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Prime minister is only one book foreign secretary jeremy hawked a winner will be decided next month and horse trading in brussels france and germany clashed over who should become the next president of the European Commission and thats not the only top job thats called for bread plus the u. N. Says a record 71000000 people have been displaced by war and persecution worldwide on this World Refugee day we look at the plight of the elderly work hinge of muslims for me and more living as refugees in vain with that. I bring to our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome we start with a day that has seen tensions between tehran and washington go from bad to worse earlier today iran shut down. An unmanned u. S. Drone that both sides agree but the u. S. Says that the drone was flying in International Airspace and its accusing iran of an unprovoked attack president calling the move by iran a big mistake but later today pulling back saying that it looked like someone in tehran had made a mistake iran says that the drone was on a spine mission over its territory. Grainy images that the pentagon says show a u. S. Drone tumbling from the sky over the gulf of oman the latest in a series of incidents that are a suspect of war in their region as u. S. President dont try much from the white house reporters had only one question on their mind. Trump was hosting canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau after heightening the suspense the president appeared to backpedal in a joint q. And i session in the oval office only moments later i think probably. Made a mistake i would imagine it was a general or somebody that made a mistake and shooting that drone down. But iran appeared in no mood to apologize as it announced the shooting down of the u. S. Drone on state television. At a rally irans elite revolutionary guard said it had destroyed the drone to send a strong signal to the u. S. Oh many. High domain those who defend the border of the islamic nation of iran will react in a total and decisive way to any intrusion by foreign elements on our land. Our borders hard our redline an enemy that violates our borders and will not return and will be destroyed on e. For come on they went on to say iran was ready for war but the country was not safe in conflict with any nation. The incident comes at a time of rising tension between tehran and washington which began when the u. S. Abandoned the International Nuclear deal last year. The us russia set up sanctions on iran this week announced it would no longer abide by the terms of the agreement and go through and restart its nuclear activity. The recent attack on to all tankers in the gulf of oman to the tension on wednesday the u. S. Military presented more evidence that it set up things terror on to the incident this time iran denied its involvement so far the u. S. Has not reacted to what it sees as iranian provocations despite such restraint the fear is that never asked i think sound of could result in war. Bring indeed. Hes on the story for us in washington good evening to you all over we know that both sides have confirmed that the drone was shot out of the sky there are conflicting accounts over the circumstances around that has the u. S. Presented proof that the drone was flying in International Airspace. U. S. President trump says he has scientific prove that the pentagon has scientific proof not just words that thats a quote of the earlier today we dont know though what this scientific proof looks like there was no trek to it or off the drone published so far only an alleged position flight with a drone flying in International Airspace of course the iranian version was completely different the Iranian Foreign minister just a little while ago published their alleged position of course over irena airspace so we have 2 differing versions off that incident today if the u. S. Is right and the drone was shot in International Airspace that would mean a severe escalation in a situation where tensions are already running very high you know of are we knew that the u. S. President seems to have bent pin a little bit in his assessment of this earlier today he said that shooting down the drone was a big mistake and believe that perhaps firing at the drone had been a mistake how do you read that. Thats right he called it a big mistake in the 1st place when he wrote on twitter as a direct response and then later said he did not believe 6 that this drone was shot down intentionally he said that could have been someone lose and stupid the Iranian Revolutionary guards so thats not the 1st place of course the president walks back some of his statements but it does reflect also that he does not want to go to war hes not looking for a military intervention with iran that is something that he had promised his voters over and over again but the question of course will be which side here in the white house and in the u. S. Administration will prevail will those be the. Moderate forces or rather hard liners such as National Security advisor john bolton well more open to a military option and we knew that there are meetings going on at the white house and on capitol hill terms of a response should be i want you to take a listen to what nancy pelosi speaker of the house were just she had to say about today and i dont think the president wants to go to war at the for going to war in a country theres no appetite for going to war so what is the appetite among president. Over in the mirror in general for a war with iran. Well americans are generally tired of war at this point and especially Donald Trumps voter base council 5 the same he had promised in his Election Campaign to pull the u. S. Out of International Conflicts his recent strategy maximum pressure comes in contrast with these promises you have made essentially will donald trump is is trying to achieve here is to press iran back to the negotiating table in order to get a better a tougher nuclear deal negotiated iran is refusing to. Negotiate