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Police. May also provide them with a lawyer and psychological counseling or necessary seclusion what he said for. An afternoon in november is the megace line and his wife winnie have just landed at shiloh to go airports in their old hometown paris. 4 years ago the couple immigrated to israel after some me had received a series of Death Threats but he comes back to france every few weeks for the 77 year old former policeman the fight against anti semitism has become a personal mission. For the players this time they will be spending a whole week in paris well monique will be enjoying time with their grandchildren sunny as. Always has no end of appointments you spent months planning a meeting for victims of anti semitic attacks. So you prefer course that of course more family would prefer me to stay home. But im going to be very busy all week so there wont be much time for. Most astrologers. I found myself a mission 101 i have to complete. It all of the 17 via poor family used to it ill be happy to see him but i know he wont have much time. Because loans will be staying with a son and his family as they always do when theyre in paris. First they catch up with their grandchildren School Grades a bit like in the old days when they all lived in the same city. So you sure its hard being so far away but we talk on the phone a lot to keep in touch here and. Deciding to leave the country like the garden state is something a lot of french jews do these days france is home to the largest Jewish Population in europe and the 3rd largest in the world after israel and the us. In many parts of paris jews express their identity and religion openly and it would seem confidently. Kosher bakery side by side with kosher butchers and restaurants. And off a ducks jews who pray openly on the streets. Past a series of fatal attacks has left an increasing number of jews now fearing for their safety and from. The district of south now has a memorial to commemorate the attack on a kosher supermarket in 2015 in which 4 jews women at it. Around 30000. 00 jews are reported to have already left france or is. Others have been moving from the suburbs to city centers because they feel safer then. It is now 8 30 in the evening semi gods plan has come to the levee large area of the city to meet the victim of an anti semitic attack. Benson your moved here only recently. I love the image with all the while our. Backyard in the 1st few i havent packed my things for the bathroom these are my plates and everything i need fish about. A few months ago unknown individuals broke into her apartment and vandalized it. The perpetrators scratched and she semitic slogans into the doors of her car and slashed the tires the police advised her to leave her apartment immediately. Takes time to really settle that. Under lots of work that would be the most important thing is that youre now in safety. Or will. We pay our high price for this anti semitism. Ok we werent physically injured. But i have to ask myself why just because we do. All the stuff thats actually what the problem is it makes me want to cry. We used to have a quiet life. Sometimes i cant take it anymore. You have to be strong. At least youre here now. Because law wont leave us alone here ever since it all happened he sent me messages every single week asking how we doing he also wants me to talk about my experiences at the meeting with other victims. I think talking about it is a form of therapy. The next morning gus line is on his way to the office set up with some like minded friends. His mobile phone never stops ringing effectively his own hotline for jews in distress. New cases arrive on an almost daily basis as the work continues to pile up for the volunteers. And. Even when sam is in israel he calls several times an hour he might be in israel but essentially hes with us here in the office the local people. They gather here every day providing advice and comfort to victims and putting them in contact with lawyers they work also involves raising awareness about anti semitism among the public. Some of the alerts they receive coming from the general public like this cartoon theyve just received by email. Or letter someone sent me this poster asking us to do something about it. You can see an arm with a name which is supposed to symbolize jewish financial power. And that arm is controlling president like a puppet. Threatening a french citizen. The post is by a right wing nationalist group that posts from an address outside of france they discuss what to do they say jews in france are threatened by both islamists and right wing radicals. Is wrong. One Group Accuses the jews of being on the side of israel and such against the palestinians but. The other group believe that the jews rule the world they put. This into a young. Key to some degree. But its the same major and. Both groups want to see the jews disappear. And to dominate and destroy them. But sometimes the paperwork has to wait because some e. Is eager to hit the streets where the people are. He feels that paris has changed a lot in recent years a number of jewish run stores have closed he says especially in the bank years. And the few that do still exist have military force protection. And from a few people this is will filippo goosed in the 11th hour on busy mall where a modern nor lived an elderly woman who was murdered. She was stabbed to death. Holocaust survivor reportedly killed by a muslim neighbor of north african descent the murder in april 2017 caused outrage across the country and divided opinion. Some attributes of the crime to drug addiction for others it was murder fueled by anti semitism. Learn one thing is beyond doubt the case further increased many jews fear of being attacked. The neocon oil can still not believe what happened to his mother in his apartment outside paris he has boxes full of treasured mementos. How can you kill an 85 year old woman she was old and sick and disabled so much hatred. For. His mother had managed to survive the holocaust as a child only to be murdered in old age probably on account of his heritage for the neocon or intolerable. Theres nothing worse than human stupidity and racism and anti semitism there