A hate crime the 21 year old has been arrested police say a racist manifesto published online may reveal his motives. And in hong kong prodemocracy protesters are on the streets for a 9th straight weekend some demonstrators are turning on police after their heavy handed response pelting government buildings with stones and eggs crowds continue to march despite the threat of a military crackdown well hear more from our reporter on the scene. Im my own schwager welcome to the program. 2 separate Mass Shootings the United States have left almost 30 people dead the more recent attack took place in the city of Dayton Ohio Police say 9 people were killed when a gunman opened fire in a bar in the center of the city 27 others were taken to local hospitals with Injuries Police killed the suspected shooter at the scene the incident took place just after 1 am local time and this is now the 200 and fiftie mass shooting that has taken place in the United States this year daytons mayor meanwhile praised Emergency Services for their response to the attack and less than one minute in less than one minute dayton fire 1st responders neutralized the shooter but this is a terribly sad day for our city i am amazed by the Quick Response of police to save literally hundreds of lives. And just hours before the ohio attack another mass shooting in the u. S. State of texas left 20 people dead and 2 dozen injured a 21 year old man with an Assault Rifle opened fire in a crowded Walmart Store in the town of el paso which is close to the u. S. Border with mexico he was arrested at the scene and 3 mexican nationals are said to be among the dead the Texas Governor is calling the massacre a hate crime and authorities are investigating whether a White Nationalist manifesto that was published on line was written by the suspect. Or escaping from an active shooter threat. Police how clear the Walmart Shopping Center possibly texas to bring people to safety off drug gunman wreaks carnage. Reports of the shooting came in at 1039 local time the Shopping Center that was attacked was filled with thousands of people many with children shopping for the beginning of the school year. Eyewitnesses described the immediate moments as extremely chaotic. To make a decision so somebody shot another shot here and there and it was like we were just trying to get out there trying to go to the closest store is the big guy trying to push people out of the way or trying to get him to go with the officials put out desperate calls for blood donations to help the dozens of we did his patients would distribute it across local hospitals. We took 7 patients to the operating room today. Underwent a number of procedures by a number of different specialists. And its expected that over the course of the next several days we will need to do ongoing procedures on many of these patients. Lowering for cement arrested a 21 year old suspect and have found a manifesto online that may be linked to the shooting that has a nexus point in time for sure hey koren the f. B. I. Will be looking into that with all their federal authorities right now were looking out for to ensure with capital murder charges for this individual. The marsh is already being called the deadliest in u. S. History and its just one of over 32000. 00 incidents related to gun violence in the United States this year alone. And joining me now in the studio is reporter erin chilton for more analysis or aaron its not confirmed yet that this shooter wrote this manifesto this white supremacist manifesto thats been found online but weve already seen several other Mass Shootings in the United States that were carried out by right wing extremist a similar ideology is at what point can we say this is clearly a pattern well i mean it does seem like were seeing a quite strong pattern right here but this is really going to hinge on the on into city or the menu faster thats actually been. Spread online but if it is confirmed to be authentic and from the shooter then we can say we are seeing a very very clear pattern i mean weve seen multiple times in the last several months killings like this Violent Attacks from the nationals force of United States White Nationalist white natives his forces and not just the United States around the world as well just think of the Christ Church killings in new zealand where basically all the killers have the same modus operandi right before they go on a Major Killing spree like this they publish these type of manifest as to a couple of very fringe chat rooms online in the hope and actually in the safe knowledge that many of the racist and nationalistic users of these chat rooms will take these documents will take these video clips and spread them to the wider world which is exactly what were seeing happen today this manifesto was posted to one of those chat rooms within minutes it had been taken down however it had already been spread to twitter to Google Images you can find it time and time again online so if that is true then we are seeing a very strong pattern right here mass shooting designed for the internet now despite hundreds of shootings this year alone on the 215th day of 290250 Mass Shootings in the u. S. Its so hard for the u. S. To change its gun laws despite poll after poll saying theres overwhelming public support for this to happen whats in the way here whats the obstacle well i think this goes much beyond gun laws i mean you have to really think about it these waves of Mass Shootings really kicked off with the columbine massacre massacre back in 1909 and you know im 35 you and i are both of the generation that does not know in america without the constant threat of Mass Shootings the thing is every time these shootings happen the exact same thing happens both political sides Start Playing the finger at one another saying this is happening because of you some people say its because we have too many guns others say its because we dont have enough guns some people say its a Mental Health crisis other people say has Socio Economic factors the thing is United States never comes together has an adult conversation and says this is what we need to do to fix the situation and that is why we. Keep having these events we keep seeing things like columbine and we come together and say never again then we have Virginia Tech come together and say never again it happens again and again and again and were letting it happen and its because the United States refused to sit down and have a conversation with itself and thats the situation if used to be the case that you and i would have conversations like this every couple years and then it became every couple months and then it became 6 days ago then yesterday and then 13 hours later were having the exact same conversation because United States does not have a long look in the mirror and say we have a problem that we need to address and fix and were facing down the president ial campaign which is wrapping up now so this is certainly going to become a central question as ohio is a very politically advantageous states. For thank you so much. And now were bring you some of the other stories making news around the world sudans military chiefs have signed a power sharing agreement with protest leaders that paves the way for civilian rule the deal establishes a joint council that will govern and to elections in 3 years the breakthrough ends months of violent protests in which over 100. 