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A story of resilience in afghanistan a family of 7 children lost a limb in an explosion last year will meet the family and see help adapting to their new reality. And the womens world cup the usa has bid to retain their title lives on after edging out spain in a tense round of 16 clashed the reigning champions now face a mouth watering quarter final against france its. Good to have you with us u. S. President trump has signed an executive order today targeting the financial sanctions against Iran Supreme Leader and his associates trump said that the sanctions were in part a response to irans downing of a u. S. Drone last week. But he also said that the white house had been planning to impose these sanctions before that trump claims that the United States is not seeking a conflict with iran he says that the u. S. Will continue to increase pressure to prevent iran from developing nuclear weapons. The Supreme Leader of iran is one who ultimately is responsible for the hostile conduct of the regime hes respected within his country his office oversees the regimes of most brutal instruments including the Islamic Revolutionary guard corps sanctions imposed through the executive order that im about to sign will deny the Supreme Leader in the Supreme Leaders office and those closely affiliated with him and the Office Access to key Financial Resources and support. The assets of telecom any and his office will not be spared from the sages. That was the u. S. President there donald trump and we will try later in the program to go to washington to get more on these new sanctions being imposed by the u. S. On iran where here are some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world at least one person is dead and dozens more injured after a series of explosions tore through a munitions depo in southern kazakhstan officials have evacuated the nearby towns of ours in the countrys turkistan region kazakhstans Defense Ministry says a fire of unclear origin triggered the blast rescuers in cambodia have pulled people alive from the ruins of a building that collapsed on saturday an official described them as being in serious condition at least 28 people died in the incident which happened on a construction site that also howls of the Workers Police in belgium say theyve arrested a man suspected of planning a terror attack on the u. S. Embassy in brussels prosecutors say he was taken into custody on saturday after evidence emerged suggesting an attack on the embassy could be imminent the suspect has reportedly denied the allegations. A pilot was killed today when 2 german fighter jets crashed in the north east of the country the 2 unarmed you were fighter planes collided in midair during a Training Exercise over the german state mecklenburg western pomerania the 2nd pilot survived. A state of the art war playing tumbling from the sky residents of the town of marco recorded these scenes soon after of smoke could be seen rising from the ground in a nearby lake district. The wreckage of 2 euro 5 to combat jets was littered throughout the area of the planes collided and crashed. Both pilots ejected from the aircraft one was found alive with his parachute and titled in a tree. He was rescued and rushed to hospital. The other was later confirmed dead parts of his body were found close at the crash site of his craft. Germanys defense minister flew in from berlin to offer condolences. To this is that since these moments of hora and shock and speechlessness and of course they raised many many questions including. Questions about the euro fighter and nothing new jointly divide up by European Consortium the fight has been in service with the German Air Force since 2003. Decker has been plagued by technical problems. Bees and the matrix chronic funding constrains have meant that only a fraction of the fighters are combat ready. Deadly crash will reignite the simmering update over germanys elite forces. And we want to go live now to our correspondent on your call she is in the german state of mecklenburg western pomerania that is north of berlin and you know whats the situation where you are right now. Well as you might be able to see and tell behind me here in the fields thats a place where the police at the moment are looking for the wreckage of the 2 euro fighter jets now its a task thats potentially potentially dangerous because some parts of the war planes have already cost fires out out in the show for it so thats why the crash site the actual crash site is completely cordoned off now the village who i met at the moment its a very small village only several 100 people live here and the whole region is actually very sparsely populated but at the same time a tourist magnet a place where a lot of people like to spend their Summer Vacation and we have to keep in mind that in some parts of Germany School a vacation has already started i just walked around the village of the earlier and found a hotel that is already completely booked so people here are shocked and also a bit scared but at the same time relief that no civilians were hurt you know in its values were heard unfortunately though one of the pilots did die what about the other pilot do we know what condition he is in tonight. We dont have very much information about that because the police are very careful about sharing information on his Health Condition what police have told me though is that he is all right given the circumstances we understand