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His family to greece say tonight images of our children and our humanity dying at the border yet again im going to go off in berlin this is the day. I have personally concerned about the conditions of these Border Security is rare. And theyre much better than they were under president obama by far children are locked in their cell they said they cant bring themselves to play because theyre trying to stay alive in their. Town we have to avoid increasing the flow of migrants bought by respecting human rights. To israels with me thats a little children are enduring trauma and care many are living in. Stations some are sleeping on the cold ground without long blankets or hot meal. This is her way she is a child of these. Also coming up tonight when we say its hot here in germany we mean it today was the hottest day in june ever recorded in the country a heat wave for the history books doctors are warning it may be one for the. Hospitals 2 will speak to one of those doctors later in the show. But to our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome we begin the day with the world suddenly alerted to and outraged by what is happening at the Us Mexico Border for months there has been concern over the welfare of Migrant Children being held in u. S. Detention centers reports this week of squalid conditions now has congress debating a humanitarian aid package for migrants worth billions of dollars but it was the image of a father and his daughter who drowned trying to cross the Rio Grande River to get to the u. S. Is that powerful and disturbing image that now has the world watching and demanding an explanation just as it was during the migrant crisis here in europe in 2015 in the United States this summer of 2019 we are forced to ask again why are children dying at the border. According to reports oscar. Decided to swim across the rio grande day with his wife and child in a bid to seek asylum in the u. S. His wife tanya. Watched as her loved ones succumb to the currents seen here in the red she is led away but i have to say. Shows that these people tried to cross the river to the United States a gary jumped in the water and they draw and when he tried to rescue her. From the ordinary from the. Media back in their native el salvador their deaths have started anger and much anguish as their family mourns that. This is her favorite doll this one she had it every time her mother got her ready. Photos show a family with their lives ahead of them. Was not yet 2 years old and the demons that have come on the last message my son sent me was on saturday he said mama i love my mom they are moment he said take care of yourselves because were fine here when i read that message. It made me want to cry because i saw it as a source of goodbye to listen to this if i will have it it is. The tragedy a marriage that is democrats in washington pasta bill calling for extra cash to address the conditions in Migrant Detention Centers because recognize for one minute thank you madam speaker this situation is child abuse is not tricity that violates every value we have not only as americans but as moral beings donald trump says he will veto it but deaths like oscar and valerie is on americas borders may make such a hard line stance difficult to hold. Them as u. S. President donald trump we want to bring in now a laura director of the immigrants rights clinic and Columbia Law School she is one of the attorneys who visited the Border Patrol facility in clinton texas it was her observations of squalid conditions for children that triggered a national. Or its going to have you on the program i want to ask you did you think last week that just one week later we would be talking about children dying at the border. Children have been dying at the border for years fortunately and over the past year there have been several 7 deaths of children in federal immigration custody once they are actually in the United States you asked me what i thought a week ago a week ago i was wrapping up interviews plants and i was devastated and heartbroken by the a calling and a group dating degradation that i witnessed there and i i didnt know at that point what i would do. We know that in the past couple of days the customs and Border Protection officers every port and we moved hundreds of children out of that facility do we know where those children or nail i mean do we know if the where theyre living if the conditions are better right so the reports that i have heard are that on monday it was announced that several 100 children would be moved out of the clinic the still any then yesterday we learned that 100 children were brought back into the facility and we are trying to track where the children are last week there were 2600 children in the custody of customs and Border Patrol agents in those facilities this week as of just this week there are only 1000 children left in those facilities we dont yet know most where those children are and we certainly dont know the conditions in which those children are being held we are calling for an immediate investigation into every cv piece the syllabi where imMigrant Children are being detained. Would you say that its possible that were talking about crimes being committed here i mean its one thing to say that were not providing people with basic sanitary needs such as toothbrushes and blankets and so but would you say that actual criminal behavior has been taking place against these children what i can say is that the government is clearly violated the law a law that was passed in 2008 with bipartisan unanimous support in both houses and signed into law by president george w. Bush says that children must not be in these facilities for any one group and 72 hours and what we witnessed in fruit last week is children in c. D. P. Custody for days weeks and nearly a month and this is absolutely in violation of the law the floor a Settlement Agreement for 997. 