Snake American Bank and. The world is watching. Their shock and dismay. Because we have laws on the way. Also coming up a british Prime Minister theresa may will leave Office Next Week but before she goes a warning about the poisonous politics in which she rose fell and which she now leaves behind words have consequences and ill will that go on challenge on the 1st step on a continuum towards ill deeds towards a much darker place where hatred and prejudice drive not only watch people semi bush but also what they do. Want to our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome we begin the day with a congressional condemnation of the us president it. Its been more than a century since the u. S. Congress offered a formal rebuke to a sitting president but that is exactly what happened late yesterday in washington the u. S. House of representatives controlled by the democrats passed a resolution to reprimand President Donald Trump for his racist tweets aimed at 4 Congress Women on sunday trump took to twitter and told the american lawmakers to go back to the countries where they came from his fellow republicans have remained quiet some siding with trump by claiming that the tweets are not racist a handful of joined the democrats in issuing that review but a congressional rebuke is nothing more than a formal expression that we dont like what you did it is not binding there are no legal no immediate political consequences in fact trumps tweeds could easily be replaced tomorrow by the next white house clap of controversial trump thunder it was a symbolic vote and one easily approved by the democrat held house of representatives but for republicans and one independent also supported the motion to condemn donald trump for making xenophobic statements. We condemn the hurtful and offensive comments that demean immigrants and people of color these comments from the white house are disgraceful and disgusting and that comments are racist how shameful to hear him continue to defend those offensive words words that we have all heard him repeat not only about our members but about countless others we are America America is a nation of immigrants we are not going anywhere america is our home and many of us will still be standing here long after the occupant of over office leaves earlier this week trump released a series of tweets attacking progressive female democratic politicians saying they should go back to their countries his unnamed but understood targets for outspoken nonwhites lawmaker is all u. S. Citizens. And trump is standing by his comments. Its up to them. Thinking they can stay they should love our country and they should work for the good of our country Senior Republicans are supporting their leader. With the president not a racial member at all races and i think the tone of all of this is not good for the country following a vote of condemnation Texas Democrat al green introduced articles of impeachment against trump saying the president was unfit for Office Another symbolic move unlikely to succeed. Or more and then im joined here at the big table by Meghan Malloy she is cofounder of republican women for progress meghan its good to have you on thanks for having me this show did you support that congressional rebuke we did as a group and individually i think that what trump said is offensive its blatantly racist and its not the focus that we should be having in our country right now weve got bigger things to work on you as a republican you have no problem saying that the tweets are racist absolutely not they are racists i mean theyre theyre the most obvious evidence of racism i think you can can pull out it targeted for women of color white men of color when there are a number of members of congress who are foreign born but they happen to be. Whites older men and so you know i dont think its a focus of where someone came from but a focus of. Who they are what theyre about can you explain to our viewers why so Many Republican members of congress do not see it the way you do thats the 1000000 dollar question you know i think that we talk a lot about 2020 and yes its a president ial Election Year but 2020 is also a congressional Election Year so you have every one of these members of congress that will be up for reelection if theyre not retiring and you know the Republican Party has very much become the party of trump its no longer the party of reagan and the traditional republicans and i think that theyre scared these are men theyre not voting with their morals theyre voting with the polls whats happening to your party. Does the Republican Party of Ronald Reagan does that even still exist you know now you know we talk about this a lot that is trump a symptom or a cause of whats happening in the u. S. And i think if you look back even back to the Tea Party Days when that kind of came about theres this kind of always been this this sentiment brewing and trump is taking advantage of it and the party has gone with them i think very early on you have a little bit of pushback from Republican Leaders and the republican primaries in 2016 but now its no one cares its just the party of trump and theyre letting him do whatever he wants in this review. You realize that basically you know slap on the hand but you know there are no consequences. What will prevent donald trump from another tweet that that is not only raises but a lot of people are concerned that this language is going to incite violence thats the next step whats going to stop him from i mean hes already incited violence you look at the charlottesville incident when hes saying that theres some very fine people in this. Openly racist group. Right now nothings stopping him and i think that we have. In the past some strong leaders stand up and speak. Out this time we had about 14 republican elected members both senate and house that made some sort