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A splash at the coming european elections but whos helping them we are nationalists we are separate so we leave all our members with all one with their own vision and principle in respect of all what this except youre used comfortable phrases like its a club meant for the exchange of ideas from nationalist populist movements across youre talking strategy for bang and its far more combative than that isnt it he called it gumming up the e. U. Parliament in other words blocking your purposes essentially destructiveness and no its to review not building in i mean although youre breaking yards now we are we are reinforcing and rebuilding the preeminence of the national what does he say he said the beating heart of the globalist project is in brussels if i drive the stake through the vampire the whole thing will start anticipate well pretty selfimportant play we arent they were. If we we analyze the situation in the sense that the system like the us both to mclean and imperialism a kind of imperialism i have confidence that the forces of democracy of real democrats in europe will be stronger than these autocrats and i hope they will because indeed there is a rise of populism in europe doesnt look like it doesnt well wait for the results of the 21000 elections and then well talk i know you did better in bavaria and you done a little better in but theyre very strong and theyre very powerful and we will see whether they keep gaining strength and i doubt it well see its the backs you particularly like isnt it no doubt between you said it in showing 2013 if youre black go back and i want to stone me and to be a white country these were your words in turkey 13 Television Talk show here. We were roundly condemned by other politicians including the Human Rights Group here in parliament 80 percent of stern and we had a there was apologists own 80 percent of its tone and agreed with that statement so take it as it is conveyed to present the statement you would have been you would have won the election you know and when the elections you came 1st we did very well but i want to us about the status of this visit this is what. He says. We will get to the racism issue what do you want with all this crackdown on migrants you want to preserve your identity and such with want to preserve the italian and european identity we want to why its all nationalist parties across europe you want to see more White Nationalist parties are pushing that idea the dented tarion kind its not a matter of White Nationalist parties believe hes not a White Nationalist party lorenzos from time since he saw an identity theory and conception of. Awaking all across europe. Means white that thats why i said we are meeting was to protect the european identity the european christina roots for example the european culture detail and culture but it is you that is giving to this identity. The. Arrest of the blow up and thats not the demeaning in any way that the league and our representatives are doing so we want to protect the Cultural Roots the christian roots of europe its not hard to work out what you go around saying muslims equal threat was an equal threat over and over and that now some of the analog some people are going to react badly and some people are going to turn violent we want to treat the german germination they dont even the European Union but were talking about germany here we dont want to have that a Muslim Country we accept muslims there are lots of muslims who are well integrated into our society who take place no problem everythings fine but what we do not want to accept is that islam is starting to have an impact on our social life and our public life and our you know. Youre not addressing the point i wanted to make about about this idea that muslims are a threat to germany. Muslims are spread to dreams this is for example something what were were getting from the Jewish Community the Jewish Community isnt working in the new world lets face it the situation in venezuela could hardly be more complex the United States along with some 2 dozen countries is backing the new interim leader one way to go russia and China Support the incumbent ridiculous from our bureau now we have france spain germany and britain who have recognized the new interim leader as president how long can you go on with this people are defecting from the Administration One of your colleagues venezuelan ambassador to iraq the fact of the queues in matter of violating the constitution is his right and their force general near force. Military in washington you know military fashion washington has gone how long can they hold on you doesnt depend on that i mean a president doesnt hold or doesnt hold on because of Foreign Countries ask them or like them or not hes impoverished the country and hes subject to the massive repression well i think the name here is to have the transition that is taking place continue to take place peacefully we met with the. We met with. Those representative the new ambassador to the United States and one white go is the president of venezuela at the present time we believe strongly that the morning to you we believe strongly that the. That the venezuelan people should be commended for the way that theyve handled this they used the rule of law to rep to remove. Mr maduro hes still there hes still venice some of them would you mind letting me finish my sentence as plain as the International Community is going to want why dont the recognition he said i mean i got it from inside the country that you know he absolutely does have it from inside the country said people on the streets thats not the same thing isnt what it what do you expect that people on the streets as power people on the streets its love. People on the streets support people on the streets as an expression i mean come come and hope and the other end of hell and her life her future and it can come and go well the people that are supporting. The girl are the rogues gallery in the world including the iranians. The the russians the north koreans pull frosting on