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A damn thing that i feel we are dying out of that not only of the cinema but were dying because cinema culture and art many of yemens cultural institutions have been destroyed by the countrys civil war the d w well introduce you to young people tonight determined to keep the countrys arts a lot despite the fighting around. Our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome millions of people tonight have been evacuated from the southeastern coast of the United States as Hurricane Dorian approaches despite losing streak the storm is still carry dangerously high winds which are threatening to bring flooding the coastal areas in georgia and north and south. Dorian left a trail of devastation in the bahamas after wesh in the islands for almost 3 days at least 20 people are dead and it is feared that that death toll will rise. I in the heart of the hurricane volunteer rescuers struggle to find what theyre looking for but they are dying ling from the attic of a home life trapped by the storm one by one a family emerges from the darkness. The more fortunate are already returning home to dorians destruction the island familys house was flooded everything destroyed all they want a photograph of my wife. She said she turned off she said there were no not the front door she said on dry and. This was the scene when the islands made their daring escape clutching their most prized possessions. Paradise has been pulverized thousands of homes on albacore island torn apart boats tossed around and as the storm surge locals distraught. My island is everything is gone. No buying no staus no take at least 4 to 5 years to complete only my i dont know how long it takes for the rest of them but in this you know nothing at all everything is gone just body. For those left behind putting the bahamas back together is expected to cost billions and the government says allies have promised to pay chain i spoke with president donald trump. Who has expressed their support and prayers the assistance of the United States of america for their behalf most time. Back at the island family home offers of help have been pouring into. It so. Great so many people are trying to help. The 23 people have offered so much. Oh. You know were all wearing the same clothes that we escaped this house and. So so. So its really good to get support and know that you can rebuild like a north to that after surviving the 2nd strongest hurricane on record he and his family a lucky to be a life. It was annoying to british Prime Minister Boris Johnson is repeating his insistence that the u. K. Leave the European Union by october 31st saying today that he would rather be dead in a ditch than ask the e. U. For another extension mr johnson has had a difficult day with his brother adding to his political will it was by resigning from the government today in announcing that he is leaving politics joe johns previously campaigned for britain to remain in the European Union meanwhile lives in peace who oppose a new deal breaks to take control of proceedings inside parliament brigadiers alcide are growing increasingly frustrated. With pro europeans are out in force and they are a choice. For the moment it looks like the Prime Minister needs to bow to their will. But in a sea of blue e. U. Flags outside Parliament Red prolife signs show that greg city is too are fighting for that for us Susan Nicholson is a retired teacher for yorkshire she has never protested before in my life but now she feels that britain might not leave the e. U. Off draw but what the silent majority we dont demonstrate weve heard to me didnt expect people to ignore it so thats been a bit of a surprise for us but one upping for a general election because then we convert to get him and we can get rid of the remain and pays to have blocked our leaving and we can have a proper government that gets us out of the. Susan and other great city is leaving the e. U. Is more important than anything else they regard brussels as undemocratic and anything short of leaving on the 31st of october as a betrayal of democracy. Opinion polls are showing that most people have voted leave in the referendum still want this to be seen through almost at any cost and even with out agreement with the e. U. Short term consequences like Food Shortages rising inflation even job losses dont seem to scare them. But. Vera hobhouse i determined not to let it come to this its happy to prevent leaving without a deal and then it should all go back to the people for another referendum people said for a long time of course were going to have a deal of course is the easiest thing in history everything has turned out entirely different from what was promised in 2016 so more than 3 years definitely democracy has to be practiced and the people have to be asked again. Day after day Susan Nicholson comes to palm and to tell a peace that she and her fellow brits city is have not. I think it would be sensible and mature to agree a mutually beneficial trade deal with the unfortunately that isnt going to happen at the moment what theyre doing is they using no deal as a means of continually delaying our departure so that they commence a oh well theres no mandate for it. Remain as and brett city is both claiming to be the true defenders of democracy and as each side becomes ever more entrenched there is no compromise in sight. Well a judge here in germany has described child sex abusers as monstrous and despicable she said today she had prison sentences to men for sexually assaulting more than 30 children over 2 decades now some of their victims were toddlers. In northwestern Germany Police are being criticised for failing to intervene. Severe sexual abuse of children in more than 200. 