Transcripts For DW Conflict Zone 20240714

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Berlin is by outreach from stall head of the a. F. P. Parliamentary faction does she know except that her party needs to tone down some of its highly controversial rhetoric. From start welcome to conference so. The new European Parliament is in session you are going there because youve got 11 percent of the vote in germany youre going there in greater numbers but not in the numbers that you hoped for why not. Well i think it was the the election came out as a huge success we have been there in the last in the end with one i me painter were sending 11 and over all the whole campaign was of course not easy for us which are 2 percent down from the federal elections well with what we had nationally you know 2 percent ok what we have to take into account is that the campaign of course what not easy it was an international can paint. In favor of him a Climate Change and then the austrian video from strahan came up so it was really a very tough fight for us the scandal the war down the u. S. Government so this has been put into account and for alexander government was talking last year about 20 percent wasnt so they show us between 17 and 20 percent of the f. T. C. Is well over 20 percent and youve got 11 yeah i so as i said one has to take into account that the campaign was not easy and so in the end we ended up with 11 any peace there and i think we have part of it over of a bigger group to a 9 points behind the greens who were on 20. 5 percent they were the big winners here in germany with that and its hard for you to compete with them because many germans see them as coalition material they dont see us coalition to the world this is this is this is the campaign where we are facing at the very moment this is true and you want to talking about Climate Change and this is not our main issue we are picking up on that. The gangs are your enemy in the whole xander girl and your coleaders as the greens will destroy the country and the job must and will be to fight them this is pretty apocalyptic terms of the of the politicos coming from the greens they are saying we are gonna die some something more years if you do not you know stop me imitate c o 2 and i think this is they are trying to make everyone is being in panic the official language of this holy center greater is what i want to get the people in panic and i think were the ones to to put facts again you dont really only thing we. Im not going into that polluted well talk about different kind of public later but look around 46 percent of those polled in germany so that they wish to see the alliance between the cd in the greens and that means if that goes ahead an open Pluralistic Society protecting minorities as opposed to close the border party like you telling people who didnt have their home who killed well over if this will end up like in this pretty possible that the christian democrats are going together with the greens or even with the far left then i think this this maybe but we think this is a problem within the country and they hold your opinion but if it comes to germany we talk about germany is moving towards into a completely wrong direction we want to stop it and we will have elections regional erect elections by the beginning of september and insects in the and in bunbury and we will see how that will end up because it might be the necessity of the Christian Democratic Party to choose whether they want to go with a little far left so the former communist party the s. C. D. From from g. D. R. Or with with us and them and this is what we have we have to to think about and i think this is why they are panicking so what they dont seem to be much doubt that you will do well in the east but preentry you nationally is that the majority of germans simply dont want to live in the kind of country you in visit well this is this is this is a country where the majority if i could just say the same question almost 60 percent still view immigrants as a strength rather than a burden and you want my group refugee numbers severely limited because you feel your culture is threatened this is true 81 percent think membership of the e. U. Is a good thing that was in october last year when they dont so and youre threatening to leave if you dont get the reforms you want whatever that means well were were having different positions and different opinions so its Something Like 40 percent of the germans think islam does not belong to germany so this is also supported not by a majority but by a very strong mind. Already and this voice in a democracy has to be represented as well and if it comes to islam when it comes to migration when it comes to the ever closer European Union when it comes to your rescue packages to to save the euro all these all these items all these issues have to be covered from both sides weve got a huge overall coalition of all the other parties who are going towards ever closer union when it comes to the European Union want to rescue the euro with german taxpayers money who want to take in why koreans who think israel you want to lean on and youre going to pull the country and the euro and all of those all those all those issues when it comes to were having a different opinion this is true and its 83 percent of children support the euro you will pull the country know and there are others who dont and this is in a democracy it was ours it wasnt its never that its 100 percent agree its not 100 percent agree for breakfast or for not breck said its more 5050 and why was the migration issue is pretty much all you have risen to you know youre a one trick pony and im going to doubted you would i knew not when for i mean this was the speech years ago when we found at the party and now we are because then we were on the year rescue policy the only issue then we have a General Program with all the details i was speaking about about your opinion your rescue that was on the government admitted its not too good last year he said i think the governments welcome policy for refugees was the main reason for our success but it was the only reason for your success was oh no we this is this is not true what you said wasnt true it is it is not true that this is the only success it is true that there was a momentum into a bow and 15 the former head of our secret service mr marson just today or yesterday in the built side and said he didnt join the Christian Democratic Party to take in 1800000 arabic people into germany this is what he said hes from the c. D. U. And i think this is a very this is a very important point because this