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Best to enforce the american sanctions regime that is would have been put in place. Also coming up on the day smoking is bad for you but what about vaporing on world no tobacco day we look at a popular alternative to regular cigarettes and find out just how good an alternative it really is we know from animal and soul experiments that the paper causes inflammation in cells and when does this suggests that in addition to inflammation it could result in a long term damage such as cancer. We start with the u. S. Secretary of state mike pompei i was tour of europe it got off to a rocky start friday he and german chancellor Angela Merkel failed to agree on much and berlin they did agree that they had shared values but when it came down to concrete a trade and Security Policy they diverged especially over relations with iran. It took mike pompei over 400. 00 days to find time to visit berlin and then officials scheduled only 45 minutes for talks with chancellor Angela Merkel on trouble spots afghanistan syria libya and iran even though it is in great turmoil above all the question of the round house will prevent iran from acquiring Nuclear Weapons visits were not told. Nor did pump ayos discussions with germanys foreign minister bring the 2 countries closer together washington has been raising the pressure on iran well European Countries struggle to save the Nuclear Deal Iran signed 4 years ago. This is also no secret that we are pursuing different approaches towards that and. Why from our point of view instead of europe as a whole preservation of the nuclear deal increases International Safety and thats important to us but time is running out iran is threatening to stop complying with parts of the nuclear deal if signatories dont find a way to soften u. S. Sanctions iran is primarily dependent on income from the sale of Oil Washington sanctions have effectively choked off that money supply. We will do our best to enforce the american sanctions regime that is but it been put in place all differences aside pompei i did reaffirm that germany nevertheless remains an important ally of the us do you ever use chief Political Correspondent melinda crane is following this story for a time melinda on the surface it looks like 2 allies meeting but if you look not very far below the surface you see a whole host of disagreement some turmoil tell us more about how you perceive this meeting. Well in fact we heard a lot of professions of friendship and partnership and statements about how very very important transatlantic ties are but as you said once you dig deeper the devil is in the details and particularly on the question of iran it is quite evident that they may agree on the broad goal of trying to keep iran from getting Nuclear Weapons and trying to limit irans support for terrorism and also its Ballistic Missiles program but they certainly do not agree on how to get there and in fact the disagreement at this point pits not only the u. S. Against iran head to head but the u. S. Against its closest allies in the world namely the europeans the u. S. Left the Iran Nuclear Agreement that the agreement does remain on the books as far as the europeans are concerned it is still in force and they see it as the best way to reach that goal of containing the threat from iran so the europeans set up a payment mechanism in the winter in the hope that that would allow European Countries to keep trading with iran without have to go through u. S. Payment systems that is quite an extraordinary move in its own right if you think about it 3 allies of the u. S. Attempting to essentially subvert the role of the dollar in International Payments so now the u. S. Has been indicating that it might move to sanction this mechanism itself if its used for anything except for trade in humanitarian goods apparently that was one of the topics discussed surely here no agreement was reached and indeed the 2 sides appear not to be making any progress at all in terms of how they Work Together to solve some very very important global problems i want to ask you about another point of contention melinda on using china as well Way Technology no germany hasnt banned it yet the u. S. Has effectively done so and maicon pale was warning of consequences and that is important because of how much germany really depends on u. S. Intelligence right. Thats absolutely true germany is very dependent on u. S. Intelligence we can all remember back a few years when it was revealed that the u. S. Had been essentially using its intelligence powers to sweep german telephone calls that it had even listened to the mobile telephone of the chancellor and there was much shock in germany about that and at the same time a recognition that germany is deeply dependent on the u. S. Both the iran issue and this issue of huawei indicate how important it is for the European Countries to Work Together on the goal that they have set for themselves but so far have not made a lot of concrete progress in achieving namely of a stablish in a Common Intelligence and Foreign Policy and security position that will allow them to act as a united force and that is clearly crucial at a time when the transatlantic divisions are so deep and linda it comes at a time where we saw the german chancellor Angela Merkel of delivering a commencement address at harvard yesterday talking about the importance of working together lets listen to what she said. Just now than ever we must think an act multilaterally instead of unilaterally. Global