that he was able to use his ejection receipt and was able to use his parachute and then apparently landed on top of a treat thats where the police found him and when they were close to the tree looking for him he was apparently able to let them know where he was so that indicates that he must have been conscious. And do we have any idea or any information on what may have calls from scratch. Yet again we dont have much information because again the police is very careful on sharing that information we do know that 3 pilots were on a Training Mission Training Mission thats something that happens regularly here in the region because theres a military air base just a few kilometers away from here and the 3rd pilot a parent watched the incident the 2 planes colliding and informed the all story ts and we will probably have to wait till we know the cause of the collision until the police have found more parts of the wall planes and also the surviving pilot the one whos in the hospital might be able to contribute one season better Health Conditions all right a correspondent on your course there with the latest on the collision and crash of those 2 year old fighter jet planes today and you thank you. I want to you know back to our top story president decision to slam new sanctions on iran on your runs Supreme Leader liskeard now to washington our correspondent all over salads hes on the story for us good evening to you all over so what concrete measures is the u. S. Administration announcing today well the administration is particular targeting a series of individuals and among them and thats a very symbolic act is irans 6 Supreme Leader ayatollah. How many to gether with 8 other senior officials of the socalled revolutionary guard a group that the United States declared a terror group recently. Those individuals can be held accountable in one way or another with that down drone last week however the administration stresses that these sanctions that were imposed today do not come as an act of retaliation in response to the down drone but were rather have rather been in preparation for quite some time iran says it has already responded theyre saying theyre not going to give in they feel punished for abiding by the nuclear deal as they believe they have been following all obligations they have signed for and therefore saying that they will not go down this road and response to this policy of maximum pressure that theyve been getting from the wife tells recently you know if it is this mix move pressure or whats it going to lead to do we know is is there a strategy that the white house is pursuing i mean have they been able to communicate their. Well weve been getting a lot of mixed messages from the wide tells and from President Trump recently so of course the big question asked here is what is the strategy and is there a strategy at all at this point there 3 policy turnarounds in fact in recent weeks and the latest one was that a planned attack in retaliation on iranian targets was canceled by the president by President Trump just 10 minutes before air strikes would have been taken place on targets in iran the president then changed his mind saying that 150. 00 casualties would be disproportionate to an unmanned drone that was shot down so its not completely clear where he wants to go but the his all timid goal is is to push to this strategy of maximum pressure with the goal to put back at the negotiating table and to negotiate a tougher nuclear deal the president has been dubbing this deal as the bad the worst deal in fact negotiated in history and so hes trying to get iran back at the negotiating table iran in response neglecting this and saying theyre not willing to negotiate on of these circumstances or the correspondent all over here on the story in washington all over thank you. Well you know the turkey where opposition supporters have been celebrating their win an instant polls rerun may orel elections the result in the countrys biggest city is a personal blow for president right. Now he used to be the mayor of istanbul a trial has also begun today of 16 people accused of trying to overthrow turkeys government by organizing protests 6 years ago the socalled gezi demonstrations started as a protest against the redevelopment of a park in is stamboul a city of course that has limited green space it quickly spread however across the entire country. Large crowds formed outside the courthouse in istanbul hundreds gathered to follow the socalled gazey trial including about 100. 00 lawyers and opposition m. P. s who consider the trial a fosse. The government wants to send a message with this trial whoever is against us and takes to the streets were waiting for you. In 2013 a protest against the development of the game in the center of istanbul soon snowballed into a nationwide protests against the government they were brutally put to a stop now 16 people are on trial including businessman and philanthropist. He has been detained since november 27th teen accused of financing the protests and attempting to have a throw the government. The prosecutions evidence is largely based on tweets and wiretapped phone calls you murs foreign observers of there to monitor the trial. Yet. Theyre trying to criminalize this very positive movement and claim that it was preparation for a coup detat. Starts this is so absurd. Its reminiscent of the story the trial like half the trial is initially scheduled to last 2 days with the prosecution demanding life