Well talk to our washington correspondent. And is this the death of diesel environmentalist breathe a sigh of relief as a Top German Court rules that cities and ban heavily polluting diesel vehicles but will the saddle millions of drivers was worthless cars also on the show. A street sign this likely to get under the russian president s skin in washington d. C. The street outside the Russian Embassy has been renamed after one of putins slain enemies its a trolling tactic the u. S. Has used before to needle foreign rivals. And broad thomas a warm welcome to the show a la day after a temporary truce fails to take effect in syria a fire. Adding rages on as those the war of words between the u. S. And russia a top u. S. General has accused russia of quote behaving like an arsonist and a fire fighter in syria general joseph adl lashed out after the planned daily ceasefire collapsed the u. S. State department is also slammed moscow for backing the Syrian Government russia is certainly not hearing to the cease fire theyre not adhering to the cease fire because they continue to sponsor and back Bashar Al Assads government that is tragic as a result of that we are seeing innocent civilians and youve all seen the video many of you are parents you have seen the children who are suffering and dying youve seen the innocent people doing that the world has come together the world has said that this has to stop i find it ironic when russia calls for a humanitarian road a humanitarian zone you know what humanitarian zone is its the entirety of syria while the truce for Eastern Ghouta had been ordered of course by russian president Vladimir Putin now this followed an International Outcry over more than a week of airstrikes on the rebel held region that killed more than five hundred people but just hours after the humanitarian pause began reports of renewed mortar fire and air strikes for its part moscow says its the rebels who hold the enclave who first broke the cease fire with a series of attacks. The skies over Eastern Ghouta were supposed to fall silent. But a five hour humanitarian pause brought little relief to besieged residents in the rebel held on klav strikes reported during a pause and observers say that Syrian Government war planes resumed their bombing as soon as it ended. When we pray to god for help what kind of ceasefire is this without attacks and barrel bombs. Humanitarian corridors set up to allow residents to leave and aid to enter went largely unused rebels claim people are refusing to leave on buses out of fear of being captured by government forces. And i bought a family are meant to pick up the wounded from eastern guta and take them to the clinic in the suburbs of damascus on humanitarian grounds. Get on a chevy leave the much syrias ally russia accused the rebels of preventing people from leaving and blamed them for failing to uphold the truce ordered by president Vladimir Putin. The militants are intensively shelling the area and not a single civilian escape for the humanitarian corridor going to going to do it all moscows plan falls short of the thirty day cease fire which was passed by the United Nations but its yet to take effect a group sista waiting to deliver desperately needed supplies so imagine. That you have aid being able to be there that we can imagine its really getting big for the. The residents of east in kuta can do little but clear up the rubble and hope the next pause brings real relief. So how are aid groups responding right now to this development lets bring in Ralph El Hage hes the spokesman for the International Red cross in the region he joins us from the lebanese capital beirut good morning to you mr hayes thanks for being with us your organization has released a statement saying it is impossible to bring in humanitarian aid humanitarian convoy in five hours so why is that morning to you and to your viewers indeed it is impossible to bring in humanitarian aid in just five hours in fact it is impossible to bring in humanitarian aid if theres no cease fire agreement is withheld and is respected tween both parties if they come to an agreement and then they break it there is no way that humanitarian aid trucks can reach the city and safely and come back out safely to be able to deliver humanitarian aid whats needed today is that both parties respect their agreements together and allow the safe access of humanitarian aid workers into east. Ok now what are you hearing from your sources from the red cross in the area does it look like this cease fire could some point hold so that you can get aid to those who need it. We hope that it holds we were hoping a few days ago that any ceasefire would hold as my colleague mentioned the last time we were in it was in november and we know that there is a huge need for medical care medic medicine inside the city and it just isnt getting in there and we have to go inside and deliver this assistance as soon as possible now or we are helpless because without the fighting easing out and without the agreement of everyone fighting in decent dark we cannot enter and we just are standing by and waiting and waiting hopelessly and this just cant continue all parties must allow humanitarian aid workers to enter eastern good as soon as possible ok whats whats your assessment will the fighting stop or will the attacks continue we really cannot forecast were humanitarian organization we can just be hopeful that they stop weve seen them stop in other cities for a while with a similar situation and we hope that at least of all the fighting stops or or seizes up for a while to allow humanitarian aid to enter as soon as possible ok there are four hundred thousand people in the affected area what do they need most right now whats the biggest threat for them outside of the fighting force. The threat for first of all is that