mccain as he was is and said you dont think this is a stalemated situation its not now all the countries there are liberal democracies that have the rule of law recognize our constitution and they recognize the legitimacy of one why they are that we are in a situation where a drug cartel has taken all the levers of power by the way doesnt mean youre going to succeed does doesnt mean youre going to reason die trying we have no option but to fight for our people i will fight for my people until i draw my last breath how long do you think president maduro can hold on now 6 years i hope. Weeks of mass protest in hong kong show no sign of coming to an end but how bone will vary doing put up with you more than a few weeks ago a few days ago that if things got worse the chinese army might consider taking to the streets you said when theres trouble in hong kong when things turn sa theres violence in our history our fear is that if the police are now able to control what is happening here theres a remote risk the chinese army would get involved how remote is that risk if its so well known of the why why did you why did you mention no i hope you will never happen why did you mention if it was a remote risk trying to frighten people you know its a fact everybody understand except you you dont understand it. Hong kong is a place where it is being operating is operating under the one country 2 systems it is a not very successfully is it calm is a huge political compromise we are part of china under the basic law china has a responsibility to ensure that hong kong is stable everybody who is doing business here want to see hong kong to be stable all right so yes under the basic law there is provision for the the beijing government to interfere if nobody hoped that it would happen im trying to say that were trying to of avoid this happening so im not instilling fear into people sorry im simply reflecting what is stated in the basic law and what is the political reality of the situation of course we created size the Hong Kong Government especially the council tried to establish a law which your hong kong residents disagree and it doesnt trust sold that little utilities carry larger that to you the chief executive you blame the carrot carol lam the chief exec shes beijings appointing russian history she is the appointee even socalled elected by some hong kong representation so theyre wise why hasnt she was what i ask how can people as Common People is there a democracy in syria system we need we in hong kong need to gain the trust and confidence of beijing so that they can allow us the freedom of political reform what about the other way round what about beijings duty to earn the trust of people in hong kong it was once both ways where they have managed you know the suspect has runs both ways only 2 years they have managed its only about unfair and theyve been doing the most of trying to win you know holes all show that people do not of the majority of people still do not identify something i dont advise all the beijing government i shall go i would have to work on them. Everybody at work got to work harder you think the people of hong kong should play nice to their masters in beijing i might throw the crumbs i do use only to use over the words the words i use is that we should communicate with each other and wish to instill confidence in each other thats what im saying why china is not using force to press down the demonstration why they compromise why because they seek opportunity to prove they can challenge. This week conflict zone is at the annual security conference in munich i mean plenty of recriminations and bad blood between europe and washington are you trying to tell me that europe has lived up to its commitments under nato is that what youre trying to tell me because believe me there is no belief or that on anybodys part that some of the european nations are not living up to their commitments and indeed look ive done this for 10 years ive come over here and tried to talk the nato countries into living up to their agreements a padded us on the head and said all well were on track to try to do this or try to do that let me put it bluntly the problem is that many Member States dont trust donald trump do this his commitment to nato why should they i mean hes done everything he could to undermine trust that hes 100 percent behind you no i havent seen that clearly donald trump has shaken things up theres no question about it hes gotten off a bit more than that is not my only allies to sit up and take notice because he was very concerned about the lack of of their burden sharing inside the alliance and he wanted allies to pay more in his inimitable way he got everybody to Pay Attention to the necessity of putting more money into their Defense Budgets chancellor Angela Merkel said last year that there were good reasons to continue fighting for the transatlantic relationship but we had it she added we cant count on it anymore. Well im im sorry she feels like that we dont feel like that you know the house of representatives they had so little confidence in chumps intentions toward nato that last year they had to pass a law with bipartisan support stating that is u. S. Policy to remain a member of nato predicating funs to be used to withdraw from the alliance so little pump didnt do they have in their president s commitment to nato her a i saw that as a great expression in washington of bipartisan support for nato and i saw it when we were there 10 days ago for the 70th anniversary nato is well supported across both sides of the aisle thats a great thing why why are you going off isaac and not by the president there are 200. 