of statement a lot of them were fairly wishy washy. And even the 4 publicans that voted against them you know you see that this isnt affecting him at all and he said it best during the campaign that he could shoot someone dead in the middle of 5th avenue and no one would care so at this point im concerned that we have no bottom there is no straw that will break the camels back and hes just going to keep doing until. Something really really bad happens what does this do to the image of the United States abroad i mean you know here we are residing in germany. And the repudiation of the us as a as a melting pot country you know no blood no soil you just have to be there to be a citizen whats whats doing to that image nothing you know i think you look at the reputation of the u. S. Since day one that he was elected and it is just tanks i mean germany across europe across the rest of the world and you know its not just the rhetoric in the racist tweets its his policies on trade on immigration and whats happening in the southern border and i think that you know countries especially countries like germany that are big world powers they cant trust us anymore and they feel like they cant trust us on kind of the hard factual policy issues and on the soft rhetoric they dont want to be at the table with us anymore because that kind of makes them lose their credibility before rim of time your ability to recruit new members how is that going to these days for you surprisingly easy you know we we have had a lot of republicans that maybe held their noses in 2016 and voted for trump anyway because they just couldnt quite vote for hillary maybe held their noses early in his presidency because the economy is doing ok hes a you know a 20 conservative judges but i think the more and more we get down this totally inappropriate line the more people are saying wait a minute this is not their Publican Party anymore im not leaving the party but the party has left me and so theyre kind of seeking that middle ground Meghan Malloy cofounder of republican women for progress reprieve you coming in and well be watching for that progress thank you very much. Well it was just last week when a trump tweet tirade was aimed across the atlantic at british Prime Minister to resume a the u. S. President criticized maze handling of braggs it accusing her of creating a mess by ignoring advice that he claims to have given her on how to negotiate a better brakes a deal now there was no response from may but this week on the morning after trump posted those racist tweets about members of congress may did not hold back any longer reportedly calling trumps words completely unacceptable and that was probably the final exchange of blows between trump and bay the Prime Minister is stepping down next week early exit forced by the force of bricks at which she could not deliver in her 3 years at number 10 downing street today mrs may deliver her final speech as Prime Minister she offered her breaks it regrets and she offered a warning to westminster and to her counterparts around the world a warning not to fall victim to the politics of hate and toxic talk she undoubtedly had the us president in mind today an inability to combine principles with pragmatism and make a compromise when requirement seems to have driven our whole political to schools down the wrong path it has led to what is in effect a film of absolutism one which believes that if you simply assert your view not enough and long enough you will get your way in the end or that mobilizing your own faction is more important to bringing others with you. The big table by a familiar face to our viewers alex forrest whining she is our bright city expert of westminster insiders she reported many years from london its good to have you back here at the big table did you hear the name trump. Being employed in that speech by 2 recently it was certainly implied a definite coded swipe not just dont trump of course but some of those men closer to home particularly the man whos most likely to succeed to resume Boris Johnson but just going back to trump i mean she was talking about the importance of International Agreement she meant mentioned the paris climate a cold she mentioned the Iran Nuclear Deal both of those details donald trump has pulled out all that and obviously that is something that to reason may regret so i think its pretty clear that she had him in mind when she was talking today and we have to remind ourselves that at the beginning of their relationship if you will she is she tried to warm up to him and there was even the official state visit in the u. K. Last month but no shes leaving office not on the best of terms with mr truong exactly and when he 1st came to the white house she visited you can forget that picture that was filmed of the 2 of them Holding Hands when he reached out to her have her hand he took her hand and since then read it it looks like almost an abusive relationship because he has taken every possible opportunity that yes there we go hes not my holding a hand that he did but hes taken every possible opportunity to criticize her particularly over her handling of bricks it only last week calling it foolish and also saying he she should have listened to him in how he would have suited the you to get a good deal so all the way through he said that and she has always remained quiet she has not retaliated in any way and perhaps this has been the closest that weve got today she leaves Office Next Week and shes leaving i guess a warning as well to Boris Johnson does she see Boris Johnson or ask you do you see borders johnson has made. A possible trump. Well many people have said that in the past and there are similarities not just there has style but lets just lets just look at his relationship with reason may another man whos been openly criticizing her you know lost some