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Kills the pharmaceutical industry thank you profits in the us the end with painkillers at a Cost Effective and highly addictive. On painkillers the Opioid Crisis in the us i feel sympathy for. What keeps us in shape what makes us sick and how to stay because of. My name is dr carson because i talk to medical experts. Watch them at work. And i discuss what you can do to improve your health. State use and lets all try to stay in good shape. Because g. W. A quiet melody resounds michael lighten the mood. Ready resonate when its all. The mind and the music. Beethoven 1st 12019 from september 6th to september 29th. Was raising a fight for some. Money a set up but when theres a flood the water comes up to a waist close faster every. Act model like of water is equally dangerous. Keep the people not self so they can plant crops in trying to assess damage floods and droughts when Climate Change becomes the main driver of mass migration you can write any about going to matter if you want the problem or the federal. Climate exodus starts september 5th on d w. This is t w news coming to you live from berlin leaders of the prodemocracy movement in hong. Arrested joshua wall is one of those taken into custody for allegedly planning in. Protest to morrows plan demonstrations have been called off but locals say the arrests clued in bickering the movie. Is being called an epidemic of violence against women in latin america in a special report the report we take you to one city in mexico to see how a special police unit is tackling domestic abuse. And changes at the top for apply and munich influential president would be horrendous announces he is quitting in november. Goalkeeper all of a con will become chief executive in 2022 year. Low im terry martin welcome to the Program Police in hong kong have arrested several activists in the prodemocracy demonstrations that have roiled the territory over the last 3 months one of them is joshua walling a veteran activist and cofounder of prodemocracy group demos. Authorities say wong and others are being investigated for their role in an unauthorized protest in june when protesters blockaded Police Headquarters Police Also Arrested and the founder of a band Pro Independence party long was one of the student leaders of major prodemocracy demonstrations in 2014 he was released from prison in june after serving a 5 week sentence relating to those protests. Over the very latest lets bring in our correspondent our asia correspondent phil who is in Hong Kong Sean what does the arrest of these prominent activists mean for the prodemocracy movement. But of course this is going to be a big blow to activists who are taking to the streets night after night for 13 weeks is also clearly going to concern a lot of people who are on the streets thats about the legal challenges that they could face for processing now the activists whove been arrested are accused of taking part in an unauthorized protest and inciting illegal protests and the concern over that is so great you organizers of the of the march for tomorrow have pulled it off citing the physical and legal safety of those protesters having said that they the people that have been arrested a nazi leaders of this protest movement they were back in 2014 now although this movement is largely needed and so i think what well see is these protests will continue now continue to be organized by individuals who are organizing these separate protests weekend after weekend here in hong kong so it seems the police are cracking down harder how are the people of hong kong reacting to the news of these arrests. Well theres a lot of anger on social media at the moment thats also in light of the fact that 2 activists will say beaten up yesterday apparently with the baseball bats no breasts have been made in that case thats something thats really concerns people there is the general feeling that hong kong authorities are cracking down on them a lot of people do you appear to want to take to the streets again to voice their anger but this protest has been banned and now cooled off but some are you thats not to say that people want to take to the streets anyway and of course on monday weve got that massive strike thats planned which secondary School Students and University Students are also planning to take part in say we are going to see a few days of unrest here in hong kong ok the Police Though have issued a ban all marching and all busy assemblies does that lot things up for a no. Confrontation. Potentially of course we have seen protesters coming out despite the fact. I have been banned was interesting about this particular ban though is that this is a ban on a rally organized by the civil human rights fronts that the people behind the massive peaceful rally are you this once a week month which they say 1700000. 00 people took part in that when that proceeded without. That they were behind the big crisis that happened back in june so we are expecting people despite this ban to take to the streets once again but of course with that with heightened concern about what that could mean for them legally and of course physically as well protesters here say that police are becoming increasingly violent in the background of these protests. Thank you very much t. W. Charlotte phil in hong kong. Can the British Parliament use legislation to prevent its own suspension Opposition Leader Jeremy Corbyn says yes he plans to introduce a bill to block Prime Minister Boris Johnson from suspending Parliament Just ahead of britains scheduled exit from the European Union and says Parliament Needs to polls in september and october to allow the government to work on its domestic agenda opponents say its a nondemocratic attempt to stifle debate about brecht more than 1000000. 