00 cases both undress me and mary were as were found guilty of abusing more than 30 children the main victim and own 8 year old foster child the sentences are close to the maximum penalty in germany but its likely the 2 men will never be fully released one of the defense lawyers accepted the verdict plots and everything in the end its 13 years plus preventative detention that was to be expected i have stated at other times if not in this case when for about. 4 years the authorities received tips about the potential pedophilia of the main suspect it was only in october last year that one of the girls mothers reported the crimes to the police that happened at the campsite where he lived the trial considered one of the biggest cases of sexual abuse in germany cost outrage and raised many questions including how andrea sui was allowed to foster a child when he was unemployed and living at a campground and despite the fact that he had been under suspicion of Sexual Assault the police also came in for criticism after evidence a suitcase full of d. V. D. s with child pornography and abuse disappeared after the men were arrested it is a protest like this verdict should not mean that the whole story is now all over and done with yes we have gotten they did 2 principal accused the 2 main perpetrators who did this to the children themselves in the background there are people who could have helped save many children from these experiences one can even though the 2 men have been sentenced to 12 and 13 years the court labeled them both dangerous offenders meaning they can be held indefinitely past their sentences. Yes for more on this im joined by our Political Correspondent so i mean the younger disease i mean these 2 men convicted of these crimes they wont necessarily be released from prison even after their sentences have been served as we understand it is called preventative detention here in germany how does that work is or the maximum sentences that they can be given by the code of 15 years under german law the reason they didnt get the maximum sentences is in part because of the confessions they gave right at the beginning of the trial which meant that the victims the children didnt have to come to court and remain evidence so the judge had to take that into account but nonetheless you have this preventive detention which is essentially if the court believes that these people even off the theyve served their sentences will still be pose a threat to children and thats what the psychologists have said that these people have deeply entrenched paedophile tendencies and so thats why the judge has said they can continue to be held they probably will stay in jail for the rest of their life as long as the psychologist thinks that the read of the being a repeat offender is there dozens of the victims the children as young as 4 years old at the time that they were abused and raped and this was going on for 2 decades whats whats been the political reaction to this. Yeah well though of course there is outrage as you mention the judge described these people as monstrous and repugnant and weve had some of the sort of official reaction to senior government officials sort of governments watchdog on cases of sexual abuse said that this is an important signal that the state will act in cases like this when children come to harm the families minister said today was a good signal but more needs to be done on prevention and thats part of the reaction that there are calls for changes to procedures because its clear that the Child Protection agencies and the police didnt really do they perhaps could have done and should have done to protect children over such a long period of time and we understand in the run up to the trial there were serious errors in the investigation. How have authorities been reacting to what appears to be a systemic failure that was exposed well that there are now a number of investigations now going on police but also Child Services as i mentioned all being investigated for their failures as you say in the investigation as well the police lost significant amounts of evidence so i can see where it was material that these 2 men had filmed that that their crimes and some of that has been lost so theres a poem entry inquiry in the local regional states as well because people want to get to the bottom of why so many things went wrong i was such a long time Political Correspondent so i mean you know something thank you. Well heres some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world at least 40 people have been killed in severe flooding in. The floods sparked by exceptionally high water levels in the share river have swamped the capital tens of thousands have fled their homes pope francis has praised mozambiques president and Opposition Leader for their courage in signing a landmark peace accord a permanent ceasefire was signed last month the pope called for mozambicans to use reconciliation hope and Sustainable Development as weapons of peace. Youre watching t. W. News still to come culture in a time of war with you means people in yemen working to sustain the countrys cultural life as civil conflict rages around thats coming up in just a moment. When german chancellor Angela Merkel begins a 3 day visit to china in a few hours along with a large trade delegation