of the day he was. Czech is where they had the agreement the cabinet were going to go you know take this agreement with the e. U. If it breaks it he signed up to it and then he walked and left a cabinet saying you no longer could be foreign secretary because he didnt really even have brecks it and has been pursuing a no deal breaks it something that she said today she did not agree with so i think its pretty clear that there is no love lost between those 2 it we have to be clear to you that this is not just a story about the the you know the bad boys or the bad men around theresa may i mean the language that donald trump uses to resume a has of which herself has a she has she said you know innocent in this i mean just a couple of them calling brit who are not residing in the u. K. At the moment but are working abroad the citizens of nowhere the e. U. Citizens who are living in the u. K. At the moment she said that they were jumping the queue that is not a woman has been trying to build bridges however today she did actually say that language had not been perfect so a sort of apology that she has not been perfect herself on this either shes she warned today against or was it the politics salute them but what does she deal of pursuing that. Here i mean she was because she had many opportunities where she could have reached out for compromise she could have done it in 2016 she could have done it in 2017 when she called that snap election and lost her majority or she could have reached out particularly to the labor party she chose not to lets talk a. You know the language that she use in this breaks it means bricks it a no deal bricks it is better than a bad deal the these red lines that she held on to. Long they were they were tough and now shes left as the woman who was on able to get bricks a deal through shes stepping down forced out by own party by the right in her own party because she couldnt deliver them what they wanted she couldnt deliver them bricks it and you know we also learned while mrs may was Prime Minister we learned that she is a diabetic and you know she made the comment one time that her insulin comes from denmark how much of a of a factor was her health and the decision to step down we got about half a minute i dont think it was a factor i mean obviously she was worn out by her own party but she didnt want to leave she was very emotional about leaving and she said very clearly that her greatest regret is not getting bricks it over the line she stepped down hoping it would that the party would do bricks it and yet they have not done it yet alex force morning as always we appreciate it thank you. Well in breaks in britain and interims america the name until america is often synonymous with stability that explains perhaps the recent global interest in the german chancellor has helped merkel has been seen as shaking in public 3 times in less than a month fueling worries and speculation well today merkels Office Confirmed the chancellor has received a clean bill of health and will stay in office as planned until 2021 and that brings us then to the german politician known as a k k n a great Current Power today became germanys new defense minister k k thought to be americans protege moving into a cabinet position one step close sir perhaps to becoming the next german chancellor. There are various ways to spend your day as she turned 65 and when america was treated to flowers by her cabinet colleagues she treated herself to congratulating her now former defense minister was a laugh on the line on what is equally a victory for macko her election as new e. U. Commission president. Later the german chancellor got to lift a 2nd to a higher political level by appointing adequate come talent successes c. D. U. Party leader as new defense minister quite a celebration. A. K. K. As she is known then carried out her 1st inspection of the honor guard and delivered her 1st remarks as minister. For lets never forget that men and women that serve and fight abroad for us. This is a great responsibility which im very aware of and will live up to. And i very much look forward to the task ahead. Of itself which to come. No questions allowed but with no experience of defense she will have some convincing to do for ending should have to lead the Nato Spearhead until 2023 we dont have the time for her to learn on the job. At times a. K. K. Has struggled to shake off the provincial image as the former leader of the small state and. Now is a cabinet minister come callin bar will have to take orders from the chancellor trading some of her liberties as party leader getting closer to one day perhaps becoming chancellor. In the back row but im joined here of the people by our Political Correspondent simon young so i mean its good to see you sir the woman known as a k k she is now germanys defense minister why. Why does that bring her closer to possibly becoming the next german chancellor i think mainly because so far she hasnt had this cabinet Level Experience that shes now going to again in this important job but defense up to now shes been a regional politician she was the interior minister and then the leader of the the state premier in the small state of zod land before she just at the end of last year became the leader of merkels Christian Democrat Party so we should say its. Christian democrat now and thats a job shes going to keep Going Forward with this new ministerial job so shes going to be incredibly busy but obviously if she can make a success of both of these jobs at the same time then that will set her up very nicely to succeed Angela Merkel which is what angle america apparently wants and it all looks good it has to be said that the omens are not necessarily that good in the job as party leader she hasnt been doing very well the poll numbers have been falling back actually thats why some in our own