with the United States at this point it does not look as if any of the 2 sides were willing to back down so we are witnessing a situation were both are going down a vicious circle with a destination unknown. In washington tonight all over thank you very much. Well in the former soviet republic of georgia a group of several 100 protesters trying to storm the parliament in the capital tbilisi today they were brutally supporters of georgias previous government but police have blocked them from entering the building meanwhile a separate group of about a 1000 protesters have also gathered at the parliament there demonstrating against a russian lawmaker who was allowed to address georgias parliament from the speakers seat the new sparked outrage in the former soviet republic which says moscow on coupons part of its territory. Are now to the u. K. Britains Ruling Conservative Party has narrowed the field of candidates from party leader and Prime Minister down to 2 men they are former foreign minister boards johnson and the current foreign minister jeremy hunt writes a hardliner Boris Johnson is seen as the clear front runner in an upcoming ballot of Party Members until now the selection of candidates has been made by Party Lawmakers there were 5 rounds of those ballots but now about 160000 Party Members are eligible to choose between johnson and what the result of that vote is expected in late july question because well in london right now bigot musts our very own is following the story for us good evening to you dear good sort of former london mayor and foreign minister Boris Johnson remains the top contender for the job of tory leader in the next Prime Minister is his victory i mean is it a foregone conclusion now. Not a foregone conclusion he still needs to go to this final round needs to go to the party base but hes clearly the funder frontrunner and hes extremely popular with a pot base hes weeks he is charming he has a lot of charisma his critics accuse him of being a bit economical with the truth in fact they use him of lying for. Sample over claims during the brics a campaign that britain would save 350000000 a week that they can be used for other stuff here in the u. K. For example for the house over say all this doesnt faze the party base they really adore him whenever he is for example at a Party Conference they just applaud him like nobody else so hes really very very popular with the base the clear frontrunner what about his rival and of the other candidates the foreign secretary jeremy haun. Foreign secretary jeremy hunt doesnt have the same personality i would say as Boris Johnson to us and he is a remain us so that puts him at a disadvantage with the party base he did campaign full remain during the referendum the party base is very much progress and they want to have this as done done as quickly as possible really jeremy hunt i think is the contender because hes seen rabia as a steady pair of hands hes made much about his history as an entrepreneur as a foreign secretary he has accused the European Union of being similar to the soviet union is that didnt go down very well with colleagues in brussels but on the other hand i think many have. Rather positive view on them because hes seen as a multilateral as not a nationalist but and with the party base Boris Johnson clearly the favorite it is interesting that in this budget environment that one of the 2 finalists is someone who wants to stay in the European Union if johnson if he really wins in the end what does that mean for the u. K. And for brits. Well jeremy hunt also has said that now he accepts that britain has to leave it was just that he was a remain a during the Referendum Campaign but if Boris Johnson really does move into number 10 downing street i think he will be really held to account he made huge promises during the wretched campaign he was really one of the main figures all the rest to come by and in the referendum he has made promises like britain will be close will play a once more and that brics it would in the end reunite the country again and the promise is about all the money that can be saved and used here in the u. K. So all of these bold claims really he will be held into account if indeed he does move into downing street at the end of the summer thats what we will find dont soon you know all right are there good marks on the storm force in london big thank you. Well heres some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world the United States senate has voted to block the sale of weapons to saudi arabia the movie seen as a rebuke to President Trump who backs arms sales to the saudis and considers them a. Trump is valid to view the ins with the Senate Legislation former trump aide hope hicks has testified in a closed door session of congress about her time in the white house in a written statement she said that she thought trump was serious in saying that he would accept foreign interference in u. S. Elections big stick lying to answer many of the questions that were posed to her be envisioning a chinese president xi jinping is in north korea on his 1st visit to the country talks with host kim jong un have been focusing on pyongyangs Nuclear Weapons program after that february summit between kim and donald trump collapse president xi said that he hopes that talks between the u. S. And north korea will resume soon. We are now to brussels where European Union leaders are meeting to decide who will lead the e. U. s key institutions following last months parliamentary elections the most high ranking position under discussion is the European Commission president now that post is currently held by john close but there is no consensus on who should replace him that is creating friction between the e. U. Used to leading nations france and germany. The e. U. Commission the heartbeat of the European Union. 