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Young to the used a leading the fight against the. Today without a program in the german of course it is the hometown of thing up and drop on me for kinney she was there at a very young age and for a long time a kenyan born artist felt like a stranger an experience she now process in her music. To african to be german. To german to became. I can use you it was marked by a conflict between 2 very different cultures corrupt i was born in one basket but grew up in the german city of cologne. Give it up to me i was always dismissed by all those a lot but as a child i didnt really understand why you do why though you always want to belong to just be part of the whole. But you never would be for me is simply just accepted at some point that i didnt belong doesnt have the full go over her search for a feeling of security and acceptance inspires many of his songs on behalf pseudonymous. Experiences a snuffle german 4th in german and. Whos afraid of the black woman she defiantly asked in a song after wish the timer. Takes a stand against racism and put most selfconfidence because this is something she didnt get to experience growing up. I didnt have any role models i dont really have them to the either until now the light skinned woman has represented the ideal version of beauty instead of the ducks woman as a kid i was preoccupied with this idea because i never saw anyone like me anyway because inaudible in cologne. Takes part in youth work shes become a role model for other young afterwards german guards. You know. If they are black women here but theyre not well represented i dont see them as role models and. I would also say that layla is a role model about all shes taught me a lot whether its dancing or fighting for things in life not giving up letting go of things that are necessary and. The only. Cure for everything done since im a Good Daughter for beat. But having discussions are also important. I would like to give young people have confidence and self love. That they can show in front of everyone. Under to q. E. D. A few others because i think thats the biggest. Cause to get. The 28 year old has now overcome her own fears. First. Lady. Is proud of her african roots but shes also found a 2nd home in cologne. But. One can somehow leave between these walls in the diaspora but i really dont understand these i personally believe that one can be both. Germany and i can be both kenyan and german why should i have to decide. Thats right why should we have to be able to identify with 2 different culture if an amazing experience right. For our latest street debate we traveled to bin laden to meet with africans and germans we ask them about how they find everyday life in germany do they feel welcome home or 6 do they still have to deal with all the fashion racism and prejudice. The 77 percent is now in berlin i know its strange for us to be in europe but weve been talking to a lot of Young Africans who are talking about the possibilities of living in the north and half and the question is is it worth the hype im going to be asking a couple of people here who actually live and work in germany im going to find out what their diaspora experience specifically as africans has been and i want to start with a personal friend her name is maureen we know he has more she knows everyone but shes been here for quite a while so when you moved to germany what were your expectations and the reality you know how they have means what you expect so what was that like. Well the idea was to come here study do some work and then go back home but then you realize have to spend so much time creating a foundation here you immediately want to be a part of representing the diaspora and the african experience here and now its become a bit like rebranding the african continent because like so many ideas that just no longer belong stiller really exist in whatevers happening right now ok so most his is just talking about the experience of being african and one of the biggest things for her is perceptions so i want to find out from you how was it like when you moved here people ask you if you have lions. I think the 2 sides of people that actually are beginning to understand that africans are actually well educated and theyre out of people that havent actually had experience to actually meet even an african so my experience was that the very 1st time much of it was in finland oh before coming to germany i met an old lady who just wanted to touch my hair because it was something so strange ok let me speak to somebody whos been here a while clear more clips of whos actually part of the c. D. U. Which is the conservative Christian Party here in germany so youre sitting in parliament right now but 22 years youve had to build this reputation what was it like 22 years ago as an african just realized something was lacking in the society regarding the African Community. One of the 1st african to be nominated as a candidate in the state. Is a signal to the society that we are not just shermans from. People from africa descent also while living here who are working who can be also into politics these be c. E. O. s dont and just put a spotlight on the positive aspect. Of the African Community i just want to open up the question to the rest of the people here because ive heard people talking about racism and im also curious if the racism is pointed because youre african would it be different if you were African American or if you will of indian descent i honestly think the racism is not message just pointed and that it is the small things that make it worse im sorry i dont people to shreds sort of im sorry i dont people asking me if i go to school on a lie and if i dont know sit with a hyena and i have a joke with or something that is not the case if you want to know about me come and approach me an open and honest manner and you can learn so we you know agreement that racism is part of the African Diaspora experience particularly in germany and i want to hear personal examples what has happened to you that made you think that wasnt right and i want to hear from you i actually have a slightly different take im jamaican and i feel as though bias is a part of the Human Experience and racism is just one of the ways that people express bias when i moved her i called my dad and i was like daddy i dont think i can stay because people keep on staring at me and he said i assume theyre looking because they like what they see and so. He has a chance to conduct alchemy is laughing so i want to find out what exactly hes thinking about. Why dont you think she is good to look out of course are you disagreeing with what shes saying that people dont necessarily look out of curiosity but rather because of a bias as she was explaining in my experience ive been here for almost 20 years now. To be kind of have not experienced racism. Its all depends on mindset what you focus on your truck into a serve so because i see the human being black white in the road to me i see the person as you are on the way you are right the way you do when you approach all of us thats how youre going to be received dont you think thats a little bit naive though because i mean i could carry myself as a