00 people were killed. Emergency workers and the military are battling huge wildfires in eastern russia the blaze has not hit Populated Areas but the smoke is affecting around 800. 00 settlements including large cities and towns wildfires have already destroyed an area around the size of the country of. A massive power outage has left rail commuters stranded in the indonesian capital jakarta the blackout affected cities with more than 100000000 residents across the island of java and power utilities says faulty equipment caused the outage. Rescue teams in the u. K. Are still racing to repair a dam in danger of collapsing in the northern town of Whaley Bridge more than a 1000 residents have to be evacuated forecast warned of more heavy rain in the days to come. Iran has said it has seized another foreign flag oil tanker in the persian gulf 7 crew members have also been arrested irans revolutionary guard said the tanker was smuggling around 700000 liters of oil through the persian gulf to unnamed arab countries the incident actually took place on wednesday but has only now been announced it would be the 3rd ship iran has seized in recent weeks the country is Still Holding these stand imperio british tanker another ship was recently released with a warning. Protesters in hong kong have taken to the streets for a 9th straight weekend of prodemocracy demonstrations clashes have erupted at a rally in the city center with Police Firing tear gas at protesters some demonstrators threw stones and eggs at police and government buildings hong kong residents are outraged at the heavy Police Response to earlier demonstrations last night a march of several 1000 people descended into chaos with some protesters setting fire to a Police Station entrance. And charlottesville some pill is joining us now from hong kong shes been on the ground witnessing this or charlotte tell us what the situation is where you are right now. Joining you joining many. Seems to be a deliberate strategy and managing to stay above processes stay at one occasion for a very short amount of time you might see as the fire is being. 2 processed pretty swiftly just as quickly as they come the president which is at the launch of the next think i wish i could. Trust the process that we have on our way to the Sex Education where were hearing that theres another demonstration taking place just coming for quite by doing something district usually a bit better city by day should the district the chicken was caught with satellite protested. St. Johns to take on their eyes scan the. Fact that. Its not a. Very. Interesting it sounds like the protesters are almost adapting to the Police Tactics now is this protest Movement Still growing as the Civil Disobedience Campaign intensifies. I was saying protests now most every night. But evening and wrote all right weve got another big precedent to general strike plans people planning dont to go into multiple mobs his arranged around the city so this doesnt look like its going to continue to another day without evening now we havent seen some of the huge numbers who were on the streets previous week some estimates said up to 2000000 people turned up to one process we have seen anything like that in the last few days what we are seeing a is a past and by a peaceful protest during the day several 1000 people the night class to protest a survey betty have been with that faces covered using our rallies to protect their identities getting ready for fun with police they are now externally experienced in these protests and thats when we start to see these clashes on. Is there a possibility that at some point beijing is going to step in and just clamp down is that what were expecting. Or there is certainly a big concern among protesters to that that could happen weve had warnings from beijing protesters to prevent calm they both say the Peoples Liberation army has also released to try to expedite a payment to you as you like to feel like some test on the streets of hong kong thats a lot of a lot of people have processes we spoke to they say that bank is that of the 5 it is the police on the street what they say is that regional reaction to the process itself until on the ground in hong kong for us thank you so much. And in lighter news french inventor frankies apologia has finally succeeded in crossing the English Channel on a jet powered device called a fly board the 35 kilometer trip from the northern coast of france to englands south coast took him just 20 minutes the 5 turbines on the former jet ski champions craft can propel him at speeds of up to 190 kilometers an hour it was his 2nd attempt to cross the channel his 1st try in july he was knocked off balance and fell into the water. And a reminder of the top stories were following for you to Mass Shootings have taken place in the United States just hours apart at least 9 people have been killed after a gunman opened fire in a bar in Dayton Ohio Police say a suspected shooter has been killed and at least 20 people were killed in a separate shooting at a Walmart Store in El Paso Texas authorities are treating the el paso massacre as a possible hate crime. This is a d. W. News coming up next Faith Matters a look at the role of lutherans in jerusalem im from the whole team here in berlin thank you so much for joining us and well have more can you at the top of the hour stay tuned. First economy bush and. His grand. Join your regular journey back to freedom. You know one of the interactive documentaries

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