rather than national. Would looking rather than isolationist. Hopes only in short together rather than alone. But melinda at the same time as we just heard from you transatlantic ties are under a lot of stress right now is that message from the chancellor falling on deaf ears. Well it depends on what years you think that message was addressed to the german press many of them are interpreted in this speech by the chancellor as a sort of frontal attack on donald trump i dont see it that way at all his name was never mentioned in the speech not even the term the president was ever ever crossed her lips it was actually in many ways a very personal speech and when she talked about her own past and how she came to some of her key values in Foreign Policy to me it was not by any means i attack on the president nor was it addressed to him it was a vision of multilateralism afraid operation of the importance of trying to come to agreement with partners and even with rivals partly based on trying to see problems out of their eyes from their point of view and i think she was addressing the public that was sitting in front of her which is a different America Donald trump is not the only his is not the only perspective in the United States there is another america that absolutely shares the vision the chancellor laid out and the warmth of the applause that she got when she talked about the importance of not trying to sell lies as truth or the importance of opening borders of tearing down walls was a testimony to the fact that there are many people in the u. S. Who want a different direction. Chief Political Correspondent linda crane speaking to us thank you melinda. Now to a story thats triggered a big debate about antisemitism here in germany the governments antisemitism commissioner made headlines recently when he warned jews the against wearing traditional head coverings kick us in public because of the increasing likelihood of being attacked he was accused of giving in to antisemitism so hes now called on all germans to work in solidarity but the debate has highlighted the very real dangers facing jews living here met a jewish man in berlin who lives with that danger every day david pearl wears a skull cap and a prayer tassel as part of everyday life but when he goes outside he puts the tassel in a pocket and he hides the skull cap with a hat. David his wife and children have lived in berlin for 5 years after spending some time in israel there are many things he cant take for granted anymore hes experienced too much hostility. Sometimes is a traffic jam on the street where i live and one time 3 arabic looking men got out of a car and they started spitting at me and harassing me saying you dirty jew be today if. His experience is far from Unusual Police statistics show that the number of antisemitic crimes in germany rose from 1504 in 2017 to 1799 a year later an increase of nearly 20 percent the overwhelming majority are attributed to far right perpetrators. For the rise in antisemitic acts as a result of the coarsening of discourse the readiness to act out in a racist way and against minorities. To hits the spot of movements like a ghetto and a large part of the alternative bird germany have. Done that all adds up to a decisive change the. People who used to hold back now say its time to strike thats the danger. And thats why we have to act decisively and make a clear statement that we want no hate crimes. Germany guarantees freedom of religion but for some expressing that religion can be dangerous. You dont feel free you dont feel look then take fish because it belongs to you and you know why of life that its not just a religious symbol its also the symbol of a way of life. Thats something david wants to be able to hand down to his own children. For my kids its hardly normal to wear it and to run around in it its very hard to explain to a 3 year old that he has to cover the office because someone might run up and speak on him or harass him. That david would like to wear his skull cap all the time in public not just on the way into the synagogue. Do you get these William Noble glue craft spoke to germanys antisemitism commissioner felix clyde earlier you recently warned jews not to wear a keep in germany but antisemitism is nothing unique to germany it exists in many countries in the us weve seen it were jewish life is much more prominent than in germany even in israel theres often tensions on arms violence between secular and religious jews why a specific warning for jews in germany. Semitism in germany is always something very special because the holocaust was invented here and happened here and of course we have to take a very very close look at the situation and with the description of the reality i wanted to trigger an honest. Discussion and like in normal life i think when you want to make a therapy you 1st have to analyze the situation this is what i did and im quite satisfied that the discussion is so broad now that we have to protect jewish life in germany together politics the state and society as well and it comes in the context of our crude stay which you are calling on all germans to wear a keep in solidarity with jews could stay which has origins in iran is to show support for the palestinian state its inherently anti israel and i design this would you also say its antisemitic absolutely i think its absolutely unacceptable that 9 to 2000 in the year 2019 we hear enticing mythic anti jewish. Slogans in particular in the city of lynn uncool 1st and highly symbolic place and i