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Exceeded the agreed limits on its stockpile of low enriched uranium. Plus the European Union leaders cant decide who should get the top jobs despite talking through the night discussions of the powerful post of Commission President is open to deep divisions. And demonstrates his return to saddams streets to repeat their denounce for civilian rule clashes with Security Forces result in at least 10 deaths and scores of interest. From so gail welcome to the program protest as a broken into hong kongs legislature on the anniversary of the territories returned to chinese rule prodemocracy demonstrators tore down sections of the glass from a metal wall before entering the building. Planned legislation that would allow expeditions to china earlier Police Used Batons impact with spray to disperse crowds with occupy a road near the governments city come the citys government complex 22 years ago today britain which controlled the form called to Mainland China under a deal that would ensure democratic rights for the citys people activists not be of those rights are being rolled back straight to hong kong d w t v kong joins us on the line welcome phebe i want to protest this plan to do now theyve broken ends of the hong kong haldemans. Now im in private time but also legislative life although we can see if those have. Which is definitely the seat the president also cited count so and these to fly again specially a simple fact at the time when home home on the british before 997 and right now the whole is not just let it come. Completely 7 occupied by. Including. This main chamber and these and you can see there is no police here at all that. Police force they retreated around 2 hours ago with butt out like any idea why they were treated and. From that we can see that there are many feces on the wall many of them. Some of them reading no law but tyranny and also calling for resignation also carry them to the cities. And then now that they have occupied the parliament. Now what will they do next. Some of the protesters say they want to stay here to continue talk of high so thats a sign it complex and but you also must know that because. Our science. Hong kong police force has already announced around less than an hour ago that they will clear. The society of come by in a short period of time so some of the protesters decided to let so but right now we can still see its also they saw hundreds of them to gathering here and not leaving so maybe some of them they want to start these occupy area and to to make her voice heard so police say they will clear the building in an hours time people will be asking why did they allow the processes to break in in the 1st place. You know this is a question. You know including journalists and also many lawmakers are wrong to protest area and some of them sit inside saying this is a kind of tactic. By the police say they are actually paying the have says inside of us to say to come back but. We are not very sure about. The strategy also the police and they didnt explain anything about us but once i saw a choice you have mentioned they were clear here in the shop not going to all out. Here till time to fly what happens in taiwan. You mention that the sense is that chief executives carry a lot of she has said that the recent protests to show the government needs to listen to people will do the protesters believe that those words will be followed by a useful action. Stephanie you can see the scene right here that decided to come i suppose has to stand not happy with what the government has put forward even phones today. Actually want. To come. All the extradition deal and also to always have the courage to rise haitian all rioting. The coast has 2 weeks ago and also they call for the reformation carol and so none of this is not. Meant by. Just minutes ago we have some of the protesters here in the train but i spoke to the media and they express and either. The monza which is they are calling for this also separation in hong kong which means they want a protocol with all these democratic city ok to be called hong kong thank you for that. In tucson all of the days other news in the International Atomic Energy Agency has confirmed that iran has broken the limits on its in which the uranium stockpile a set by the 2050 Nuclear Deal Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad zarif known as the countrys 1st major departure from the agreement after the United States withdraw unilaterally from the deal a year ago this announcement means that iran has defied warnings from european coast signatories to stick with the deal despite reimposed u. S. Sanctions but a Foreign Ministry spokesman said irans steps to reduce its commitments to the nuclear deal were reversible. More more on this now with. Theresa tropper whos been following the story closely for us she said before it extensively from iran welcome series how significant is this breach well its a clear violation of the agreement iran signed back in 2015 an agreement that was designed to prevent iran from building a Nuclear Weapon so this is now the 1st step in a process that could eventually lead to iran being able to amass enough and rich to reigne to build a Nuclear Weapon this means that the time this letter of the public would need to do so would shrink from about a year to less than that but we have to keep in mind the iran your needs to be enriched a lot more than that to be