00 countries in the world right the vast majority of them believe that Barack Obamas brand of leadership was far better than either george bush is or down from you see the curve go like this under obama and then like this under from in europe and asia and latin america and africa and so we can talk about israel where president obama had very sharp differences with a right wing government led by Bibi Netanyahu but i dont think that it wasnt just it wasnt just the sharp differences there were deep contradictions in the middle east policy good well we i mean you have a whole belief in that you voted against the me. In israel this was rooted largely in the Iran Nuclear Agreement and if we had to do it over again if the price of having a better relationship with israel was not having Iran Nuclear Agreement and potentially going to war with iran that was not a price that we were going to pay all the latest polls show the french germans the british now regard the us as a greater danger to their interests than china would you regard as your prime danger how much blame do you think washington should take for that. Well. Sometimes events drive us in a direction that we shouldnt be driven. We. We dont feel the same way about our european. Friends or were more like kerry you know there are a lot of recriminations these days to get over iran. In regard to the round deal that europe continues to abide by surely one that you get out of well we didnt walk out of it the president states at that time barack obama entered into that agreement. Over the objection of a lot of us it did not have the things in it that it needed to have and it was very weak it did indeed address one issue but i viewed the iran. Deal as a deal to try to discipline the bad boy in the classroom that was doing 5 bad things they addressed one of them but their interest the big one did they dress one of them a big one they have dressed one of them ben rhodes in the short time that we have left lets look ahead to the next president ial election next year. What kind of Democratic Party do you think is going to be capable of beating donald trump with his massive following his dominance of the airwaves is dominance of social media which proved so devastating in the last president ial election what kind of Democratic Victory is going to be able to i think contrast with the current but the massive following is 40 percent he is the most unpopular us president to run for reelection in my life he sets the news agenda very is it really well then doesnt they dominate in the areas that it takes a look at what has this got to live with the world as it is or doesnt check the Democratic Party just routed down from Republican Party guy from the since he won 40 seats in the house yeah and won by the largest popular vote margin in the history of a Midterm Election the largest Democratic Victory in the house since watergate. Voters in the European Parliament elections have shaken out of a confidence politics turning away from the major power. Plots that have dominated brussels in recent years and boosting the smaller groupings the greens the liberals and the far right apparently european voters werent so keen on the status quo in the more do you accept a share of the blame for the for the 1st Voter Participation has been very very high historically 51 percent more or less in medium in and out of europe but they dont like the status quo i came out to say that but this is a german crowd is it legitimacy to european institutions shows that people start to understand how relevant to European Union is and that it really affects their daily life and they future their one mark and ability they want more transparency i think they will. Ask much more participation for whoever is going around europe in the future thats a nice way of spinning it isnt that the top jobs were carved up in a kind of backroom stitch up that people were told wasnt going to happen again and it did it did despite all these promises why you let the voters than not i mean 1st of all why do you speak about the backroom deal i mean it was so transparent. And all the process of the names in the game i think it was very very true not at all into the Outgoing Commission president he called it not very transparent quite an indictment from the judge that wasnt its true but i dont have to agree with him on this point i think its not the best process but its the process that this is in the treaties people are losing faith to leave heres the paradox isnt the highest level of support for membership since 983. 00 but more than half the people of europe think he is likely to collapse within a generation all the while for the 1st breath also the legacy is that our society is out of the chaos and implosion that unfortunately we have seen in the u. K. Has been a vaccination rather than infection for the rest of europe we have seen so you should be stronger so as a result of that we have seen if i can finish my sentence to your a barometer country after country youre planning and popularity has increased even him hungary with a few exception of Czech Republic and we have seen one after the extreme right Political Parties dropping the agenda of leaving the European Union and leaving the euro why all the doubts about whether the e. U. Can actually Stay Together i mean spains foreign minister years a barrel was asked the interview if it was so fragile europe was so fragile it could break up his comment was honestly yes honestly yes yes so europe has always been growing start out of big crisis we were born out of the ashes of world war 2. And their reality is that is one of the best places in the world to live we never had it so good in europe voters are the they are very disappointed very disappointed and it was supposed to be about them you were seeing the turnout go down in every single election since the european elections started and this was the big push to rope more people in because they were going to be listened to and they werent yes i mean the call its a bit this is a big failure whichever way you like to spin it but it is a big factor i mean the publication of democracy Representative Democracy is what im talking about but the participation in the european elections has been raised also because of the better understanding of the citizens about the need of the because the expectation they might actually be listened to thats why they voted they were told it was going to be different lets just go back to europe and the new Political Landscape after the european elections