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Party is seeking the person most likely to be donald trump as the 2020 alexion but as an ideological divide emerges it is still unclear whether the moderates or the progressives will win the day and. I came to realize that i cant escape my judgment i accepted it i went to ask my father in law for forgiveness it was too much to handle for fructify had killed my mother in law posing so much pains. The 25 years after the rwandan genocide some of the perpetrators are still struggling to come to terms with the past we look at why the healing process is also being hampered by traditional ideas about masculinity. Im sorry kelly welcome to the Program Germany has tightened its law. Laws on migration and asylum the changes are controversial one aim is to make it easier to deport failed Asylum Seekers now last year germany deported nearly 2500. 00 failed Asylum Seekers but more than 31000. 00 other planned deportations did not take place this is often because documents were missing or the Asylum Seekers went into hiding under the new law Asylum Seekers will be sanctioned if they refuse to help clarify their identity and it will be easier to detain and hold failed Asylum Seekers before they are deported now mark a roth reports on efforts to deport Asylum Seekers from munich and their efforts to resist. Technics airport a dozen nigerian nationals are taken to a chartered plane for deportation. 5 people on the passenger list are missing they may have gone into hiding 12 migrants board the aircraft accompanied by 3 times as many Police Officers. Officer christian coupe of my own has been on many such deportation flights he says repatriation amounts to a personal crisis for migrants many are desperate some even injure themselves at the last minute to try and avoid deportation as i remember them and its not by their always my worry about. How things are going to work out for them are these but then i figure if were sitting in the plane with them that a proper Legal Process is being carried out you know my 40. Some bubba boost from senegal could be deported next he has lived in and around munich for 5 years his asylum application was turned down he knows the rules for deportation are getting stricter and a lengthy detention is possible. Is a feel for all of us lets not leave because we are not see if we on a suit. To what we think. Is we havent got money i think if someone dont have what is probably we dont fight so i think. Those people. Some get support from an n. G. O. S munich or Refugee Council that helps him when he deals with officials and needs legal advice the Refugee Council is critical of the new deportation that you lay chanst. The stared at him as a complete being completely deprived of their rights not only that he was led here are being dehumanised because this is no longer a matter of an individuals fate but the families are split up all whether a person is sick this is a matter of carrying out to potations for the sake of raising the statistics to stick to its. Authority to see things differently those in detention at this temporary facility at Munich Airport are legally required to be deported. Every case has been reviewed by a judge. Related to the appeal. People who have committed offenses have priority on a deportation flight is in danger of public order and safety. Delinquents and people consider the threat a dealt with then comes everyone else because when im by the gestalt so its not only criminals who are detained in the worst cases people who have committed minor violations such as signing a document too late could also be deported. That sometimes makes officers like. Think twice even if they trust the system could a minor things abusive officials who accompany deportees such as spitting and biting is on the rise and witnessing deportees inflicting injury on themselves is stressful. Because it is it is murders 3 new yorkers are on so i try to avoid letting it get to me i think he doesnt mean me personally he probably sees Police Officers on the flight as representatives of the german state and she holds them in contempt because he has to leave the country that is how i just ask myself from the situation or its always or it is a visit from your fiancee or. The migrants from nigeria have long since landed back home for the time being they may not return to germany their train is over. Lets get more now were joined by d. W. Political correspondent maximiliano akashic with us here in the studio to tell us a little bit more about these changes to germanys deportation law why were they considered to be necessary well the general reform of the german migration policy has been a long time in the making it took germany quite a long time to realize and to come to terms with the fact that it is in fact a migration country but weve seen since 2015 the big migration crisis that germany has been in the needs of kind of regulating its migration policies more effectively and what weve seen especially in the report now is that in the last year we had 31000 people that havent gone through one fact is that the difficulties go into hiding other issues are for example still not like figured out identities of the deports hes or documents being missing sometimes its also preventions from pilots or activists but there was a need in germany to make the make the regulations more effective and with the new laws have been passed by the German Parliament but how. And come into force yet these deputations are set to become more efficient and how about the migrants who are allowed to stay what changes do they have in store well these laws its a bunch of laws have been passed by the German Parliament and are said to be coming into force in the upcoming year those laws or any deployed taishan but also that integration so one part of the law is also trying to make for those people who are seeking a job in germany who have not even very good but who have chance of staying to get easier access