suitable for a Nuclear Weapon and also that iran itself says it doesnt even want a Nuclear Weapon because its religion forbids that but of course that is something that everybody in the region wants to believe so it sounds like youre saying that this is significant but not necessarily dangerous at this point well i mean of course it is somewhat dangerous with the u. S. Warships in the region in the persian gulf in the strait of hormuz so close to where the Iranian Forces operating that always leaves the danger of a military confrontation even if its just by accident and what message is here im sending with these. Well i mean so far iran has complied with the deal even though the us withdrew more than a year ago and it didnt have any benefits from that but the us sanctions really took a toll on the people in iran on the economy people are speaking out about Economic Warfare inside iran so now iran is stepping across red lines one at a time to make sure that the other signatories of the deal that take of action and try to give iran something in return. Meanwhile though theres a signature is russia and china and of course. Various members of the European Union and the e. U. Itself theyre all doing their best to try and save the deal where does this leave us fits well iran says they need to step up their efforts because the fall they havent really succeeded theyve tried to create mechanisms to circumvent those u. S. Sanctions like instincts for example thats for trade with the European Union but they dont work so far and frankly its really hard to make them work without washington because washington is so important for the International Trade also for the International Financial system with the dollar so its really hard for the europeans to do something without washington and especially if washington at sanctions like every couple of months that makes it harder despite the sanctions despite the warships washington says it does want to reopen negotiations with iran is that likely to happen well the Supreme Leader just has ruled that out he says washington cant be trusted and only understands force but people closer to president rouhani skiver man and dont rule them out entirely the thing is donald trump says negotiations would be possible without preconditions and thats something the iranians dont agree to because they say washington would 1st have to return to the existing agreement and from then negotiations could start serious a truck with thank you for the. Meanwhile European Union leaders are still deadlocked over who should take over blocks top jobs there suspended talks until tuesday france and germany had agreed to support the same candidate for the keep the Commission President the dutch social Democrat Friends temperaments but best being the opposition to that choice all of the age top jobs are changing hands that year following european elections in may. Good night sleep thats what journalists and e. U. Leaders are desperate for after talks through the night brought no consensus speaking after the marathon meeting german chancellor Angela Merkel said technically a candidate could have been chosen by out voting a group of countries but that she said would be unwise. Should we really make an effort to find a compromise before theyd like this to avoid tensions that could cause problems for many years were facing the brics in many of the challenges and also say we should be careful in the way we treat each other. And young Franco German compromise could see that dutch social Democrat Friends to months had the commission but Eastern European countries and italy reject that idea. Stalemate is a disappointment for many leaders and prompted frances president to demand radical changes to the way the e. U. Operates but we cant be held hostage by a small group of members a day he says we need to find a way to make key decisions together. For now its open a new attempt at compromise tomorrow can bring what 20 hours of talks so far could not. So here are the stories that making news around the world a powerful car bomb explosion shooting rush hour in the Afghan Capital kabul as wounded at least 65. 00 people People Killed as well the explosion targeted the Afghan Defense ministry and was followed by gunmen battling special forces the taliban has claimed responsibility for the attack. German military helicopter has crashed in the edson near the Northern City of homs over. Media reports suggest at least one person has been killed so there is no word on the cause of the crash. And so that at least 10 people are reported to have been killed and almost 200 injured in clashes between police and protesters the weekend thousands took to the streets across the country repeating that demands of the Ruling Military Council handover of power to a civilian government sundays demonstrations are the biggest and Security Forces shot and killed dozens of protesters in the capital khartoum almost a month ago. These demonstrators made their way to khartoums Defense Ministry to appeal to military rulers it was one of several rallies in cities across sudan protestors were eager to make their voices heard. God punish these oppressors. We want a civilian government a civilian one. That. Some marches carried photos of family members who were among dozens killed when police broke up a peaceful sit in protest outside Army Headquarters in early june that violence coincided with the collapse of talks between military rulers and protest