00 requires that children be provided with safe and sanitary conditions what we witnessed in clints was neither safe nor sanitary it was filthy disgusting and emergent Public Health crisis with a flu epidemic and a license to station a war i want to ask you before we run out of time the the image of the little girl and her father from el salvador who drowned in the Rio Grande River that image has been compared particularly here in europe with the image from 4 years ago of the little syrian boy who drowned and washed up on a beach in turkey do you see parallels between the migration crisis of 2015 and what were seeing now is the mexican us border. Yes so here in the United States were seeing Asylum Seekers refugees fleeing for their own lives during the worst trauma as the worst violence imaginable and theyre coming to the United States just as they were coming to europe in hopes of a Better Future at least a peacher in which they wouldnt be killed and it is so devastating to see that image i hope that image can be a call to action for all americans regardless of Party Affiliation that we must take care of children who are entering the United States and who are weak in our reporters. I think most people around the world would agree with you with that for sure. Director of the immigrant rights clinic at Columbia Law School. Thank you thank you very much for having me. Now i hope and expect this to be the only time that i will speak to you in this matter. And the report is my testimony i would not provide information beyond that which is already public in any appearance before congress. Famous last words that was the former u. S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller last month delivering the only Public Statement that he has ever given about the russian probe but that will soon change against his own wishes congress is asking him to talk again mother will testify before the House Judiciary Committee and the House Intelligence Committee on july 17th most importantly the hearings will be open sessions on Live Television viewership could be the biggest of any televised hearing since watergate while the mobile report itself remains a New York Times bestseller people who havent read the 400 page book i mean they dont need to they could have a front row seat to what is being billed as the mall or movie live from congress heres House Judiciary Committee chairman jerry never on the importance of letting mr moeller speak. I think just the fact just that he says what was in the report and says it to the American People so they hear it that would be very very important because theyve been subjected to months of deception as to what was in the report by the attorney general and by the president well the u. S. President has insisted that the mobile report presented no evidence of collusion or obstruction of justice so what was the president s reaction to hearing that muller is going to testify before congress well mr trump was briefed but he was consistent we did he called it 2 words there president ial arrest lets take the story out of washington w. s oliver salant joins me now from the u. S. Capitol good evening to you all a very we heard moeller say the report is his testimony is this about is getting new information which he says he doesnt have or is this about the optics. Well its of all the way its presented really i mean were talking about a 400 pages reporting quite frankly no one is going to read the 400 pages here at least no one of the American Voters thats the basic assumption so the problem here being is that the interpretation and the analysis of this report was essentially left to congress as well as to President Trump who thankfully took that opportunity and as we know hes been tweeting time and time again and calling this report a witch on president ial harassment essentially in the hopes of the democrats are right now that by subpoenaing Robert Muller they would have someone impartial 3 someone the author in fact of the report delivering on the key findings here and he by the way was certainly not very happy being subpoenaed he said at his may 29. Press conference that if you will subpoena everything he would deliver would be exactly along the lines of whats already inside that report but thats ok for the democrats all they want is to have him live on National Television essential the answering the question why President Trump cannot be cannot be cannot be you know held. Accountable really for the question of structure of justice that is going to be aired on his testimony here in the United States. Much of the world will be watching and listening to oversell in washington tonight all over thank you. Well the leaders of the u. S. And iran today again traded insult stenches between the 2 countries have been at the breaking point last week iran shot down a u. S. Drone and that almost triggered a u. S. Military strike and it is not only the pentagon that is on high alert nato is also concerned about a bad situation suddenly becoming worse nato defense ministers are