they lose their lives on there the ongoing catastrophic situation and the fighting second we know that there are hundreds and hundreds of people who are. Chronically sick with diabetes ive attention or Cancer Patients and the urgently need the medicine people are dying because because of lack of medicine and its just unacceptable that is this is happening they have the right for medical care but they do not have the medicine we know that this is the most. High priority for humanitarian aid organizations to deliver medical aid as soon as possible second there is a need also for of Food Assistance as well but primarily the need for safety for people to be able to be just to be spared with their lives is the highest priority as well ralph elhage from the International Red cross joining us from beirut thanks very much thank you now for some of the other stories making the news this hour u. N. Experts say north korea has been supplying items to syria used in the production of Ballistic Missiles and chemical weapons the panel of experts monitoring sanctions found more than forty previously unreported shipments from pyongyang to syria between two thousand and twelve and two thousand and seventeen. Christian leaders have reopened the church of the holy sepulcher in jerusalem one of christianitys holiest sites the Church Leaders had closed the sacred site for three days to protest proposed legislation in israel taxing Church Properties so officials suspended the planned measures on tuesday. Three astronauts have touched down safely in kazakhstan after almost six months aboard the International Space station two americans and one russian were among the crew Whose Mission included research and equipment maintenance accrued to replace the three man is due to lift off on march the twenty first. Were turning now to the u. S. Where president from son in law has been stripped of his top level security clearance whichever way you look at a persons downgrade is a step away from trumps inner circle at least in terms of access to top Level National secrets kirschner is not alone many other white house aides who had temporary clearance have had their privileges blocked as well under an order issued by trumps chief of staff john kelly but kirschner is the most high profile victim if you have had Donald Trumps ear like Jared Krishna. From the airlie days of the campaign the discreet son in law has been a constant at trumps a advising coaching watching his back doing his best to turn an improbable condit into a president. Errand him a job in the white house and access to the u. S. Is most closely held secret but on friday trump said theres privileges were in the hands of his chief of staff so that will be up to general kelly general kelly respects general lott and general kelly will make that call i will make that call i will let the general whos right here make that call but gerrards doing some very important things for our country. Since being hired to bring military discipline to the white house general john kelly has been clamping down on who has access to u. S. Secrets Jared Krishna whos briefing kluge mexico china and israel insisted his work would continue unaffected by the downgrade. Whether this is closing for cushion or are a mere formality in trumps ongoing Family Affair the commander in chief wouldnt say. Right here oh yeah. Ok lets find out what alls in from washington with our date of your correspondent alexander phenomena i was and what does the security downgrade for kushner tell us about his future role in the white house. Well jerk cushion as you said is not the only one affected by the new security clearance policy in the white house but he is certainly the most prominent one as we understand hes overseas contacts have raised concerns and are a reason why he has not been able to say a permanent security clearance heman with foreign officials during that campaign and also serving as the president and Senior Advisor in the white house without using official channels with both coordinating with the National Security council without informing white house officials and that is highly unusual now his security clearance was downgraded and this is via a limitation and i have to say difficult in vision how he can continue to perform the many jobs that the president and trusted him with from negotiate new trade agreements with poor and partners to overseeing the middle east Peace Process without having access to top secret intelligence to intercepted communications to the president s top secret stellite we know it was the chief of staff general john kelly who ordered the changes to the clearance system and the president could have overruled them but chose not to what does this tell us about kellys role right now in the white house. Well it seems to be a win for john kelly it seems did he was able to impose his will and. He reportedly told hes so. That he was uncomfortable with cushion or unclear security clearance and hes unique role as a member of family and staff for in the white house but the question is whether the president is going to side with kelly and against his son in law in the long term and i would doubt its alexander thanks much for that for now is under phenomena for us from washington. Staying in the American Capital the street outside the Russian Embassy as a provocative new saw and seen as a move to troll the russian president Vladimir Putin its been named Boris Nemtsov plaza after a prominent putin critic was gunned down and killed moscow three years ago street naming games are nothing new to washington in washington its a class of classic move deployed to annoy foreign rivals the end by a ling of Boris Nemtsov plaza the move to all of the slain russian dissident seems guaranteed to need to the kremlin at a time of increasingly strained relations with washington. The