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754. 00 like many modern day white farmers fred has to contend with an uncomfortable truth that his ancestors built their livelihoods on slave labor. The 1st african slaves were brought to the english colony a free ginia 400 years ago in the years that followed hundreds of thousands more arrived. Maybe the very light 700 for early 18 hundreds were 1st knowledge that we have. Here and one of their. Family that was brought down from virginia that knew that the bocher industry so that benefited us with a debacle right for a number of years. Historians today point to the role that centuries of slavery played in the Economic Development of what is now the United States very clearly there are some roots of American Economic wealth that definitely originated on the plantation and through the institution of slavery but also slavery was actually really innovative to the american capitalist system in terms of developing Financial Networks in terms of Accounting Practices Scientific Management to increase worker productivity a lot of those things are rooted in the system of enslavement it wasnt only agriculture that explosion at the enslaved other institutions like banks and Insurance Companies also traded in human beings so how does fred burke deal with the history of slavery on his farm i wish it had never happened. A lot of things would been much better everywhere had that not happened but never on the sly and none of the black people who live around here now were ever a slight i may have had ancestors. That were. But thats 150 years in the past but for the descendants of those whose liberty was stolen the chapter is far from closed. Lets pick up on some of the points being stuck made in that report thanks for joining us so a lot of german corporations were built on slavery but whats new about the debate in the u. S. Well i think whats really new is the recession of 22000 a really sparked a lot of people to look more deeply at the origins of american capitalism and its this story that we tell ourselves in this country about how wonderful American Innovation was at the turn of the century and that slavery was not just really a part of that and so a lot of historians of the past decade or so are going back and looking at some of the earlier connections to the emergence of american capitalism and the group of american wealth and you mentioned that it was very innovative to capitalism how so well you know a lot of people see capitalism and slavery as being 2 Different Things slavery being the sort of Old Fashioned old world regional system but slave owners actually measure the enslaved workers productivity in pretty specific way different letters that they would use there are even publications that you could buy or you could plug in the you know bales of cotton pick per day so that you could do x. Acts in slave person of a certain age or gender do they pick so many bales of cotton for the next day. What about looking looking for what i mean its important to remember these things and make sure kids learn about these things as well looking for the can can you tell anything. Give us any insight well one of the important things that were struggling with here in this country is the role that africanamericans and other minorities play in that we have this earth that great white men built the country but they often did so with the help of many able bodied people who just simply didnt have the same opportunities that they did but thank you very much for coming on the show. Well as well as making you fat chocolate to make you rich provided youre at the very end of the supply chain that is net annual sales are estimated at 100000000000. 00 but an evident creasing amount is trickling down to the Cocoa Farmers since mid twentys 16 the price of beans has fallen by more than a 3rd pushing many growers into poverty even some fairtrade farmers no longer make enough to live off most of them below the internationally defined poverty threshold of a 1. 25 a day one of the reasons is that just 6 percent of the price of a chocolate bar goes to. In the 180. 00 was triple that the processes that manufacture the chocolate they make a much more significant share 35 percent of the price tag and at the end of the supply chain the retailers make 44 percent the rest goes on other costs such as transportation or ghana is the worlds 2nd largest producer of cocoa the sector is key to its economy but there are concerns about attracting the next generation of crows 70 year old yahoos who has been a cocoa farmer for the past 30 years the 30 hector cocoa farm serves as his only source of livelihood but he has a major concern for sustaining his legacy and that of other elderly Cocoa Farmers in ghana. Growing older and losing the energy to continue the farm we need young people to enter into this sector and we need to support those who do so. Today some young people from a woos village in ghanas Ashanti Region are paying him a visit at his farm theyve come to know more about his cocoa growing technique and draw inspiration from him for their own farming aspirations. Among them is one of children. Theone phillis who is 23 years old he has his own 3 hector cocoa farm given to him by his father hes been cultivating for 2 years now and says his father success has motivated him. While one was i wanted lies that my father was able to take care of his family by growing cocoa after completing school i couldnt secure any job so i turned to cocoa farming and it has been a good decision. He began to be. Wooing his friends are receiving training under a cocoa Youth Program run by the global n. G. O. S solidary dot and its partners how they learn the proper application of fertilizers and how to manage a Farm Business among other skills. Solidary dads program called youth in cocoa has trained over 7000 young people in sustainable cocoa farming practices creating jobs for them in the cocoa sector and helping them to push for better pricing for their produce. So we found an opportunity within the cool speeds to look at these young people and work with them give them the skills training the mentorship and coaching required and also bring in the book kill Services Required for them to become professional cool pharmacist and all Service Providers who can provide service to support. The chain with cool as the entry point and possibly looking at the great quote of the childs cocoa contributes over 3 percent to gonna be supporting the livelihoods of approximately 4000000. 