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A very interesting show so sit back and enjoy coming up and environmentalist in mali who is bring life to the deserts of the worlds most potent Greenhouse Gases that many people dont even know about we need to man whos committed to reducing its emissions in madagascar well learn that not much money is needed to provide clean water. Mozambiques go to the park was once it decimated by civil war but today its one of africas most biologically Diverse National parks got to go its also runs its own Training Programs and offers in turn chips to young scientists 22 year old marine of enchanter is one of the scientists in the program shes been studying the huge variety of answers living in the park she wants to understand what role they play in the ecosystem and document all the different species we join arena on one of the recent field trips to the. When no real obvious sente sets out on an expedition into going on goes our National Park she often head streets for the fever tree forest chances are good that a young scientist will find what shes looking for there shes research and with the help of an aspirator she gathers specimens of every species she finds. A lot of people want. A big thing. And. I really want or sure that people are not just the big animals any importance and system but also small one and so because they provide for your. Ecosystem would look very different without bands performing porton tasks such as spread in seeds and i just and plants distribute new trends within the forest by decompose in large quantities of organic matter. And one of the worlds most successful animal families their presence in almost every habitat and have developed in an incredible variety of ways percent estimates that go to National Park alone over 300. 00 different species. Why its so fascinating because as you see we have different what we do we have a different landscape and also have to contribute in terms of diversity offer and. Not enough incentive belongs to the new generation of female scientist in gotham goes up the park wants to see more women working to protect its wildlife u. N. Figures show that countries with great agenda inequality also have greater levels of forest cover lost air pollution and other environmental problems. They sent his colleague lauer out carmel its part of the d. N. A. Barcode study aimed at analyze and and identifying the pox types she supports the gender policy if you look at our department and our Science Department we have more women than men i think. Actually you cool that have been having men around all these im not saying that we should have all these white girls and if you have an entity in general being very good the work done here is part of the world wide undertaking to catalogue all even creatures and decode the d. N. A. The global genetic database will better understanding of the diversity of life on earth and the different functions of species that 2 women hope they will inspire girls to consider careers in science and conservation though what we do we do community is you know this by the communities around the park was you know they get married and they have kids the groups they make the family. Even before they can have a chance to finish school and its important for them to have role models. Community development is central to go and goes on National Parks conservation approach its authorities want to turn local residents into Nature Conservation allies using education clinics and Economic Development that at the end it that they stand the key elements in this is the girls club led by 2 mentors girls meet in the village to learn and discuss problems. Melody is the leader of the program for hair education is the basis for everything here and on it as he actually did of the girls clubs was basically to encourage parents to send their girls to school and because we men generally do not have a value in this community is and also they are not empowered and nobody gives value to the education of women. For the park true this is the Long Term Strategy that will hopefully guide people out of poverty and generate opportunities for young woman to lead selfdetermined lives maybe someone even join dissenting and her colleagues on googles a scientific team. In recent months not enough sente has already identified 200. 00 species shes the 1st female scientist to map the state versity including goza and certainly want to be the last. Summer change of continents now this weeks eco hero lives in the far north of germany on the coast of the baltic sea where for lunch show is a farmer and he runs a corporative that aims to combat nutrient pollution caused by excessive levels of nitrogen and whats worse and the thought his environmentally friendly farming practices have won him an award from the German Office of the Worldwide Fund for nature up me this week. The family of swallows has taken up residence in this county shed much to visually glen shows delight he loves songbirds. And sun martins lives behind these concrete slabs holes were drilled in them so the birds can get in and out. Then len shows and manages the farming cooperative here how to ponds dug in some of the fields much to the astonishment of some neighbors in the village. For dont we simply have a responsibility not only to produce food and water but also to conserve nature for coming generations and to give nature the opportunity to develop with this by the growing companies you have farming plus Nature Conservation always involves compromise with small bio topes emerged once he had created the right starting conditions. The ponds soon filled with groundwater. All kinds of plants began to grow and animals to settle. Meanwhile a large scale farming operation continues around the expanse the cooperative is a joint effort by a number of farmers who together have 3400 hectares of land thats the equivalent of about 5000 football pitches large combine to harvest in lupins which grow well on northern germany standy soil they dont need much fertilizer thanks to the nitrogen fixing bacteria in their root nodules. Lupins are rich in protein and make excellent fodder for cattle and theyre a sustainable alternative to imported soya the farmers do use fertilizers and pesticides but aim to minimise the use of chemical Crop Rotation helps maintain this oils and sustain good yields if you do not and thats certainly minimise the use of fertilizer by planting a wide range of crops in sequence lukens booster nitrogen in the soil crops with plant after the lupins then benefit from the nitrogen and we use less chemical fertilizers thats an important factor i think. That when fertilizer is washed out of the soil streams that crisscross the landscape carry it to the baltic sea about 20 kilometers away and that is bad