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Are wrong but of a total exoneration if you actually totally exonerate the president. The dog has the due stood the glooms to our investigation found that the russian government interfered in our election and sweeping systematic fashion that we prepare for the remote possibility the brussels refuses anything to negotiate this deserves the attention of every american and were going to fulfill the repeated promises a tolerance to the people that the president was not as. Exculpated. For the actions he allegedly committed and come out of the e. U. To look over the 31st no ifs or buts if you could charge the president and states with obstruction of justice after he left office yes. Also coming up tonight this weekend berlin will hold its annual gay pride parade with tens of thousands of cheering on lookers a stark contrast to what happened last weekend in one polish tell when. People trying to march for the very 1st time. Its a form of protest about free speech l g b t activists are allowed to speak out on their views people who hold different views must be allowed to do the same there is an attempt to force Political Correctness here in poland. But to our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome we begin the day with british Prime Minister boards johnson and us President Donald Trump chaos and disruption are their allies tonight the world found out if it did not already know who was not in london today Boris Johnson shook the hand of the queen and then took over leadership of the government from theresa may in front of his new home at number 10 downing street he held his 1st speech as Prime Minister a pep talk for the british people who he says have been led by forces at home and abroad to doubt themselves and with that a line was drawn between patriots versus the pessimists now johnson who helped lead the campaign to take the country out of the European Union today promised to deliver brechts it in just 3 months he wants to do what theresa may failed to do in 3 years a Mission Impossible with a blame but if october 31st a no deal breaks it becomes reality johnson today signaled clearly it will not be his fault. I say next to our friends in ireland and in brussels and around the e. U. I am convinced we can do a deal without checks of the irish border because we refuse under any circumstances to have such chips and get without that anti democratic backstop and it is of course vital at the same time that we prepare for the remote possibility the brussels refuses any further to negotiate and we all fools to come out with a deal not because we want that outcome of course not but because it is only common sense to propound. There you have it Boris Johnson pointing the finger at europe we have complete coverage of this momentous day in british politics and here in the studio with me is john worth hes a british and european politics auger and an analyst hes a familiar face to our viewers good to have you here john and joining us from london is barbara vase and shes been on the story for us there from the british capital to both of you welcome barbara let me begin with you and with i guess the take away from johnson speech about bragg said that part should European Union leaders should they be preparing for a friend or a foe in this new Prime Minister. Oh he is very clearly if they know when that even before he held the speech if you look at the message which was quite pointed at that french president from yesterday sent to Boris Johnson in the 2nd part after the Congress Relations she said that home at the home much he sort of treasured the reason may because she was always fernald was understood that deal had to both sides and she never really tried to obstruct the workings of the European Union so there was a warning to Boris Johnson theyve very well know on the other side of the channel who is going to come to the negotiating table there and of course also if before you have even sort of taken to seat at the table if you are just threats start with those dark warnings about how hard. Yes the blame will be on brussels everybody is expecting of course the blame game but if you start that early with it it means i was serious really are you if you talk about negotiating you know thats a very good point john what do you think divorced johnson to do did he issue or threat to the e. U. He did. Remove what barbara just said the problem is its unclear what he actually did he wants he keeps on hammering on about these problems with the Northern Ireland by so but he has no practical plan of what to do instead which he often said today was undemocratic which doesnt make sense only there because ultimately the bikes for peace essentially to ensure that there is no border in Northern Ireland ive been between Northern Ireland and. So ultimately i see this is him playing to his tory party benches playing to the crowd of the conservative Party Members and i do think however he is shaping up to play the blame game and i could get quite difficult from brussels if you just goes into into everything that way take a listen to what johnson said today about. The money so maybe you could be saved. Back is the cools on which this country is not a city with high hearts and growing confidence we will not celebrate the work of getting ready in the ports will be ready and the banks will be ready in the factories will be ready and business will be ready and the hospitals will be ready and our amazing food and farming sector will be ready and waiting to continue selling edible not just here but around the world and dont forget that in the event of a new deal not come we will have that extra lubrication of the 39000000000. 00 pounds 39000000000. 