So shed have to get through the bundesliga break without a football thanks again. To womens vote and. Excitement emotion not some. Big swings in 19 womens. All the results here on t. W. News. Markets are in turmoil after tensions in the gulf of oman escalated to oil tankers were attacked close to the strait of hormuz adding to fears a vital shipping lane for global all supplies could be cut off. Also coming up producing countries have never accepted much leverage. When it came to prices but now theyre flexing their muscles. And investment in africas a blue economy thats water based things like fishing aquaculture and transport the focus of a printing conference. I want to come to a business africa and 1st the story that shook oil markets this thursday were talking about the attack on to oil tankers close to the strait of hormuz one of them allegedly hit by a 2 paedo the brant crude price has been volatile since the attack hitting over 62. 00 a barrel immediately after the news broke the strait of hormuz is one of the worlds most strategically important choke points along the coast of iran almost a 3rd of all liquefied natural gas and almost 20 percent of Global Oil Production has to squeeze through here to escape the persian gulf and get out into the well its. Well for more on the impact there on all ma kids were joined by. Correspondent in frankfurt only whats this latest incident mean for the oil market. I think its too early to tell what it means in the medium term in the long term talked to an analyst and he says the Immediate Reaction today was partly also a result of oil going down so so much in the past days and he says that if this continues of lets say theres an escalation if there should be Firm Evidence that iran was behind the attacks in the us should react perhaps militarily then it would escalate and that would send the oil price back up in late april it was much higher than today so theres still a lot of room for it to move but certainly its something that people are having their eyes on apart from the oil market in equities for example stocks or in safe havens like bonds or gold theres not movement away from equities into safe havens for example we just saw some very dramatic pictures that we as you were talking about those all time cause but ending if things were to escalate further would just leave europes oil supply. Well europe would not need to regularly affect that at least not in the beginning because most of the oil for europe comes from other places leading suppliers or russia norway cause us to nigeria but lets say of course europe would be affected through price in the World Markets going up you cant contain Something Like this regionally price wise so that would make working consuming investing earning a lot more difficult for everyone concerned if this escalated right when he best and from for thank you so much. Well the price of cocoa has risen sharply after ivory coast in ghana demanded a minimum price for what is the base of the worlds chocolate the move has been seen as an historic attempt to shift the balance of power away from Big Companies and back to produces and heres why its such a big issue at present the worlds coca market is worth around 100000000000. 00 but of that only 6000000000. 00 goes to farmers and that is a major headache for ivory coast and ghana because together they produce some 60 percent of the worlds cocoa but because they traditionally havent had a say over prices the countrys farmers have been especially vulnerable to market fluctuations and thats now set to change after the nation said they would no longer sell cocoa for less the 2006 on the dollars per tonne about 150. 00 more than the current average price for more lets bring in who joins us now in akra and i think if you can hear me already could you please tell us what impact will the new minimum price have on the cocoa business in ghana and ivory coast. What the interest in growing who in their few years spaza has been dwindling because people thought they were not getting the pride the right price for what do we actually produce and so the new pricing means that people will have the interest in going back into production of the cool because it is an important produce in a sector for these 2 countries so the other impact of your city will be that these 2 countries can rick in more revenue because this is a prude usually a stock that is contributing migrate to parts of the revenue base in developing countries so that is they mediate impact of these new pricing or right and i said of course we also heard that so far farmers had to bear the brunt of the fact that there was no minimum price Cocoa Farmers happy with this you need a great price. Yet they are happy by it appears the happiness is limited because many of them ive spoken to since the news broke of the new pricing have said that. Has been that the percentage of revenue that they get when theyre being is has been so small that they want it up for example currently they dont get a system thats just a 5 percent of the revenue doc comes from the. They one thats up to 70 percent so even though they are happy about their price and they think that they need great top part of the money went government so that being on the International Market but you also think that if value can be added to the cocoa bean locally they will be able to get more revenue so they are happy by limited ok what about the other end of the spectrum and the consumers will end consumers feel a difference. Well the different brands will be the pricing of cocoa from the international saying all foreign shockley that are produced book chalky that are produced from other countries of power from these 2 countries will be going up the price will be going up because the cost of production will be odd because the cost of the cocoa bean will be up because you must obviously