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Be harder. Also coming up tonight team usa is celebrating another big 3 at the womens world cup but when it comes to equal pay for performance on the pitch the champions look like big lose. I think its everybodys separate for everybody wants it and everybody is ready for the conversation we move to the next piece. Or to our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome we begin the day with how to kill a nuclear deal in slow motion it has been more than a year since the United States withdrew from the Iran Nuclear Deal known as the j c p a way in that time the Trump Administration has imposed old and new sagans to cripple irans economy washingtons policy of maximum pressure against tehrans pollen. Maximum patience there is no sign that the pressure will let up anytime soon but that patience it is running out today iran said that it is no longer limiting its enrichment of uranium a direct violation of the nuclear deal and a direct provocation intended to make europe react iran wants europe to shield it from those u. S. Sanctions and europe as promised to do that but so far that promise remains more theory and practice more now we have no hope and no trust in anyone or any country about the door of diplomacy is open with diplomacy boss be just one sneeze its important not to get lost in process what is important is to get iran to abide by the agreement again. We regret that iran has announced a further reduction of its commitment to the comprehensive agreement on the iran Nuclear Issue. We will continue to oppose irans malign influence we will continue to bring pressure on their economy and under President Donald Trump america will never allow iran to obtain a nuclear weapon. Our well joining me tonight is someone who knows the ins and outs of the Iran Nuclear Deal ellie garonne miami advised european governments as the gene c. P. O. Way was being negotiated shes a senior policy fellow with the European Council on Foreign Relations and she joins me tonight from london aliens good to have you on the show the announcement by iran to abandon that that 1st limit on the enrichment of uranium tell me how significant is that. Well the stats i have seen from iran so far have been very managed calculated escalations on the need care file 1st we had iran increasing beyond the stockpile casks under the queen and by the same small margins as the International Atomic Energy Agency verified a few days ago and this week that the same International Body has indeed verified that iran has gone so that we have the 3. 67 threshold of is make sure i mean catch and tell them the deal to just under 0. 05 so right now we are seeing very incremental steps from iran to exceed the limits on to that deal just enough to not just the europeans to take this issue urgent me but not that much and its going to class if you will to get there because at the moment the core elements of the deal which ensure that Irans Nuclear program is restricted and limited to civilian use only is still there and this is what the europeans are hoping to trigger ok and the demise of this deal is you know its playing out as a background to what were seeing in the story strait of gibraltar with the u. K. Impending iranian tanker to date irans foreign minister zarif he shot back on twitter by tweeting iran is neither of a member of the e. U. Nor subject to any european oil embargo last i checked the e. U. Was against extraterritoriality ukase unlawful seizure of a tinkerer with iranian oil on behalf of the b. Team is piracy pure and simple it sets a dangerous precedent and it has to end now so youve got this conflict now at the same time youve got iran giving europe 60 days to deliver on the promise of shielding it from u. S. Sanctions so when you put all all of that together talk to me about the feasibility of that kinde europe protect the iranian economy from u. S. Sanctions. Why dont the bottom line is very clear no it cannot weve had a year of essentially an experimental phase for bo who are nervous on to see if u. S. Sanctions you know actually are able to have the same impact as essentially United Nations sanctions and all embargoes had on iran back before this deal was agreed and what weve seen over the prost year is that actually u. S. Sanctions being what have proven to be far more balanced and effective and i think many people have imagined and so if youre sitting in teheran understanding this reality there is very little to essentially keep you its hearing to this deal when you understand that will counterplots remaining to the movement which are the europeans the chinese and the russians on either incapable are willing to provide iran with any meaningful sense of economic package now having said that there are some sites that that all of the remaining posses critelli a chip ensure that this deal doesnt collapse School Together and that theres at least something to hold on to in the coming year particularly in the run up to the u. S. Elections one of the things that the europeans are what king all in is this special Purpose Vehicle for trade with iraq will insect which im sure many friends in the u. K. Have backed and its time to see whether in the coming weeks of the summer if this mechanism because we begin to trade with them a lot and