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Then go to the shes hoping for the countrys future its also the hope of the whole of chinese nation that she walk funny as a woman trend towards a new machine. In command in control one of the you can see from the Chinese Peoples mental state their eyes are blinded and their ears are blocked what are these are your only child they know little about the world and live in an illusion that even hundreds even. Further. Ive come to. Chungking city a high tech metropolis in Central China where the jailing river meets the yangtze im here to meet one of the 10000000 people whove seen the dark side of the social Credit System investigative journalist leo who. With his street smart hands on approach who has exposed high level corruption and solved murder cases abandoned by the police in many countries hed be celebrated not in china when for there are no tone from our time the government regards me as an enemy and the Mainstream Media is like a Propaganda Machine for the party. Their main duty is to indoctrinate people and keep them from knowing the facts. In my view if someone wants to prevent corruption being revealed then theyre corrupt too and could have actually one. In 2015 who lost a Defamation Case after you cues to an official of extortion he was made to publish an apology and pay a fine but when the court demanded an additional fee who refused then in 2017 he found himself suddenly locked out of society under a pile of social credit skein hed been blacklisted as dishonest. I have friends who are lawyers and judges they told me that these socalled dishonest personnel are people in debt and i dont owe any money so i shouldnt be on the blacklist. Or one who had found them and then who maintains he has fully met the terms of use 25th day in case he believes hes blacklisting is political but he has no way of challenging him. I think there are a lot of people who are on the blacklist wrongly and troll with a pin on the machine. But they cant get off and. How many of our bad. These poor social credit writing has shut down his travel options and confined him to effect of house arrest in chong chain. Right now my ability to travel is limited you know just think how i cant book high speed trains or flights or going and ill show you i mean one thing we use this app to book tickets say from chongqing to me on the. 200. 00 lets try to book a ticket for the next few days. To get a pair of what is it scientology is usually it says an email to make a booking for where you can be my access to high speed rail is legally restricted. Whose social media accounts have also been closed before his arrest he had nearly 2000000 followers its where he published much of his journalism war i had more than 10 wave 0 accounts now theyre all government war how to handle me this is the newest one very good. But it got blocked recently to this degree to hashmi or. Whose great spike writing for an online publication is a festival of reports around how. Its not his 1st run in with censorship in august 23rd saying he was detained without trial after exposing a Senior Party Members links with the legal prostitution this is a re creation based on whose accounts and a certain way your behavior is defamation of do you admit it. And. If you admit guilt the leader will be happy and set you free. Over the course of a year he was interrogated more than 70 times. Now compare what they threaten me saying that i must cooperate in any trial and if i didnt id lose my job and even my wife and children in law and impala. Who refused to confess and was eventually released. Now hes trying to get the 4 walls of a cell replaced by social credits dragnet. Tinchy its been 5 years since i was released. That they are big changes have taken place in the Media Industry and to hire. 320 a lot of people have left the industry especially journalists doing investigative reports and she finds a way to think but i still love this work and i want to continue to be a journalist here see i want to keep on reporting as much as possible. And once he had won. Im going to a place where the principles of social credits have been taken to brutal extremes the party doesnt want the world to know about it and. Reporting on the situation is risky. To get there we must fly 4000 kilometers from by jean to the western edge of china she jack nations largest province and according to some the Worlds Largest open prison. In junk is the homeland of the week its turkey people obviously fight. Chinas rulers have struggled to control the region and its people for 2 millenia. Surveillance technology is the new weapon in their campaign. Ah ah ah ah ah. All systems. The Surveillance System is suddenly ramped up after the end of 2061 could have since then advanced survey. And technology which weve never seen or experienced or heard of started to appear. Tardy homage is a way good filmmaker and poet from the shin jang city of cashcard you can talk about the situation there because he managed to escape with his family to the u. S. Where theyve applied for political asylum. He made the decision to flee last year. We got a phone call from the Police Station instructing us to come by. But we were taken to the basement. Spoke about there were manacles and shackles hanging in the cellars iron chairs come with tiger chairs