leaders about who should head a new governing body sundays rallies marked the 1st return to the streets since then. As protesters in khartoum neared the president ial palace officials made it clear that they were unwilling to listen to the voice of the people on stirring the chants with tear gas. And military council justified his actions and a special t. V. Address. When i came on that man with troops mission is to protect protesters but we dont trust the vandals. In front of the youth center and the medical headquarters there are snipers shooting at people they have hit 3 members of the rocket support forces and about 5 or 6 civilians thats why we were upset and trying to get things under control and that i dont look at. Sundays demonstrations also mount the 30th anniversary of the coup that 1st brought president omar al bashir. To power in 1909. Talk about the last democratically elected government here the demonstrators have found to continue their protests and to sit down has a civilian leadership again. Straight to the countrys the capital khartoum where we joined journalist Ahmed Al Shaikh on the line welcome to detail bit whats happening now. You know how to get it but. Then they will use the room argument question how can. They refuse to be she can read Transitional Military Council is that. Appearance he should hand over to. Civilian government is that likely to happen. It will have been turned out to be then you do want to station like what happened yesterday. Is that what were watching the situation from outside if if you believe the military council will ultimately hand over power why dont they do that now and spare all the loss of life. Yes but what happened yesterday is like referendum so that the majority of sudanese come to see. Their government. Now security council. Is all they can be carrying week after the military action. So how long do you think you know do you think it will take then for i 70 in government to be a stablished. Oh dont we do it. Its because nobody agreed to come. That should do it all. Right well they were soon to have some time problems with the line there but weve got the gist. Ill shake it on the line from carter thank you. Thank you. This is d. W. News live from baghdad still to come the elected spanish politician and its champion lightweight taking on Domestic Abuse resettlement stuff i just take place in the boxing ring on behalf. Of the german the captain of a migrant rescue ship has appeared in court in italy. Was arrested after have vessel the same watch 3 said to hit a Police Speedboat while entering the port of lampedusa without permission see what stream was carrying 14 migrants rescued from the mediterranean if convicted the 31 year old faces up to 10 years in prison. This was the scene in front of the Italian Embassy in berlin on monday crowds gathered in support of. The captain in custody and to protest against the italian interior minister much more. Than the team is doubling down on his stance against refugees and against private rescue operations. That i think she is a criminal on the criminal was iffy criminalise those who rescue other people or fight for humanitarian causes well then im a criminal too you know these you know people should not be giving. Over the weekend German Foreign minister heiko must make his opposition to the captains arrest clear he said he would continue to push for her release in negotiations with this italian counterparts do you know what. Its kind of rescuing people at sea is not a criminal offense its a humanitarian act this thats why i think ultimately anything other than a release will only lead to considerable irritation i was just a heap. Of 4. By midday monday private advocacy groups had managed to raise some 750000 euros for the captain that amount has now topped well over a 1000000. Its. Money to have all of our kids there will need to cover her Legal Expenses to migrants she rescued will be resettled in a number of new countries its the 9th time germany has joined what people are calling a coalition of the willing something far from a long term solution. Japan has officially resumed commercial whaling after a 31 year hiatus a fisherman brought the 1st touches ashore today dismissing criticism from activists who say the practice is cruel and dates that 5 vessels that sail from japans northern port city of course shiro and returned with 2 great minke whales the government to those plans to catch 227. 00 of this year. Japans that decision to resume whaling has sparked heated discussions on social media they dont lose out expressed whiting has been following the online conversation welcome alex how was the twist this fear responding well for those outside to japan theres been a lot of anger about this decision look at some of the tweets one you say says its time the whole world stands up against japan resuming commercial whaling also time to help greenpeace and all those during the fight financially and propaganda wise now another user also people to boycott japanese products altogether she says the lifelong ban on my posts never purchase japanese products until well hunting ends will also continue if you can do the same thoughts not every user agrees with this one is so infuriated with the so called social justice warriors all the s j w and says i am prone to whale hunting its just a big seafood do i eat it no do i hunt no but it bleeps me off s j w and psycho environmentalist so i support it way to go to japan what about the whaling industry well they say that they are in line with japanese the war now. They officially came out of the International Whaling commission all i. W. C. On sunday but had made this decision actually 6 months ago now the band of a 1st came into place in 1988 fought japan decided to continue whaling on the socalled Scientific Research in the antarctic and up to 1200. 