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Subscribe to the documentary on to. This weeks well stories. An israeli settlement in the Golan Heights is hoping for a revival using condoms against salt at play qatar but we begin in kazakhstan the former soviet republic wants to replace the critic alphabet with russian letters its a step away from russia and towards the National Identity of itself. Was lucky that learning how to read and write is so fun for these 1st graders at the moment theyre learning the cyrillic alphabet in their lessons but soon the kids at this Village School will have to switch to the latin alphabet the government plans to phase it in across the country in the coming years teachers will have to receive additional training. We teachers will find the switch harder because were already has 2 on the alphabet. The children are young. Learn the alphabet quickly because. I didnt parents wont be able to help with the transition to the latin alphabet because they havent allowed to themselves their children will only be able to manage in school were worried that the main weight of this change will be on the teachers shoulders. Language is already a complicated question in kazakhstan even in this school in the village of kind of across the country cousins and russian are both official languages here children choose which language they want to study and like many cause us most pupils are bilingual now the jump to a new alphabet awaits them as well. In the nearby city of new shop signs are already being written in the latin alphabet but soon the government will have to swap street signs and translate official documents and textbooks change. Several neighboring Central Asian countries switched alphabet soon after the fall of the soviet union but in kazakhstan an independent survey shows most cause us are critical of the move it was because they speak a stance which a long time ago as a country just honest trying to keep up with the west and with europe the only thing is that the move would hit the countrys budget hard. And actually i dont see the point of the check much of the basically on any if i wanted. Why do we need this maybe just so we can save we did it in the future because. At the movie. Its not hard for me to use the new alphabet but there was the one we all know he said on line already when we message our friends. But. Many adults dont yet know the latin alphabet but back in the village of kind as our 8th graders say theyve already taught themselves and are using it on social media. Has a stance government hopes the change will open up a whole new generation of cause us to do work. In march trump ignored the International Outcry when he recognized israels sovereignty of the common heights that was settlement there book to his name the residents are surprised that such popularity. This is the settlement of killer poor cream on the occupied Golan Heights a new neighborhood is planned here named in honor of u. S. President donald trump only a dozen president s live in kill or pull him there right many years ago from the former soviet union. Koskie is one of them the retiring mused by the recent interest in this home. We suddenly have lots of visitors coming here from all different parts of the country most recently was a couple from tel aviv and a family from jerusalem here its because the settlement is going to be named after charm but theyre also interested in the Golan Heights. Below so koskie helped build the settlement in 1901 over the years more and more families moved away to less remote towns now its almost abandoned the new name. Hood named after trump will be built next to the old settlement at the based on old plans that were never realized trams controversial decision most criticised by the International Community which considers the Golan Heights to be occupied territory israel captured the strategically important plateau from syria 967 here israelis were thrilled by trumps decision they hope the new place will lead to new infrastructure and investment there i guess it is very exciting because no new settlements have been built on the Garden Heights for 30 years its unbelievable a lot of young families with kids are already waiting to come and live here. Thats also whats most important to long term resident flooding. Let it be named after time. Its important that something changes here doesnt happen just by changing the name. You have to act and thats done by people and money. To day or time tomorrow so it doesnt really matter. What does matter is that the u. S. President agrees with the Israeli Government that this loan should remain forever under israels control. The ugandan government distributes free condoms to stop the spread of each id aids but workers that make cuts will use them for protection against very different hazards. Decades of human activity and uganda looks like no other critelli. There is no fish here but as for change. John sunday quit funding 6 years ago to extract sword work. So when we went to the mother planning provides a daily income 11. 00 which is supposed to farming. Seasonal im not reliable the results on. Sunday is based now better but his wellbeing is north of lake country is highly concentrated sore to water as a to can be at all so minimal was. Was i want to know who here has many problems here i think its labor intensive when a woman with a home or not we get wound up on our skin is badly affected unit or on or on the set up to my. Soul to mine as also frequently report journey to infections and to protect themselves some are resorted to using condoms. And wearing a condom before getting in the water can limit your exposure just sold it protects you from infections that. Resources astray such nearby government seem to demand for condoms to protect against the salt water has skyrocketed but that threatens the fight against aids. The how of course and the more short it is because there it of course hes a very very high. Supper as we get so whatever we get for the 2 months out for his courtroom duty within a month now you can imagine all of those that will put the in the if they live. This is their battle for the meaning and we go to hell with this we also have. With the end of it. For the females the depot which has a real no go area. School massacre knows that all too well. Shes afraid of becoming infertile if she goes waist deep into the salty water. Science might not come from her fear but she will not risk it and maisie. The salty waters can cause you tourists infections. The deeper waters i mean you know for the men to venture into a a looker. Vica twig critelli is believed to have formed about 10000 years ago this was due to vote connectivity which was a form sort that was later discovered to be if people. Despite the hardships involved mine as like suddenly seem to have no baitullah genitives for a living. Across the globe tons of food are thrown out each day while many people are left to starve in india leftovers from lavish weddings could feed hundreds the Robin Hood Army and make sure that they get. This is how good he can diary spends most of a free time ever since she joined the robin hood on like 2 years ago. The Group Leftover food from restaurants and events and distributes it to those who need it like in this slum on the outskirts of beatty. The volunteers are a mix of students and professionals they call themselves. Now that i know obviously you cant want to be on your auditing is who you are so i really want people who are. Enjoying are in serving and also nor the fact that there are a lot of things in this world whats nice to see and hunger is. A good player are you know it still. Exist at all. The groups business period is during indias hectic wedding season with. Venues around daily a booked out months in advance for extravagant parties and events. Guest list can run into 700. 00 people and they has to be enough food for them. Almost always vast quantities go on each of those and i simply thrown away often said abrasions. For needy and. Its going to be a long night at this food left over theyre going to make sure it gets to the hungry. Its midnight and the partys over. The robin stick stock of the situation. Its bad. To estimate the school left over 500 people around 800 people were invited to the wedding. That means all hands on board the auditor special night team pitches in. The food needs to be distributed before it goes steve. Its past 1 am the men at this Night Shelter dont seem to mind being pulled out of bed into the cold some are drug addicts and alcoholics others are ill or disabled. Most sleep rough in the streets in summer it isnt over yet i know this food is much more filling than the cheap street food that i can afford. Or how to cover the story for the robins this late night food tripe has been well worth the effort but they acknowledge more needs to be done. Yet find people is going to go i think the number is never going to be that i wish it was not. Until then but all the hold on me is staying true to its motto taking from the rich and redistributing it to the poor. Under the conflicts with Tim Sebastian the song east european state of moldova has a new Coalition Government our guest this week is not the mature but charlie Vice President of the Outgoing Democratic Party and the former Justice Minister with moldova now out of 5 wood for corruption is he ashamed of these parties recollects in government conflicts of. Decoupling is losing. You know that 77 percent. Are younger than 35. And you know what on the 77 percent we talk about the issues. In this edition of south african historian come along im accusing she compilation of comic style history books to help children understand and identify with their african roots the 77 percent in 60 minutes on t w. Sure that people world over information provided. The means they want to express. D. W. On facebook and twitter up to date and in touch follow us. But. Do you think the rest of the world is really that stupid is he a crook cautious not cool and its going to be rather uncomfortable for us to know its not that old uncomfortable we will see who is less corrupted and who is better managing governing the country the tiny east european state of moldova has a new Coalition Government united it seems only in its dislike

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