street sign directly outside of the Russian Embassy will serve as an enduring reminder. To Vladimir Putin and to those who support him that they cannot use murder and violence and intimidation to sign with the voices of freedom and decide themselves john i was among those present as was russian opposition politician to make our move he was came to deliver a message to president putin that whatever the people in the kremlin think of this now i know that one day the russian state will be proud that our embassy in washington is standing on a street that is named after Boris Nemtsov. With Us Russian Relations at the post cold war low the question is for how much longer will this kind of teeth attack go on. Custom for naaman was at the end battling. Its mainly a symbolic move but a significant one its meant as a signal that the us or at least activists and politicians from both sides of the aisle will take a look at russia and thats the suppression or even murder of dissidents will not go unnoticed and in fact Russian Diplomats reminded of this every day when they go to work in washington from now on. This is didnt you know still to come on the show i see air from siberia still setting europes temperatures plunging extreme weather warnings are in place in a number of countries especially in the east of europe. On first officer now germanys biggest bank is taking another step to deal with the mistakes of the past thread were talking about closure bank the lender has agreed to pay another two hundred forty Million Dollars to settle a two thousand and eleven lawsuit in the United States accusing it of manipulating the boer benchmark Interest Rate on germanys Biggest Group a bank is the third after citi group and barclays to resolve claims by investors including the city of baltimore and Yale University college it denied wrongdoing but settled to avoid the wrists and distraction of Litigation Court papers show has already paid for billion dollars to resolve claims libor is used by banks to said rates of hundreds of trillions of dollars friends actions. Its a landmark decision thats causing a lot of uncertainty here in germany after one of the countrys top courts decided that diesel powered cars can be banned from certain cities in order to combat air pollution when is the polities commuters and companies are grappling with how to deal with the challenge Small Businesses in particular whose diesel powered utility vehicles are essential to keeping operations running are hoping for exemptions. The idea of small can normally conjures up notions of bustling capitals but lynn is just one of seventy german cities notorious for breaking legal air pollution limits could city Centers Across the country soon be no go areas for millions of cars. Over in frankfurt used car dealer marcelled l r ball is only too aware of the diesel problem his yard is full of cars waiting for buyers the main difference between them one type sells well the other doesnt. As an american the prize or the last year prices have been falling dramatically along with demand in some cases demand has fallen by ninety percent the prices have come. I reckon about twenty five percent per vehicle whats happened today it means prices will go down again well have to see how things develop i think sales will come to a standstill. Thats and for i in fact stop. Carmakers marketed diesels as the environmentally friendly choice they burn less fuel per mile and emit less Carbon Dioxide no wonder one in three cars on german roads is a diesel car owners rely on them to get to work businesses for regular deliveries. Manufacturers are confident a general ban on diesel cars will never materialise the car industry lobby group v d f a says even partial measures could be damaging. To. The decisions problem is that different cities could have differing regulation. That this concerns us because a patchwork of different regulations in place that would obviously confused drivers. Thats why we hope for a reasonable nationwide regulation. Diesels will stay on german streets for now whether theyll be restricted in some fashion is another matter. Germany is just now dealing with a reality that is already being legislated in china where cleaning up polluted cities has become a National Priority so lets broaden the view here a little bit with our correspondent there as bellinger joins me from beijing with a us china is home to some of the cities with extremely bad air quality how are officials dealing with the issue well officials are not at all dealing with the issue of these low passenger cars and thats just simply because there are virtually no diesel passenger cars in china when folks martin had to recall their cars due to this scandal about manipulation of emission measuring in china they had to recall about two thousand cars all of which were imported they have never made it onto the Chinese Market this is why china can relax in the news theres almost nothing about this decision by the german court the only diesel vehicles in china are trucks of course there are rich restrictions for trucks entering chinese cities as there are lots of restrictions more or less effective on industries but passenger cars are not an issue at all nevertheless pollution is a big issue in china so what is being done to combat this air pollution problem. There are a lot of measures mostly that have been restrictions on traffic for some years cause there are certain days where certain cars cannot be on the street passenger cars their trucks are limited from entering the city motorbikes are banned in most cities if they are not electric motor bikes there is a policy to promote electro mobility to promote Battery Powered cars pure eveys the policy is still in the beginning up to now there are not not too many electric Battery Powered cars. Less than one percent in