogue who is he actually going to have this dialogue with not a victim but there will be. Pertinent questions since for a genuine effort at National Dialogue in cameroon all parties will surely need to come together at the table. Joining me now is d w reporter blaze a young boy in cameroon. Many thanks for your time now president be our. Public speeches so why now thats correct. Talks to the nation sometimes twice a year why no president has been in power for 26 years and all the water that he has done in this country all the rigs because of the un crisis a lot no one is talking about anything that he has done for cameron everyone is talking about the end in full crisis or he needs to solve this problem or he needs follow up story he said he has already been here for to 6 years also to go based on that in mens for sure in and out of this country pressure from the us from the African Union from the European Union everyone is talking about the crisis so i think the government is trying to do something the government is trying to show and they are doing something if you listen to the species the well that person was talking you could understand that he was not just talking to cameroon and he was talking to the International Community so the government is on the intense pressure and they are trying to solve book crises this crisis has cost the government a lot a lot of money currently there are regions that are affected they are on the shutdown and this does show that the country is losing a lot of money that the now he wants to have a National Dialogue to address the crisis with separatists in the country how feasible is this. Oh 1st of all start by saying a lot of people who work on this move by the president call for National Dialogue also we we have heard even from our moderate voices as the calling cameron who do not believe that this is the spear is very possible all the governments the government really means business when the government talks about organizing dialogue is yesterday the president raised the question he asked the question so everyone is talking about dont know who are going to die dont we and then at the end of the species is it that new was in for everyone but before that he also said that all without calling for secession are leaving it in ca just like germany and all the western countries and it should be prosecuted this so people kind of i mean this is a sense that the government itself is not really willing to solve this problem but again this is a bit too early to do to talk about this is possible ok plays a young bit of your report in boy cameroon thank you. Its a race against time to save this species the northern whites right only 2 female ryan whos live in the last mill died last year and now there is hope a team of scientists has successfully created in vitro embryos of the northern whites rhinoceros a spam was have a stand for mill right nose of the same species has been celebrated as the mouse stone in trying to rescue an endangered species. These are now jeanne and fred to mother and daughter the last 2 individuals of their species in the world the northern white rhino. The last male sedan died last year although the 2 rhino ladies are still very much alive very species will become extinct when they die excessive poaching was their death warrant that and losing their habitat but an International Group of scientists hopes to bring the north and white rhino back to life with the help of frozen sperm collected from 4 rhino balls before their death after years of perfecting the technology the scientists have been now able to harvest egg cells from the 2 last female its a risky procedure. Theyre almost you have to understand why we were so times we operated on blood vessels versus big needle can make a hole of 2 millimeters and when such a big blood vessel is split or pierce the animal completed that that. Would then fall into just here. But it all rend smoothly right after the operation nazenin and fats who went grazing and took a much bath. And the scientists were successful they flew the harvested to the lab where they were fertilized with the activated sperm cells. Isnt it wells where its dreamily happy to say today that we produced 2 blastocysts from the exiles. These are early embryos that have a very high potential to develop into a baby from by these blastocysts these embryos have now been put in liquid nitrogen and so weve achieved a new life of a new hope for this species noisily in lawyer hoffman fiftys art the embryos now need to be implanted into a rhino uterus but as you know in fact 2 are both sick and cant carry a pregnancy to term anymore so the researchers have another plan the closely related 7 white rhino ism are abundant species the plan now is to implant the embryo in a southern white rhino sarah get mother but they have to move quickly now you know in fact you might not be able to give birth but the right no baby would still need them. This isnt a tradition that northern white rhinos of and they must pass on their knowledge of how a northern white rhino behaves to the offspring and. Thats the time pressure where on the talk. The researchers are still working on the implantation procedure for the southern white rhinos but they hope to bring a small northern white rhino baby to life in the next 3 years. Im on this race have vine managing director of all projects i can 7 see which is home to 2 of the worlds remaining not in the white right hello richard its nice having you now how do you feel about soon have been the baby white rhinos not the white rhinos. No i mean its exciting if the fact that theyve managed to produce embryos is very exciting but we need to call it a qualified success were a long way from getting a lot of runners on the ground because they still have to perfect that perfect the technique of getting the embryos into surrogate mothers as are produced vital pregnancies that will produce cobbs and so we need to get a lot more embryos we need to develop that technique and hopefully in the next one to 2 years im not sure exactly of the timeline well be able to see taaffe says an exciting moment in the process but we have a long way to go now we had the only 2 female north and whites wryness left not feeling well how are they doing now i think theyre feeling ok theyre just getting older one is actually still comparatively young one is one is quite old now she has problems with have feet but theyre in good health. But they are they have reproductive issues which means they contact reproduce naturally and so the reason for the i. D. F. The in vitro fertilization process that were undertaking. So you know its a race against time at the end of the day everything gets old and Everything Everything eventually dies so we need to get as many embryos or at least as many eggs from them as we possibly can before they die but in the meantime theyre in good health theyre on the heavy protection and we aim to look after them in good health for as long as possible ok 1 may ask why is it so important importance to save right news. Its a good question 99 percent of all the species that have ever existed on planet earth have gone extinct so if you think about the dinosaurs they went extinct millions of years ago i think i think this is a slightly different issue the truth is as humans we can live without running as it went to affect our quality of life particularly but actually what is happening to the northern white rhinos and the efforts that are now having to be made to recover that species should be seen as a signal to what is happening to millions of species across the planet as we speak largely as a consequence of human activity and were currently in an age of extinction which is the fastest that has ever been recorded in the history of the planet the dinosaurs probably went extinct or at least a 1000000 or even longer at least a 1000000 years were making a 1000000 species at least of it with the we were given the latest latest estimates that have been been published were making at least a 1000000 species go i think in the space of a probably 10000 yes ill say thats thats really the issue ok richard vine my gender i delved all the jets i can 7 see many thanks for the time. Its a passion. Thats a phenomenon did up the news off a guy you can catch all all stars on our website on Facebook Page well leave you with that says from zimbabwe where crowds of god that awaits in the rectangle for god his body the former president died in singapore i. D. M. The last week his remains arrived wednesday absent in zimbabwe as capital hierarchy will be covering the events that lead to the next time its by. And on demand. Language courses. Video and audio. Anytime anywhere. Center. Where hes home. With your family scattered across the globe. The chances to. Turn back to the roots should government be. The charge family from somalia live around the world. Needed urgent assistance to. The family starts october any on. The phone. Brand new museum has just been to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Bauhaus Movement also coming up. The. Past well. The movement was the most influential school of design in the 20th century brought together. And designed with the idea of an integrated approach form follows function it was originally conceived 100 years ago. As an experiment in education but it ended up having a huge influence on modern design even to this day now in this anniversary year a brand new museum has just opened in germany. To provide a bridge between the. Spanish. Functionality only becomes apparent on the

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