Transcripts For DW DW News 20240714

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Im sorry kelly walk into the program Boris Johnson will be britains next Prime Minister after winning the race to lead the countrys ruling conservatives he defeated foreign minister jeremy hunt in the partys leadership contest by a 2 to one margin now the champion of brags that johnson and his to mulch this rise to power were fueled by his pledge to take britain out of the e. U. Deal or no deal his backers expect him to deliver on that promise after taking the reins from theresa may tomorrow. Boris johnson is elected as the leader of the concert was i the result came as no surprise Boris Johnson won almost twice as many votes as his rival jeremy hunt i was after a boisterous campaign has except in speech struck i consider tray note thank you very much for the everybody thank you was for you being friendly youve been a good take should you be the font of excellence ideas all of which i propose to steal oh well. And above all i want to thank. Leader tourism in her Extraordinary Service to this policy and to this country the country johnson inherits is my in deep political crisis his most important task and a major challenge we want his predecessor could not were going to get brits doug thought it was going to take advantage of all the opportunities that it will bring in a new spirit of can do and we are once again going to believe in ourselves and what we could achieve unlike some slumbering joint were going to rise and ping off the guy ropes so dark and negativity. The applause may have the knives which johnson faces stiff opposition from many of his own m. P. s finding a way out of britains press it caught my eye maybe rather more difficult than he cares to admit. Lets get more now correspondent Barbara Hazel is joining us from london so barbara Boris Johnson new leader of the tories tomorrow will become britains new Prime Minister but she was elected as we heard there by Party Members a very small percentage of the population whats the reaction to the news. If we look at the poll that has been done throughout the last hours the larger British Public the people say about 50 per cent a that they dont think Boris Johnson is going to be a great Prime Minister they dont think hes going to do a good job so far as johnson taking all the optimism and they can do spirit that teach try to sort of injected him into his little victory speech the people really be hit by a wall of skepticism not only in the opposition benches on the opposition benches but also within his own Parliamentary Party and what is even more important in the larger public because people have known Boris Johnson for many many years. And they dont buy into his act that easily especially because there are some very big issues that he is inheriting greggs it or ron relationship with the United States just to name a few barbara what is his plan. What his plan is nobody knows maybe he doesnt even know himself i suppose this is today this is a day where you could just enjoy only having reached his lifes ambition might be his happiest day as throughout all his upcoming premiership because from tomorrow on he will take make he will have to make decisions and there will be hard decisions the 1st is to name a cabinet to surround himself with people who are detailed people because he says off him self im not a details man so he doesnt really get into the nitty gritty he will have to have people who do that for him he also needs people who sort of represent different zulfi conservative party and who are so bring that Party Together so shook that be possible he might have a better start to his government than just sort of jumping into the cold but what his attentions are really his political guiding star is absolutely nobody knows british observers are guessing some say he will be much better than people give him credit for and others say have you ever seen a man of 55 change overnight and the answer to that of course is no. Ok barbara you know hes also hes inheriting not only a divided country we have to acknowledge but also a divided party and you were talking about you know these efforts that he will have now Going Forward to build that team what do you make of the prospects of him building an effective one. He might be able to build an effective government if he sort of can overcome the pressure that sits in his back and that pressure comes from the hard line breaks and cheers we see the likes of greece maga and. Time consuming sort of Walking Around here and sort of circling Boris Johnson like vultures and trying to sort of nail him onto the hard bricks so that is he is supposed to deliver within 3 months time now that will certainly lose him a part of his own polly mentary party and it will lose him the trust of the public because there is simply no majority in the British Public for a heartbreak that that would damage the country economically so that is the 1st really big hurdle and he hasnt yet talked about what his plan is he says i will go to brussels i will negotiate with them and more or less i want to have cake and eat it and they will give it to me they didnt give it to to reserve may but to me that will certainly give it just because im Boris Johnson its this incredible self belief that carries carry the man into office and that he hopes to sort of sort of be able to govern was now whether that works out its very doubtful because in brussels and in the other european capitals are sitting people who are a lot more hard nosed than his own conservative Party Members have been shown to be proper faisal in london thank you. Well Boris Johnson once claimed that there was as much of a chance of finding Elvis Presley on mars as of him becoming Prime Minister but many who know him also say that leaving the u. K. Government has always been his goal in life heres a look at johnsons career and his sometimes bumpy rise to power. He no longer has to knock Boris Johnson now has the keys to number 10 he started his career in journalism but politics came calling in 2001 he won a seat in parliament for the conservative