china but the number is growing because there are big subsidies on these cars and. The government is requesting companies to produce e. V. Cause and briefly if you can how are german car makers being used when it comes to alternative types of powering a vehicle like the mobility until now german german comic is have missed this trend they are now trying to catch up they are they are trying to build partnerships with Chinese Companies one are a bit more advanced in this part germany has a lot of technology to offer in car manufacturing and for the Chinese Market it will be critical for them to extend their leadership that technology logical leadership into evy cause there as well inger the correspondent in china thank you so much for your insight. Australia has ordered a mandatory recall of almost four million cars fitted with faulty airbags from to caught up the recall affects multiple Car Manufacturers australia as assistant to treasury minister michael soccer said the government is unhappy with the progress on last years voluntary recall making the compulsory recall necessary Cost Effective airbags have resulted in one hundred million recalls worldwide and forced the Japanese Company into bankruptcy. Cuba is trying to cope with a new reality after u. S. Sanctions imposed on its exports came soon after relations had improved but the cigar industry has grown steadily thats in part thanks to the search for other markets most recently yes you guessed it china an icon of cuba know not fidel castro his cigar something the communist dictator having common with u. S. President john f. Kennedy who ordered twelve hundred cuban studies before blockading the island during the cold war. Ties arent quite so bad nowadays but the economic boycott is still in place so cuba has to look elsewhere for exports thats good news for aficionados in countries like canada for them anything but a cuban is close but no cigar as far as the passion and the dedication make it the cigar its really crafted in cuba which is different from any place of food so the place to be is heaven as annual cigar festival which draws visitors from fifty countries to place orders and sample latest offerings and more and more of those sales are headed for china. The government sells its a car through a panos its a joint venture with britains Imperial Tobacco and this year it hit a milestone. In terms of worldwide sales by no scruple to reach the historic figure of five hundred Million Dollars for the first time with twelve percent growth compared to twenty sixteen at a Constant Exchange rate its a spectacular result so cubas cigar sales are on a roll even if its neighbor to the north isnt buying. And expect to brian now and europes big freeze continues so christophe it is a very rare sabir in siberian cold front and Still Holding much of europe its icy clutches that sent temperatures plunging across the continent carpeted some usually warm southern cities and snow now that snow fall has been causing havoc of course for commuters and it is an absolute delight for children didnt have to go to school. The beast from the east continues to stalk its way across europe freezing rivers blocking roads and causing general destruction across the continent and britain heavy snowfall in parts of the country caused some schools to close and the countrys met office to issue travel warnings. In southern italy snow paralyzed traffic and Train Services schools were closed in naples so youngsters could enjoy a rare snowball fight in the shadow with a custom. Western record snowfall of one hundred eighty two centimeters caused huge snow drifts burying hoses and roads and forcing rescue services to evacuate the stranded locals. For them it has been quite a shock. Nothing like this in living memory ive been living here a long time but i dont remember it ever snowing like this it has always been within the average of half a metre maybe a metre. Further east saffir was resplendent in white but flights in and out of the bulgarian capital were cancelled for the blanket of snow left thousands in the west of the country. That led to schools being closed perfect for the citys young sledging enthusiasm. We have some sports now and on the second day of formula one testing the familiar rivals ferrari and mercedes posted the two fastest times and unseasonably cold weather in barcelona or ferraris boston fettle came out on top after a fast wrong on soft tires and the german was also the days majlis leader right behind. Terry both sets of mercedes who finished the day second time in my brain champion Lewis Hamilton at the dale. This is the interview news still to come on the show d w travels to a small town in the urals to bring you an exclusive report on why so many russian men there are prepared to risk their lives as mercenaries fighting for the Syrian Government. And what next for the millions of afghan refugees living in pakistan their right to stay has been severely curtailed raising fears of mass deportations. Are right back after a short break. With the ex. Has expanded. The big deal. And. Sixty minutes. And i think one day this war will be considered cruel and unjust war where. Certainly all citizens of ukraine every man woman and child will be friend their homeland is the enemy invades where you dance no one wants russia here which is a. Rebel against the mighty google news that matters. D. W. Made for mines. Birth. Home to means of species. A home worth saving and. Those are big changes and most start with small steps global ideas tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world. Ideas that protect the climate boost Green Energy Solutions and reforestation. Results of people you can know that they can force the Community Interactive content teaching the next generation about environmental protection. Using all channels available