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Its special status raising fears of unrest critics call it a dark day for democracy pakistan which also claims that territory has condemned living saying its illegal. And in Hong Kong Police fire tear gas at prodemocracy demonstrators amid a general strike the record numbers of activists are arrested and the chief executive is mourning that the city is headed for a dangerous place. Im off to our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome tonight u. S. President donald trump is urging his country to condemn White Supremacy in his 1st National Address following 2 Mass Shootings over the weekend President Trump described. The acts as barbaric and crimes against all humanity now the number of victims in saturdays racially motivated attack in el paso it has risen to 22 and early on sunday 9 others lost their lives in a separate shooting in dayton ohio bringing the weekends death toll so far to 31 my fellow im an animation of speech trump described to shoot his who carried out separate massacres in texas and ohio as mentally ill make the us president s call to speedy death penalties for hate crimes in to today im also directing the department of justice to propose legislation ensuring that those who commit hate crimes and mass murders face the Death Penalty and that this Capital Punishment be delivered quickly decisively and without years of needless to lay these are just a few of the areas of cooperation that we can pursue in his 1st public remarks since both attacks at the weekend trump condemn the hatred in American Society the shooter in el paso posted a manifesto online consumed by racist hate. In one voice our nation must condemn racism bigotry and White Supremacy these sinister ideologies must be defeated hate has no place in america hatred warps the mind ravages the heart and devours the soul men women and children with gunned down as they shop to this will mark still in El Paso Texas people have paid tributes to the victims of the makeshift memorial overlooking the stores parking lot 13 hours later a young man in his twentys opened fire in the nightlife district of dayton ohio one of the victims was the gunman sr 6 others were africanamerican tributes were also placed at the scene both communities left united in grief as pressure foot heights a gun controls mounts in the u. S. And joining me now is our correspondent all over salad sees a list or force in washington good evening to you all over we know that pressure is melting for tighter gun controls in the United States did the president outlined today hell he plans to make that happen. Well before his speech President Trump proposed on twitter to pair 2 topics that do not have a lot in common with each other and those are tougher gun control and background checks in particular on the one hand side and tougher Immigration Law feel that hes been calling on. For a long time 3 that raised many questions these fields dont belong to each other necessarily also the 2 suspects are american citizens one even targeted immigrants when he shot 22 people in the city of el paso so lots of questions remaining here then later in his speech he did not mention any proposals any tougher Gun Legislation at all so it doesnt really look like hes going to. Want to go down that road then and put it in contrast focused on 2 individuals who was talking a lot about Mental Health issues talking about 1 Computer Games to individuals that can be held accountable he even blamed the media for these attacks and therefore truly tried hard to move this topic as far as away as possible from the actual issue of gun control and democrats those democratic president ial hopefuls they have accused the u. S. President of inciting violence with his rhetoric but he didnt express any sense of responsibility for those often heat shield diatribes that he delivers at those Campaign Rallies do you think americans believe him or took him at his word today. Well some skepticism is surely appropriate here because that rhetoric is quite a new one it comes in stark contrast to his earlier appearances here this is the speech he delivered today can certainly be considered one of the most clearest and strongest condemnations of White Supremacy since he took office and that might have come also as a response to his earlier speeches and response responses he gave for instance after an attack in the city of child thats were right wing protesters took to the street and counter protesters and an attacker took his car into a group of people killing one person and President Trump afterwards said that there are fine people on both sides of the politico ill also take into consideration that this speech was read from a teleprompter and he definitely gave a very different impression than if you would have listened to him on one of his rallies or even on twitter detritus were saying earlier teleprompter is very different from twitter trump as you said all over the u. S. President did condemn racism and White Supremacy today do you think this represents a change of course for this rhetoric about migration and immigration that weve been hearing from. Well you have to take into consideration that were nearing the 2 those and 20 president ial elections and the democrats are ready to gain some political ground in there theyve been very vocal on the issue of gun control theyre trying now really to make the point that theyre the ones actually to get some tougher legislation out and so the speaker of the democratic led house nancy pelosi earlier reminded the voters that the house in february already passed a bill allowing background checks across the United States on all gun purchases but that this bill was actually blocked by the republican led senate afterwards so what were seeing here