party in 2008 came a new challenge therefore officially declared Boris Johnson to be elected as the next of london. As mayor johnson ever saw over 2012 summer olympics in london the games were a success can supporting him into the global limelight. Frightfulness its over us. Compete. But in a good way in a good way how about that will that do. Famous for his they centric behavior but also for his embarrassing gaffes like here when he knocked over a 10 year old boy during the rugby game in tokyo. But it was on the issue of brecks it that he was most controversial johnson defied his Prime Minister becoming a leading figure in the campaign for britain to leave the e. U. Will remain locked in the back of the car driven in an uncertain direction to a place we dont want to go and. Perhaps by a driver who doesnt speak the very best of english leaf one director of end but there was controversy over some of the claims made by johnson and his fellow brits it is. A may 26th game for a new Prime Minister to raise a may made him her foreign secretary to many a surprise appointment. Personal statement was to punish jones. But johnson was the author of mays vision for brick sit and resigned in protest it is not too late to say the brits are. When my you couldnt get her breakthrough deal 3 parliament she announced her resignation and johnson emerged as the front runner to take her job for 3 years and to miss deadlines we must leave. On october the 30. 3 votes would now be for greatest challenge for Prime Minister always johnson but hes promised to make bricks it happen deal or no deal. So a chaotic path to 10 downing street and World Leaders have already begun reacting to johnsons victory starting at home outgoing Prime Minister to resign may congratulating johnson here and offering to team up to deliver a price if that works for the whole u. K. And to keep Jeremy Corbyn out of government across the atlantic u. S. President donald trump backing johnson he is full of confidence saying he will be great now of course brags it will be at the top of johnsons agenda ahead of the brands of party nigel fraud piling on the pressure wondering if he has the courage to deliver and michelle manye the chief brags that negotiator says that he is looking forward to working constructively to achieve and orderly exit but no sign that the e. U. Will renegotiate the Withdrawal Agreement as johnson has repeatedly promised. Theres also been reaction for the incoming chief and french president in paris or london line and emanuel expressed their hopes for the future following johnsons victory there are many different difficult issues to tackle together challenging times ahead of us i think it is very important to build up a strong and a good working relation because we have the duty to deliver something which is good for people in europe and in the United Kingdom so im looking forward to working with him. Im looking forward to working with him as soon as possible not only on the european issues and the continuation of the negotiations obviously to brics it but also on the International Issues that make up our daily lives and on which we are closely coordinated particularly with the british and the germans whether thats the situation in iran or International Security issues on this or that you dont you feel lets get more now were joined by roosevelt for who is joining us from brussels she is a senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund welcome to the program and thank you for being with us weve heard johnson pledging to renegotiate the deal with the European Union especially the Withdrawal Agreement how do you see that playing out. Well that seems very unlikely the e. U. Has been pretty adamant so long as the demands from the u. K. Remain the same the Withdrawal Agreements that has read to be negotiated is the best deal that can be obtained when it comes to the political declaration theres a little bit more room for maneuver but the Withdrawal Agreement agreement remains as it is we need to see what Boris Johnson is really going to do in real terms now that he has been nominated Prime Minister. And you dont but all along we have to say he has seemed incredibly selfish or that he will be able to secure this from the European Union in fact hes even promised to lead britain out of the e. U. With or without a deal by the end of october therefore one has to wonder could that be where we are heading a disorderly braggs it well. This seems to be his plan or at least so far it has seemed to be his plan we need to see whether that will change once he has become Prime Minister and is perhaps more aware of the risks involved in these tactics but this tactic has been to push the e. U. To the brink in order to extract further deals but the e. U. Has been adamant from the beginning of the negotiation process with to resume a this is not the way it functions the u. Has a set of key priorities which it will protect no matter what and that is the integrity of the Single Market the rights of citizens and of course islands as well as a member of the European Union nothing much is going to change unless london comes up with a different plan which is constructive and upon which some grounds for compromise can be found but if london continues to reiterate the same points to reason mays red lines that it wants to be the Single Market doesnt want freedom of movement of of people it doesnt want the sovereignty of the European Court of justice well then the use position is very clear and i dont see the signs of that changing certainly not in the short term until we actually know what will happen in london because of course Boris Johnson this is just day one for him were not even sure whether hes going to manage to form a government we dont know whether hes going to he might face in the parliament no confidence vote in parliament he himself might want to call snap elections he has a wafer thin majority in parliament as things stand now so the picture really is not yet clear in london and its certainly not clear in a way that would make you change its position which on which it has been consistent for