00 whales a year were killed so many critics said we just found a i. W. C. Rules on this because some of the meat was ending up in the domestic market now the country has officially resumed this commercial whaling they say they have a new quota in place they as you say can kill up to 227 whales this year and we can hear now from the chair of one Japanese Whaling Association who oversees supports the decision. That the quota is something that would not affect resources even for 100 years we want to continue by lng in the future in a sustainable manner quota that has been released is something that would not affect resources for 100 years so we will follow the quota and continue to hunt. For us watching there is a true history and tradition theres a context here hunting whales has a long history in japan of the conversations touched on that were yes they have im particularly important among the older generation who see whale hunting as part of National Pride and certainly part of a japanese food culture but we must just look at the numbers and not because actually whale Meat Consumption has gone down in japan in the 19 160. 00 s. 200000 tonnes of well meat was eaten now its around about 5000. 00 tonnes not point one percent of all meat eaten in japan is whale meat so the question is will the fact that this ban has been lifted will. The amount of well Meat Consumption go up or will it remain the same the government will hope it goes up but those critics who dont want to ban lifted the help of hope it will stay the same or even disappear altogether i think forest watching thank you now to a story about sports and politics coming together in spain over the issue of Domestic Violence has been put back on the political agenda by the far right vox party which won 24. 00 seats in Parliament One platform that included scrapping a gender violence law which it says discriminates against men one politician who was himself physically abused is fighting back and using boxing to champion womens rights. A picture of resilience Miriam Gutierrez is a fighter who has battled her way back from a horrific past when she was pregnant today aged 21 a partner at the time beat her so severely that she gave birth prematurely. When he beat me the 1st time i was 8 months pregnant and about to give birth he hit my face and such a way that he broke several bones and i fell to the ground. The 1st thing that came to my mind as a person carrying a child was does my daughter still have a heartbeat. Luckily she did her daughter has grown up healthy and out of harms way. Or in a movie out the night out of my daughters now 14 and shes super super happy she has a mother who has fought for her telly end and ill keep doing so but i also have a 6 year old my life has completely read vote. For its up the spanish mother of 2 has had quite a year 1st becoming a european lightweight boxing champion in march and then getting elected as a city councilor in a madrid suburb in may i journey that has inspired me i. Im just doing what i enjoy doing people who get up again and see me as a little raven spiration can say if shes done it i cant. Think outside the ring she spreads her message by Holding Workshops and delivering speeches at events tackling Domestic Violence its her dream to one day when a world title. In tell us the 1st day of wimbledon is well underway defending mens champion Novak Djokovic has beaten germanys and of course schreiber in straight sets in the 1st round the serbian is the bookmakers favorite for the title but a lot can happen in the tournament 2 weeks fans flooded into the south london fighting for a start of play at this years tournament has also seen a different take on wimbledon famous strobes and 20 cream the vigen version on sale for the 1st time in its 142 year history. Is remind of our top story this prodemocracy demonstrators have broken into hong kongs legislature on the anniversary of the citys return to chinese rule thousands of protesters clashed with police i have planned legislation that would allow extraditions to charge. Global 3000 look at how norway selfinvolved funk has been divesting away from oil coal and gas im physically through the same one engineers efforts of slowing the fires to Something Like talk about the top of the top of the. Climate change. The state of the economy. Environmental projects. Globalization place biodiversity Species Conservation exploitation polity. Human rights displacement. The global local market. Global 3000 next on g. W. And i am. I am i have. Been 15 years since the minding. He was the 1st man to walk on the moon. As a small boy she dreamed of the stars. As a pilot she flew anything no matter how to dress. Shirts or go to the ball. As an astronaut he took part in the greatest adventure in history. And. She wrote a legend. Simply a human being who was neil armstrong. Was his destiny starts july 20th on t. W. Hello and welcome to global 3000 today we meet the out of that i he met mayor of tunis and unusual position for a woman in the arab world

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