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A expected to happen and it did after monsoon rains damaged their flimsy settlements refugees in bangladesh begin to pick up the pieces. And well see how one malaysian teenager destroying the world of professional wrestling on its head well introduce you to the fierce some felix breaking down barriers in the ring. Welcome to news asia its good to have you with us theyve been called internment camps even concentration camps but they continue to be built theyre part of chinas program of detention of we girls and other muslim minorities in the province of. All simply fight terror and now. This has open International Support in a letter to the Un Human Rights Council sent just days back at least 37 countries have supported chinas court counterterrorism and did article as are some measures in shinji including setting up Vocational Education and Training Centers some of these countries you must know include north korea or saudi arabia or even myanmar but upwards of a 1000000 we girls and turkish minorities have been detained in the camps their crime their faith 22 western countries also in a letter to the Un Human Rights Council have asked china to stop these arbitrary detentions but china sees things differently. This is what china wants visitors to see a full dance outside the largest mosque in the country the spectacle belies the sinister realities of life for shin johns we go. Up to 1000000 of whom are thought to be held inside Reeducation Centers like this part of a growing complex of sprawling secretive camps for journalists trying to get close to the prisons. Plainclothes police stage rule Traffic Accident and run Old Fashioned interference to stop outsiders finding out whats happening inside. A former inmate described his or deal in an interview last year. They grabbed me and put me into a metal chair like device in it you stand still and cannot move your arms are secured by the metal parts and your chest is exposed. After 6 hours in this device my whole body ached the pain becomes unbearable but. This is why 10 years ago we go move rioted after 2 workers were killed by han chinese 200 people died in the clashes fearful of a repeat the crackdown against the readers continues to this day. Independent Analysis Shows that in recent years the number of camps in the far Western State has tripled last month the government allowed radio controlled access to the canteen and dormitories at one Facility Access all areas it was not. The busy food market in downtown cashcard tells a very different story but despite appearances here this is still a province shrouded in secrecy. But german researcher adriaan sense is looking to change that through his work he joins me now from washington d. C. I was there thats good to have you on the program not based on the research that you regularly conduct what is the latest what is happening on the ground in. Later situation is that the Chinese Government is actually trying to move into a longer Term Solution obviously you cannot keep hundreds of thousands or one to 2000000 people in internment a long time an extra 3 g. Is to move them gradually into settings or forced labor and then to reintegrate them not into freedom into whats basically a police state it just sounds extraordinary a police state in the 21st century and china appears to be getting away with it do you think enough International Pressure is not being brought to bear on china. International pressure has been very slow to mount so hampered by the fact that the United States left the United Nations Human Rights Council and the International Community is unfortunately not sufficiently united about the issue and as you can see a good part of the developing world especially countries that themselves have a very poor human rights records and even been siding with china because of economic interest this is of course youre referring to some of the 37 countries that signed that open letter to the u. N. Human Rights Council supporting john as actions in do you think this is reflective of chinas clout and the economic power it weaves in the world at the moment yes it is about in road initiatives supposedly benign and when where is at least in part a global influence operation thats working both successfully to make countries economically but also politically dependent on china its astounding that among the 22 countries that condemned chinas atrocities in sions young which mostly targets muslim majority groups there was not a single Muslim Country joining this letter of condemnation however among the 37. 00 countries that supported chinas policies 15 of them are muslim i jati this by itself is absolutely astounding and shocking but also a testimony to chinas increasing clout and influence especially in the developing world so would you say that if there is a theres a weaker person watching this broadcast there is nothing they have to hope for essentially they are on their own. In many ways yes however speaking out does help desk example of the australian broadcast an australian father has 2 year old son and wife and shinji young and cannot believe he has not even seen his son one single time now the Australian Government at least has launched an official petition to the Chinese Embassy in australia if those 2 can leave china and be reunited also the wife was called to the local Police Office and questioned International Media attention does have an effect and it must continue but now we have evidence on the table. Especially does months Additional Research came out