to integration courses to language courses but also those people who are not coming from the European Union who are not under the kind of privilege of Free Movement that those people who are qualified and can seek a job in germany that those are easier having access to work permissions because this is coming back to the term germany knows its needing more qualified workers it is becoming more my migration country and with these new laws have been passed by the German Parliament and are coming into force that these those could help the next 1000000 akashic thank you. Lets get a quick check now of some other stories making news around the world at least 28 people have been killed and 10 wounded by a roadside bomb in the province of herat in western afghanistan the victims are mostly women and children it is the latest in a string of attacks as the president ial campaigning season gets underway. North korea has launched 2 short range Ballistic Missiles it is pyongyang 2nd weapons tests in less than a week south korea says that the missiles were fired from the east coast until about 250 kilometers toward japan japanese Prime Minister shinzo of a says theres been no impact on his countrys security. B. J. Siddartha has is the man who brought coffee to india he has been found dead authorities recovered his body from a river in the south the beverage baron disappeared on monday sparking rumors that he was facing financial pressure is cast a coffee date chain has more than 1600 raptors. German prosecutors have brought criminal charges against the former head of volkswagen subsidiary audi over the diesel cheating scandal Rupert Stoddart is among 4 people accused of fraud and criminal advertising prosecutors say that he knew about emissions test cheating back in 2015 but allowed affected audis and volkswagens to stay on sale. Rob watts from business joins me here in the studio so tell us a little bit more about the context to these latest prosecutions so we need to remind ourselves about the diesel emissions scandals back in 2015 it was discovered that folks maughan had been cheating diesel emissions tests using a piece of software that made the engine perform differently when it was in the lab when it was actually out on the. It produced fewer harmful gases jarring testing than it did when it was out in the real world effectively making it seem like it was more environmentally friendly than he actually was and its thought that folks fog and sold Something Like 10000000. 00 cars with this Diesel Emission Cheating Software between 272015 since we discovered that it has cost v. W. In its subsidiaries billions of dollars in the United States and here in germany in various fines and we had the most high profile charges over that brought in april when the former c. E. O. Of oakes wagon martin vinta corn was charged with fraud and stud there where does he fit into all of this so he was the c. E. O. Of audi the luxury subsidiary evokes bargain for 11 years during that period came the area during which the cheating took place so he was actually arrested last year and spent several months in detention but was released as soon as he was released he dismissed him and he was also dismissed from the board now hes been charged along with 3 other people theyre accused of various things including out fraud false certification and unlawful advertising but the main charge thats levied at him is that he knew about the diesel emissions cheating and he nevertheless allowed cars to continue to be sold so what does he have to say for himself and how is out he responded well were still waiting to hear officially from. Himself or his lawyers but people close to him of being quoted saying that he considers the claims against him false we have heard from a spokesperson for audi they said that they want to maintain the presumption of innocence until Proven Guilty but they do say that its in the most its in the interests of employees shareholders and the entire company to legally resolve the issues that led to the commission scandal basically they want a line drawn under this particular chapter in their history as soon as possible rob whats this thank you. Youre watching news still to come on the program it is 25 years since nearly 1000000 people were killed in rwandas genocide we look at how toxic masculinity is slowing efforts to heal old wounds after they won the world cup but the debate over pay in womens football rumbles on now u. S. Soccer bosses say that their womens team has actually been paid more than the men. But 1st it is still more than a year away but in the u. S. The democrats are already gearing up for the 2020 president ial election 10 hopefuls hoping to win the partys nomination have clashed in the t. V. Debate the candidates address issues such as immigration and health care but the democrats biggest challenge is stopping President Donald Trump from winning a 2nd term. It was billed as a political blockbuster these Democratic Candidates met for a 2nd time to spawn live on t. V. Full so. They sang out of the same hymn book during the rendition of the National Anthem but old unity disappeared when a fierce debate ensued and progressive like Bernie Sanders clashed with more moderate candidates like john hickenlooper. But there was one thing all contenders agreed upon trump must go. We have got to take god trumps racism his sexism set up phobia and come together in an unprecedented one president that Grassroots Movement that not only defeat trouble but to transform our economy and how government will call his racism out for what it is and also talk about its consequences it doesnt just offend our sensibilities to hear him say send her back about a member of congress because shes a woman of color because shes a Muslim American doesnt just offend our sensibilities when he calls mexican immigrants rapists and criminals senator Elizabeth Warren reminded of rivals that in spite of the differences democrats will soon have to unite to defeat their common enemy private insurance away from the hunt donald trump disc graces the office of president s every single day and anyone on this stage tonight or tomorrow night would be a far better president i promise no matter who our candidate is i will work my heart out to be donald trump and to elect a democratic congress. 