to inspire people to take action and when to turn and to build something here for the next generation. Of global ideas a multimedia environment series on d. W. Call them again this is deja vu news live from our top stories right now the temporary truce in syrias eastern goods appears to be dead one day after it failed to take effect full scale fighting has resumed and theres no sign of aid getting in or any civilians getting out. And reports of the u. S. In a cage are tricksters top level security clearance has been caught Donald Trumps son in law no longer has access to americas top secrets. Well at the end of last year russian president Vladimir Putin announced that he would start withdrawing troops from syria russian airstrikes like those from the maimane air base in the countrys north played a crucial role in turning the tide in favor of president Bashar Al Assads forces now the total number of Russian Troops who served in syria remains unclear but in december russias defense minister. Said that forty eight thousand troops had been serving and gaining combat experience since the beginning of the mission in syria however the total number of russians who fought in syria is likely to be much higher than that there is ought to be many russian mercenaries fighting alongside pros here and forces are correspondent and we sure would travel to a small town in the urals which reportedly saw a number of local men joining a private military company as contractors. Its about as far as you can get from syria and yet here in the russian town of kid there all the people are waiting for news about seven locals who reportedly went to fight in syria they allegedly worked as mercenaries which is illegal in russia the topic is sensitive many people here say they know nothing about the man for whom in fact we are repeatedly met with rejection and kid but this building is home to the mother of one of the fighters she had agreed to speak to us about her son but canceled the interview after being told her son had been killed. A local gives us the address of the wife of another mercenary when we tried to speak to her she insists she is someone else but she also warns none of us is going to talk to you. Just like the relatives of the mercenaries the russian government has largely kept silent about them and even denied their existence the Foreign Ministry took over a week to respond after a recent airstrike reportedly killed up to two hundred russians and. Reports about the death of dozens and hundreds of russian citizens its a classic case of dissent from ation according to preliminary data we could be talking about the death of five people presumably russian citizens as a result of an armed clash the causes of which we are currently investigating was done i dont see. Analyst yon but i need ski thinks the russian government is using mercenary groups to keep official military losses low. Which you want to look at because this strategy is beneficial for the russian government because it can show its doing its job just like the americans and the british russia can say those arent our soldiers no soldiers have died but yet we dont know who these people are asked who were sent in there but. In the run up to the president ial elections news about the death of russian soldiers is inconvenient for the government here even from good theyre all over this small town in the year olds seven men reportedly joined a private Russian Military company to fight in syria the towns population is just over two thousand although no relatives wanted to talk on camera other residents were willing to speak about the man but. He was a good boy he wasnt a thug who didnt care about anything he was a good boy maybe he wanted to earn money towards an apartment theres not much work here with the. Dust. By you i think the government is behind all of this its not like these guys just decided to go there themselves that just went someone must have sent them. But. Its not clear when and if the men in syria will return ticket theyre all there for now the town and the government are both keeping their silence. Well here in germany the decision by a local food bank to stop a serving new clients you do not have a german passport has sparked a National Debate the private charity in the western city of s. And says it took the step after increasing numbers of foreign nationals began turning up to claim its free groceries the charity rejects claims its discriminating saying that refugees and migrants are now receiving the scant resources earmarked for the aged and single mothers living below the poverty line here is more. The message is clear graffiti on the entrance of this food bank in anderson and the work nazis sprayed on to the charitys vehicles. The charity organizers decision to stop giving aid to foreigners has angered many what began as a local scandal has now had drawn the attention of chancellor america. This is not good but it also shows the pressure that exists and how many people feel this need and thats why i hope that people can find Good Solutions to not exclude certain groups. About six days a needy people regularly get groceries from the food bank in the city of s. And organizers say more and more foreigners have been coming about two thirds of the food banks visitors were known jerram and they see elderly visitors and single mothers especially felt increasingly uncomfortable around the many young men and felt they were gradually being pushed i thats the reason the head of the fifth bank gave for this decision. He should also this has nothing to do with xenophobia or with foreigners being more or less needy than german people we just want to distribute what we have fairly and redress the imbalance. For the moment essence food bank wants to keep restricting aid for foreigners thats the outcome of an american sea