we know that iran has not been impressed with in stacks you know when you met with leaders recently the response was lukewarm so where do you think things are going to go from here weve got to the french president sending his top diplomat to tehran tomorrow to deescalate the situation. But i think the best that we can hope for in the coming months particularly up to mid september when the u. N. General assembly. Is essentially damage limitation efforts from the european side to prevent iran from escalating said there on the Nuclear Issue or or even actually on the regional scale as were seeing things go deteriorating on the regional platform as well and to essentially see whether they can persuade temperament to freeze then the clear escalation to where weve seen today and to reach out also to try personally president talk rationally and to the white house to see if there can be any breathing room provided to iraq so that it doesnt feel so cornered as it has been the recent weeks because if everyone is continually put on that this happens pressure from the u. S. Sanctions framework it will look for new areas the hit back live events on the regional platform for the new clear air and the europeans are very keen to contain the damage that i followed ok ellie garang now youre joining us tonight from london hello we appreciate your time tonight and your insights thank you. The British Government is trying to hunt down the leaker of diplomatic cables which give a scathing assessment of the Trump Administration now the memos allegedly from the u. K. Zimm bassett or to washington they were published in britains mail on sunday newspaper they contain a wide range of damning comments including this we dont really believe that this administration is going to become substantially more normal less dysfunctional less unpredictable less faction ribbon less diplomatically clumsy and inept and that is not all ambassador derek also said trumps presidency could crash and burn and in disgrace and the reports of chaos inside the white house were quote mostly true President Trump he gave his response to that on the tarmac today before boarding air force one take a listen. Were not. Going. Well britains government has expressed his regret to washington but its also defended the ambassadors duty to provide honest views perhaps more alarming for british officials is the leak itself the u. K. Foreign ministry has launched an investigation. Fundamental to the proper functioning of our Diplomatic Network which i happen to believe is one of the finest if not the finest in the world is to pavel to Exchange Opinions frankly so thats why were going to have a leak inquiry i hope we get to the bottom of it and of course theyll be very serious consequences if and when we find out whos responsible jeremy hunt speaking there for now officials see no evidence of a hostile state actor they believe the mole is more likely to be a british politician or a public servant. Meanwhile has tweeted that hell no longer deal with the british ambassador. Greece has a new government with a new Prime Minister at the helm here to. Talkies was sworn in in athens today his new Democracy Party won a landslide victory in sundays election it took almost 40 percent of the vote he has pledged to cut taxes and to create more jobs so talkies replaces the left wing leader alexis think its so greeks have turned their backs on the fringes and return to the center the big question is will it improve the economic prospects for millions of unemployed. Greeks voted for change well. The party greeks rejected 4 years ago as the economic crisis really hit home is now back in power kitty of course mates of techies and his new Democracy Party are in. And alex to press and his left wing syriza Led Coalition out. For a full vote im sure this week people gave us a strong mandate to change greece we will honor this mandate in full mission to starting and now we are prepared for hard work and i have total confidence in our ability to meet the challenges head on as you have both dismissed the message of the. So top of his to do list reduce unemployment. The dogs the money from the dogs. The new guys the new guys they dont have something to believe they dont. Many also want to feel very in safe hands he knows what hes doing of course has been a bullet to sin for so many here is his for his father as well life is so says that. While the farm is full it is so. Because of. The autumn in denies the i mean the other raleigh was and been as they make a mess 70. 