started all in 2015 and of. Course in 2015 when marco close didnt close the borders open it whatever way take it but lead in all those people into our country and this was of course a moment when a lot of people the very unsatisfied that there is with the party if they didnt they theyd want to have a change on that point and this is such a way off was that there was supporting us but thats not the only reason for us to just supporting the point i made which is basically that this is your one policy last summer it became pretty clear in interviews that your coley that alexander government gave that you really dont have policies on many issues affecting ordinary people there were no policies on germanys retirement system he said we have no determined concept no policy on digitalisation particularly important with young people he said that has not been voted on in our Party Program no policy on how to protect local renters from Big International Holiday Companies big topic here in berlin. It is your it is your one topic isnt it migration thats it no its not. You oppose your Party Grievances and you actually have very little to propose but you seem to often presses a few alternatives for a party thats called alternative for germany i think you have a probably have youre just not aware of it i dont blame you for that you have not gone through our program youre just picking up on some you know mainstream wording which is up in the air but if you prepare for an interview like this you should maybe go through our program and then realize we have got an overall Problem Program which is basically having solutions for different kinds of issues for almost all the issues so the political scientists who said that you will have little in the way opposes a right political scientist to kill university for instance yes sums it up when he said people are just concerned about immigration or crime or security also concerned about pensions and Climate Change legislation and you know if the leaders have nothing no you know we have we are trusting 1st problems 1st it is true that we have not served the end of the. Pension problem we are facing but we are making one point we are saying this problem is ongoing for decades already we know already that this problem is a severe one and has to be self but 1st thing we have to address is who is responsible for that and this has been all the other parties mainly social democrats and christian democrats because they knew already 2 generations it gave you that this system is about to break apart and were addressing it were having a debate in the party at the very moment were taking it very serious were taking our time and well come up with something but we dont you know we want just not react on the attacking us for not being able to solve the problems which has been caused by all the other parties within the last 50 years or more that were not having a solution for all the disaster they have put into our country i think this has to be honest this is this is this is a debate we will not take i wanted to. Good look at your partys rhetoric because it seems carefully calculated to make people terrified of muslims and angry at the government for letting so many in in one of your political manifestos its as if devious islam was a great threat to our state our society and our values due to it spreading and the steadily growing number of muslims go on repeating this and you might as well paint a target on their bad moments you know we were thinking islam is a fan of our culture is something which is dangerous for our culture and we dont want that we will have a debate you can be different opinion you can think islam is ation of our culture is good we think its bad and you think we know responsibility for the fact that in 2015 alone with your warnings about rampaging muslims going viral across the internet that there was some 1000 attacks on refugee shelters in germany 5 times the number reported i dont know anyway the way theyve numbers for but then stay a problem isnt the problem is that we have. Rising and jumping numbers of criminal rates within those those other than ours into attacks on refugee shelters you get this is you think if we die in the 2 years over that yes we do yes we can do a lot of then we condemning all of violence in every in every area in general no not in particular in particular every single one but its not hard to work out what you go beyond saying muslims equal threat was an equal threat over and over again in that not all muslim log some people are going to react badly and some people are going to turn violent ugly we want to keep the german determination to take in even the European Union but were talking about germany here we dont want to have that a Muslim Country we accept muslims there are lots of muslims who are well integrated into our society they take there is no problem everythings fine but what we do not want to accept is that islam is starting to have an impact on our social life and our public life on our you know. I was wrong youre not addressing the point. Wanted to make a about this idea that muslims are a threat to germany. Muslims are spread to juice this is for example something what were getting from the Jewish Community the Jewish Community isnt a new world. Which doesnt make a difference to you all the numbers we know about the attacks of muslims on jews we know that the german if you dont talk to the political officials but if you talk to the members of the Jewish Community for example then you realize that they have that the threat for them of being. Of been attacked by antisemitic attacks. Didnt prevent the israeli ambassador here saying he has nothing to do with your party because youve said many fanatic as i said about jews the holocaust and israel yet this over and over again no no no i was going to wait see them get away from them and the day will come to grips why you feel the need to do that but last month germanys Intelligence Services warned that right wing violence has risen sharply here 48 acts of extreme violence registered in 2018 and 28 the year before. In this atmosphere this fear doesnt it behoves politicians to tone down their rhetoric and is that something you intend to do in the politics this is this is true for edwards once or dont think what we see we have just had the debate in the german bundestag and it has been these public figures to say that the attacks on people and politicians and politicians overall its by the but we are outnumbering the attacks by everyone so would which means there are far more incidents happening to us then to every other member of any other party so we are