traveling with her german businesses looking for potential openings in the Chinese Market made possible by washingtons trade dispute with beijing but merkel is also facing calls at home to speak out about human rights issues merkel spokesman has already made it clear the chance there will not meet with protest leaders from hong kong. The people of hong kong have taken to the streets in their thousands and theyve been doing this for more than 3 months now and theyve also been protesting more than just the extradition law democratic rights like freedom of speech and freedom of assembly are at the top of their list and free elections. These videos were made just a few days ago and this conflict is on the verge of escalating even though hong kongs government leader retracted the disputed law on wednesday. The withdrawal of. This bill came to light. As to hong kong is like its not that important anymore the problem now is the Police Course like youre with you and in the midst of this internal conflict the german chancellor is visiting china the visit to beijing is not expected to be easy politicians human rights organizations and activists in hong kong expect angloamerican to take a stand protest Movement Leader joshua wang appealed to america before her trip for support in his push for democracy in hong kong as in past years she is travelling to beijing with a Large Business delegation but yet again merkels visit is being overshadowed by the issue of human rights not just because of what is happening in hong kong. Human rights organizations have been complaining about the situation of minorities in china for years for example how Muslim Leaders are being treated thousands have been moved to huge socalled reeducation camps in the northwest of the peoples republic Internet Access is blocked and anyone who reports on social issues might land in prison and. Get access if i had the situation regarding freedom of the press in china has deteriorated considerably especially under xi jinping and china ranks 177th out of 180 countries in the press Freedom Ranking list no country has more journalists in prison and currently at least 113 are imprisoned and what worries us most is that some of these journalists are in life threatening conditions. But the moment its civil rights lawyers also end up behind bars like Wang Chung Shang who represented victims of land expropriation in january he was sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison. The fact that the German Government stood up for him was not well received in china. President xi refuses to accept criticism from abroad calling it unwanted interference. Or run from asia to africa gone as president of a coup for says that his country is threatened by terrorism attacks in west africa pose a growing risk to gonna so the president wants to adopt measures that will prevent extremism one of these measures is better access to education for young people especially as more and more young muslims in guyana are being targeted by terrorist groups online our correspondent isaac collects you met one of them who almost joined socalled islamic state. In moore who was just 22 when yet greet to join this quote the tsunami. He had recently finished school and was unable to find a way in moved who seem to have changed to protect he say he was recruited to fill facebook he says the told him if he joins did group who behave in money in some way to leave. No i that them i was i was like i was used to almost. A yellow stuff so the missile like. Money and everything prove a date for you. You see blood i met them on a menu most what to get the money i was no false but. We. You know what comes. Back to just days before he was due to leave got an email russo a program on t. V. About and extremism and changed his mind he says it saved him he is education though we are lucky. Education oh i notice and the Education Center says. Globally. The program was made by the west african same time for counter extremism. Its leader with terrible moment in booked our says that in just 2 years they have stopped more than 50 young people like immoral from joining i. A. S. Community engagement and talking to young people is also part of the initiative so if someone is significantly influenced by religious doctrines or religious ideals negatively jaws ideals we come from the perspective of religion what are the counter messages to counter narratives that can help this person get out of days you wouldnt want to look at other approaches to country in the us you know to help in the specimen regained his vocals and even positively in society. So far book tours group has reached nearly a 1000 young people but it wants to do more counselling and more Job Opportunities will hope he says him or wants to hope to well though hes 2 kinds reveal his identity for fear of stigma he hopes that soon youll be able to use his story to discourage others from being radicalized. Cultural life in yemen has nearly come to a standstill since the start of the civil war there 5 years ago in a place where so many People Struggle for the basics like food housing and Health Care Culture probably doesnt seem all that important however if youve ever used has met people in yemen seeking a semblance of normality through the arts they say work culture could lead to less conflict. Strolling through crater the story part of aden is not easy for people here most are struggling to survive and young people are fed up with the limited opportunities they have due to the lack of security. They have not had out