queen but if people see me as trash. You should be you should have some confidence ok. You see. I actually got attacked by a whole group of people in finland a child lost my shoulder because of that just because the people thought i was a somalian who was just selling drugs and i tell you to work for nokia the police that came in 1st had a racial understanding that oh yes is this useless african who has triggered this whole conflict so the report was different he reported it and said it is a gunfight on till nokia has responded and said this is our stuff he was actually on the work machine then the story changed because of course all this comes from one year and it also comes of ignorance ok so this conversation is not about racism so i just want to put a cap on that what happens when you have to prove yourself professionally when you decided that you wanted to become a politician did people take you seriously. I have to say that. It was difficult you have to prove yourself with a time and let people know that you are not just here as if you go bad you have something to offer to the society when we came here in this country myself included the beginning we were thinking ok im going to spend 5 years 10 years or more make money go back to africa and duties and that we are still here unfortunately there are some people who didnt take the language seriously we are discussing racism we are discussing our existence in this society but you can contact someone only if you speak his language so i think through that we can a little bit fight and make things work better for us at the beginning of this conversation i asked is it worth the hype so do you think that you will ever go back to ghana is it an option for you i tried it once and guess what i returned and im now of course in germany because here is home for me what we see is definitely one fear takes charge people become buyers and so for me what is important is that for us to take away that fear we need to prove we need to also integrate and we need to make sure that people feel comfortable with us i want to close this debate to the press and i opened it with maureen what are some of the things that she would like young people to experience when they visit not just europe but the general north and hemisphere. Well that would be great to be. To get to a place where we are unapologetic about who we are to get to a place where we can continue to contribute to the well being of society it would be great to have more allies to have these conversations with because africans are not the ones to have these conversations on the web so it would be great to to graduate from this level of conversation that were still having most are prone to go back to yeah well at the beginning we asked what is the African Diaspora experience in germany the answers have been complicated nonbinary exhausting. Times refreshing and its a conversation that needs to keep happening thank you to my panelists who joined me here today case i call a 2nd home and from berlin we see shoes. Thank you and oh participants for speaking so openly to us if you would like to watch the longer version of that debate it can check out our you tube channel now its time for our next big topic for todays show fake news to give you an idea of the mug me today of the problem in the final stages of the 2016 u. S. Election the top 20 fake news reports had more shares clique and coalmines than the top 20 reports from a reputable news outlets so what do we do when the truth keeps getting lost somewhere among socalled a tentative. A team of young journalists indeed our call will have set out to expose fake news and stop it from spreading. When something moved when he cut you some with his friends to talk about news fake news india free time these freelance journalists come the internet for misinformation. All 65. We have decided to fight against fake news and also verify the accuracy of statements given by authorities false information is sometimes used to manipulate the public so we decided that someone needs to fight back against it. If they cant. Get some email for me and his team founded the network or check in 218 and its auspicious information the fine is published on their website as well as the a treatise on youtube accounts. With african audiences cellphone exposed to fake news on habits right according to studies from the universities of cape town and euston up to 50 percent of media consumers in Kenya Nigeria and south africas c. V. Are exposed to figures on a regular bases this situation isnt any different. Its difficult to know what to believe even for journalism students. If you put on the bus i am lost when i use the internet i dont know whats true and whats false in a movie is so well known and its really dangerous because it always looks like real information whatever it is that we killin them with canes teaches them how to cross check information but if even journalism students find it difficult to detect fic news how hard easy for everyone else. In the past we said if something is written in a book then its true. Everyone is convinced that if something is on the internet then its true when an intellectual in a village shares information even if this information comes from a dubious us the fact that it is shared on whats up makes people believe it is true of both schools evolved more like. Checks work became even more important after it broke out in east india. Business than room was claiming that it would or doesnt exist or that its being used as part of money making scheme has led to public mistrust and a wave of Violent Attacks several bullet ridden centers having a tough. One no response coordinator the 2 are not a big deal its an unbearable situation. Also for the muscle fitness can sometimes circulate with impressive speed compared with the right information in which we ask people to respect as a measure. For example if some are 1st seen after from us on a dead person must not be touched but this is hard for people to accept to see their 2nd attempt to set this up some phony and his team identify fake news about it borne out almost every day on social media usually on whats up and facebook. Works alongside africa check an african White Initiative aiming to talk a fake news. Summary and his colleagues receive training and take nicholas systems from the a pan african counterpart but these 3 walk the intrigue as the Group Receives no funding. Because this is a challenge we often have to make several phone calls and send emails so we have expenses working without any financial backing its difficult 16 journalist across the country work with Congress Check their dream is to make a living from the i walk. Weve already seen how the spread of fake news can have farias consequences and it has nothing to do with freedom of expression which brings us to our next topic. Their right to freedom of expression unfortunately isnt upheld everywhere in africa in mozambique zambia or come around for example people risk high prison sentences a wuss if they speak up against the government but what is it like in other countries we ask our correspondent. Zimbabwe still is good amount of loans that criminalizes Free Expression recently the government introduced a tax on social media saying the margins of democracy through your several governments i think expressing doubt views without looking over their sources. Zimbabwe still as good amount of laws that criminalize is Free Expression particularly if one sees something that is assumed is an insult to the state and the president and number of individuals and civic rights activists have been charged under these laws the internet is not in free space either. 