00 signatures were gathered within 24 hours against the forced recess of Parliament Many britons are furious with their new Prime Minister Boris Johnson including businesswoman and brakes and activist gina miller she has launched legal action to defend the rights of parliament in the courts. We are not questioning whether having that power using it is illegal or not what we are questioning is that the use of this power in probing parliament for such a long time 5 weeks gregg said hardliners however dont understand what all the fuss is about jacob reese mog told reporters the move was democratic. Behind the scenes at westminster opposition parties are forging alliances under great pressure to try to politically thwart johnsons plans they are focused on bringing forward legislation to prevent a no deal breakers that. Will use every palm and tree device that we possibly can and if it has to include at some stage a vote of no confidence thats will still be open to us that will be on the table what we wont do what we wont do is allow Boris Johnson to act like a dictator. But politicians only have 4 session days to get any measure through parliament it is a tight race against time. Well for more were joined by European Affairs analyst and he breaks a campaign of john worth john the parliament the clock is not working in parliaments favor in the u. K. Right now does Parliament Still have enough time to block Boris Johnsons effort to suspend it. This is spend it perhaps not to block no deal breaks it probably it does thats going to be the focus of whats going to happen next week theyve got 3 main sitting days tuesday till thursday next week when that where the big fight is going to happen essentially because already the week after is when palmer we suspended to due to this of this move that Boris Johnson made to 2 days ago so to stop johnson suspending parliament probably not to stop and no deal breaks at a crash outbreaks it theres probably still a chance what options does parliament have 1st of all in terms of blocking the suspension that its facing because Boris Johnson is trying to block to block parliament there to stop parliament for 5 weeks to suspend it which of course everyone very angry what options does parliament have to to block that so essentially the difficulty in the u. K. Is the u. K. Doesnt have a written constitution so exactly what palm its powers are in such a circumstance we ultimately dont quite know what we do know is to use this power which has existed for a long time and is moving to just stop a palm tree year and stop the next one is never no money being used to basically take polman out of seating for 5 weeks could you imagine if Angela Merkel said were just going to stop the did the German Parliament sitting for 5 weeks that credible crisis so ultimately we dont know the answer to whether polman can actually stop the suspension of the city what we do know next week however is palmed is going to try legislative route to stop Boris Johnsons practice of problems is going to try that 1st and as we heard with the clip this 2nd effort if that fails maybe to bring a vote of no confidence in Boris Johnsons government but the members of parliament know that just stop always johnsons breaks it plans is easier than stopping Boris Johnson himself and so thats whats going to. To focus things well you mentioned a vote of confidence if that happens if it gets to that point theres a vote of confidence in parliament regarding Boris Johnson do you think hed win it i think theres a chance he would win it because the difficulty is is many conservatives who are unhappy with Boris Johnson dislike the leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbin even more than they dislike Boris Johnson and so it might sound all the crazy that members the palms of the conservatives dont want Boris Johnsons key policy his nerve deal breaks it but they would still soon to have him and then jeremy called in as Prime Minister thats why legislative efforts to stop their deal breaks it are a clever option than trying to go for a vote of no confidence vote because theyve won in the stands that alleges if you do breaks it is much more likely to succeed than a vote of no confidence and so thats the game is going to be played out particularly in the next week then theyll be another round of the suspension of palm and you know the difficulty of course is all this is against a ticking clock britain is supposed to lead by 31st october and thats so already under 70 days away so therefore its very very difficult to see exactly how these things will work and in which order just briefly does this parliamentary suspension of Boris Johnson has engineered does it strengthen his hand in trying to negotiate a better break deal with brussels no i dont think it does because i think brussels has essentially said hang on a minute but 1st of all thats a big democratic question over the way. The u. K. Is behaving and 2nd what we saw particularly yesterday was have some how much that kind of strengthened the opposition to Boris Johnson i think actually probably if anything we do says the chances that Boris Johnson would get a deal from the European Union john thanks so much consulted and campaigner john works. Now to some of the other stories making headlines around the world today decepticon tech has accepted the nomination of italys president as Prime Minister designate he will try to put together a new coalition of the populist 5 Star Movement and the Center Left Democrats the 2 parties aim to avoid new elections that the far right lead by beenie would likely mean. Brazilian President Shall you both narrow has signed into creepy banning fires or lamp clear this comes after a growing International Outcry over the worst fires in the amazon basin in years the e. U. Has warned free trade deal depends on action to tackle the blazes. President trump has canceled a planned trip to poland as a hurricane heading for florida has increased in strength as events of the state are preparing for Hurricane Dorian a category 2 storm expected to reach wind speeds of up to 165 kilometers an hour when it makes landfall at the weekend. This weekend marks the marks 80 years since the beginning of world war 2 and now in poland there is growing demand that germany pay reparations worth several 100000000000. 00 euros to compensate for the devastation it calls the topic could come up on sunday when german president. Takes part in commemorations in warsaw and its creating tensions in relations between germans and poles

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