28 heads of state and government have gathered in brussels to decide on the new leader but chancellor merkel cautions against high expectations. Of the here in germany we have the situation that both my party the c. D. U. And the s. P. D. Are committed to the top candidate but thats not always the case in the council as we have known for a long time and we will discuss this but we might not have a result today. The kind of given this gives the european partys top candidates have been campaigning throughout the e. U. Liberals conservatives greens and social democrats. But the french president doesnt want to limit himself to these candidates when it comes to voting in a new e. U. Commission president so hes risking an open dispute with germany. In my opinion it is up to france to find a solution and not get bogged down in programs to find europes ideal leadership team. But if france doesnt stand behind the top candidate it will need support for its choice even before the summit began president mccaw sought to meet with his counterparts one of them is the leader of luxembourg who says he doesnt want to commit himself to one candidate yet. I want to know what were doing and whos doing it before us for chancellor merkel and the french president this is about much more than posts its about power and influence in the European Union thats why no one wants to give in it amounts to a poker game and a prize is the top position. Or is it more that we want to get straight to the European Council in brussels well correspondent standing by good evening to you max lets talk about the jobs and the jostling for those positions in just a moment but 1st lets talk about efforts to rein in Climate Change apparently European Union leaders cant agree on that either im talking about snit Carbon Neutrality here what can you tell us. Theyre also called climate neutrality brand and in fact that was supposed to be sort of a side note of the conclusions here we saw the draft conclusions it was still in there and all the countries were supposed to commit themselves to achieve that Carbon Neutrality by 2050 basically meaning that you have if you calculate all the Carbon Emissions and how you get rid of the Carbon Emissions or you get them out of the atmosphere that you would have a carbon free europe now this has failed and this was actually something we saw coming in the last days because poland hungary and the Czech Republic among others to be fair said they wouldnt go along with this so now it appears this is only a footnote in the declaration and if you look at how important this topic was in the european elections if you look at example the demonstrations on the streets friday is to futures youth for climate. This is definitely a setback and a disappointment for many people it bodes not well at all for whats coming afterwards talking about the post you mention of talking about the next e. U. Commission president let us talk about that i mean why has the race to just build these top positions why is it suddenly become so contentious. Its always been a difficult puzzle because you need to for example make sure that the Eastern Countries get something then you need to make sure the big and small countries get something then you make and i need to make sure that you have men and women in there as well and you need to make sure that the poor countries have something to sell for example and then you need to make sure that the principal parties get something so you see the magnitude of all this but this year its even more complicated because in the European Parliament you no longer have a majority of the 2 big factions the 2 big parties the social democrats and the conservatives so you will need a 3rd party to get a majority and this is just very difficult in a direct result of those European Parliamentary elections that we were talking about last month so next is there a compromise in the words here. I would say there was a compromise in the works speeches dont know what it looks like really literally if you look behind me i hope those people thousands of journalists nobody has an idea but eventually it will look like we have names of course but there are research heard in that report by Catherine Martins dark horses maybe somebody will pop up we havent talked about yet and so were pretty certain that this compromise will not completely emerge at least tonight here and there probably will need to be at least one more special summit in brussels yeah its an ask you look into your crystal ball because we know that the new European Parliament starts work on july 2nd to me were going to have to have some resolution by then arent we. Yes and i hope you share my excitement of all this and. Although its very complicated on the 2nd of july 1 of the top jobs will presumably be given out to someone and that is the president of the European Parliament because the 2nd of july the European Parliament will elect their president at least thats what they said in the probably not going to back back off of that and that means you have the 1st domino to fall but what the leaders here the European Council want to do is have the full package make sure that they like i said earlier you know have all those different regions people gender is represented in their mix and if the 1st domino falls without having the full puzzle it will complicate things even more afterwards we can we can since the excitement is Worth Holding on and listening with bated breath max elfman tonight in brussels as always max thank you very much. Well just in time for Summer Vacation could there be strikes at the airlines the German Cabin Crew Union is calling a lose tons of staff to take action in july over a wage dispute euro wings and german wings both believe tunji subsidiaries could be worst hit employees are expected to vote next week on whether or not to go on strike they may be joined by others have tons of staff and tons of says it is considering legal action as a result it says destroyed would contravene an agreement to keep industrial peace in other words to keep the company in business. The United Nations says that a Record Number of people worldwide have been forcibly displaced this year by war persecution or violence that signal totals 71000000 thats 2000000 