18 percent of greeks are without jobs including a staggering 40 percent of its young people everyone including greeces creditors now wait to see if mitts attack is complete form a Small Economic miracle. And for more now im joined by our correspondent barbara vehicle she is in athens this evening good evening to you barbara what is the message for the rest of the world from this election is the message here are all still really does work in the. Several messages may be brand one is elections are pretty good thing because people can just decide if the site change minds and if they didnt like the last guy they are going to have a new guy and this is what we saw they decided that after all they might give the conservative party another try when the austerity works it does of course to a certain extent in the way that it will prevent a country from crashing into is sort of into bankruptcy which is a pretty devastating event however the greeks have hated pay the high price for that many people here are really at the end of they have tethered financially economically and of course emotionally because many feel that they have suffered enough the labor market is still sluggish and particularly young people are still looking for work so yes and no must be the answer and yet the voters decided to go for a change which is somewhat Mainstream Center right is the message here also that the greeks have turned their backs on populist. This is a real look at the supressed government really i mean does with the guys without chinese and those were the guys with the finance minister who would sort of right up to the e. U. Meetings on his motorbike with the Leather Jacket so that was about as unconventional as they got to actually what happened once they found out they couldnt shock the tragic troops into sort of forgiving greeks that they had to sort of draw back and the last 2 or 3 years did see for Us Government made pretty mainstream politics so those lazy labels in the end that dont really tell people a lot and however the greeks sort of felt that the government of the next to see 1st wasnt going anywhere anymore he had started things and he couldnt finish them particularly the reforms and now they say ok the conservatives theyve brought us into this disaster but maybe they have to change lets try to believe in them and give them another chance. How will you chremes new president keep his promise to bring peace where russian backed separatists are ensuring there is none today president dillons key met with leaders from the European Union and so obscure along with e. U. Council president on the Commission President george. Discussed the conflict in the eastern part of the country finding there is now in its 6th year. Ukrainian president also sent a video message to russian president Vladimir Putin. Please i would like to address the president of the Russian Federation applied to me or putin we need to talk yes we do lets do it sheikh lets discuss who crimea belongs to and who isnt present in done by us i suggest the following leaders be present at the talks. You the us President Donald Trump and british Prime Minister of tourism a german chancellor Angela Merkel and french president emmanuel. As for the place i think Alexander Lukashenko will be happy to host us in minsk in the morning. We are not changing or dismissing any diplomatic formats. We are offering to talk. Since we need to talk right. Artless pulling our correspondent Nick Connelly he is in kiev this evening where that meeting between the e. U. And ukraines new government is taking place good evening to you nic what do you make of president. Sending out i guess a video tweet if you will to russian president Vladimir Putin saying we need to talk what do you make of that. Well brant he certainly has a talent for the political sound bite right this is a guy who spent most of his life in show biz and it shows i dont think in reality that this has all too much to do with the real nuts and bolts of diplomacy i cant see treason may joining joining President Trump in minsk to talk with putin and selenski this was a message directed wholeheartedly at his domestic audience theres elections here in a couple of weeks time as a lets he wants to show his audience not so hes wouldnt these voters many of whom a top of the wall that hes willing to throw will that diplomatic stuffy diplomatic protocol out of the window in search of peace but if you look into the small print he really isnt offering to new hes not giving up on the old formats hes not saying im going to meet you want to one and were going to go and have a glass of water and discuss things just the 2 of us that was not on off today this was a very sophisticated political showmanship you were recently in Eastern Ukraine i mean what do people there tell you that they expect their leaders to do. Well there was huge tiredness and desire for normality for the people had before the war started 5 years ago we went to a crossing point where tens of thousands of people many old people across the front line standing out in 30 degree heat for hours queuing having to walk across a ruined bridge and there was a real wave of tiredness and desire for change having said that you will meet people who say we stood up to the separatists the russian backed separatists 5 years ago and we shouldnt be hurrying into some kind of concessions and giving away what we protect the overall emotion you do get from lots of people is telling us and desire for a solution but no real clarity about what the price for returns an amenity for some kind of. That would be what the kremlin would demand from ukraine in return and what about the European Union what is it offering to help resolve the conflict in Eastern Ukraine. 