monk a in the short term so it sounds like a pretty epic battle might be brewing between johnson and the European Union i want to ask you briefly before we go because you know there is this question about the prospect of a new referendum now we have one of the chief brags it tears taking over leadership of the u. K. So is that dead in the water in your view. Well at the moment there doesnt seem to be much of a majority in parliament in favor of a 2nd referendum again things can change i think there will be a lot of uncertainty in parliament in the weeks to come of course summer recess is approaching as well. But the arithmetics might not work in Boris Johnsons favor and so while so far we havent found a majority in favor of a 2nd referendum it could be that following a no confidence vote things will change in in the short term and that was rose about 4 of the German Marshall Fund speaking with c. W. Just a short while ago lets get a quick check now of some other stories making news around the world south korean fighter jets fired hundreds of warning shots after a Russian Military aircraft violated the countrys airspace sold says that the russian planes flew over dont go islands also claimed by japan which calls them talk as she rushes Defense Ministry denies the accusation saying that its bombers carried out drills over international waters. Swedish Climate Change activists gratitude and work has delivered an impassioned speech to the French National assembly some right wing opposition members boycotted her speech the 16 year old started the fridays for future strikes to combat Climate Change just to former chinese premier elite hong has died at the age of 90 the hard line leader was best known for his role in the bloody crackdown on Tiananmen Square prodemocracy protests in 1989 Chinese State media say that he died of an unspecified illness. Spains acting Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has lost the 1st confirmation vote in parliament that leaves the socialist leader with just 2 days to try and strike a deal with spains far left you need to split a must party if the 2 parties can reach an agreement on a coalition sanchez could still be confirmed in a 2nd vote on thursday if that big sales spin could force a repeat alexion sanchezs central left party came out on top in a National Poll in april but fell short of an outright majority. I the clock is ticking for petro sanches spains acting Prime Minister and socialist party leader has assured spaniards that they wont be going to the polls again this year is that whatever you know them to im not working with the scenario of holding another election in a little. Poll he and his party won in a tight before snap election in april but they fell short of the number of votes needed to form a government. Doesnt mean that the socialist party has won the general election and with this result the future has won and the past has lost. A Coalition Partner would be needed. I. The conservative Peoples Party liberals c o down us and far right vox were soon ruled out. The most obvious partner for a future government it appeared would include the anti austerity you need us put in most but until this week the partys leader public lazy ass was locked in a power struggle with sanchez agreeing to give his Party Support only in return for a position of cabinet. And got sanchez refused citing differences over how to deal with catalonia as push for independence or that we can instead he offered a few ministerial positions to need us put in most of the group that got us but that was. On the. Base this is idiotic and the more we all know that democracy governs is the one who stands for election and obtains the support of the citizens of the heart. But just before investiture talks began this week it leads us back down and in doing so he broke the deadlock paving the way for an agreement lawmakers now have 2 opportunities to vote on a coalition if that fails the country will once again face elections in november. We had to venezuela now where electricity is slowly being restored across the country after a blackout on monday plunged millions of people into darkness it is the latest hardship to hit venezuela which has already been crippled by an unprecedented economic crisis president Nicolas Maduro has blamed a cyber attack on a hydroelectric plant for the outage it is the 2nd nationwide blackout to hit venezuela this year. These people were trapped in an elevator when the electricity went out luckily they could be rescued here at venezuelas biggest airport we see just one example of what happened during the blackout. On monday afternoon the traffic lights went out but that was just the beginning an engineer reported that the blackout was country wide the telephone system nearly completely collapsed trains and subways were brought to a standstill caracas the countrys capital has one of the highest crime rates in the world yesterday as night fell fear rose. Under my eye contact my car it is not here and not over there we cant find it i dont know what to do now but hopefully my family will come and look for me. But he found one with the. President Nicolas Maduro and his government think the outages could have been caused by sabotage when the 1st big blackout occurred in march blamed the u. S. And his opposition accusing them of mounting a cyber attack Opposition Leader guido held countered by tweeting that government corruption and mismanagement were more likely culprits the 2 parties have struggled for power since the beginning of this year but its the venezuelan people who are suffering. A stone cross looted from namibia by german colonialists in the late 19th century is finally on its way back a German Museum agreed to repatriate the stone cross of cape cross in may germany has already returned a number of schools of Indigenous People removed from namibia during colonial rule the return of the process marks another concrete step to make good on germanys pledge to accelerate the return of artifacts and human remains from former african colonies. Cable cross and narrow headland may be a south Atlantic Coast as few