00 farming households. These young people represent the future of the sector and continuity in guinea in cocoa farming. Or you know has showing work said in colton is here to talk about a fair price for chocolate i would know what you pay for chocolate bar to buy chocolate but thats not going to help the situation is it what would be a fair price for a job above a fair price definitely needs to be a lot higher than what is currently being paid on the world market if you look at ghana you have a particular situation because the sector is regulated by the state so i currently gets around 101400. 00 u. S. Dollars per tonne and fair trade has made a calculation that it would need to be 2003 100. 00 per tonne in order to earn a living income so thats way more and im talking about the amount that needs to reach the farmers so what market price which includes costs for transportation for marketing etc would need to be even higher than that so possibly something above 3000. 00 u. S. Dollars per tonne i think its incredible that someone sitting in a shop just selling someone elses chocolate gets so much money. What sitting in a shop and so it well definitely its a question of a power imbalance in the cocoa site that if you currently have so on the one hand you have some very powerful Companies Companies likeness lame on dilis and mars on the other hand you have millions of Cocoa Farmers that dont have any influence on the cocoa price and business to a situation where they cant really live off their cocoa production how is it got to that situation well. I mean its got as i said its got to do with the power imbalance so. Companies are getting more and more powerful in the cause of globalization and the states are not really doing anything to to to regulate it many farmers also dont really know how to fight for their rights mainly in that it is organized in cooperatives for example so that it also led to overproduction i mean. That different factors for over production but one interesting factor is that the companies have been arguing that farmers need to increase their productivity so they need to produce higher yields in order to earn more income so now we have a situation where we have more supply than demand for cocoa and this is also contributed to the decreasing market price so from our perspective its not enough of the Companies Keep saying that we need to increase the productivity we need to talk about fair prices well some would argue that this problem with the pricing has led to child labor i mean i heat of kids in west africa working on plantations. How is that making the situation even more complicated i mean youre absolutely right about its so tight labor is a complex issue its tied to many different factors so its a question of lack of awareness in the communities its also a question of a lack of infrastructure not enough schools and cocoa growing areas but as he has said its also tied to the poverty issue because farmers are not using their children as free labor because theyre bad people but theyre using them because theyre not able to afford adult workers which they need to pay so you cant solve the tight labor issue without also the poverty problem and making the job itself sweeter for younger growers who are maybe not so interested in getting into the job because the pay isnt good exactly so i find it totally understandable if young people are searching for other jobs because its not very attractive because i mean cocoa farming involves a lot of hard work on a day to day basis and in the end you still end up living in poverty so thats not attractive at all so i can understand why the pharmacist dont want to go on with that thank you very much. A nice business with. Earth. Home. Of species. To. Get those are big changes and most start with small steps but. Tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world. But the Tibetan Buddhist traditions and forster. Interactive content teaching the next generation the book to touch on. Channels available to people to get out. And more determined to build something here for the next generation. Barman series of 3000. This is africa coming up in the next 15 minutes a land walk discovery in ethiopia Scientists Say a fossil finds data to nearly 4000000 years ago reveals the faceoffs fairly human and sisters. At. One woman tells us of the beatings she suffered at the hands of her husband her story is all too common in nigeria. Then the game that almost disappeared from the villages on the Central African republic thats making a comeback. Hello im kristie want to welcome to news africa its good to have you along with some fun stuff today scientists have just released images of what. Could have looked like the reconstruction is based on a 3800000 year old skull fondant ethiopia which is you know often seen as the birthplace of mankind now announcing the scientific finding at this research has saved the discovery changes our understanding of how ancient humans evolved its here in the far reaching of ethiopia more than 500 kilometers north of the capital at his ababa that this latest discovery was buried professor you have as Haile Selassie and his team found the ancient early human skull here in 2016 after only days of sifting through the sand 1st they spotted the odd job bone sticking out of the ground then uncovered the rest of the fossil my 1st instinct was this 2 pieces were perfectly joined i picked up and i picked up the crimean and quick profit grimier this call is 3800000 years old and about the size of a modern chimp and see its the most complete one of that age ever found giving the scientists a chance to reconstruct how this early human ancestor might have looked. Your highness Haile Selassie is one of the worlds leading evolutionary scientists he says the find challenges ideas about how the 1st humans evolved from our apelike and sisters. This is really. A game changer in a lot of ways and answers questions that weve had lingering around for decades and weve got the answers now from this beautiful specimen that we found thats because this new find has some distinct differences to another ancient skeleton found here by that of lucy probably the most famous human fossil its further proof that early humans were a diverse bunch with different species living in the same time period. Scientists say with this discovery they can now finally put a face to the name of some of our earliest ancestors now physical abuse of women is currently one of the most discussed topics in nigeria after s. And its a was caught on camera a few weeks ago brittany slapping a woman hes now being investigated and faces possible dismissal from the night here in sin is our correspondent. On the devastating effects of violence against women in the country. Fatima is a young single mother who has 3 children she wants to keep our identity he fatima says she endured beatings for my husband for 11 years of the a marriage the most severe was when he beat her for taking

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