for the marine ecosystem. The water at the beach may be clear and clean right now but an overabundance of nutrients encourage the growth of plankton and bacteria particularly in the debt as they grow they typically the oxygen in the water oxygen starved regions are called dead zones fish and other marine creatures cant live there its become a serious problem in the baltic. In order to prevent that from happening the land show and the other farmers in the cooperative have surrounded the fields with hedges and meadows to absorb any runoff. You do use intensive farming methods but weve also laid out 20 metre wide strips around our fields that are left to their own devices no fertiliser being more kind of 100 miles going to be rich off them start from the idea is that a lot of the nutrients in chemical runoff from the fields wont travel beyond the strips of land and will stay out of the streams and not get flushed into the baltic. Another way to reduce the use of chemicals is to fertilize the fields with dung from the cooperatives cows and chickens. And show is also concerned for the well being of the livestock. Any self respecting farmer would do the same we give our animals the kind of food they need which we produce ourselves and of course we give them adequate space to move around in the city of or with the. Schools are spacious and laid out with straw is the land show often thinks about converting the farms meeting dairy production to organic but that would mean doing entirely without chemical fertilizers and pesticides out in the fields. Another example of how each and every one of us can make a difference if we put our minds to it we take you now to the island of madagascar out frequent droughts and a rapidly growing population have made clean Drinking Water a cost resource and the capital antananarivo right see many of the citys residents now rely on the water collected from swamps and self build wells what is often contaminated with simple but effective means a local organization proves that not much money is needed to provide clean Drinking Water and the method has also great benefits for the environment. A crew from e. G. Roma madagascars National Water utility is repairing a broken pipe in the tenor about 40 percent of the citys Drinking Water is lost its a nice like the. Repair teams are advised and trained on how to detect and think certainly the engine water and sanitation for the urban poor a w s u p a. Never zarek a towson is a program office. Save in resource doesnt need to be big as creating a new shipment for anybody but the moneys in better managing the resource that google have now some better management says already in john michael improve the service that they give to the. W p is working to improve antananarivo is Water Management the metropolitan areas population has doubled to some 3000000 over the past 20 years. 2 thirds of the people have no access to clean Drinking Water according to w. S. U. About one quarter of deaths among children under the age of 5 here a link to water borne diseases. Members are and her team at w. S. U. P. Help provide basic infrastructure to prevent waste water from polluting the environment and improve access to clean water in partnership with the city the n. G. O. Has already built 500 will take us that sell Drinking Water. Theyve also built laundry blocks across the city. Remember hansei comes here to washington familys laundry she also does laundry for a few customers which provides her a source of income. Because i know from the pain of my own final this brings up in there so my family allows me to earn a bit of morning here now i dont have to go to the river to fetch what trying which makes my life much easier. To go to the rebbe which is father in law saw him for that found it was on the cuckoo that. Many locals still rely on contaminated surface water to meet said daily needs the river which passes through antananarivo is a citys largest source of water local people fish and do their washin here but the water is contaminated by rule sewage and the waste that litters the riverbank. Members are the toast and says providing better infrastructure isnt enough Political Action is also necessary to create a lasting change. The work that we are doing is contributing to to show to the governments how should be how will be impact of this type of a pollution to the people of life and how the government couldnt prove this peoples life for our work to our priority our action we will show we will influence the government that there is some action that could be taken to void peoples lives destruction. The municipal Water Utility agrees but lacks the resources to take action only a small part of a turn and i was connected to the sewer system. And none of its waste water is properly treated. The director of the municipal waste water facility worries that environmental pollution will soon make it impossible to provide local residents with save Drinking Water. The problem. The problem with respect to the quality of Drinking Water isnt all means all the. Praise of. Just to meet the needs. Of the staff. With w. S. U. Peace assistance the city has drafted a proposal to expand its waste Water Treatment facilities these improvements and Water Management urgently needed as met as our record person knows only too well otherwise the copay river will not be a source of life but a threat to the local environment and people. Now into a potential Success Story in germany do you all know. What switchgear is its not a partisan no home company that distributes electricity around the building so what has that got to do with the environment you id ask in europe at least a lot thats because these switch gears years an extremely important Greenhouse Gas much worse than c o 2 so one German Company has come up with an alternative a worthy candidate for this weeks doing your bit. A major part of a power grid is an electrical substation typically its equipped with switch gear often insulated with sulfur hexafluoride or s. F. 6 its the worlds most potent Greenhouse Gas 8000. 00 tons of it end up in the atmosphere each year. Berlin based electrical engineer munchen not ramesh is working on an alternative technology his company a new ventura has developed switch gear that uses regular air instead of a set of 6 the technology could be a game changer in terms of climate protection. For me its very important to make this shift happen this is something i started 10 years before and they continue and its my life and order to make this happen. In life youre going to get so many times the chance to make such a big difference. Replacing all conventional switchgear with the new kind could eliminate a lot of Greenhouse Gas warming the equivalent of 100000000. 