human inhabitants but hundreds of thousands of seals its a nature reserve that draws many visitors but most are unaware of the areas historical importance this is a replica of the stone cross built by portuguese seafarers more than 500 years ago the original was stolen by german colonialists in the late 1900 is explained in a hotel museum nearby. Life and the Hotel Manager welcomes the latest developments in this story. Groups this with everything starts so if you can understand that youve got the old reaching out and now it can also teach the children that what transpired in the. You know they say they feel you know were still reaching no it is what it was from the start so i think its going to be its going to play a very nature or if we do if they will reach i think it will live in major boost. After years of effort than a 1000000 government has retrieved Cultural Property stolen by germany during its colonial occupation in the capital when spoke at the Namibian Independence Museum on the lookout for the most recently returned items and a bible belonging to hendrick with boy and ethnic now ma who was killed fighting the gym after several requests by the namibian government the whip and the bible were returned in february of this year but they are nowhere to be seen at this National Independence museum. The Museum Director takes us to a secret well secured room hears with voice with which should be displayed in the future museum at the side of his former residence in the village of more than 300 kilometers from the capital but no one knows when it will be built for now the whip along with the boys bible is stored away from public view. They miss the start is not delivered in terms of the security in the room where it can be displayed in. What month it was we were mandated to do safeguard to just have to store it we do not want to draw one thing while the other community will not be here so the Community Must grow big and come up with one voice to say this is what we want local media reported on a dispute among the boys descendants some of them say both the whip and bible belong to the family not the government lucy of it boy is torn shes part of the vote for family and the government. The family feel that it should be in the machine because its not we cannot own him hes a year all in namibia for the namibian people so therefore the family feel that it should stay the National Museum but one day if there is a museum in key beyond that original item must come to be on this and probably within the family that this different billions of odds which happen to the i know that they did you will cause me that question but leave that question for the family. Museum director mary number was c. C. Has been compiling a list of namibia not works that are still overseas she wants to recover more stolen property but shes learned from the experience that it takes a lot of time and communication to satisfy everyone involved the process cant be rushed back at cape cross its not yet clear if the 15th century original will stand here once more or if it too will end up in the museum. Some cycling news and caleb un won the battle of the sprinters on stage 16 of the Tour De France the australian overcame both his sprint rivals in the sweltering heat to claim his 2nd stage win for this years tour france is really an elephant he kept the Yellow Jersey finishing in the main pact with the other overall contenders. Now ram richard coaches in his he said don has hit back at claims that he showed a lack of respect to one of the teams players gareth bale the welsh forward has fallen out of favor at ryall and is expected to move during this transfer window agent called saddam a discreet for the weekend after the coach had said that it would be best for everyone if bell left the club he later said that he was only trying to help. Youre watching to debian is still to come on dude of youth is asia well show you how dogs in afghanistan are being trained to detect a deadly landmines and we need a Young Chinese climate activist who is fighting for change from her hometown. All that more coming up with melissa chan in just a few minutes time im sara kelly and for a lead dont forget you can always get all the latest news and information around the clock on our web site thats the t w dot com and you can follow us on social media thank you so much for watching have a great. My 1st my state of moses sewing machine. I come from women are bound by this notion folds into something as simple as learning how to write them by side posies and. Since i was a little girl i wanted to have them by said the loss of my home and it took me mr been right there. Finally they gave up and mentioned by me and i say this but returns because sewing machine sewing i suppose was more apt procreates for those than writing advice as knowledge i was in need shall speed those women back home so i volunteer my head duties and social norms and inform them of old dead basics like. My name is dave out of the home and they are more at ease and. Are we alone its a fundamental question of humanity trying to figure out whether or not. Life existed on mars pretty clear water was there and quite abundance while that would be interesting so on mars the atmosphere is 100. 00 of what we have here on earth its very very cold at the fast its like antarctica you could imagine bringing some supplies and you know youre dual going to build a little selfcontained pressure vehicle or vessel which will be on the surface there are things like oxygen that you can harvest from the atmosphere to help make living possible. If you want to think of humanity if we really want to survive for ever were going to have through off the earth a. I know that seems a little crazy but youve got to start somewhere. This is news asia coming up on the program pockets stands for Prime Minister in iran contra meets u. S. President donald trump in washington they talk afghanistan and the hot button topic of kashmir will explain why the meeting has the Indian Parliament up in arms class. Canine cadets meet the dogs

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