could i suspect that prices of the chocolates would be up because most of the chocolates consumed in ghana and ivory coast and up parts of africa come from 0 up in america and up parts of the world not from. I just very briefly will the color market at least in ivory coast in ghana at the staple for well the next foreseeable time after this through or based on flow price has been agreement. Yes because it appears that the meeting that was held in our crowd was to push for something to be done about the price and because they are attempt was if nothing was done then you could destabilize the whole system by stopping to produce with this new price in relatively for the coming years im sure that it will have some stability but im sure that will cool from as we continue to push for better value all right i said reporting from across thank you so much. And now to some other business stories making the news. The Worlds Largest Sovereign Wealth Fund is moving out of fossil fuels and moving towards green energy Norways Parliament is forcing the countrys fund to pull around 11000000000. 00 euros out of over 100. 00 companies specialized in or oil gas and coal at besides protecting the environment also helps to protect the fund from oil price fluctuations. Talk koch in germany has ruled that the industrial scale mass slaughter of male chicks remains legal for now male birds cannot lay eggs and yield less need the unwanted gaston shredded on hatching 45000000. 00 the killed in germany last year called said to the killing can continue until a reliable method of determining gender before hatching is developed. Hows this for a used car ads for sale one well loved to been to car one previous owner with object a seat for backseat drivers machine guns and to tie a slashes james bonds iconic aston martin d b 5 is going under the hammer restored to the 2 original condition sothebys expected to sell it for 6000000. 00 later this year. At a german african conference a 1000000000 today representatives of government business and Civil Society were discussing Investment Opportunities in africas economy that is a part of the economy closely linked to Water Fishing aquaculture or Maritime Transport the blue economy could play a major role in africas structural transformation sustainable economic progress and social development. Fisherman in senegal fear for their livelihoods declining stocks mostly due to an increase in european and chinese trawlers in their waters are pushing time plus jobs on the line. The problem is being felt in many other african countries too. No surprise then that the issue was on the agenda at a meeting of african and german business representative taking place in berlin. Probably more on your own do still believe food. Countries that dont have the means to monitor their own waters tend to attract Illegal Fishing vessels. That lead to huge losses huge financial losses for us that is why we need more investment in survey in. More than 30 african countries have a coastline and 90 percent of the continent imports and exports go by see that strength and calls to invest in the socalled blue economy a term that refers to harnessing the oceans resources to promote economic growth. We have the resources. We have to see we have we have other form of things that if we can manage it well and combine with technology from western country. Technical help from the western countries or together can make this happen the main challenge is 1st of all the change of attitude because the economy has to be sustainable it has to take care of the oceans and the way we do we cannot mix now in the world has proven to be wrong and the oceans are not healthy and this is the reason the oceans are on healthy myrons of polluting Plastic Waste which wipe an estimated 13000000000. 00 off africas maritime economy every year the money if saved that could well be invested elsewhere. Kenyas government has unveiled its budget plan for the next Financial Year it includes proposals to reduce Government Debt and to make it easier for private companies to access loans the country has one of the Fastest Growing economies in east africa in 2018 and posted growth of more than 6 percent thanks largely to a strong harvest. For a company run by private Security Firm black. Just found a erik prince has registered a subsidiary in democratic republic of congo with a mandate to extract minerals and timber and to conduct Financial Operations prince sold blackwater in 2010 after several of its employees were indicted on unlawful killing charges in connection with their work as u. S. Government contractors during the iraq war as Hong Kong Based company francesa of his Group Already provides security aviation and Logistics Services to chinese operating in africa. D w business africa for me and the team here in berlin thanks for keeping us company. Quadriga International Talk show before journalists discuss the topic of the week. Opinion polls here in germany are beginning to suggest that the greens might now be the Strongest Force in german politics indeed theres talk that the next german chancellor might even be agreeing to find out more of the story join us on quarterly. 60 minutes on w. What secrets lie behind these well. Find out in an immersive experience and explore fascinating read Cultural Heritage sites. D w World Heritage 360 get the memo. To. The for. This is d w news africa coming up in the next 15 minutes the u. S. Sends its top diplomats to africa to help mediate between the conflict and parties in sudan. Efforts arriving a little too late. To reverse a town in south africa family on its way of winning the battle against high rates. Cost after nigerias super falconis won the us press game with a few 5 womans woke up today have what it takes to move on the sports journalist being

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