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T. W. Level we were. When we were. In the percent of americans in some plane and allies will experience high ship listening. Globalist that matters w 4 minds. On this edition of the world stories. Somalia rehabilitating former alshabaab fighters thailand one year after the dramatic cave rescue. But we start out in mexico where narcotics cartel has been threatening reporters with abduction and murder over 100 media workers have suffered this fate here in the past 20 years though seen up out of a skate with her life. A desperate voicing we found bodies again the reported knows the woman who called her she belongs to a group of mothers looking for their missing children now its become a search for bodies. Reports life that we want all the more hello when one was a leos with the searches of. This they were told that there might be secret mass graves here they have discovered one of these womens loved ones have disappeared here we can see the bones that wessels playmobil said about was most likely all the money has been reporting on the searching mothers for years and the vast majority of cases it turns out that their children were abducted and killed by the signal while drug cartel. By covering the story puts herself in jeopardy she regularly receives death threats. A few years ago the threats almost became reality. Was kidnapped. Almost my life was in danger i knew theyd either kill me or let me go but i had already seen their faces. Get back there so i was sure they would kill me or know that one of them said it was time to make this just year. Old girl maybe i wont matter one asks me if i had a last wish. There would be more than. God bless you. My daughters and 2 orphans was there in the diocese i was there in the us i let god like your path and may you be well get they will read the book i mean like i asked him for a boy. Words move to keep members there later go. To Siena Stanley is constantly aware of the dangers she faces every day. Her sister allowed to choose a name i always worried about her isnt. That. Im sad because i know that something can happen to her that are. Its only because i know that shes not safe when shes working. You. Still see both are very proud of him. Yes but ill go shes always giving 100 percent and 100 percent extra. And. Ill be here has passed since a junior Boys Football Team was rescued from a flooded cave in thailand. We talked to one of the divers who took part in the daring rescue. When i arrived to the cape and the kids were get to the phone we were going out there not knowing 100 percent of what kind of mission ill be going into id be going in to save some kids all the going to recover some bodies and i think myself and many of the other rescue groups we were probably expecting to find at least some of them not at all. It was terrifying to think about that maybe youre going to be diving around and then the next thing youre going to bump into is a dead kid and they turned up at that was not the situation that was part of getting before the 1st kids out any kind of work pretty good. I was sitting in the 6 chair in which is mostly cough way into where i would be but the kids where i felt i wasnt sure of myself and my diet boys to support the divers and the kids as they were coming out. Well we could actually see the diver busy i always see the light of the diver way before we can see the diver and i remember that reddy vividly im sitting on one of the banks together with my dive buddy and i can see this glowing to walk so im jumping into the water the water is about chest high at this point and im running to watch that ike hes dragging something to the water i know what that is that hes one of the kids but at this point i didnt know what condition the kid was so that i still remember coming around him that hes coming up and i can see that topples scaping from the kids mosconi equipment which indicates to me that the kidneys hes breathing and old need to know he said i maybe hes injured maybe Something Else is wrong with him but he said. I was the last person to leave the cave that night at this point all of the kids have already been evacuated to the hospital and was under treatment i still remember coming into the charm boat which is where the diving ends i remember one of the american divers just said to me ive been there all find them all alive and know why i thought they were because i sold it for divers phew i was really you know i didnt know and it was fantastic tool to get and the good news that yeah that theyre fine and i dont feel like youre old and i dont think any of us do because we were just doing what we do but every day but we were doing something that we we all love to do you good thing and i think that its evil its just you know. Its again again sure 100 percent yes i will go again. I think the biggest takeaway that that i had formed from this experience is that i learned that absolutely nothing is impossible if you Work Together if you have a mission and dont forget also a good planning then you can do everything. The islamised alshabaab militia has been waging a terrorist campaign against somalias government for over a decade now. And ahmed fought and killed for the group until they succeeded in escaping its grasp. That they were part to fit killing machine terrorizing somalias population but now theyre