imprisonment. And this trial is attracting International Attention our correspondent in istanbul you leon she spoke to claudia wrote to you just all their boat is the Vice President of the German Parliament and she was ads the 1st day of the gezi park trial. Claudio what prosecutors accuse the defendants of trying to overthrow the government what do you say to this i dont understand it at all because this is completely wrong. I saw today in this court case real democrats turkey should be proud of personalities like osman cover like hes a wonderful great sponsor of arts a person with building bridges who is doing a lot for reconsideration concerning the meaning question concerning the could is question so to put these people who are also representing the Civil Society of a democratic turkey. Into a situation where they criminalized or even considered to be terrorist this has nothing to do with reality this tendency that anybody who is against or not in favor of this of the autocratic system of ad one is an enemy and meanwhile very soon even considered to be a terrorist this is dangerous and i do hope i really do hope that election that took place in istanbul where overwhelming majority voted for democracy for. Coming together in a society against polarization can be probably a very important signal also to the to the churches you were here in istanbul in 2013 during the guese protests what did you see. I had a little bit the feeling to be in. Woodstock i saw a festival i saw ecologists fighting for the trees to survive i saw feminists i met doctors i met musicians see it to people i met dancers i met families with their children they sold scimitar and everything like this so it was a wonderful colorful representation of the diversity of the Civil Society in in turkey but i also was there when the people in the attacked mystere with bullets and this was a little bit like war against the own population and against the own people i saw people were seriously wounded and. I ask myself today why the hell are not souls. In the court or to have a court case as those responsible for killing people even children. For repressing and destroying an idea of a beautiful colorful center in the middle of istanbul this was the question i have my head in my heart. You are Vice President of the German Parliament do you expect the German Government to do something absolutely everyone should understand that the freedom of press the freedom of expression the freedom of demonstration the freedom of q. Week and. Demonstration is very very important also for tuki so if one would not answer these demands one could use. Different means why should one export still arms to add one why should one give helmets. Support sink to him and he should be more offensive and more clear and outspoken if it comes to democracy claudio thank you very much. And now to afghanistan where the United Nations says nearly 4000. 00 civilians were killed last year the deadliest year yet for civilians since the conflict there began land mines and unexploded mortars left the lying on the ground calls many casualties especially children who come into contact with explosions while play tonight we meet a family that was devastated by an explosion one year ago. Tragedy no child should bear. 10 children from the same family were on their way to school when they spotted a bomb on the ground a common sight in afghanistan. The device went off 3 children were killed. 7 survived but they lost at least one limb each. More than a year later they are struggling to adapt. The bloody demo of isil the day when the blast took place it was a bad day. I saw my brothers and sisters soaked in blood lying on the ground their mob a good water because my entire family was destroyed. By good water normally well. The children are tutored at home but sometimes they have to go to school for exams its not an easy journey to. Listers form where the artificial limbs rub their skin a painful reminder of their new reality. Marred my cue when the explosion took place i tried to stand up and go home but when i tried to walk i noticed that i didnt have my leg i know. This was a year ago after the blast the changed everything their story a reminder of the war that still rages on even though the taliban are in negotiations with the us for some sort of peace settlement a resolution seems far off the. Decades of conflict have left the nation strewn with landmines and other deadly munitions. The u. N. Says more than 900 children were killed in 2016. Another 7000 were wounded. But if peace comes will be very happy theyll be no problems and everyone will. Doing their business without any tension even if we have a disability at least well have security and pace every day theres no im still dodging and its my terrible but one minute i have the Afghan Government and the taliban must sit together and agree on piece of the children do not get killed all get disabled in this war. By natalie allen. And though her childhood was taken away robbia hopes that other children in afghanistan can still enjoy somewhat of a normal life. Well it was exactly one year ago that women in saudi arabia were legally allowed to drive earlier they could face prison time for getting behind the wheel of a car the decision to lift the decades long ban is part of crown Prince Mohammed bin salmonds Reform Program which opens up some aspects of saudi public life to women but Rights Groups say such so much more needs to be done including addressing the strict