are so many issues that are genuinely important on the loss of people fight each other over stupid things like religion. Paul tibbets is. It something terrible. Since you got the. Deal pharmacies were never able to clarify the killers motive sunny guzman tells us as he heads off one small for the bone here. But nobody can dispute is that the number of attacks on jews in france has been on the rise but almost 70 percent in the past year or less. Suited up with more years where 93 begins or now in 3 of. The 930 is notorious for its concrete housing projects unemployment and fun and crime this is the area where some negroes learn spent almost 40 years as a detective. In your shouldnt be attacked or jewish boy with a knife here. They stripped him and left him lying there. You want me to be took off his pants and his shirt. And i left him there all night. For you know that some me himself received threats while living in paris his car was set on fire and 2013 he and his wife decided to leave france. It didnt seem to know i was the victim of an anti semitic attack. I also read threats from isis to an Islamist Organization which. These things are in this short list i missed to eventually i was scared that my family and i would get into serious trouble. Should be because of my far against fatty semitism actual government control just means you know. Thats one of. Todays sonny is missing his old friend has some chill go me the imaam at the mosque in the suburbs. Tolzien is one of the few months to speak out openly against growing anti semitism among muslims in fronts. The 2 used to meet every few days for tea in the. Us and that they report me and my son was the 1st to recognize the danger for french jews. Who actually made me told me about young men involved in criminal behavior who said they wanted to revenge donkey. May ask him if killing jews would allow them to enter paradise. I was shocked i thought if things are that bad when jews in france are genuinely in danger. You know. The school sadly its something a lot of people dont want to hear. They think that talking about it will play straight into the hands of right wingers but the opposite is true you know i mean you know most french people dont hear muslims condemning anti semitism and the murder of me. Then i can understand them becoming prejudiced towards muslims. Its that kind of frank talking that has also put the a man himself in danger you know has Police Protection after being repeatedly threatened and attempts by radical islamists this photo is from 2010 with bodyguards bringing children me to safety after an attempted attack his family now also live abroad due to the danger they face in france. Who do islam is dont like this camaraderie their sex like the Muslim Brotherhood and the salafist they dont like seeing any man reaching out his hand in dialogue. And theyve broken into my place twice which is why i swap apartments every 2 days of course will move wont be. The group that attacked remorseless sheikh here seen collective. The father of violent terrorist Palestinian Islam as a butt of your long. Stream a dangerous you know we asked the police for out of. What about the market for 4 months they protested right outside the oval they broke down the door and came in sight they shouted that we ought to die. It was a difficult time. Why did it all happen. Because im a mom reached out to the Jewish Community to point them out of. Me as commitment has earned him to rishon among certain parts of the Muslim Community who dismiss him as the imaam of the jews. Unperturbed he is sure is something that he will be attending the meeting the next day bringing together victims of antisemitic attacks. Sami takes a spontaneous decision to pay a visit to the small arab market outside the mosque this. Its his old patch a place where he still known as the kosher cop for some locals. Hes wearing traditional jewish headgear not out of religious conviction but rather out of defiance in response to the attacks in recent years. People. Wearing it as a test to see what happens. I dont think it will bother anyone but the. Semi grew up in algeria and he always felt at home among arabs. But if i was the. Only. One vendor becomes aggressive after seeing our camera team filming its not us but some me that he threatens forming a mock this law with his hands and pointing it at him. What are you doing here. Are you threatening me why. I pay for this stand i work here. Theres no need to start threatening people because whatever you whatever then some may defuse the situation with something that also helped him in the old days his algerian heritage and fluency in arabic the man is suddenly much friendlier. Where were you from constantine. Oh. No man not. The vendor is reluctant to explain his aggressive behavior. It certainly had nothing to do with the me being jewish. People 45 i dont care if youre jewish which to me everyones the same with you know theyre all brothers for me to see me. Before preferred the simple form of all of them speaking the same language and knowing the same codes makes everything a lot easier back then when i was in the police speaking arabic was always a big help. Plus knowing about islam. What to respect and what is forbidden you. Always take the. Gift of. A man house and child only as likely as a champion of dialogue. Hes come to the main synagogue in paris with a group of young muslims. Who could quote its very brave of you to come here today i imagine it cant be easy for you. But. Its a nice gesture. And there are probably a few people in your neighborhood who arent too keen on you going to a synagogue and talking to jews i can imagine thats how the response would be. Here for the young muslim visitors say hes right they know people who would never consider doing such a thing. That is a this is my 1st time going to synagogue i had no idea how it looked on the inside and. One of the 62. 