holding talks in brussels this week their 1st meet and greet with the new acting u. S. Defense secretary mark esper its already clear that esper wants more european pressure on iran to change course but as a used teri schultz reports he may not get all that he wants. This strife in the strait of hormuz is creating a gulf between the u. S. And its european allies theres a debate to put it mildly theres a debate about this between europe and america u. S. Acting defense secretary mark esper will spend his 1st days on the job at nato headquarters trying to convince his european counterparts their own interests are at stake in the street too u. S. Ambassador to nato Kay Bailey Hutchison has been laying the groundwork. Nato folks. Attacking ships. Say the theyre going to go back into preparing for a Nuclear Weapons thats pretty strong to stand up to it but as for is still likely to have a tough time getting european support for military action one of the problematic parts of trumps agenda from the very beginning is this idea of. Basically every nation fighting for itself in a kind of arena of actors thats the way some of the people around trump put it in the beginning of his term so i mean in my view that doesnt work then theres the u. S. President s casual linkage of article 5 all ally solemn responsibility to defend each other to how much they spend on their militaries now there is article 3 which states that all government should continually and affectively improve their capabilities and to be sure some dont but never before has the commitment to collective defense been quantified or questioned europeans are spending more on their militaries now and will spend even more in the future but rather than easing tensions with the us a new front has been opened thats because the European Union is earmarking almost 600000000. 00 for its own defense projects that might exclude the u. S. Washington is threatening to retaliate still senior nato if. Believe things will work out because the u. S. And European Defense industries are already intertwined so i think altogether the picture is not so much that of a fortress america of a fortress europe but that of a transatlantic market that is in place and from this perspective is likely to continue and in its quest to convince europeans to ratchet up pressure on iran the u. S. May take heart from recent history it took years but all allies now agree with the u. S. Conclusion that russia is violating the intermediate range Nuclear Treaty the i. N. F. They also support the u. S. Decision to declare the treaty dead on august 2nd unless moscow announces it will destroy its program before then a unanimous nato stance that once and impossible to achieve. Europe is being hit by an unprecedented heat wave the choking temperatures set to intensify over the next few days maybe even breaking the highest levels ever recorded in certain countries lets take a look at some of the numbers in paris the average high for this time of year is 23. 00 degrees celsius today it hit 39. 00 in central france thats a 100 into fahrenheit and its the same in spain it should be around 27 degrees in late june but a number of areas including the capital madrid today hit 38 degrees celsius and today right here in germany we recorded the highest ever temperature for the month of june the mercury in a town just outside of berlin at 38. 6 degrees that is a whopping 101 degrees fahrenheit well dont worry we are sweating here too at our studios in berlin the extreme weather is expected to continue until the weekend it wus going to cattles braved the beating sun on the streets of the german capital heres what she found. I will keep checking balance temperature throughout the day find out how my fellow berlin us i handling the heat and closely observe if the german capital can top the recall of. 38. 5 degrees says yes that was the hottest june temperature ever recorded in germany until today if this doesnt sound hot to you it does to people here most of us dont have air conditioning at home this is your hallway prepared i you know im taking my family to the pool and well be staying there the whole day. Best not to work or strain too much stay in the shade. And its getting hotter by the minute im in the hot off balance government district. I dont know what america behind me in this building does to cool down but the tourists have certainly found ways to enjoy the heat. Do you have any sort of ways to cope with the heat yet we we have 50 sunscreen all over extra 50 in the back and then we try to stay as much as possible in the shelter. So where do you come from we come from ukraine are you surprised by this weather here in germany at the moment i didnt know that it would be 36 degrees like today 36 degrees you might call it hot but its still not breaking the temperature records many seem to share my favorite way of cooling down though. So what about that record i am not calling it a day yet. I have found a place in dublin that has definitely top the heat this. In there was it gets it was standing it actually feels more like 50 degrees but when its when its this hot to people who really come and buy kebabs yeah yeah many people buy. Bobs make things better i dont know how he does it just thinking about eating it makes me sweat and no wonder really considering this has been the hottest day off the island so far. Shes going to need more than a hat if she wants to stay cool were going to talk about the Health Implications of all of this hes do that im joined