00 pounds extra lubrication john the money that he is talking about thats money that britain is to the European Union right britain committed to the European Union budget runs until the end of 2 of 2020 what boris jones convening forgets is britain which gets money from that very same budget those british farmers that he just talked about they actually get agricultural subsidies from the European Union and so this idea that somehow he can basically go brussels we refuse to pay thats like a ray drank to a bull and there is no way that thats a sensible negotiating tactic he keeps all normal about that but on the brussels signs it gets absolutely no wes i think thats very dangerous words hes using and we know that us President Donald Trump he has advised Boris Johnson not to pay that divorce bill what can you do if we are indeed talking about breach of contract here. It is in fact quite ridiculous i mean its difficult of course to sue a country in a court of law that is not the way to go but. Knowing that this was down the road i mean these threats have been offered before by bricks a chair last brick the cheers last year and the year before that and the very cool answer in brussels to those sorts of threats is if you dont pay up he wont get anything that means if forced johnson then needs to come back to the European Union talk about a trade deal because britain is going to need 8 trade feel any kind of trade deal maybe maybe canada or something similar with the European Union they will just slam the door in his face until he has paid up there will be nothing so it will be this concerns all kinds of every day every day things that are absolutely necessary to britain planes flying lending in european airports no thank you and so on and so forth its a long line these are empty threats but the tone of nastiness as john said i mean the tone of nastiness really doesnt make us expect anything good from the 1st in meetings with Boris Johnson in brussels we dont want to forget theresa may. You know during her final questions for the Prime Minister session in parliament she and labor leader Jeremy Corbyn they traded blows and compliments and blows again take a look i say to the right honorable gentleman as this is the last time we will have this exchange across these dispatch boxes. I was going to say this is the strength of our british democracy that the Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition have these exchanges across that it says every week to sort of. No resource is given and thats as it should be in the adversarial parliamentary democracy but he and i are very different people with very very i. Very different politicians i think we approach the issues we face in this country in different ways i have spent all but one of my he is in this house on the front bench trying to implement the policies i believe in he has spent most of his time on the backbench is campaigning for what he believes in often against his own party but what i think we both have in common is a commitment to our constituents is i saw that after the terrorist attack and since we part in his constituency. Perhaps i could just finish my exchange with him by saying this as a party leader who has accepted it when her time was up perhaps the time is now for him to do the say. Well that was political theater its best i could feel one else coming from the german corben side bear barbara is jeremy hes not planning on going anywhere izzy hes not planning on going anywhere but. The opposition the labor party is in a dire situation theyve had a big fuss and hue and cry about anti semitism in the party they are deeply divided on bricks that they have finally after months of years really off sort of internal strife finally managed to come to a common position that is that they do in fact want 2nd referendum i mean it is worth johnson wouldnt be standing where he stood today if the labor party had shaped up and sort of got its act together much earlier so maybe Jeremy Corrigan i mean he has a lot of internal enemies and in fact we might put down whos going to go for us jeremy carbon or sounds. To me chairman corporate would love to see a general election happened yesterday is he going to get. Its possible because one thing we havent yet talked about his is how Boris Johnson is is just domains is shaping up and Boris Johnson is surrounding himself with really breaks that hard line is. To use a quote from a movie Johnson Lyndon b. Johnson who said hed rather have his enemies on the inside pissing out johnson has now got a lot of enemies on the outside pissing into his government is going to get wet and its going to get pretty nasty so ultimately i think that she whats happened today is probably increase the chances that it is going to end it with the general election but connecting that banks what bob has just been saying and i agree with that analysis of Jeremy Colemans problems labors current anything in the opinion polls at the moment the conservatives are neck and neck with the liberals and labor is really struggling now the challenge is for the labor party is can they do anything to put that right now and they could have is actually properly opposing brights it which Jeremy Coleman has refused to do if latest which having a proper ok he went and he breaks a position that might save his chances but Jeremy Corbyn in self is pro brett such as far as we know and hes very stubborn and doesnt want to change the partys position thats true and theres no evidence that that will change anytime soon john worth and barbara bass for the both of you thank you for 2 days of excellent analysis we appreciate it thank you it carries on for more of revenue for. A while one then was getting a new Prime Minister in washington the sitting u. S. President was tweeting about congressional hearings and the testimony of former special counsel robert moore. Did not