of. Yet so im still. Living in little and eating some books and movie and watching shouldnt be the only museum in town was partially destroyed in the civil war. Cultural life in public has already been quite limited in the early ninetys when its time to fundamentalism started looking around when there were war in 2015 things the clicking through. This place right here is just one example. This is the old the cinema in yemen but not much is left of its former glory. Why do you think about it you know something quite got about 150 volts of power. And this screen played color and black and white movies. It was beautiful it was perfect. And you got it i. Used to be responsible for 8 years he still has to keys to show me around for him thinking about life before the war hes paying for it quite a nice. Little by the people came with their wives others with their families and you could find a culture. And respect. People were dressed and they were clearly im sure. It is not just because of lack of food they yemenis are dying people saw wither away without access to contra the sense that im going to and im good then watch out of my. Pain and i feel were going to die and what im only the cinema. But were dying because cinematographs my culture and art. Invaded for moonfire thinner and walk out if the silver must still existed i would not. Have it for. My kind of it would not. But these young people want to revive culture alive in yemen they are rehearsing a play to be performed in public for the 1st time in more than 4 years in aden with basics like electricity hard to come by the theater is a way to vent. Turn the power on from the other line. Is the oh i hope its made my life miserable what nonsense talk just go. The director i met believes that art is necessary to channel peoples emotions about the difficulties in their lives but is it the right time to talk about art. Or sport but thats not true because if everyone stopped doing what they have to do all sunk in the same situation real life expressed through art for artists in yemen its a way to promote dialogue and ultimately peace in their country. Reporter funny chars right here with me at the big table in a country where they cannot even get food aid in youve got people who are thinking about the arts and culture how is that possible you really wonder like hope is the possible right but if you talk to these people on the ground who are so frustrated that nothing really is changing that there is violence there is food shortage or in this report as you have seen these people are actually we are seeing a play where its about shortage of electricity for basic things they want to unwind and they want to criticize the situation that the Yemeni Government or whatever is left of it is just not able to bring about peace neither is the saudi that coalition simply they are really frustrated so culture is a way to vent to under wind and to criticize ultimately between the lines something thats less dangerous obviously than doing it like very directly and all what youre seeing right here in terms of theater place there reversing underground so its just now that actually a group of people is trying to get out and say theyre going to perform publicly no matter what its fancy to that you say that theyre using the arts as a way to cope with the reality of war when most people would think that in a civil war Cultural Arts would be a luxury in for these people its almost a necessity its a necessity stake life in itself thats the way they can brief thats the way they can go through the. Daily struggles by either participating as actors and actresses i mean cultural life didnt cease to exist it did cease to exist publicly but not on the ground this reversal for example took place as a say in a place where there is a coffee shop a bakery and the extra Performance Today is going to take place in a wedding hall inside their video even though they try to go out publicly that they need to be safe because just recently jihad is for example where are attacking aid and so there is a curfew not an official curfew what Everybody Knows that i spoke to its really not a good idea to go go out in the evening but still of course you want to go out you want to talk about the problems and play for example is one of these things where you can do it you know about 30 seconds were you surprised you can find this story i was surprised but then again i wasnt because i know a cultural life existed before the war and it didnt cease to exist exactly for the future is always funny excellent reporting thank you for sharing thank you. Youre watching the w. News after a short break ill be back to take you through the thick stick around for that. Warm. Warm. In. The quiet melody resounds mind the light of the moon. Ready and it soon repeat resonate with in its song. The mind and the music. Retold and 1st 12019 from september 6th to september 29th. That i walk. Back. And there are. Bubbles in explaining. Kewl. Innovation and education. But this is one game we cant afford to lose the World Food Program and the world like helping people help themselves michael. Kinsley. Carefully. To get. Discovery. Subscribe to. Documentary to. Pick up. Her slow and predictable is now thrashing the coast of south in North Carolina spawning deadly tornadoes but that is tame compared to what dorian did to the bahamas just days ago the strongest hurricane to ever hit the island 40 hours of nonstop destruction this is what marsh harbor looked like before

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