is a trump responding to that but you might very likely see another donald trump when it comes to his next really or his next tweet indeed it is very possible our correspondent over the story for you in washington all over thank you. Heres some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world britain says it will join the u. S. Navy in a mission to protect merchant ships in the persian gulf this follows the seizure of vessels by iran in the strait of hormuz a key shipping route the announcement by the u. K. Defense ministry did not mention whether other western allies would take part in the Mission Germany has already said it will not in egypt an explosion near cairos to rio square has killed at least 20 people and injured nearly 50 others the government initially said that the incident was calls by multiple vehicle car crash but later said a car bomb was involved in the blast calls to fire at a nearby hospital which had to be evacuated a spanish rescue ship has called on the European Union to find a solution for the 120 migrants on board the vessel open arms has been stranded in the mediterranean for 4 days it says many of the migrants survived violence in libya the ship wants to dock in italy or malta but has been refused permission by both countries. Prodemocracy demonstrators in hong kong have clashed with riot police for the 3rd day in a row Security Forces fired tear gas as activists stepped up their campaign of civil disobedience a general strike continues to take place bringing parts of the city to a standstill the protests are part of an Ongoing Movement to challenge Chinese Authority in the territory. Monday afternoon and its anything but business as usual in downtown hong kong protesters try to block a street but police fire off volley after volley of tear gas. Day turns to night in the battle goes on theres a sense that the situation is escalating. The way this is such a big things today if only because we never get as positive response from the government. The disruption went well beyond the Financial Center in other parts of the territory activists staged a Peaceful Assembly in a Shopping Mall near the border with mainland china. Theres also been a general strike which included a blockade of one of the citys metro stations amid widespread disruption to public transport once again it is hong kongs young pleading the action the anger and frustration growing whoever participated in the movement are not criminals in fact there are people who are harmed by the charity the Hong Kong Government can also the people republic of china in one part of hong kong a group of men attacked demonstrators with long sticks who they were nobody knows the demonstrators hit back with anything that came to have. Acrimony is deepening between the protesters and the earth orators the citys leader has warned that hong kong is on the edge of the recent protests and marches have seen escalated loud. And up pushing our city. The city we all love. And many of us helped to build. To the verge of a very dangerous situation lambs warning was made before todays violence intensified the general strike in the increasingly violent protests seem only to have deepened hong kongs crisis. And the w. s is charlotte tells him bill is on the story for us in hong kong she spoke with us a short time ago as police were attempting to clear one area of demonstrators just learned to broker last 5. President s or are there some of the lurkers who are rather let all of the networks and read out. There on the. Shelves at 00000 the girl however long time good call her the 4th member for the auto club not. Not only i called her on the. Final to confront her brought them out of the stirrups. Held 7 up like the girl going to run for the. Pill they are mid the tear gas in hong kong in what is seen as the most significant change to the disputed region of kashmir in more than 70 years india says it is revoking the special all thomas status of indian administered kashmir and the kashmir region has been contested by india and pakistan for decades the 2 Nuclear Powers have felt 2 wars over it both India Pakistan they claim the region in full as you see right here but each controls only part of it china also claims a section you see right there in the east now the indian administered state of shall move in kashmir is the only state in india where muslims are in the majority the hindu nationalists led indian governments decision to scrap article 370 which allowed john woo and kashmir a higher degree of autonomy when he had his. Set to further inflame tensions hundreds of times reacted is gathered at the Indian Embassy in pakistans capital islamabad to voice their outrage today protests also erupted in the Southern City of karachi Pakistans Foreign Ministry said indias move was illegal and pledged to take all of the measures to oppose it leaders in kashmir mourned the repeal of the state status could set off a regional conflict. And for more on this im joined here in the big table by her money on hes a professor of political geography at Berlins Free University professor good to have you on the show i just want to ask you what we saw here is india changing the constitution without a vote so is that legal or did they do something that is constitutional no part of this but that you should mend these paragraphs in the constitution was that it could be only revoked at the Constitutional Assembly of kashmir would give consent but that that was defined 7 years ago but a year after that constitution was passed the constitution was disorder so we have no constitution sam day at the moment and thats why the president and the government in india tries to work on the president s rule as they see it that the president can change the constitution on these special circumstances and the