include not yours. That is correct and what about total exoneration you actually totally exonerate the press. Now in fact europe which explicitly states that it does not exonerate. It does. Robert mueller reluctantly appearing before 2 congressional committees today to answer questions about his investigation into russian meddling in the 26000 election and possible ties between the Truck Campaign and russian government officials for more on what Robert Miller said and didnt see today im joined by the w. s all over salad hes been following these hearings for us in washington and here at the big table with me is boris foreman he is a u. S. Politics analyst for us and a professor at bard college here in berlin gentlemen its good to see both of you again oliver let me start with you these hearings theyve been called the most anticipated congressional hearings in decades i mean there were High Expectations today word those expectations met by mr moller. Well id say if you expect a lot of new material to come out of these hearings here today if you expected Robert Mueller to live or anything substantial to whats already in the report then you might be disappointed right now. That was not the purpose of these hearings and the democrats really did not consider this to happen at all 2 robert mala actually was even given the order yesterday by the department of justice to strictly focus on the report one democratic lawmaker even said the main goal is to get driver dollars say what robert mala role its now if you want you can consider these hearings here today is Something Like a political blockbuster because whats happening and this is the major problem here is that you have these 448 pages a mother report thats very hard to digest not only for lawmakers and journalists but also for your average American Voter and that is what the Democratic Party and the committees here were trying to achieve is to get Robert Moller out on live t. V. Sensually repeating whats in the report but as sound bites and life on national television. Overlook this to prove are all of the same page i got my copy here to the 400 page report you had to flip through it today during the testimony boards did the world learn anything that it didnt already know. Today that really i thought i would totally agree with what oliver said i mean this is the point was to create soundbites the thing is maybe the democrats succeeded in getting muller to reiterate a couple of his positions he was very clear on the point that this was not an exaggeration so he contradicted trump. No. Obstruction and sort of thank you very much jeff. But it wasnt it wasnt a cathartic moment it was not a it was not a homerun for the democrats and so i think they will remain divided theyve been divided its a political issue i think impeachment in the u. S. Very unlikely it was clear today that lawmakers one of the drive home the key points in this report i want you to take a listen to the following exchange. Which you agree that it was not a hoax that the russians were engaged in trying to impact our election absolutely that was not a hoax the indictments were turned against the russians 2 different ones were. Substantially in their scope using the scope were again and i think one of the we have under play to a certain extent and that aspect of our investigation that has and would have a long term damage to the United States that we need to move quickly to address and when donald trump called your investigation a witch hunt that was also false was it not like to think so yes well your investigation is not a witch hunt as it is not a witch hunt it is not a witch on Oliver Robert muller also testified today that he felt the president was and im quoting here generally not being truthful in his written statements which were submitted to the moeller investigation i mean has there been reaction from the president or from members of congress. Well President Trump just moments ago left the oval office and spoke to some reporters and of course not very surprisingly he called this all again a witch hunt and in addition to that he called it fake news a lot of phony stuff those were his words here today not very surprisingly but one thing is clear both sides are really trying to claim victory President Trump also sad that this is an embarrassment for the democrats 6 and for the whole country the democrats in turn. Got the soundbites they wanted at least partially and the one was of course Robert Lawler as you just said and heard it. Claiming that this was not a witch on an earlier he said in the Jury Committee that President Trump is not exonerated so essentially you have robert model of the author of this report. Proving to major of claims of the president wrong at least through the eyes of robert muller. Some would say listen to this next exchange here the question why not indict the president if you have reason to believe that he tried to obstruct justice is it correct that if you would conclude if the president committed the crime of obstruction you could not publicly state that in your report were here today i would say you. Could do the statement would be that you would not indict and you would not indict because under the oil she opinion a sitting president we cannot be indicted be unconstitutional so you could not state that because of the will see if there would be you can see opinion it was some guy yes but under the department of Justice Policy the president could be prosecuted for obstruction of justice crimes after he leaves office is correct through thank you. But did you make of this well i mean the democrats were trying to hammer home the point and it almost seems like there was a choreography over these 3 and a half hours where different instances what they called episodes of obstruction happened and i think