2019. Intended was shut down after apprentice interrupted again his fuel price increases. Ugandas constitution provides for freedom of speech but this freedom has limits recently the government introduced a tax on social media anyone who wants to use platforms like Facebook Twitter or whats up needs to be a daily fee many see that they cannot afford these so use them members have reportedly dropped the president has been quoted saying that the reason need to limit on my. Critics no view this starts as a restriction on freedom of speech. For 22 years governments were suppressed and denied the right to express that there was another former president s that memes would not speak freely given about the suspect in their lives but everything changed after the former president was forced out of office in 2017 now that guns are free to express their views on the streets on the media under social media and the poems without fear of an artist and the best thing about it the government in many instances listen to the people however there are some who argue that some governments ideas and up on the mental rights by taking the law into their own hands and if nothing is done about it the country might be in chaos do you support the view that gandhi and pops citizens of other african countries are being reckless with their freedom of speech let us know your thoughts on our Facebook Page d. W. Africa and now we come to one of my favorite parts of the show what is it like to leave in the only country on the continent that hasnt on unique alpha bit a country that is the more than 7 years behind the gregorian calendar that most of the was and uses of you guessed the country year well poppy all bags because were joining in your opinions these. Phineas allen i guess as he takes us 80. Enjoy. These a bit if you feel sprawling capital listen carefully theres more to the sound of the city thunder hooting of ramshackle blue cops simitian guess at an upcoming ethiopian jazz musician is going to give us an inside look at his hometown. Because it allowed sentiment of what you see behind the state to what it is the 1st modern hotel in history and this old hotel in a lounge called just people used to play jazz music 7 days a week i once was lucky enough to play the air fiber of just in this house uplifted many artists in the country this place has had a huge impact on if you can just music i think i think the look as far as whether it gets for e. Q. Jazz has survived decades of political upheaval and more recently the burning down of its legendary headquarter the title hotel for yes local and International Jazz afficionados main goal here to tunes made famous by jim jim lucius movie people can flowers on played by. The 5 out of e. Q. Jazz percentage shot i guess its an inspirational place. To go to limit on a modern no come american cause my music i often get ideas from what i hope so because colored what i see in the city is my inspiration trait my music not just to the monk im going to model often wake up in the morning and observe things in the city when im walking my music is a collection of these observations on the never going to project. Theres certainly plenty to write about in a diesel babba from the Historical Monuments to new i dish and its like the lights real way. To green skyscrapers and coffeehouses of the office. Ball a district give the city and ban more dignity and yet many of its residents struggle to make ends meet in what is still one of africas poorest countries just. Ahead of his jobs session tonight needs to visits you. Another quarter of the city its the shoppers paradise full to bursting with traditional clothes on savannahs well this musician wants to look his best after all. How is it its nice thank you. So much again. Ok thank you. So michele his head into tonights jazz concepts about his new purchases perhaps being decked out in the colors of the if you can flog green yellow and red bull give him some more last minute inspiration performing with well known ethiopian composers like a big guy and his renowned band members easy privilege on the bill tonight is the song called. Which translates are these a bit about my home. Is it really well to. Let you know the little. Tonight is doing what he laughs in the city he loves to morrow will be on the hunt for more inspiration to style. I have visited this and i can tell you people are a woman and welcome the 40th. And dont worry you wont have any problems with immigration so if you can you should be. Sadly weve reached the end of another issue if you have any suggestions or feedback for us please write to us at 77. Colt now before you go away heres a sneak peek although next program in the next show we will be exploring zambias problems with overcrowding. And well also be introducing a brand new segment called pop you know fast issue retro ray performs a wrap of all juvenile offenders. Thank you so much for tuning in but you know adriel before we go here is the big to over music for your ears credo dont put your name in germany here is nice at. The truck a push button up ticket. My kinda. Thing. Took off like. A long time something on a what is the closest relationship the to the 1st time for instance is a top flight teams that asked. Is germanys captain funny coming. From lets check out. The brilliance. In 30 minutes. In the water such as a fight for survival. Is clearly dangerous. Floods and droughts Climate Change become the main driver of mass migration you can write any kind of peace not as you want and probably most of them will come from. The climate exodus 75 minutes on t. W. He takes it personally i go at it with all the wonderful people and stories that make the game so special. For all true fans. Pick up more than football online. They are watching of all they took their knowledge and that was the poorest of the poor in poor countries started valuing education they are demanding good quality education for their children the cost what it wanted also realize that if they have the. Have good quality products from good quality consumers they need to look quality Skilled Workforce im very confident that includes all the un system no child or no i very thrilled a man illiterate that is the fundamental human right that is the divine guard which the nature of the god has given to us. Goes through all of this legendary that i had to learn who i was trudging over that i had the freedom the elegance nature of that i can just log. On to. The be. This is d. W. News live from berlin a widely anticipated Prisoner Exchange has taken place between russia and ukraine there were emotional scenes as families were reunited airports in moscow and kiev. Also coming up. A blow to indian attempts to put a rover on the moon the National Space agency try

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