asking for forgiveness this facility in juba land is home to 860 young man who used to fight for one of the deadliest islamist extremist groups in the world. The former fighters here mostly men aged between 25 and 29 have been granted amnesty and are seeking a 2nd chance 2 of them are willing to share why they decided to defect. For their safety and security we have withheld the location and Real Identities by calling them and omelette. He says i was just 15 years old when he joined the group 5 years ago with the water in the could be you know at 1st people join because the religion they say about promoting religion but this is just a front actually theyre killing innocent people for no reason or to fight in this could be. Similarly joined us at the age of 16 it took them 8 years to escape from the group as. If they also killed muslims in that attack when i saw my people dying i decided i had to break away of the. Many men growing up in disenfranchised and poor parts of the country but led into joining us about for financial reasons and a sense of belonging. To address this these men now receive occasional training in hands on group classes. I did not know how to live within society i learned that here ive learned how to support myself. But many here are still haunted by night men they struggle to fathom how they were capable of such violence. And the rehab taishan facility these young men receive professional psychological support. But above all its companionship and leisure time that are helping them to overcome that trauma. Before we can talk to each other about all the things weve done wrong and give each other support about how not to fall back into our destructive ways. For somalia to help for the birth of a United Government and for my life i hope to work for the benefit of my country and for my people with their new skills he sent men to intend to make a positive contribution to society again. They hope other young people than the stake of joining up in the 1st place. Many people are putting high hopes on greeces newly elected government we spoke with the residents of the island of of china about their hopes and expectations for the new Prime Minister Kiriakou Switzer talks. Fishing around on an island just off the coast of athens. Stadio slava darrius runs the boat with his father hes the thought generation of his family to make his living on the water today hes taken his friend your boss kept us along for company and weve cut a lot of people on this see the job boards fishing or on this they are now nobody at my age or a little bit more of a god they dont stay as not very good because we have islands that a lot of tourists come to see our islands and what in 10 years nobody will be on the fishing one day when they come to see. Stereos hopes tourism will save his familys business around 30000. 00 small fisherman like him are fighting for survival in the face of declining stocks and hard Economic Times his friend your boss once the new government to deliver change quickly after years of tax increases and cuts in public spending. I think that the tax payments. Are not fair with us its more fair to the rich people than to to meet the or to the lower class people. Im expecting these oswell from the new government many may you know hope the new government will cut taxes especially the widely unpopular Real Estate Tax the incoming Prime Minister meets of tackiest also wants to attract more investment and create jobs promises that vicki pay russkie been has heard over and over again shes been looking for work for years today shes praying for a miracle from catron st she hopes he will help you react cause mitts attack is to finally bring change everybody promise this is a political they promised but now. Things have a very difficult he has to do it if you will not do what hes got he promised he will have a very big problem from the from the people is we are not like before we had looked like before we dont forgive setting a course for you to mimic recovery many believe the new government has just one chance to get it right half a 1000000 young greeks have already left the country due to the economic crisis but thats something these 2 friends dont want to do they plan to stay on and fight for a better future. On the 77 the 2nd. Issue is that. Their marketing dollars. Called revolution around the world. Was a song with. Take a look at tanzania pct. And to find out what young people. Following up on germanys former division. You want to take on the moon tora along the border between has set and the range of. 30 years ago the iron curtain divided the world into east and west like here to find out what has changed since reunification and well explore what else there was her visitors to see today. Every journey begins with the 1st step and every language but the 1st word published in the. Rico is in germany to learn german why not go with him simple online on your mobile and free. D w z learning course nikos fake german made easy. Welcome to one another edition of the 77 percent. African eddie mica jr. Are you on that thats a 5 years old if you said yes then youre on the right place because this show is all about you coming up on the program. In south africa we discuss the roots of the balance against migrants. We discover love it seems that has allowed the times

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