this is also what cost some of the frustration that they saw that yes muller did not want to take a decision even said he decided not to take a decision its not that they decided whether its obstruction or not they didnt even get there because he didnt feel like they have the members and then republicans you know jumped on board and said well why didnt you start this entire thing in the 1st place trying to make their point which was this has been going on for too long weve been spending too much money we should go back to business etc it will be interesting to see tomorrow if the outlook in washington is different than it was 24 hours ago boris foreman always good to have you all oversell it in washington to both of you gentlemen thank you. In poland antigay sentiment appears to be growing with some blaming the conservative governments and populace politicians but the media is also no friend to gays and lesbians a right wing news magazine is offering its readers stickers to post on their homes or businesses the stickers read this is an l. G. Bt free zone you see it right there and for those in the bt community who dare to march in public hate and violence can be waiting just around the corner. These are painful memories for warsaw based artist i was 5 minutes he was and be obvious joke over the weekend simply to speak up for his rights as a gay man. But i thought of knowledge it was very depressing it is usually a festival of tolerance for that and then we were suddenly confronted with this aggression and homophobia which. It was called the equality parade for be obvious joke participants wanted to send a message. Saying that is that its our country today were also part of a society. The Party Atmosphere was short lived not far away counterdemonstrators prayed in protest over what they see as sin. Hooligans from all over poland a came together after a call to action from a Football Club how should we want to make a stand for our children and our families we dont want to be talked into believing that whats not normal should be considered normal for them on the set of they set a rainbow pride flag on fire and threw firecrackers. They also threw eggs and then later stones. Police were deployed in force to keep the 2 sides apart in addition to taunts they were physical assaults leading to multiple arrests polands Prime Minister condemned the violence. For serious never once would feel welcome in poland theres absolutely no place for such religion like aggressive behavior as a whole vanya like this adding to the tensions a weekly news magazine decided to distribute a sticker for people to display their opposition to the rights issue but you know gore says this does up the whist kind of associations for one not like when the nazis cleansed areas of jews in my hometown think gosh im reminded of a potted racial segregation when they will be white only and black only areas its friday 1st so some in charge of. The stickers message was altered when it went to the printers now it proclaims opposition to l g b t ideology the maggots. Editor explained the move. For the protest to continue its a form of protest about free speech l g b t activists are allowed to speak out on their views people who hold different views must be allowed to do the same there is an attempt to force Political Correctness here in poland is that since the risk of his own does not give good you dont nobody is going to gay clubs and putting up crosses but they have the nerve to hang their rainbow flags in churches only for them the question isnt if so then a whole and a culture war is raging over the wedge issue of l g b t rights jaroslav mallette skiis spreading a different sticker one advertising gay friendly zones. Or returning to our 2 top stories today on both sides of the atlantic we saw 2 divisive leaders a sitting u. S. President and the new british Prime Minister both face tremendous challenges in crises it remains to be seen tonight how Boris Johnson and donald trump will master what they should be able to master well the day is almost done the conversation continues online and youll find us on twitter you the news or you can follow me at t. V. Dont forget to use our hash tag the day every member whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see you then everybody. The front. End to the conflict zone confronting the coasts the European Union about to go on Summer Vacation much of following spread some of. The focus of my guests this week. Sunday and fox n. B. C. Germanys moving pursued them across one on top of those promises of greatest democracy. In 60 minutes. With him had of being done because southerners with the highest high you know if i had known that the mode be that small i never would have gone on a trip to cuba i would not have put myself and my parents so much attention to the bottom 16 with a little bit a beautifully able. Level and im going to hug that one little bit and to give them i have Serious Problems on a personal level and i was unable to live there much im going to. Want to know their story the migrants farah find and promotable information for margarets. It seems like the world is getting worse and worse catastrophes all sorts of problems. Like global 3000 talking to a team of britain. Researchers took a more optimistic view. The world. Is the world really getting better. Place. At least 3000. 00 special reports. Start. To double. Leg. The worlds biggest plane. Biggest ever really lost boeing said it might even have to stop producing its ill fated 737 knots for a while if the plane remains grounded much longer. Also coming up britain has a new Prime Minister and he supports at any cost trade between britain and the e. U. Already. Businesses on both sides of the channel urged Boris Johnson

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