00 i expected it to be smaller a mole compatible. But were not looking to for all policies its amazing of particular significance. What you would know. Me. If you took on took a little of my really glad to see you all here today. Were used to seeing jews and a lot of christian visitors on our tours for the public. Including school groups. But sometimes muslim power. And still give permission for their children to come along. By the time so many arrives at his sons apartment for dinner but its always cold that is something his family are used to. He was always busy when he was with the police department. These family get togethers have become rare since the parents moved to israel. With all. The great jewish god and his wife maria talk regularly about the pros and cons of also immigration to israel for now at least to this day but because because theyre on the cover. We have jobs here when i could you know which i like the schools. Only for school with friends they will be difficult for us adapting to the culture and the schools over there. Is a division there was a call about. This for me is granddaughters tell him they have not yet had any threats. And your friends have never experienced anything like that for once i guess but it wasnt that bad there was this man outside the synagogue who called us dirty jews. Their mother has a different take on events and reports on developments at the jewish school. Lesson for the movie that its crazy to see how people numbers are decreasing. They used to be 22. 00 kids per class so they were full. Now its only 16 or 17. Less i want it to vandeven to one like a song and after each school year they say goodbye to pupils headed for israel. Plus your increasingly hearing about someone else whos garman all of us really if. You didnt used to hear that so often. And you say what him to use he did but you know a lawyer who is now left really successful and an expert in their field here. And now theyll have to start from scratch in israel. You know its serious when someone like that leaves it shows the gravity of the situation. Every one of us. And britain. But you dont have to go to israel but if you do you shouldnt have to flee. You. If you have to leave leave if you want to stay stay. But jews should not have to leave like they used to be because they were driven out. When we left algeria we fled. To. The meeting of victims is scheduled to take place this evening the conference thats amigas lan has been planning for months. To meet you in the early stage and thats the news on the radio about the apparent. Belief. In the obviously new. Semi goslin has brought together victims families and lawyers for the meeting and journalists they hope to finally make and just semitism a big issue a mom house and child gomi is among those attending. And Stella Benson your shell be taking to the stage to talk about the attacks she suffered but 1st she takes the opportunity to have a heart to heart with the governments commissioner for anti semitism frederic put. Inside the hall 400 people listen attentively estella gives a moving account of the burglary the slashed tires and the star of David Eckstein to her car. Before the bridge is met then the police told us to leave the apartment right away i had to start all over again i just wanted to get away from there so it does exist and i am one of these cases i had to flee because of anti semitism. Here are the photos of my car at 1st i didnt get it before a gas station attendant had to explain that it was a star of david israel written big across my car door some of which. As the event draws to an end the government commissioner promises that action will be taken a new law criminalizing online hate speech and especially selected team tackling anti semitism in schools for some me and his fellow volunteers a success when the girls land set off for the airport 2 days later they have more luggage then they arrived with. Suitcases a full when we get here in full when we leave as well. One of the cases is packed with french cosmetics and french chocolates home comforts when she misses her old life in paris. If you will. The 6 day trip was packed with meetings and appointments. Build ago but the couple do wonder how much longer semi will be able to keep up this. County i mean when he gets home in the evening hes normally pretty tired. And some a bit tired. But you have to keep going. Well you know unfortunately the fire has to continue. And i think well make it i hope well break. Down the gas lines have already put their next trip back to paris. I have. Kept. Him going to. Give. Me. A legs i know from more of our series on tomorrow today we want to see what he saw to experience what drove him a journey through latin america following in the footsteps of the great scientist the Journey Continues from the deserts of her room to the fascinating underwater world of the humble current. Tomorrow to do it and 30 maps was double. Ready the quiet melody resumes one to lighten the mood. And it still remains resonate within its small. The mind and the music. Beethoven 1st 12019 from september 6th to september 29th. Life from the g 7 meeting. Up of the Agenda Global inequality the crisis with iran and international trade. But donald trump spent with his host french president much in the trade war with china can derail everything. The british Prime Minister might use the occasion 5 great press to show. Reporting from the g. 7 meeting in p. R. Its life for deed of the union. Bursts. Home to of species. A home worth saving. Given those are big changes and must start with small steps global ideas tell stories of credence people and innovative projects around the world. Is the country the good news to create images of missions and reforestation. The current interactive content teaching the next generation about environmental protection. Using channels available to inspire people to take action. And were determined to build something here for the next generation the idea is for the environment series of global 3000 on t. W. And on mine. This is d. W. News live from but theyre doing 70 tis meeting in the french town of beer its split on how to deal with iran the leaders of the g. 7 nations have had a full day of financial meetings in talks with African Leaders but a surprise visit from irans foreign minister took center stage also coming up violence on the streets of Hong Kong Police pull their guns of persian ocracy purchases and find at least one live shot and the authorities is send in water cannon for the 1st time

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