about parents being separated from children about white sprint forced labor schemes to obtain to entire minority societies its really no time up to the politicians and the Multilateral International bodies to put some action behind their supposed values right and hopefully that does happen thank you for speaking to us about this subject thank you. The United States is hitting photo of me in moscow top generals with sanctions or the mosque killings of Rohingya Muslims men must bigotry have been accused of a campaign of violence in the kind state which is there to more than 700000 fleeing the country over the past 2 he has the military leaders identified in the u. S. Sanctions include me in my commander in chief mean the end scene however the country civilian media. Also targeted are his deputy and 2 other subordinates the sanctions bother generals and the immediate families from traveling to the United States. Other steps of washington strongest yet against me and muffle what it called the ethnic cleansing of my daughter tito as u. S. Secretary of state had this to say in his statement he said quote we remain concerned that the burmese government has taken no actions to hold accountable those responsible for Human Rights Violations and abuses and there are continued reports of the Burmese Military committing Human Rights Violations and the buz is throughout the country but from across the border from myanmar hundreds of thousands of india now live in all the crowd of very few cabs and they were hit hard by recent monsoon rains floods and landslides give that least 10 people and swept away of thousands of shanty homes now theyre trying to rebuild what little they have. The monsoons aftermath in the coxs bazar refugee camp home to a 1000000 range is. Mostly even flimsy shells is built on hillsides which collapsed after days of torrential rains. The stormwater demi drugs and broke 3 bridges. Locals are now forced to negotiate dangerous walkways for their basic needs. And mudslides have damaged many of our houses and people are suffering children can get sucked away crossing these canals. With the monsoon season only just beginning construction teams a scrambling to rebuild thousands of shelters destroyed in the 1st rains. In the heavy rains trying to fortunately with. With managed to get a significant amount of done and. It continues this way for the next few days at least. The rains might have ease for now but refugees are facing a shortage of food and safe drinking water. Its also sheer that flooded toilets could trigger a disease outbreak in the crowded camp. Now for the story of a 19 year old woman in blazing a trail that crosses the boundaries of the sports and Entertainment North is already a strange unscripted walled off. As one of the few women to become a headline fighter but the phoenix as she is known doesnt just pack a punch when she does the ring she also carries a message for muslim women trying to break down barriers in sport. 1st comes the mirror check then comes the show where nor diane becomes phoenix. Small in stature and barely over 5 feet tall phoenix wrestles men twice her size and gets thrown around the ring like a rag doll. But Phoenix Rises from the ashes and gives as good as she gets. 14 years old she became obsessed with the art in sport of wrestling but refusing to do it without her he jumped cause problems early on. Thats. Why i get a lot of. That congress because im. Proudly sporting her he job phoenix does more than entertain she also serves as motivation. I. Do believe that she is a role model and its patient that office goes out there. I dont think this thing goes as a whole i think she had a book. To spoof that and maybe she can do it again. Taking down the competition phoenix has gained a following on social media and hopes to encourage more muslim women to be true to their faith. And their journey. Thats a fun ill be sure to check out all of the stories on the dot com forward slash on facebook and we leave you with pro wrestling. And on to. The. First day of school in the jungle. First. Doris crane. Joined you retain water turning back to freedom. In our interactive documentary. Returns home on the w. Dot com among its hangs. A decades old conflict becomes a present day trade fight south korea says its taking steps to wean itself off of japanese equipment and materials as a spat between the 2 countries over war time reparations the friends. Also coming up for the next time you buy a lamborghini closer fakes are trying from brazil to iran and. This is the the way of business is all im saying now the milan welcome its a fight dating back to the Japanese Occupation of south korea in the early 20th century this court over war era Labor Compensation has snowballed into a rapidly escalating trade conflict between the 2 countries seoul said today it was moving to reduce its the pendency on japanese exports and japan may yet remove south korea from its list of preferred trading partners the dispute could hurt Global Supply chains allies like the u. S. Are concerned. Executives of samsungs headquarters are currently discussing supply disruptions at the beginning of this month japan placed restrictions on the export of some chemical materials to south Korea Samsung needs them to produce chips and touch screens the conflict has caught the attention of washington. So fundamentally they are ok in japan must resolve the sensitive matters and we hope that resolution happens to the United States as a close friend and an ally to both

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