more than last year this includes Asylum Seekers refugees and people who have been forced to leave their homes within their countries and to mark you when World Refugee day Amnesty International is highlighting the particular difficulties facing older refugees amnesty filmed in camps that hells were hinge of refugees from me and more after a crackdown by me in mars military almost 800000 merkin just fled to bangladesh and many of them were elderly. Life in bangladesh so crowded refugee camps can be a constant struggle. For the elderly its often nearly unbearable the Human Rights Organization Amnesty International interviewed nearly 150 displaced road injured aged 54 to over 90 they found that aid agencies hadnt done enough to address the needs of older refugees. Not that far for the people who can walk well its only a problem for me. I dont go to the camp to nick they dont provide good treatment they usually only give one of 2 tablets when my son buys medication for me i take that im wary of going that. This man was able to reach a designated age friendly clinic but such places are rare in the refugee camps for the elderly food medical and sanitation facilities are often difficult to reach researchers documented cases of older patients foregoing medicine because they could not navigate the challenging terrain to the clinics. Despite the challenges these are the lucky ones many other elderly wrote injure were unable to flee and me on mars army attacked their villages in wrecking state. You know mothers that we were in the field the soldiers with chasing people and shooting people who could run manage to escape but those who couldnt run were killed and then out of the when the soldiers came and said house is on fire my parents were inside for the last 5 years my parents went to able to move on their own we couldnt take them with his mommy flat my parents died when the house was told. Its uncertain when the ruins of refugees will be able to return to their homes and me on mar for the elderly its not clear whether theyll ever make the trip home. Scientists are sounding the alarm over glacier melting they say glaciers in the Himalayan Mountain range north of india are melting at a rate twice of what would be considered normal the worlds highest peaks which include Mount Everest have been losing ice at a rate of about one percent a year since the year 2000 output all of this together and the results could be devastating for the fresh Water Supplies that the entire indian subcontinent relies on. The glaciers of the himalayas represent a vast reservoir of water upon which hundreds of millions of people depend now the glaciers are melting by comparing todays glaciers with satellite imagery made to cades ago scientists can determine just how quickly the ice is receding researchers at londons a period college say the big melt will be hard to stop. Even if we if we try to limit the 1. 00 degree. Temperature rise over the next by the end of this century its still one 3rd of a mile and glass less yes we. Will have an east. Dr pandit changing water availability is making it impossible for people to continue traditional farming practices those who cannot adapt are often forced to move away because of that. They are forced to change. Their agriculture practices and as a result in some areas. It is also happening so people cannot cope with the tending to believe in the recent. Rising temperatures and changing patterns of precipitation in the mountains will also have impacts far downstream as water levels drop across central asia and in the indian subcontinent. Sports news now the netherlands have defeated candidate 21 to top group easy at this years world cup anoop decker put the ducks in front in the 54th minute but they were unable to hold on to their lead for a law on 6 minutes later Christine Sinclair slid into the back closed to bring canada the level the winner came from lynette berenstein into 75th minute much to the delight of the travelling dutch fans. Despite defeat and also progress into the round of 16. Elsewhere in group b. Cameron defeated new zealand 21. 00 to qualify for the last 16 a jar in Childs School 2nd half finished gave cameroon and crucially but disaster struck soon after when this potentially tournaments ending go which we were going to show you was scored but in shock came to the rescue scoring a last gasp winner with the final kick of the match to send cameroon through to the knockout. Stage. That. Are heres a reminder the top stories that were following for you a u. S. President has said someone in iran seems to have made a mistake as both sides contradict each other over the shooting down of a u. S. Drone by iran us says the drone was in International Airspace iran says it was all the spying mission over iranian territory. Youre watching t. W. News after a short break ill be back to take you through the day stick around for that. The other one into one official estimates more than 1200000 venezuelans live in colombia legally and illegally. Already. Returned a vast whaler. Visiting friends is that i dont think id ever go back there to live you know what i live there again i dont know so im not sure. Bearing witness global news that matters. Made for mines. And im appalled. By it i have. Been 15 years since the moon landing. Keith was the 1st man to walk on the moon. As a small boy he dreamed of the stars. As a pilot he flew anything no matter how dangerous. Cheer going up. As an astronaut he took part in the greatest adventure in history. A hero a legend or simply a human being who was neil armstrong. The moon was his destiny starts july 20th on t. W. It was just 24 hours ago when u. S. President was asked about escalating tensions with iran his answer everythings under control dont worry about a thing famous last words mr president tonight on capitol hill and at the white house emergency meetings are underway earlier today iran shot down a u. S. Military drone what will President Trumps answer be to them im bringing up

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