and the criminals are strapped in mind doesnt like you so look. We went inside and there were about 20 to 30 people there but we were all we. Just wanted to go could look at the concussion we dont get the political. And this will long but in japan and. When it was our turn they drew blood from my wife and me congo next they took our voice samples. Of our fingerprints were taken and put into bus star. Finished the fingerprinting they began their facial analysis i dont think you. Could inject them into a business they started recording and we look straight at the camera. But i must have a look then we look to the right there on the can and back. Look at our fingers and then back are. Pretty mess come back yeah i look down. Tarja and hes wife were being scanned by facial Recognition Software their faces match from all angles to enhance accuracy they were even forced to produce a range of facial expressions. Consistent with. This controlling Surveillance System was specifically targeting wiggers. But. By that reason it is People Like Us count as one of the minorities in china along and ethnic culture is always the 1st target for political oppression. But indulge in the channelled. Inside cash its almost impossible to report independently government officials do their best to conceal any sign of the oppression to hugh describes look closer and the cracks appear the Party Approved vision of the city is a facade cashcard Historic Old Town has been demolished in just one section rebuilt as a sort of we get theme park the chinese tourists. You can buy souvenirs try the local cuisine. And even see you shall. See. That theres tension in the year. The locals can speak with us. Armed guards and cameras keep a watchful eye and chinese flags climb the rooftops even the diam of the mosque. So its quite difficult but the film here weve got about 6 mind is with this the whole time i think telling us what we can fill the time to sometimes they delayed now material on top of that weve got about another 8 to 10 security guards that further restrict our movements what i can tell you from the car is that theyre set up at a kind of grid like Management System in every 100 meters or so you see a Police Station and then added with a normal amounts of c. C. T. V. Cameras with facial recognition to really have a total control here. What is clearly said there is quite a brutal repressive crackdown going on here and technology is at the center of it. She junks take on social credit is simple and ruthless. Citizens here and not given a school instead theyre divided into just 3 categories trustworthy average untrustworthy. If youre han chinese you are deemed trustworthy and granted freedom of movement. But if you we got your average with restrictions imposed on travel and religious practices if youre a weak a mile who breaks those restrictions youll marked as untrustworthy and detained in what the party calls education and training centers. Taught you how much has another name for them. It was like a night of. The concentration camps are very congested and overpopulated with detainee. They have to study political propaganda 12 hours a day. On sheer trauma shrewd Drinking Water and Living Conditions are very poor like a little. Many people are getting sick in the camps. When we were still living back home we started to hear that some people were even dying there. In august this year the un announced students saying credible reports there over a 1000000 week is currently held without charging camps in she jan purely because of their ethnicity the Chinese Government rejects that klein insisting its only detains convicted terrorists saw his personal experience tells a different story when she and john authorities discovered he had fled to america his brother and 2 brothers in law disappeared. Going to mass and its impossible to communicate with them. There in the concentration camp. Even contacting their families their wives isnt possible now. Weve had control him as well sure we can. But if we do the police will know immediately and then the others will be taken to the camps as well as their. Back in cianci journalist who worries for his family to blacklisting on social credit has cast a shadow on those closest to hear. Shots yan who. Is an old journalist calling. For you its us or them watching its a watch and mission im not on the black place yet if i do end up on it it seems it would be like the system of collective punishment in feudal times where if one person breaks the law all associated people are also punished nancy i can enjoy it if that happens here its not social credit its political extremism. And some. Like talking here who is risking the welfare of his friends and family to alert the world to chinas experiment in high tech social engineering he says people dont fully comprehend whats to come a digital totalitarian state where algorithms decide your fate and nothing can be questioned or the question i think its wrong that our this kind of social control goes against the tide of the world. We always say we should learn from the good aspects of western countries. But when it comes to limiting the governments power we dont learn anything to show contrast mother on your show marsha. Barry goldwater dont call for a ball and go china has the largest population in the world well this is very