party of said it would be a good idea if she did take on a ministerial job then she could get out of the other job no shes going to do both she says so we will see but certainly this puts her in the limelight in a way that few other politicians of being and it also puts or as you said exactly where we think the german chancellor wants her to be and it comes in the same week where we have another person or the lion becoming president of the European Commission we know that she is an ally of the german chancellor as well weve got Christine Lagarde is going to be the new European Central bank all of these are picks and choices if you will of america are we seeing the next chapter or even the the i guess the final plans of uncle americas chance or are they being sealed in completed before our very eyes right now i think so. No i think last night in particular was an extraordinary the last 24 hours was an extraordinary sort of move of movement on the chessboard if you like and its a funny thing isnt it because we think of angle a miracle as somebody whos a very inclusive politician whos not really a power player necessarily she just does the logical things she often sees its and its all very soberly done but actually when you stand back and look at where we are now as you say Angela Merkel seems to have actually strengthened her position in the midst of all this shes now at the center of this nexus shes got her process in the Defense Ministry as i say poised if not exactly already placed to become a successor shes got closer life on the line there in brussels shes got Christine Legarde at the the European Central bank angle a miracle is not finished yet but we know that this is her last shes only got a couple more years to write and people are concerned about whether or not shell be able to finish that term and there have been concerns with episodes of shaking in public with the german chancellor today her office the chief of staff of her office said the chancellor has been given a clean bill of health and it was important for that announcement to be made wasnt it was because she has had these these these Health Concerns over the last few weeks weve seen these shaking incidents where shes been seen sort of trembling really when shes had to stand still and theyve tried to say that its a psychological effect rather than any nervous problem or any other more Serious Health problem as you say how the brown the chance 3 ministers come out with the names of each day he said he said shes in good health and shell of course term until. 2021 and thats important that she does that was so much work to do but you have f. In these concerns of the trying to allay the fears its also important because were at a time when. In the world of bricks next week to resume a step down as the british Prime Minister across the atlantic problems with the Trump Administration congress has now officially rebuked the president for racist tweets the world looks to uncle americal still as a force of stability when she shakes the world trembles doesnt it. But i think thats a good way of putting it and when was it 2015 Time Magazine had her as the leader of the free world you know in the era of donald trump whos certainly shaken things up in in his own way and of course with major ructions around europe a lot of people continue to look to angle americal as a solid anchor in these stormy times and so the sense that this is a final act and that you know shes as you say moving that the pieces into place for when shes no longer around that i think will is both a matter of concern because it means medical is coming to an end but also it reassures people because she does seem to be doing it in an unusual way very few politicians while theyre still in office are able to organize the transition of Power Medical maybe achieving that thats why in germany they call their muti the mother of the country for right so i mean you know as always thank you. Well the day is always done but the governor say she continues online youll find us on twitter you can follow me aboard go off t. V. And remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see you that everyone. Can. Enjoy the conflict zone confronting the powerful congress this week outside the capital paying dues cho she way shes been seeking the nomination all feast probating proxy for the carbon tax as china pushes with increasing c. For reunification on the time when east continue to reject its quota and sees party come to office conflict. Off. The courageous position of their parents changed everything for them children of resistance fighters in the lead to cry today they see how their mother is in front of his own and as he. Still haunted by the pain of the nurses and indignities they suffered in the ninetys the current sons and dont is of the resistance in 45 minutes long t w. Birth home tunes of species a home worth saving. Here as much as those are big changes and most start with small steps global interiors tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world like news has a contract to convert jews to Green Energy Solutions and reforestation. They create interactive content teaching the next generation about Environmental Protection and were determined to build something here for the next Generation Global ideas the multimedia environment series on t. W. We can make china a peaceful country if you ever said no to beijing yes many times im telling you the facts why dont you list the politicians in taiwan being out campaigning in president ial primaries ahead of next years election with the topic of relations with china very much on the agenda and i guess this week outside the capital taipei is cho she way whos been seeking the nomination of hughes probating party the kuomintang as china pushes with increasing urgency for real

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