Board Meeting on tuesday those in charge say that single mothers Senior Citizens and families with children should remain the focus. While the u. S. And food bank is just one of a number of facing similar problems in germany to talk more about this im joined by simon young from the political desk good morning simon why has this issue sparked such a heated National Debate well i think because this decision by the food bank smacks to some people all of the foreigners sentiment even of racism you know this statement that theyre not going to need people to their register of people who can get free food if theyre not german citizens you know seems to contradict the essential Charitable Purpose of this organization i would say you know calling people who dedicate. Does that tell aim to handing out food to the needy nazis seems seems frankly ludicrous but behind this of course theres the smoldering debate about migration and about the pressure that its putting on Public Service calling these people who are giving their time freely nazis is just one of the tip of the iceberg of the criticism thats out there some of it now directed on the machall and some of the criticism came this morning from germanys flagship conservative newspaper the frankfurter allgemeine are saying that the chancellors out of touch with everyday germans and their problems what would you say about that is that how widespread is the sentiment well i think i think there is that sentiment out there i mean Angela Merkel says that the decision by the food bank ease not good is a pretty sort of lame statement. But as the frankfurt ugh im on it citing this in influential news by perusal study said she didnt say what they should be doing instead and you know there is a there is a real problem here Vulnerable People in that key for food have felt pushed out they felt that they havent been able to access the service because in part because anyway of large numbers of young men with a sort of robust attitude see to getting what they need and what this newspaper is saying mikel is not seeing the problem and that at street level in the neighborhoods around germany the number of migrants is causing as they put it uncertainty injustice displacement and fear pretty heavy woods as far as theyve been now at the beginning of the crisis the chasseur said the germany has the resources to provide for both its citizens and migrants does this claim now belong to the past well certainly it you know thats been a battleground since the beginning of the of the launch numbers of migrants arriving in germany two thousand and fifty. Dene local authorities city governments began to say that they would see too much pressure on their services some cities in some places have said they dont want to take in any more migrants they said that go as many as fifty percent of children in schools in kindergartens who you know the families dont speak any any german and these these are clearly kinds of concerns in local neighborhoods its a mixed picture there are there is a more relaxed seen elsewhere i think the angle a miracle has woken up to this problem of pressure on services we saw. At the european level last week trying to persuade the e. U. Partners to send more e. U. Money to countries that have taken in large numbers of migrants italy and greece especially well she wasnt successful with that effort but i think it shows the point is not all her agenda ok simon thanks very much simon young with us this morning well more about refugees now afghan refugees in pakistan are facing the prospect of deportation after islamic law passed new measures to place a cutoff on their right to stay in that country the move has revived the prospect of afghan officials preparing a forced return of millions of afghans now islamic god says that the repatriations would be voluntary but the new paul so he has afghans in pakistan unsure about what the future holds for them. Boss reports exclusively for d w from. The shaba pakistan more than a million of hundred fees have crowded into the city close to the of one point many of them have fled the war making the country fund decades nestor is one of them he was born in pakistan and has lived in this camp his whole life. Hes university educated and used to work as a teacher nasir lost five children are all in school being forced to leave is the last thing he wants from what he says im up to my parents and grandparents are buried here and i can visit their graves whenever i want to thank you my friends from school and university are all here my life is here and i wonder how can i just leave everything in a few months if the government just allowed us to stay to continue our jobs we could live in peace there are nearly one and a half million registered afghan refugees in pakistan and many more living here illegally all of them have been told they have to leave the country by march thirty first previously the government had assured their legal status for at least a year this most recent deadline has come amid increasingly hostile relations between kabul and islamabad pakistan says the presence of afghan refugees is not only a drain on resources but is also a way for terrorists to infiltrate the country from across the border there of americas aliens who are going to work up to about thirty percent of theyre going to collapse seventy percent of the outside the suburbs of bridges cities adult ships with good as new mechanism to which we should be able to check as to who. Lives there knows to disprove history so well start out with the point for really right weve pushed about and done whatever but the rules rules that ive learned is fun has recently seen a wave of deadly attacks even c. Span for the safety of those who return u. N. Officials also say the repatriation of so many refugees is an unrealistic toss to undertake by