10 more democrats will debate each other on wednesday it will be some time still before the party chooses a candidate to try and unseat trump in the 2020 elections i say ok. So. For more lets bring in. So i mean we have a crowded field of candidates that we see here who are the standouts would you say who is interesting is this debate and all of the t. V. Promos was set up as this showdown between senator Bernie Sanders of vermont and senator Elizabeth Warren of massachusetts who are both very much the left wing of the party they are old timers theyve been around for a long time and they have been very vocal and theyre very what could be described as far left policy proposals lately it. Has been rising the polls centers have been falling a little bit shes been peeling away some of his voters so it was this is going to be this big scuffle the showdown between the 2 of them and what actually ended up happening was the 2 of them sort of locked arms and it up fending off attacks from all the other candidates on stage were trying to position themselves as these moderates who were going to keep things on a Center Course and we werent going to get too radical and they really supported each other which was a surprise for everyone watching and they really had their moments with their articulated policy plans a lot of these moderate candidates this was kind of their last chance to have a viral moment or at least get their foot in the door somehow before the next round of debates because of course theres going to be so many of these between now and next year when the candidate is actually decided for instance better overall because a popular legislator from texas he came in when he announced his candidacy very strong and its kind of faded to the background now he hasnt got a lot of the polling support he hasnt gotten a lot of the funding and this was one of his last chances to sort of get himself out there and really didnt manage to make a stand so everyones trying to get some attention with this debate get a headline what were the issues that were really the most important to you that we heard a lot of you know range of issues that a lot of americans are disagreeing on right now one was immigration of course because theres this crisis at the southern border. Families being separated at cetera so a lot of democratic voters are pissed off about the current president s policies and want to see a substantial of counterproposal not just were not going to do this but what are we actually going to do but the thing with the factions of the party really came out was the debate about health care and this is something where Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders really shone very brightly because they have been advocates for universal health care for a very long time and this is now a very popular proposal and a lot of these other candidates who we saw who represent the more moderate wing are trying to position themselves as more down to earth more pragmatic more les paul in the sky proposals which is how they were presenting sanders and morris proposals they were trying to say oh thats not realistic we cant do this and so its now a big question as to what kind of candidate will the Democratic Party ultimately want at the end of the day and we know that there are 10 more individuals also debating tonight so there are certainly certainly a lot of people with podiums on that stage there and we will see how it does indeed get narrowed down as we head toward the election to defuse my shit or thank you. Well now were heading to rwanda a country still deeply scarred by the genocide 25 years ago about 800000 people were slaughtered in the 100 days by ethnic hutu extremists they were targeting members of the minority Tutsi Community as well as political opponents the genocide has had lasting and devastating effects on rwanda and surrounding nations every year mourns those killed and it remains illegal to discuss ethnicity many of the killers mostly men have served time in prison but now want to heal themselves and their communities our correspondent melanie corrigible has been to that area in western rwanda where she met some of the struggling who are coming to terms with the past. When the mall today these men sit side by side in Community Based social sarah peake to share their experience of hearing on this darkest hour the 994 genocide 25 years ago when up to a 1000000 tutsis a moderate hutus were wiped out in just 100 days but it would divide it among those who carried out the killings and those who survived it. Memories of being on the run and how his pregnant wife had to give birth in hiding of it. We couldnt find a way that baby would survive being with but i still have friends who i was doing business with they helped me and they took my newborn mcknights to woman that im with to run an orphanage and. The baby stay but a few days later the perpetrators went to look for him they took my baby and killed him but on the. Up dont know lives a peaceful life with his wife. But he struggles with the guilt of not being able to protect the 12 members of his family who were killed during the genocide similarly from a release perpetrator. Like every step i have served their sentence i still haunted by what they call the shame of their past he says hes guilty of killing 4 people including to members of his own family. I came to realize that i cant escape my judgment i accepted it and went to ask my father in law for forgiveness it was too much to handle the fact that i had killed my mother in law i was in so much pain. Many of the men returning from prison have struggled they found their families estranged their role as the