2 things money and sanctions financing for the ukrainian state and for humanitarian projects but also continued sanctions against russia for its an accession of crimea and involvement in dont bass here in ukraine theres been huge worry in recent months that europe especially western europe is getting tired of Ukraine Ukraine fatigue and people wanting to basically sell ukraine down the river and make up with without having to do anything in return so really. This is something he told me when i interviewed him last week he was really needing the europeans to really sure support for sanctions and for him to hear that and he got that from both and and today that those sanctions are not going anywhere. Nick connelly on the story for us in kiev this evening nick thank you for. Soccer fans across the u. S. Celebrating their teams wont cup victory the u. S. Beat the netherlands 2 nil yesterday in the final match world champions again and now a record for a world cup triumph for the u. S. Womens team. For a short moment the celebrations were almost drowned out by protests this is what im talking about take a list. Price of equal pay ringing out around the stadium just as Johnny Infantino the president afifa was about to present the players with the trophy the chant the chants serving as a reminder of a much bigger battle on the horizon for the womens team closing the pay gap between male and female players. Well its force one and she joins me now with more on this lets talk about the money help because the pay gap in u. S. Soccer well this dispute has been going on for some time and already the members of the u. S. Team the u s w n t all suing bet own u. S. Soccer federation over gender discrimination in the areas of pay and general conditions and the lawsuit actually highlights that in some cases women players being paid around 38 percent of what male players are being paid in other words just over a 3rd of what the male players are getting so you can see why that has annoyed these women because they have won for a while cops on the men. Exactly now the overall point that fifo was offering the womens world cup teams for all of them was 30000000. 00 u. S. Dollars the u. S. For a go to round about 4000000. 00 that all sounds greyson to look at what the mens well chapattis going to be in a few years time it is a starker in 440000000. 00 u. S. Dollars and we can hear now from the u. S. Womens captain macon repeating. It certainly should be more and i think. Yeah i dont even know how to answer that question but i think there needs to be a big investment in the womens game so maybe someone like god forbid we overpaid maybe i could just maybe i could just happen like one time in a month you know because of their. Religion is not just you know voicing her opinion of me she has a lot of support but also yeah absolutely in the being huge number of tweets so lets just have a look at some of them weve got one twitter user whos writing the u. S. W n t doesnt deserve equal pay now they deserve more pay than the u. S. Mens National Team because the women have won for well cops and the men. 10. 00 the women on champions and the men get paid more for barely qualifying that to pay now and another user tweets this is a classic case of women having to vasili out before male counterparts to make their case for equal pay now. And also celebrities have been getting involved in this weve heard from the rap snoop dog who has put a video about this this whole pack pay finished book yet the fiasco on his Instagram Account and we can look at that video now in full for call shout out to her us very womens soccer team for a 4th world. War i want to talk about it or be able to get 90000. 00 per player but for me if they were to give 500000. 00 per player theyre paid in ladies man. Paid him girls were to work the women should be getting 500000 per athlete sugo. And snoop doggs not the only one saying that i mean it is ridiculous to think about the disparity theres a were do we go from here well at fifa have already i mean theyve obviously must be very embarrassed about this and theyve already promised that for the next womens world cup the total pot the prize money will in will double so go from 30000000. 00 to 60000000. 00 u. S. Dollars but still a fraction of what the mens world cup getting and i think the big issue really is whats going to happen within that National Soccer federation in the u. S. They have to listen theyve got a winning team here they have to pay them its going to be interesting to see how this affects the wall st alex that very much. Show me the money they say but the day is almost done the conversation continues online youll find us on twitter 30. 00 w. News you can follow me a t. V. Use the hash tag the day you remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see you then everybody. Is on the summer of cups is almost finished the womens world cup a cup of america and the gold cup. Headstocks a highlight. Missed opportunity. The future im a. Strong women. They belong to the. Territory faces frets from drug runners on speculators but these Indigenous People are fighting for. The the corner heritage. In 45 minutes. You know that 77 percent i think are younger but. Thats me into me and you. Think you know what time the voice is. On this 77 percent talk about the issue of my. Front porch to flash from housing boom boom town this is where. Welcome to the 77 percent. This weekend g. W. So the summer of cups is almost finished the womens world cup the cup america and the gold cup are over and we are going to talk about it then you are you ready. So lets start with the womens

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