this latest deadline theyre hoping talks with the government may help them buy time. Any large scale returns from pakistan or elsewhere will have significant agreement it didnt impact. Our economic challenges. In some places the. Situation reaches more satisfactorily and there are issues. Education and livelihood challenges in that one is there and so these are the challenges. Which needs to be addressed and the International Community should try to get to doing them an assistance you know one is on. Some political commentators suggest that holding the feet of refugees in the balance is one of pakistans bargaining chips when dealing with diplomatic pressure and while many refugees like nuts are now fear they are being used as political pawns they have no choice but to accept their life in limbo as another deadline ticks down. Its to the United States now and the u. S. Supreme court has refused a highly unusual request by the white house to bypass a Lower Court Ruling and intervene in the fate of the Docket Program now that program for texas young undocumented migrants who come to the u. S. Now was originally due to expire in march the fence but illegal hearings that is highly likely now to be pushed back immigration as of course sparked very heated debates in the United States much of that revolving around president trumps promise to build a wall between the United States and mexico our next report focuses on the Mexican Border city of tijuana. Theyre gathering strength for the long journey to the u. S. Monarch butterflies are free to travel across the border from mexico as they please. People on the other hand are not. To one a is separated from the u. S. By fences that even just out into the sea but for some thats not enough. Was. Wanted in penetrable physical tall powerful beautiful southern border war. A year after trying to talk office there is still no wall but the first prototypes have gone up in plain view from the mexican side of the border. For jose chavez the border is already unsurpassable his wife my lainer works in the u. S. And they both call it their homeland but jose can no longer get in the end i feel constricted powerless thats the right word. Because his mother brought him into the u. S. Illegally as a child and obama era policy gave him the chance to gain legal status as a socalled dreamer youll never see that feeling of having real legal papers it open so many doors you can even travel there in which is what this. And jose did travel he went to study in guatemala for a year or completely legally but the twenty four year old didnt realize that the number of times he could enter the u. S. Was limited and under trump the rules are being strictly enforced the u. S. Immigration office will soon decide his fate. That. They can blow up a small mistake to a huge problem most of the officials are conservative. I wouldnt be surprised if the official working on my case is a trump supporter and that makes me nervous. Im going to be. The one official will decide whether jose can ever live in the us again for now hes stuck into juana which after six months still feels foreign to him. And i feel like a stranger because everything is new to me i have to ask where everything is so to be honest i feel really alien about theyre going to. He still dreams of going back to the u. S. As the sun rises over the vast borderlands the police start their patrol. As more and more. Its a dangerous area. Full of people smugglers working. We could come across armed groups. Trumps threats have made people smugglers more twitchy theyre quicker to pull the trigger even the police want to remain anonymous its obvious that Illegal Immigrants are still climbing the old border fence from the items they leave behind. Or we wrap this cloth around their feet so they dont leave tracks when they cross the border from all the way it doesnt look like there were many migrants here scared by trumps rhetoric many stay in mexico longer or permanently so what a way the u. S. President has already built a wall with his words. All of that is just ask your colleagues. Its not just mexicans looking for a better life some americans are also moving to mexico only they arent met by police or people smugglers but by michael. He promotes as he can mexico as a place to settle with low medical costs and great weather all year round a little piece of paradise this is like why why didnt they come here before so would you say that americans are coming here for a better life oh for sure you know a lot of people come here because they want to reinvent themselves. About a fifth of the residents here are american many of them retirees they can live here without any problems english is spoken in picturesque. But michael insist that americans do try to adapt. If you actually have the reality on your eyes and explore as opposed to it conquer. The world a lot of people are speaking yeah yeah well i would say even most of the mexican workers here they have to have some ability to speak english or theyll do better if they speak english because thats where most of their customers are speaking. According to new ski interest in moving here doubled in twenty seventeen years but its not just because of the promise of a comfortable retirement many of the americans at this expat club say they left because of trump. Oh look im from the south theres always been a little bit of racism there but nothing nothing like this so im not sure about a wall it may be to keep americans out. If anyone is a trump fan here theyd better not tell Steve Goldberg hes invited us to his house. When i saw the Election Results its an. Election has too many similarities to germany nine hundred thirty three and the people who left early got out in the people who stayed did not get out so i think of myself as a political refugee. The president is the only