special circumstance accepted by the ruling parties but not by the opposition and theyre able to get away with it because the party is a has a majority and its in control of the party has the majority in both chambers and then over or majority there and its very unlikely that this will be revoked in any way and are we seeing this happen soley because the party of mr modi has this power now and because we heard today that in their opinion this move was long overdue. It is a longstanding demand for movies party and it was a promise that was given so far and i think he now feels in the position that he can do this but there is a different aspect to it as well that is the domestic politics the security situation in john one is very bad and i think they they calculate that they could change the situation by allowing people from outside to come in to kashmir now and today until this paragraph was revoked it was not possible for investors for businessman you to buy properties already too even if you merit it cost me a woman this woman would be disinherited so he claims that hes doing something for the women of course but whats the whats the ultimate goal of this are they trying to change the demographics of kashmir is that whats going on that would be a process that is involved with it but that would be not so easy to change because more than 2 thirds of the population a muslim in the country valley and and the hindu majority is basically in jammu but they have split in 2 parts they have separate it from it has the Border Control of china about. The size of about a good tibetans not there but nobodys living in beijing but it is really a dispute which after 962. 00 has not been come to solution at all today so we are really in a limited state of affairs here where nothing is decided nothing is agreed upon no Peace Agreement is there since 1982 after the similar agreement india thinks this is not an International Conflict anymore it claims that this was part of the agreement pakistan does not accept this interpretation and so they say its a bilateral issue between india and pakistan that has to be ok so weve got pakistan in the basis. Talk of war here over kashmir what about the people there in kashmir do they have any say in this since many years now there is the kashmir Conference National conference which was founded on the understanding of the law and they have developed it in the idea that they could become independent of india and pakistan and that is for both governments not really favorable in terms because they think its so it will be different you know it could be 2 masons there and. It has created a big other problem and that is the reason why so many people were killed in the last week a some peoples estimate that 80000 people lost their lives in india and have cost me well im just wondering you know you mentioned war is what were seeing happening now is that increasing the chances of a military conflict between pakistan and india well in spring in february when there was the other crisis people expected and asked me both the same question whether this is more than 2. Powers is more likely i think they are to look at powers to avoid war and i think pakistan needed. Very dearly to make sure that india would not just we have always skirmishes on the border always stems from the line of control is on the border its line of control since riemann and its happens every day basically and the un forces are controlling this border you know on a regular basis and they report about all these skirmishes but i think both countries have since 1909 not the real interest since the last war was taking place to get it escalated to such an extent that many people outside expect that it might be enough but you know this is you know there is the mutually assured destruction you know game theory there and maybe it works in this case between pakistan and india the 1st of course and we appreciate your insights tonight thank you thank you. Turkey is home to more than 3 and a half 1000000 Syrian Refugees some of them have been there for years since fleeing syrias civil war but turkeys economic woes are turning Public Opinion against the Refugee Community and some refugees say theyre being tricked or forced into going back to syria. Their destination is no their fate is not the syrians are among the thousands reportedly being expelled from turkey theyre being bused across the border to a country they hardly recognize. Well im not i dont know what im going to do i fit in turkey for 7 years i dont know anything anymore about syria ill have to start again from scratch. The syrians used to live and work in turkey awaiting residence permits in the past 2 weeks turkish authorities have rounded up thousands of unregistered migrants. Turkey says the migrants are being moved to camps within the country and that those returning to syria are doing so voluntarily not so say some return ease because i wanted out they lied to us when they told us to sign a document to get papers to trust the guy and resigned to get papers but the next morning they put us on a bus around 35 people and they sent us back to syria that were out of. What was going on here there were some in turkey are turning against the 3600000 syrians in the country. Like these nationalists violently disrupting a pro migrant rally last week in istanbul. Others still have sympathy for those with no safe home to return to. In syria the tragedy is continuing right now the occupation destruction and the barrel bombs are continue whether they were made what has changed in syria that justifies their return. To fight in recent weeks in the syrias last rebel held region the truce has now gone into effect in the but its feared any pause in the fighting could be short lived. Tattoos or getting inked well theyve never