the ones to being physically attacked we need police dont actually know a president of your people got murdered last month and look no further than the murder of val to lose. Who was known for his views and was shot by a right wing extremist what does your party do turn around and blame the government for that no this is just not true either martin hogan said if not for the illegal opening of the borders with young controlled continual mass arrival of mark migrants look i would still be alone i dont mean the government i dont know what might you know much that i can tell you what the board of the if tea party said and what the board of the group in the Parliament Said so you had associate yourself from those remarks to absolutely i mean we have made a very clear statement on that even in the debate was taking place this is ridiculous and we are the ones to say we have to address the problem of course but we have to dress as 2 or more types of society what has happened there is the i dont even find the words in english to say that thats an acceptable it was a blame murder did you also dissociate yourself from volves can get you another view of people whose is one of the when we look at it as a lynching actually when we look at this politically he said that we have to say quite clearly in comparison with islamist extreme leftist the extreme right terrorism seen in germany is just a bird dropping like having people in the field with a cold blooded murder this is this this this guy is facing. A Legal Process within the party we want to get him out of the party who does not belong to the party but we have to go through a Legal Process and this has been taken up by the head of the. By the board of the a. F. P. And by the board of the brandenburg branch of the if you say youre here this is right this is absolute intact the next after what he said but this is one of the guys so one trying to point your party chair you do with trying to get to get rid of him control the people in your party will do so but we cant control people speaking because we cant you know fix their masses but we can try to get them out of the party and this is what its ongoing. But. And she was ashamed of the attitudes and comments like that and this is why we want to get rid of those people this is why i want to go into those legal theres a long history of tendentious things wrong so when you can see in your party theres a sort of casual racism about a lot of things that are said in your party you know. If youve ever come straight to certain to certain people and were trying to getting rid of them so we cant be addressed at that at this this is a very rare and alexander downloads you know trying to get rid of him and hes made some casual racist comments hasnt it you talking shit gently biggest Opposition Party in the in the bundestag me being bored of that party which an argument which means were which means that you cannot focus on one or 2 sentences made by by its by some people its a long patents and were were having we make comments and all these are all these arguments and i think i think if you try to and this is what you do i mean weve got a 25 minutes interview and youre talking about were talking about 3 people or 4 people and this is i think its just not youre not realizing what the party is all about were about to be the number one in the east of germany and the people support because they people want to have a different approach to politics they want to have a change in politics to put it that way maybe thats thats bad i really dont want to talk about these things we talk about how theyre out because theyre barassi but your people shouldnt be saying them then if youre about i just i just said it i just said it we can repeated and repeated over again but it doesnt make the point clearer i just said i want to get rid of. Those others who are making those remarks and had a great deal who put out your fake news for you and me in may this year your party claimed in the Facebook Post that 1400000 Asylum Seekers were waiting for their tickets to germany and the government wanted to impose duty of integration on german citizens this is the quote 1400000 are waiting for their ticket to drown. And we should pay for the question. What nonsense is this because its more its less one where is this 1400000. Official numbers being i mean im not about 1400000 i dont know whom youre quoting there so i dont take that into into my words and but what we know is that there. A lot more people in africa willing to go to the north which is there which of course just makes sense because they proposed a better life here so it makes sense for them to come over and the only point we make is we cant take any more people in because we have taken too many already and we dont want to do we will not we will not be able to solve the problems of the world of the territory of germany this is not part and we are not facing we cannot face your banking this with a very broad brush was suggesting theres wiring all year for a 1000000 the post the posting by your party distorts the uns figure of 1400000. 00 refugees whove been designated as especially vulnerable and without a single supporting facts claims that theyll be coming to germany as the basis for them coming to germany at all well there are lots of those already see if you simply false and no i dont think its well i think the number is too small and i think when you when you go and you take the number from how many people off from africa would like to go and move to towards europe and then probably 2 to maybe lots of them to germany the numbers probably are even bigger the point the political point we are making is we want to have people in the world but we think we are not able to to fight civil war and the war and poverty and whatever diseases in the world by taking the people of those areas into into germany i think this is the way we are not able to solve the problems we want to address it properly we want to help we want to support poor countries this is not the question you want to make people frightened but the hordes are just about to break down the barriers and yes force their way and i think this is a very important point we want to have you have been doing there is no evidence for that at all and we want we want no evidence for the. We want to have the people in the world know that they have a it makes no sense to move over to germany because they are not able to come in i think this is what life if we send out the political signal that all those millions people are not starting to move to the north and to germany so because we will not able to take them all in and what we see in the mediterranean as much as possible press the fear but germany is in great danger jamie germany is in great danger yes if we had taken more millions we have been in great danger we always know as the sun as i can but keep saying theres no sign of millions more coming to germany what they came over a 1000000 already its a minute so you need a sleep spreading fear around the country now i dont know whether youre not aware of the figures and were still taking in 15000. 