dress codes that are still in place in the country. All right so yeah its been a year how are we doing to talk about that joining me here the big table is or youre frightened she is a scholar at the institute of his long studies here in berlin she has focused a lot of her research on saudi arabia so good to have you back on the show sort of women have been driving for a year in saudi arabia have they been taking advantage of this new right well some have i mean you have to remember met most women dont have drive and driving licenses and that only very few schools for women so it will take a while until significant numbers of women they can get to the same school as men to be separate they have separate schools the men are trained on the streets the women in separate schools ok so we dont know this new law if it came through as part of a package of reforms by the the crown prince is trying to push saudi arabia into i guess a different future that is not reliant on fossil fuels i mean have we seen the noticeable changes yet well there are noticeable changes in the public life in saudi arabia in terms of women being now present in sales rooms selling working much a much mall public and public spaces in cafes and restaurants but we shouldnt forget that this is really a particular class of women that this is not all women and budget. These reforms really sort of appeal to the upper middle class and to the upper class the concept expensive for normal people to go to. Much public entertainment is again quite expensive and we shouldnt forget this is a conservative society so that also quite a few people opposed to these changes opposed to these changes and the changes that have taken place these seem to be window dressing i mean talk to me a little bit about the way that the rights of women are still being abused. Their window dressing in the sense that women still dont have the same rights this infamous goggins law which means that women conduct aint possible its travel and study abroad. Get married etc without the approval of the guardians theyre not window dressing and as far as women stressing different professions is concerned there are many more women working in many more different professions this opening had started on the King Abdullah but much more slowly and there really has been a major change in do people since the i mean if we were walking down the street in riyadh in talking to locals there would we notice a difference yes we would see the difference people would be talking differently then people also those people who are not agreeing with the changes wouldnt be voicing their concerns its a good point if i could always we appreciate you coming in and sharing your insights thanks very much. Our sports news now were going to see the womens world cup where defending champions usa are the latest team to reach the quarter finals a narrow and nervy 21 win against spain sold the u. S. Team to tournaments big favorites through to the next round. The usa were cheered on in homs by their legion of fans and it wasnt long before they had something to celebrate in the 5th minute tobin heath charged into the box and was felled by mapi lay on the penalty was given and Megan Rapinoe lashed it home was everything was going as expected that spain hadnt read the script went back east albert was caught in possession of mo so fired a crack into the top corner of the breath taking strike from spains key player. They kept the us and pay for the next hour but then disaster struck the referee awarded another penalty when did he nieto to see a coat rise lavelle contact seemed minimal even author of the object she stuck by her decision for tina grabbed the gift with both hands. Not to spain but the usa much on to set up a quarter final with hosts france. All right here is every minute of the top stories that were following for you u. S. President has signed an executive order targeting financial actions against irans Supreme Leader and the countrys top diplomat trump has accused the Ayatollah Khomeini of being ultimately responsible for what he calls irans hostile conduct and 2 you are fighters and collided in midair in northern germany the pilots ejected one survives one dog both jets belong to the German Air Force youre watching news live from berlin up next bringing the murderers to justice 25 years after the rwandan genocide ill be back at the top of the hour with more world news followed by the day to see you then. Her mother was one of the close to 1000000. 00 to it seems murder. The london genocide happened 25 years ago. But many of the killers have yet to be apprehended to. The folies or is tracking them down. And bringing the murderers to just. Close up next w. Its time to take one step further. Than face. Time here of just such the up. And the fight for the truth. Is hard to overcome boundaries and to connect to. Its time for. And you dont really use coming up ahead. Minds. Were off you know this is you know 5 minutes more minutes yet. Has a power and beauty. Having all. The feats in the pantheon of the great tennis certain areas. Is one for the ages. Up. Last cut 10 or 14 years starts july 10th on d w. Kicked. To. Death was the word and a longer t. A. I. Tracking down the people responsible for one of the worst crimes of the 20th century the 1994 genocide in rwanda. In many cases the trail leads from rwanda back to the home country france want to see it 2 continents. You oppose you want

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