been as popular as they are right now tattoos have been around for thousands of years but 1st became fashionable in the 1960 s. Counterculture rebels saw them as a mark of individuality well fast forward to the present at europes biggest Tattoo Convention here in berlin on sunday some of the biggest superstars were on hand to show off their inking skills. The annual convention sees hundreds of tattoo artists tattoo enthusiastic and the curious converging on the german capital to tattoo artists some of the best in the world modern day jet set as his reputation precedes them thanks in part to instagram. A large following means worldwide recognition sponsorships and global gigs. Tattoo artist rafa loach from brazil started working on skin at just 13 he has high hopes for the future. So i choose my name as a rough im a touch of the artist and a surfer and i have 110000 followers and i want to be famous across the whole world in the theatre. And he may well get there hes striking designs typically involve intricate geometric patterns flawless symmetry cymbals and a lot of night shall be a sizeable instagram following means rafa has work waiting for him wherever he goes. For the big players celebrity brings freedom mannix cash to king is a rising star from turkey who work is truly unique vivid hyper realistic playful images that have busting with life she and her crew a committed to designing peoples dreams and applying them to their bodies she has 101000 followers on instagram. I am a lake im thought this man i cant really say much more the turkish woman was. Under pressure to get a 3 day tattoo done in just one and a half days the client had travelled all the way from austria. Lin prefers his advertisements in the flesh with his travelling troupe of models. With just 23000 followers big lin has a bit of catching up to do but he did win big at the see his convention garnering a lot of attention from the taiwanese artists loves working on big pieces in traditional japanese style. Where she rises is one of its greats because every character has his own individual story his own history its possible very meaningful tradition. I found with their tattoo guns these traveling artists really can go anywhere. Where are your tattoos all right all aboard for the story about the tram driver from Frankfurt Germany whos planning to run for mayor hes right here you cant miss him his name is peter vere hes 57 a fitness and hes a bit of a phenomenon in the city hes often accosted by young people who want to have a selfie taken with him i recently won a vacation on a Television Show when he donated his prize to the family of a sick kid when elvis tram driver is hoping that his newfound fame if you will will give him an inside track to political power take a look. Its a novel way of welcoming passengers onto a tram. Piece of it is the citys most flexible public transport driver. On these streets hes now famous enough to have his own design a toto bag in the tram companys bright blue the bodybuilder just wont stop striking poses he says it helps him connect with younger passengers even when theyre being antisocial. To give them a confused feast on the seats thats the classic i walk through the tram and see someone with their feet on the seat and other passengers sit there and expect me to Say Something or not just walk past he says things can get really tense so ill Say Something and if that doesnt work then ill just do a stretch and say hey bro its no good having your feet on the seat but if you can do what im doing right now then you can say your cool face on the seat thats uncool is cool but for yourself its because. He wants to get local voters on board with his idea of becoming the mayor of frank says his main platform is clear although policy details are yet to be fleshed out you can come to my key points will certainly be public transport thats where im at home it will be the housing situation the city it will be the youth. A victory for the building tram driver could open up a whole new chapter in frankfurts local politics. Amazing if youre 57. 00 can you do a swell like you know its are you watching the w. News after a short break ill be back to take you through the day tonight were going to look at White Supremacy in the United States and the u. S. President is he part of the solution or part of the problem well ask on the day right after the break. You know that 77 percent of africa are younger than thinks of. Guts me and me and you. And you know what its time all voices. On the 77 percent to talk about because. This is where. The 77 percent this weekend on d w. Robots are still in the development phase. But whats going to happen when they grow much. Will schumanns admission in spring able to peacefully coexist. Or are we on the verge of a robot collapse. If we just bumble into this totally unprepared with our heads in the sand fusing to think about what could go wrong then splits face it is probably going to be the biggest mistake in human history. Artificial intelligence is now spreading through our society. Is this the beginning of a digital age. Will we be subjected to continuous state surveillance. Ai experts be able to move green on ethical guidelines for or will this Technology Create a deadly new autonomous weapon system. Robotically starts aug 14th on d. W. In the United States over the weekend 2 men in 2 cities were able to gun down at least 30 people all in a matter of minutes it would be a matter of days before the u. S. President offered more than a tweet or 2 tonight domestic terrorism americas homegrown hate has a gun and a target and u. S. President trump what does he have a president ial plan for the nation or an executive excuse for himself im burnt off in berlin this is the day

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