different from western countries from 0. Point 0 can have a happiest thing for me is to see my children live a happy and healthy life can hold so i dont my son can do what he wants to hear and gets a good education and lives a harmonious life. To me thats the most important thing to do after which ones are going. To find dan dan and husbands shall jinx high social credit and give verizon ribeiro a running start the provisions in protections of the party will be bestowed upon him so long as mom and dad keep the credits up there was a lot of pad soldier in a position to hold on to befall though the new system isnt perfect and from china likes to experiment in his creative way trying continuously make improvements to suit our Society Lunch about how come how. I see a positive future for him i hope that this new system will bring good things to the Chinese People at that shortly. World were. Her. Equal india. How can a countrys economy grow in harmony with its people and the environment when there are do as we look at the Bigger Picture india a country that faces many challenges and whose people are striving to create a Sustainable Future clever projects from europe and india. In 30 minutes on w. The feel of a small u. S. Town in summons to cross the. U. S. Marine base in europe. It was established during the era of dictator franco and became an enclave of freedom. Force remember the good old days and music they used to enjoy in their huge. Britain for. 75. W. Crassly. Chalfant. Still this soup kitchen needs to be a good. Action. Discoverable will. Subscribe to the documentary to. Quiet melody resounds Michael White of the mood. And did some really. Resonate within its soul. The mind and the music. Being told from the 1st bombing 2019 from september 6th to september 29th. Britain has said it is joining with european allies to form a Maritime Protection mission in the strait of hormuz foreign secretary jeremy hunt announced the mission on monday but gave no further details the move comes after a run sees a u. K. Flag oil tanker in the strait on friday. Hong kongs beijing backed leader kerry lamb has condemned a night of violence that left people in the chinese territory in shock a 7th straight weekend of antigovernment protests descended into Violence Police fired rubber bullets at protesters headed for the office of Chinas Communist Party and suspected members of criminal gangs attacked demonstrators in a subway station. Puerto ricans are out on the streets of the capital san juan to vent their anger at the refusal of governor Ricardo Rosello to resign reseller has been under pressure to step down after the publication of sexist and homophobic Text Messages exchanged by him and his team. Had already promised to not run for reelection next year. And the lights are out across much of an israel authorities blame the outrage on an electromagnetic attack on a local denim those claims could not be independently verified 19 of the countrys 24. 00 districts are currently without power. 2 weeks ago britain seized an iranian tanker now iran has taken control of a u. K. Ship a tit for tat to take a crisis that london says is now a battle iranian piracy vs freedom on the seat tonight britains awkward and ironic request for help to patrol the strait of hormuz soon to be breaks it britain sending out an s. O. S. To europe sending a thanks but no thanks to the United States im bringing off in berlin this is the day. At approximately 4 pm u. K. Time on friday Iranian Forces intercepted the pushbike time to stand in peru in the strait of hormuz through our. Yard. And she was montrose a Royal Navy Type 23 frigates currently deployed in the gulf try to come to the time because i hate the thought. Struck. Me and we are not in fear. For your truth. Iran has no rights to obstruct the ships passage lets pull it off so all those countries calling on iran to release the tanker we asked them to tell britain the same thing that most of the puzzle but there is simply no comparison between irans illegal seizure of vessels inside a recognized ship. And the enforcement of e. U. Sanctions it was that for a not for space piracy. Also coming up in parliamentary elections ukrainians have given their new president a strong mandate to fight corruption and thats rather remarkable. Centering what incumbent lawmakers allegedly did to stay in power vote transparent and open a vote when a transparent however the company mocked by letter spread. Over income and. Well to our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome we begin the day with the growing crisis between the United States and iran and britain firmly caught in the middle today iran said that it has captured 17 spies working for the cia and sentence some of them to death the u. S. President reacted with a tweet calling that announcement fault busy and nothing but propaganda at the same time the British Government was in an emergency meeting to come up with a response to what it calls iranian piracy on the open sea on friday Iranian Revolutionary guard troops ignored warnings from the british navy and seized a british ship in the strait of hormuz the fact that it has taken 3 days for london to announce its response speaks to the few and frustrating options that it happens ever since the u. S. With

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