here at the big table by all of the doctor and researcher at the center for space medicine and extreme environments at the shari take a university here in berlin its good to have you on the show i mean. Space and extreme conditions i mean thats what were in right now isnt it definitely yes as always that the change of off the climate conditions so its when its when it was kind of cold what what what it was last week that was like 20 degrees maybe 15 degrees and we go up to 3540 degrees then everybodys getting crazy getting crazy is it i mean it is a danger to Peoples Health right it is definitely i mean we say that every time theres a heat wave but i mean we really were serious about it i mean people get sick and people can die when the temperatures this high whos most at risk most of the very young people to up to one or 2 years children. Elderly people above 8080 years of age and people who have severe diseases like Kidney Disease the heart diseases. Other severe diseases like cancer or something and what one of the precautions that people should be taking i mean im hoping to driven as they should have you know well working air conditioners definitely so yeah the germans are afraid of air conditioning and they tell me that and there where it is german invention you know what else in the world has that experience its a draft if theres a draft in the room its like wind when they can make you safe we hear all the time i want to ask you Scientists Say that these heat waves are going to become the new no were particularly in the summer. The climate is changing rather quickly guess are humans able to adapt. Quickly young people and people at our age no problem so after a while you get adapted to it you sweat a lot but you know you adapt to drink a lot but it specially those people in danger we talked we were talking about they have an enormous risk to get sick and also to be forgotten especially when i think about the people who live alone in the cities there are enormous risk risk and we always thinking about we also thinking about this trip in. The doctors. Us were scientists. Who think about those climate changes though its a good point you made because it just coming to work today i notice that many people outside because it is so hot and you dont see any overly people outside right now dont they all stay inside and they forget to drink and nobody looks off them and they can thats why they are in danger because nobody thinks about it and its getting worse and. We run out of time but what developed our mindset in dealing with heat you know we were talking about air conditioning for example do we have to change the way we view heat and the way we live with it if we want to have a comfortable life for me is there something that we have to change appears will. We shouldnt i think its happening automatically but we have to make sure that until it happened and until that process has ended not we dont have too many people who suffered are gay or have given their lives for it you know so we should be going to foster with changing conditions changing a way to thinking about how to build buildings and. How to what to do with the people how to do public transport for example which is also very hot right now dr oliver from the University Hospital we appreciate your insights and stay cool yeah thanks a lot thank you. Were going to draw are the day is almost done but as always the conversation continues online youll find us on twitter either d. W. News or you can follow me at bring golf t. V. Dont forget to use hash tag the day and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is hopefully a cooler day well see you then have a point. When much of europe wanted to kick them out maria microbiome he invited them in. The greek islands so most is home to one of the worst pretty she can see in the mediterranean. But one woman makes life a little better for her new neighbors. Mama maria and the refugees of some most. 90 minutes on w. D t you know that 77 percent blockage younger than 6 oclock. Thats me and you. Came to know what time your voice is. On this 77 percent talk about the stuff. From the toilet to flash from housing boom boom top this is what. Welcome to the 77 percent. This weekend t. W. Her 1st day of school in the jungle. Her 1st clue listen to this. Event Doris Granger moment arrives to. Join during a taping on her journey back to freedom. In our interactive documentary. Tour of the ring in 10 returns home on d w dot com a ring of tangs. Birth place home is of species. A home worth saving and. Most here those are big changes and most start with small steps but global ideas tell stories of could induce people and innovative projects around the world players in the country to use to printed citizenships and be forced into. The current interactive content to choose the next generation of those that took such action. Up losing all channels available to inspire people to take action and more determined to build something here for the next generation the idea is the environments either. 3000. 00 and. 9. This is. Trying to reach the United States the world is asking why our children at the border these were the favorites. With her father as they tried to cross the Rio Grande River into the United States now the u. S. Congress is debating a new emergency funding package to help will it ever become wall also coming up the killing that shocked germany a politician known for his. Shot at his home now

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