reason goldberg left his home behind he says trump has destroyed a lot in just one year he is crippling the courts the press the intelligence agencies he says the only thing thats true is what i say and thats what a dictator does what shocks me the most after year is that the majority of the minority that voted for. Would work for me given theyre happy with what shes doing. The former lawyer now helps street dogs find a new home at least these mexican residents are popular in the u. S. And they can easily cross the border. Any day now jose chavez could have his decisive meeting with the u. S. Immigration official could he be barred from the u. S. Forever because of a formality. I feel like im on a long journey. Because my life is on hold. Some fear the monarch butterflies annual migration could be disrupted by a tall impenetrable wall the creatures symbolize the quest for a new better life be it in mexico or the u. S. And you can find out much more about issues related to migration to our website thats w dot com some sports news now and a piece of history from the American Football Team the Dallas Cowboys known as Americas Team has a new home the Smithsonian Museum of American History has accepted to uniforms from the dallas cowboy cheerleaders and to its Permanent Collection traders cited their iconic contribution to American Sports and culture. The Dallas Cowboys cheerleading look from the one nine hundred eighty s. Took the world by storm its simple design by livy take regular was in team colors with blue sequins silver and white in the middle and white go go boots. Dallas cowboy cheerleaders. Americas sweethearts as theyre known starred in t. V. Movies and even had their own barbie dolls. They visited us troops abroad as well now the legacy of the one nine hundred eighty s. Uniform will live on. This is such an Incredible Opportunity and when we look at all of the archives not only the ones that she shared behind the vault with us today but throughout this entire museum i mean they they resemble American History and american culture. Joining the eightys version is the uniform from twenty eleven its not much different from its predecessor created by lisa dobson its a bit of an upgrade with more of a western appeal. In contrast formula one decided last month to stop using grid girls stating that custom doesnt resonate with their brand values and is at odds with modern day societal norms. Meanwhile the uniforms of americas sweethearts have become the first and i feel cheerleading objects in the Worlds Largest museum complex. Well illegal doping and to top flight football now the former arsenal and Manchester City midfielder samir nasri has been banned for six months for a doping offense nasri seen jogging in the middle of the screen was found guilty for receiving an intravenous drip treatment which is prohibited by the World Antidoping Agency a private medical company administered the banned drip methods and nasri posted a promotional photo with the founder on twitter which led to you a fish ban the thirty year old french internationals currently with out a club having left the turkish side and tell us four in january the ban is open to appeal. Sailing now and team asco noble has won the six stations of all the ocean race in a nail biting finish and all cling new zealand ask you know will finish the six thousand three hundred miles stage from hong kong was just a two minute lead over rivals sun on. Race overall leader not free finish the stage third after a grueling voyage on the high seas crews were more than happy to see friends land and loved ones but the sailing will continue the valvo ocean race last eight months takes in all oceans and will finish in the netherlands later this year. We have time now for a reminder of our top stories at this hour the temporary truce in syrias eastern grew to appears to be dead now one day after a failed to take effect full scale fighting has resumed theres no sign of aid getting in or any civilians getting out. And reports from the u. S. Indicate Jared Kirshner is top level security clearance has been caught the president s son in law now has no access to americas top secrets. This is the interview news live from berlin we have more coming up at the top of the hour. For now though for me brian thomas and the entire news team thanks so much for being. The be. The be. The big. The be. The be. The be. The be the be. The be. The be. The be. The be. The be. The being to drive the bus with me if you force me to fold as expand the base you the rapist the big deal the beast in the flash makes me come out to smoke yes im catching the bus this morning and he likes you the brian thank you remains strong. Nothing. Could be better stay in good shape return in ten this year and you can win this Amazing Fitness backpack and if you want to know whats inside its. Good. To turn in the most. Police state. Of decline but if i had my way. East germany would still be the. Pastor of. What you know about. Starting march thirteenth d. W. The suffering for god. To cities and. They have survived but do they also have a future. I really understand people who say they dont want to stay here. But i also admire people who want to stay here and who decided to create something. New beginning in peace time who are the people making it possible what needs to happen if tolerance and reconciliation are to stand a chance. Out of darkness cities are more. Starting march tenth on d w. Look. This is deja vu news live from berlin the temporary truce for eastern guta is in question one day after it failed to take effect the fighting resumes with no sign of aid going in or civilians getting out well talk to a red cross representative about why he will not be sending his people into the embattled syrian enclave also come

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