think we all should stand up against that we should unite as German Society saying that we do not accept any form of antisemitism here and i think it is a very good way to express solidarity with the Jewish Community if we where we always keep our also because many people i think of the opinion in germany that the keypad is something not in here and that its an exotic piece of clothes but it is not the keep up the long subject many it was always part of german culture of jewish culture and this is what you make clear when you have to keep on saturday and of course not all jews where they keep its a very personal decision as to family and history and tradition religion why do you think its appropriate that all germans should wear a keep on solidarity when many germans might not even know much about jewish life you know many jews themselves well this is of course only at symbol what i want to express is that we protect that we have to know that we should protect jewish life as part of ours. That there is a society who would like to live in this is which except. Of the ways to live and it is really not not so nice that so many people dont know about jewish life in germany and this is also what i would like to change Im Commission also for a jewish life and i call on people to to get to know more about the jewish life of their cities of their regions theres a lot today is cover and when you. And allies a little bit research a little bit of that youll realize how strong the contribution of jews was and is to the strengths of germany to german culture to german science to all aspects and this is what what i want people to realize and this debate you sugarless raised a red flag again on antisemitism that might be prevalent in germany but you conceded in an interview to the New York Times that the methodology that the government use the German Government uses to assess antisemitism in germany is itself law and what needs to change for better data to be gathered and how do we even determine how big the problem is when the data might not be accurate well we have to look at this statistics and the categories we use there but what we absolutely need to know know more about of what happens then to the to the cases that are reported we dont have enough data on prosecution of antisemitic attacks of then which cases we actually come to court and how many perpetrators are actually then find and punished and i am very satisfied that i have triggered a discussion in that respect and that even after next week when well create a commission on antisemitism between board and lend in germany when the transit of meets with the 16th minister president on the 6th of loon who. We have a body where we can discuss all these issues and i think we will do it with new to me nation as a state and at the same time of course we have to interest all of society also to join in the fight against antisemitism fears clark thank you for talking with d. W. Thank you. Now smoking kills despite that blatant warning more than a 1000000000 people around the world regularly Smoke Tobacco thats about one in 7 people that tobacco use has been declining in many parts of the world the 2 exceptions are some african regions and some countries in the middle east where smoking is actually on the rise but today is world no tobacco day and so were looking at why that matters the World Health Organization says tobacco kills more than 7000000. 00 people each year it doesnt just affect smokers but also people exposed to 2nd hand smoke so what can be done while graphic warnings on Tobacco Products have shown to significantly increase Peoples Awareness of the dangers of smoking advertising bans and tobacco taxes are also among the most effective ways to reduce tobacco use while isa carets have been touted as a way to cut back on tobacco intake they thing as its known is increasingly popular with smokers including many in the u. S. But are east cigarettes actually healthier than the average tobacco product take a look. Its proven that the cigarettes contain far fewer talk sense than conventional tobacco cigarettes. But as theyre relatively recent products their long term effects are unknown. Is this the moment you could call it the biggest field study thats taking place in the Health Sector worldwide. Up given. They can choose from hundreds of Refill Solutions called liquids the additives that give them their flavor however contain less than appetising substances diasur tile for example has a buttery taste that can cause a severe respiratory disorder commonly known as popcorn none. They produced by the heating device of any cigarette is laced with tiny particles which settle in the lungs they can cause coughing compromised lung function and inflammation. We know from animal and soul experiments that the vapor causes inflammation in cells that does this suggests that in addition to inflammation it could result in long term damage such as cancer for heavy smokers though baking might still be the lesser evil. Made this which 3 years ago. You know i mean. After a couple of weeks or months i noticed that my smokers cough was gone plus my nose isnt so stuffed up anymore i can smell and taste things a lot better so things have definitely changed. They thing is less harmful than smoking tobacco and is one way of cutting down on quitting but eesa carets do impact health. Well lets get more on the story now we have dr rooney back are with us leading expert on the risks that the cigarettes posed to our hearts and our health and we also have dr alex carl who