00 new cars a year ramish says yet industry has been hesitant it says making the shift would be very costly but then again so is the impact of s. F. 6 in the atmosphere. And how about you. If youre also doing your bit. Visit our website or send us a tweet. Doing your bit and. We share your story. And now one next report we need to give you a few facts. Before station firstly the number of trees disappearing from our planet every minute is equal to suffer a football field that per minute secondly that loss of force account for up to 17 percent of global Greenhouse Gas emissions. Here and its a really sad and its where all continents and Subsaharan Africa were for fuel is being consumed up to 200. 00 times faster than the annual growth rate of the trees but these days there are initiatives like the Green Belt Movement that seek to bring change because a many realize that the effects of Climate Change what otherwise destroy their habitat. Charcoal is big business in bamako the capital of mali. Almost Everybody Needs charcoal to cook with the population is growing. My mother is a charcoal match and. Shes doing well but her very success is becoming a source of concern. That there are fewer and fewer trees. That scary if you go out of town youll see what i mean. An australian agronomist with the ngo world vision tony rinaldo has developed a method of countering the deforestation that affects large parts of africa his work won him the right livelihood award also known as the alternative nobel prize. And is cleared of the vegetation. Gradually degrades and becomes less and less productive less and less can be grown on a profit can be made from that and people become more desperate so there is a very strong link between 100. 00 klicks and land and also between migration and. Tells rinaldo that she now has to get her charcoal from 160 kilometers away because sources closer to bamako have dried up its a similar situation in and around many of africas big cities the disappearance of forests and degradation of the land is a huge problem. How do we fortunately through famine manage Natural Regeneration through the regeneration of trees and landscapes is a very low cost rapid and scalable method to reverse that degradation in the 1980 s. Were now discovered that in many places there are intact underground networks of roots struggling to grow and that pruning shoots can help trees and bushes flourish well vision is now promoting the f. And then our technique in 24 countries around the world. Northern ghana some time was among the 1st farmers to adopt it a decade ago. It has changed so much in my village. Where you used to have to drive our cattle long distances to graze. Teves could steal them. But now they can graze nearby. But theres still a lot to do the villages are regularly go out and work on reviving areas of degraded land applying when ottos technique and trying new shoots growing out of old stumps. Farmer manage Natural Regeneration isnt complicated it involves targeted pruning and protecting of new growth still its very effective the saplings will hopefully grow into tall trees. We cut some shoots but leave the bigger ones just one or 2. What we cut away we use as firewood. The key advantage over planting new trees is that the roots are already there and reach deep into the soil so even if it rarely rains they can tap into the ground water trees can also raise the water table release moisture into the air and fertilize the soil when the leaves fall and decompose as conditions improved Samuel Bunton was able to increase his herd. It has helped a lot life used to be much harder but now things are different we have a proper income we can look after our families pay for Health Insurance and school fees and everybody has enough to eat. In your married 82 hectares of land have so far been reforested but large stretches still look like a desert. Degraded dry land regions may have countless intact tree root systems that could yet heeled new trees if theyre properly tended. Rinaldo organizers conferences across africa on f. M. And are also in countries that are in turmoil such as mali. Rinaldo has devoted his life to restoring africas forests. He says regenerating local vegetation improves the lives of millions and giving people hope can help transform the Political Landscape as well in many a country. Transform the whole country. Because it has that potential people to be able to be selfsufficient on their own land theyre not going to be so interested in joining a fight somewhere else families to raise they have aspirations and how they would like to live cities such as bamako consumer vast amounts of Natural Resources even as they become ever more scarce the restoration of vegetation around cities and elsewhere can improve peoples quality of life and perhaps reduce the potential for violence and conflict. Now yet another reason to take care of our environment i hope you enjoyed the last 30 odd minutes as much as i did if so then join us next week for another edition until there is goodbye from Lagos Nigeria and over to the artist thanks n. T. As always it was a pleasure to host the show with you thanks for watching remember to do what you can do to take care of your environment see you next week and bye bye from south africa. Dum. Dum. Dum. Dum. Dum. Describe it. As it sinks. To the world. We need to take a closer. Liams knowledge. He did. Want the w. U n gemini with me at any time putting any place using names video in the bellas yeah i looked like a little scrap so missing along to see just a combo from super. To put. Interactive exercises some. Everything is online and interactive benjamin to frame it with d w. Where the real power resides. I come from there lots of people in fact more than a 1000000000 to do that was nonsense democracy maybe thats one reason why im passionate about people and aspirations and it concerns. The troops in the mission reporters tried to in the end after the 4th of the berlin wall and i remember thinking at the time because the battle in broken forward to get happened it seemed to come together and unite for a full month. But i do the news that often confronted difficult situations for conflict between disaster i see just want my job to confront goodspeed as one policies and development to put the spotlight on issues that matter most. To security of precious martian isolation. Or not has been achieved so much more needs to be john and i think people have to be at the heart of solutions my name is a massage and i work in detail fields. Plug. The boob. Tube. The but. This is g. W. News from scotlands highest court another barrier to. Advice given to private governments to her majesty the queen to prove parliament for months of term birth to the 14th of october was unlawful. So is parliament no longer suspended to london for more. All

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