e. F. T. Is joining the. Identity and Democracy Group which is going to be the 5th Largest Group in the European Parliament not the 3rd largest which is what youre aiming for your party promises to be a thorn in the flesh of the stuff what does that mean shes going to block and disrupt create trouble now what were trying to get out is the message that were in favor of the European Union and that has been set up by the Founding Fathers of the your opinion were against the f a closer union we want to keep the 7 serenity of the nation states what we think is that democracy only functions within a nation state and we want to Work Together where it is necessary to do so but we do not want to cling to move towards ever closer you know extreme right populist did not have. The earthquake they expected to have been actually have an earthquake of scandals and the liberal liberal conservative forces are stronger than previously the greens advanced the socialist collapsed the extreme left lost almost 50 seats finance ago there was no far right at all was there so you hold the door open for them during the last 5 years i think this is not the time for blame game this is the time to stand for the truth isnt it time to look at what happened the achievements of the last 5 years back to will each passing day its come to mean aboard this United Kingdom and the more damaged weaker government the reason why was a very minor heart was never in the thing so you why you saw it as a current of damage limitation exercise so you say that she said she was quite concerned to leave a practice that she promised on innumerable occasions to deliver bread but she failed and in the end im afraid well have to fail well sure the party lost confidence in and so did the house of commons but there was a lot of ignorance on the leave side wasnt that i mean even among some of the most visible campaigners like Boris Johnson for instance when he was questioned on t. V. Last september turned out he didnt know that switzerland was in the Single Market and refused to accept it when he was told that was the trouble im not responsible for what policy is the we voted to let your living breaks it and you hear this sort of nonsense come out why dont you say this is wrong were british people deserve the referendum result to be implemented this is the truth told them i something they deserve and they dont deserve a whole lot of m. P. s who say they accept the referendum results and they are campaigning against it you happy that Boris Johnson being ordered to appear in court over claims that he lied during the referendum well over this 350000000 pounds a week to the well the person hes done his is an absolute on a minor and actually matter well yes of course it why it doesnt have a bearing on the. Merits of the camel is up all senate well it does because clearly hes doing it from a particular perspective if the aim is to damage boris it will have precisely the opposite effect i do advise our European Partners not to overplay their hand what your negotiator seem to obsess about is that britain must appear to lose from this absolutely not i mean you have made it clear that leave leaving the e. U. Is a mistake and that should become a selffulfilling prophecy now now britain has to lose its loses britain has to lose i mean you played the part but that again is a lunacy i mean. No we just say that membership of the European Union has benefits and of course if youre not member you dont enjoy those benefits its not punishment it just statement of fact the is the largest Trading Group in the world they hold all the cards its their club that youre leaving they will decide what rules apply should you wish to take advantage of some of the. Privileges on offer. With that club i think but i thought we had in our manifesto 18 months or so ago it was that we wanted to create a comprehensive trading arrangement with some babe agreed on the use of commanded every one of those would be japan id be quite happy just to replicate the terms of that youve been saying that no deal is increasingly attractive but thats not what you and your folk leave colleagues promise the country was it time and again they promised great deals with the e. U. And everyone else and said that they just fall into britain slapped and turned out to be not well. I have to confess that i think its in the European Unions interests to strike a sensible free trade deal with the United Kingdom and whether we make that agreement before we leave which looks rather unlikely now or after we leave i believe that thats what will happen but in the end my point is the really broken promises were. That the Vote Leave Campaign didnt make promises we were campaigning its your presumption that there will be maybe a crash out without the deal but its not said the deal is on the table in the u. K. And the next Prime Minister can still subscribe to it or make propositions how we can improve it. Im going. On. And. On. In a. Small circle in sumatra to change. The people making it possible for eco africa. Fantastic right trying them as they set out to save the environment. And learn from one another. And Work Together for a better future. I think its up. To. 90 minutes on g. W. War war war war. A quiet melody resounds by the light of the moon. And in some repeat reasoning when its on. The mind and the music. Aint open 1st 12019 from september 6th to september 29th. He called india. How can a countrys economy grow in harmony with its people and the environment. When there are do wars who look at the bigger picture. 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Health authorities in the democratic republic of congo say a 3rd person has contract that ebola and the border city of goma the patient is the one year old daughter of a man who died of the disease earlier this week authorities in neighboring rwanda have closed the border with congo fearing the outbreak could spread. To. Tens of thousands of poles gathered in central warsaw thursday to mark the 75th anniversary of the warsaw uprising

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