is a conducting research on the environmental effects of hazards of of a thing thanks to have you both with us from the u. S. City of louisville tonight now isa carets i want to start with you are supposed to be a far healthier alternative to tobacco is it safe to say that they really are whether to contain less of the doss thats present in a lot of combustible cigarettes but we do not know who are sure or much healthier there are they may have less harm then the very best of those people smoke but even long term studies are going to be able in fact some of the data suggest that some of the effects and we see the cigarettes by the same as we see the cigarettes so those might be less on hold except of the hollywood action isnt yeah thats a question i want to put to you is there really enough in parable evidence at this point to say what the effects are on our health you know the modern model that we have right now of the cigarettes was actually introduced in the early 2000. You know actually currently there is no definitive evidence in the cigarettes are safe for the long term studies have yet to provide and yet and as far as the short term impacts of the cigarettes are concerned we have seen and others have seen as well the cardiovascular effects are so much comparables its about this minute that includes increases in Blood Pressure dysfunction of the vasculature increases in heart rate and increases in fighter quite stressed responses as well as increase our to do stress all right so that is very Important Information to know if youre switching to cigarettes are really coming back to you now what about this question of Secondhand Smoke is something that we know that is very damaging when it comes to tobacco can be really harmful lead to disease is that the case with the east smoking as well. Yes so again these are already days but we do know that even by standards setting less stupid somebodys smoking ysaye rex is exposed to as much nicotine as if somebody next to him was smoking so that mountain you can explode is same with the cigarettes amount of cigarettes the amount of particles filed in a fine particles which i mean constituents off to back the small are also produce in the same numbers isa graphs so. Maybe other toxic chemicals would be less but in general the particles and the nicotine exposure will be similar so yes we would we would say that it is that there would be 2nd exposure that would not be desirable ok alex coming back to you now one of the big draws of the cigarettes is that theyre supposed to be in a way a gateway to stop smoking in the end does that really happen. Well its theres no definitive evidence on that you there are however what has emerged lately indicates that amongst lurkers 80 percent of them continue to smoke and theres about a 20 percent rate at least in the midst recent studies a 20 percent rate. And thats just as good as a nicotine patch but then you have the added adverse effects of the cigarettes to be concerned so i would just add that people who have you quit using the cigarettes the numbers that are the smaller being that 120 percent and those who do quit smoking cigarettes tend to continue using the cigarettes for knocked out power and one question to both of you now it is world no tobacco day what do you think in general when it comes to smoking habits are more people really switching to the cigarettes or are stopping to smoke in general. So we dont know what the experience of germany is but in the United States you see no this big upsurge of news the sequester just july in recent studies suggest that there would be as much as 30 percent of High School Students are using july on an everyday basis so we have a very Vital Statistics and we see the take that there is a very large increase in the amount of smoking a lot of use of Tobacco Products at least within this country we have the american heart want to do go through what is a need to be ending but i think theyre especially in terms of kids theyre more kids using nicotine now than they were how we attended years ago yes and even from 2017 to 2800 there was a 78 percent jump in the number of High Schoolers in the United States using east cigarettes and this is changing rapidly because the products are changing their appeal is changing and so its hard to predict what the future use use of the cigarettes are how many there will be all right very Important Message there on world no tobacco day doctors irony but not r. And alex carl joining us from louisville thank you both so very much. Thank you. Well thats it for the day the conversation continues online youll find us on twitter either actually w news or at the mongolia and dont forget to use our hash tag the. Eco africa. These people used to make money by hunting elephants. Now only earn their living collecting elephant dung. Here in Queen Elizabeth National Park in uganda. Their work plays an Important Role in protecting this endangered species. The. Next. I am. A. Rock mam. Ma ma ma. Ma ma ma. Sinful rhythms can tell by the. I know that even feeling that you feel when you think. Stoppable. No one is more popular than jesus. Religious morality preachers subversive. Marketing potential by placing a warning label on music. And religion. Beliefs ok reconcilable. Come to the. Rocknroll. 17 on t. W. Float. Welcome to a new edition of. The environment magazine coproduced by channel salvation in nigeria deemed to be in germany and quaint say in south africa. In Lagos Nigeria now its a lobby

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