00 per month and then more to germany has committed 210020188 was 15 hours maybe its now 101215000 every single month and so this ends up like 120. 00 in a year but if you if you do not start the if you do not send out the political signal that this is not all over we cannot handle it we cannot handle it all the numbers who were here at the moment its already too much i dont know whether youre aware of all the the criminal rates of all the of all the you know problems theyre facing within a security we dont want that and as a Political Party we say we just dont want to really dont want to be forced into changing our new leader culture lee what we do not want lets just go back to you in the new Political Landscape after the european elections e. F. T. Is joining me is identity and Democracy Group which is going to be the 5th Largest Group in the European Parliament not the 3rd largest which is what youre aiming for your party promises to be a thaw in the flesh of the stuff what does that mean shes going to block and disrupt and create trouble now what were trying to get out is the message that were in favor of the. European union and it has been set up by the Founding Fathers of the European Union were against the ever closer union we want to keep this of the serenity of the nation states what we think is that democracy only functions within a nation state and we want to Work Together where it is necessary to do so but we do not want to be clear to move towards ever closer you know we have got is divided amongst itself on its position oh absolutely not well there are but i guess youre coming up with the was a some quote from some facebook site from someone who is probably not member no never. Examined the garland warning in one of your meetings before the election but whoever toys with the idea of a decks it a german exit from the e. U. Also needs to ask themselves if this is not a utopia that was just to people in your party so theres a division in your garden and as people who want to leave you will want to stay you stelling the religious dont we have a very clear its a very clear point what we need is deep reforms on the institutions are on the European Union this is what we need and if we are not many if we are not able to fulfill those those reforms that we dont get those reforms then there might be someday the idea to lease but what we are trying to do is trying and fight for the reforms and the reform means that we want to have sovereignty right back to the nation states we what we are clearly opposing the European Army we are against european texas overruling minorities within the European Council for example and this is what we have a very very clear point if we are not managing to keep this if we dont stop the European Union to coming up with the european taxes and with that with their ever ever more Banking Union and all those kinds of things then there might be the day when we have to leave iraq were trying to prevent from a promise for you also against Campaign Finance rules and. Is that your party has been summoned 402000 euros by the buddhist tugs Administrative Committee is that 2 of your counters its up to the free advertising which constituted Illegal Campaign funds were going against that on a legal basis at the very moment and this is this is very open what is what is true is that the bundestag has put up millions of peace and for illegal pot Party Financing and money well you know there is india that various and sundry other you already have your lets let your actions were going to remember it denying any wrongdoing the big no finding new avenues to investigate were a good oreilly whos offices in dusseldorf work they did last week but more of it not up to me ok were going against it legally so we have our light our lawyers on that to go against it this is the case but what is not the case is that and all the other parties are going against it at the very moment they have been put up like this i think with some like 3000000 euros for their freedom a credit party because they have illegal take money from the parliament for for their work so this has been judged already and no one is talking about as the again i do not neglect that the is trying to do so but were going against it we have not yet the result ironically youre the ones who promised to put public funding of Political Parties and new legal base of swimming and its your funding thats in the spotlight continually and has been for months now when you can actually be dont do it why should people believe your version because because im just saying were going against legally were not yet there the result is not yet out this is the way you can repeat the question i want to answer. Boring but we can do that we are truthful still thank you very much for being here and for it so it. Does. Appreciate music. For a swiss cheese maker trying it out. His mum and tom received some plenty of loving attention. And he plays music for it as well so can you taste the difference was the idea that cheesy. 30 minute on. The mall. Welcome to the euro max new jam. Goodbye now stood. With exclusive inside. The must see concerning parts culture kimura. Used to be full cheeriest minds. Do it yourself networkers. Subscriber and dont miss out. Its been 15 years since the moon landing. Was the 1st man to walk on the moon. As a small boy he dreamed of the stars. As a pilot decent anything no matter how dangerous make a shirt or go to the pole. As an astronaut he took part in the greatest adventure in history. But he rode a legend was simply a human being. Neil armstrong starts july 20th on t. W. Such. This is dealing news a life from the struggle to rehabilitate fighters from one of the worlds most violent militia groups they terrorize somalia siggy is killing many innocent people but now some al shabaab militants are being offered a chance to leave the group and rejoin society p. W. Spoke exclusively to some trying to come to terms with their violent past also coming up police in hong kong begin arresting people up the president perceived protesters stormed in ransacked the palms

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