head of the household challenged in the image of their very own mess community destroyed. They say these feelings however cannot be talked about in public. Although man always has to be strong a man has to suffocate his pain and behave like a man. The way i see it a man should also show his emotions in rwandan culture i can accept it in public. Amounted to overcome his pain. And swallowed it thats a local problem here in rwanda which reflects a Dangerous Society all men are expected to deal with their pain and grief alone in silence and internally although the country is hailed as a role model reconciling with its violent past toxic image and lets continue to persist and continues to hurt the healing process of its me a population. Away from social pressures and at least an im glad they have found a safe space to reconcile and work on the psychological. Therapy helped. Because we used to fear each other. Whenever i saw a person i had wronged. I could feel my heart racing. We have no problems with the perpetrators anymore because they are also part of the families of social therapy. When we meet now we are the same we have the same heart. But. The men have the same use social Therapy Group hope to contribute to the healing of their country so that future generations one repeat their mistakes by facing their demons together they set an example so that rundown men learn how to show their emotions and their society learns to accept that. And that was the melanie courage of all reporting from the wanda were heading to tennis now where nick curios is through to the next round of the Washington Open after a straight sets victory over tyson a quiet koski curios was in familiarity cinematic form in his 1st round clash in washington d. C. He produced the crowd pleasing trick shots and powerful winners as he eliminated his american opponent in tuesday nights match carious will face frenchman now next Jill Simonian in the round of 32 later today. Meantime have led its news double olympic champion Caster Semenya will not defend her 800 meters title at the World Championships in doha this september after a swiss court imposed the i double layoffs testosterone regulations the ruling means that she can no longer compete in distances between 400 meters and a mile in less she takes medication to reduce her testosterone level she said that she will not do that the South African has heightened levels of the hormone which is linked to athletic performance she is expected to appeal this decision. Meantime in american soccer the dispute over equal pay has taken a new twist thats after u. S. Soccer the National Federation said that it found that players from the Womens National team had been paid more than their male counterparts in recent years back in march the womens team started legal action against the federation they described the findings as quote a ruse. The us National Team has dominated the womens game for decades for 12 types of proof of bats for the succession from spain to pay dispute with their own federation headed by this man carlos called dad even during homecoming celebrations earlier this month the calls for equal pay were never far away i. I to play is a suing the federation i did gender and pay discrimination the federation having focused on supporting the team during the tournament has now responded in an open letter called terry said its over an 8 year period the women were paid 34100000. 00 compared to 26400000. 00 for the men the reason unlike the men the women get a base salary of 100000. 00 per year the men have to rely on bonuses alone though darrow admits these can be larger. The womens team has constantly been more successful than the men in sales and even qualify for the last world cup they say their requests to have performance based pay the same as the man was refused in a statement their spokesperson said it was quote a sad attempt by the federation to quell the tide of supports the u. S. Womens National Team has received. This team has proved that winners on the pitch for the 2 sides in the dispute now heading for mediation a bigger battle offer it is looming large. Well now International Diplomacy is a careful balancing act but sometimes it can also be childs play a role of fluorescent pink seesaws spanning the border between the u. S. And mexico went up over the weekend in the american state of new mexico the cecils are the work of a ronald ryo and architecture professor at the university of california he says that the project aims to show that actions that happen on one side have a direct impact on the other. Coming up next on news it is eco india the environment magazine im sara kelly in berlin thank you so much for watching have a great day. Nicole and enough of all of this embarrassment mensuration is still a taboo subject in india and Feminine Hygiene Products are hard to find one group wants to change that by manufacturing sanitary. And selling the door to door. He explained to them that she said if. Next. Millenniums do something thats a bit differently than other things very differently. The older generation on the labor markets. Are focused on confidence and optimise. That. There was nothing left to choose to. Make sure the pulls on generation was. Made in germany in 60 minutes on w. O. The world is getting more soon. More catastrophe a month problems. The global 3000 talked to a team of british researchers who take a more optimistic view. The world is not always a good clip but its much much better than i was. Just the world really Getting Better in. A global 3000. 00 special report. Starts on this monday sunday to the. Whole welcome to a brand new weapon thought of india a sustainability magazine that puts the focus on change make us while finding solutions to the biggest problems facing our world today im sunk directly coming to you from the city of mumbai in india. Over the next 30 minutes our travel company import a charity is going beyond

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