From our appearance to our health and Life Expectancy we humans very immensely but why is that. For a long time weve been told its in our genes and that the genes were born with form allergen its a blueprint. Now researchers say its more complicated through a mechanism called epigenetics our environment and lifestyle can actually modify our genes. And. One in every five hundred women has a potentially dangerous genetic defect. A mutation in one of the b. R. C. A. Genes which increases the risk of Breast Cancer. But not every woman with the mutation will develop the disease so what determines who will a question that jeanette. Just money as the year has spent years investigating. The idea that spurred this research came to him one day at lunch. I was having a mansion for the area and a couple of queens then Walking Around and you can see they were doing this because they have similar features but one was seen and the other worse more fat and they thought possible if they have the same d. N. A. Still yet realize that tweens could be the key to solving the mystery. She began reviewing the medical records of identical twins who have the genetic mutation. And the suspicion was confirmed with a couple of woman the. Twins of course and both the same with patients but confessor. Breast cancer and the vision in vision this quality of c one but when the doing what they speak the age for this that can be fifty years or and the late seventy seventy five how is possible this is the lay of twenty five years. There were other cases to. Study and is team found a total of fifteen sets of identical twins with very different Breast Cancer histories they took d. N. A. Samples from the twins for further investigation. Tweens i was pretty men the nature has done for us and they created this not clones from the starting point both twins they share the same sequence so there are no differences that can be associated with genetic changes so everything has to be added later this can be added in pregnancy birth life and so its a wonderful tool to study how the and we dont mean. Anything with. The research or suspected that environment. And lifestyle factors had an impact on gene regulation the aim now was to locate those changes. For each twin they completed a d. N. A. Profile looking for specific biochemical changes in the genes and found significant differences between the twenty. One we showed that is that there are particular genes that are in that debate that by the intimate relation in that when there was a bit more better the brain. And what scientists call epigenetic regulation those biochemical changes appear to determine whether a gene is activated or not. These processes could help explain why some women with the b. R. C. A. Mutation develop Breast Cancer and others dont but exactly which environmental factors triggered these epigenetic changes is a question that hasnt yet been answered. Theres no question that an active lifestyle has an impact on the health and physique. Sports and exercise can change our bodies inside and out in many ways we are what we do. But why. Some researches have examined the effect of exercise within our bodies using a rather ingenious method. Everyone knows exercise does a body good. But what effect does it have on our genes. This exercise machine will help answer that question the volunteers train here four times a week over a three month period using only one way tried a little bit faster. Formally milind home of stockholms carolyns could institute one thing is kill. The volunteers will exercise one leg during the two. Period the other leg isnt trained at all. He looks really good mark so you know the reason were doing this one leg training is that both your legs have the same genes they experience the same die at the same strasse the same sleep its only going to be the training that differs so we can then use the other leg as your own control if exercise really does alter our genes that might also help explain its health benefits. And we all know that its good to exercise there are so Many Health Benefits of Training Like you reduce the risk for many of our most common diseases like type two diabetes obesity cardiovascular disease different cancers but we dont completely understand the mechanisms behind these health benefits. They have. To examine and compare the genes the researchers take a small sample of muscle cells one from the exercise leg one from the one that wasnt exercised. The researchers examined the d. N. A. From the muscle tissue biopsies for any biochemical changes focusing on the regions that regulate the genes. We have built the results revealed a variety of changes in the d. N. A. That occurred solely due to exercise even the researchers were surprised by the results. While we saw that about four thousand of your genes actually change their activity with the training and we have about twenty thousand genes in total in our genome so about twenty percent changed. The change in activity in more than four thousand genes just through regular endurance training the researchers were able to trace a huge network of genetic activity to. Training effect. And its not just the genes influencing muscle Fiber Development that are affected its also the genes that influence Cellular Energy carbohydrates and sugar metabolism and the formation of adipose tissue or body fat. Is a bioinformatics specialist. He took a closer look at the altered genes and their functions in the body. He found that the genes didnt change their regulation independent of one another. And they did so in unison within interconnected networks. Together if they are. Activated in a similar way we support the share similar functions and then. The similarity is the following you can imagine you have a network of friends on facebook on twitter when they share similar likes when they check in similar praise it means that maybe they have similar characteristics. One of these networks has to do with morphology the structure of the muscle. Yet another with Cellular Energy. The fact that we through something as simple training its a lifestyle change that basically everyone can easily do we can actually alter the activity of so many of our genes and as well as the methylation and the epigenetics that regulate. The body has a complex gene Activation Program which can benefit our health it just needs to be kicked off by regular exercise. So we are what we do we asked you on facebook what do you do to stay fit. After lesbians humans are hot sun says staying fit is his passion especially using his punching bag whenever he feels down he turns to exercise to work through the problem for him its like magic. Vest lebron its rights that she doesnt play team sports because shes slow and clumsy instead she heads for the mountains and goes hiking. Doesnt schneider recommend switching off all media on weekends that means no t. V. Radio internet from friday night to monday morning that way he has time for sports and other intelligent entertainment. Kenneth kitchen good writes that the work he does as a farmer in kenya keeps him more than fit. And good stuff around harden agrees he says manual labor is the best all round work out there is it keeps you fit and gives you muscles you can work with the gym workouts should mimic that instead of focusing on pusey or extreme performance. Time now for our viewer question and this week its about one of the strangest and most fascinating objects in the to space. David miller from kenya wants to know. How our black holes formed. Black holes are sometimes described as cosmic vacuum cleaners because they suck up everything that gets too close. To. Matter spirals into them. Like water swirling down a drain. Black holes are formed when a dying star collapses. Or when two stars collide. This releases huge amounts of energy the stars condense to form a point with enormous gravity. The result is a black hole this core starts off small but as it pulls in more and more matter from its surroundings it can assume gigantic dimensions. And thats what astronomers have identified at the center of our milky way an enormous black hole. Three million times heavier than our own sun. Scientists believe massive black holes are at the center of all galaxies. When galaxies get a little too close to each other they merge and with them there are black holes. But does that process continue indefinitely thats a question we dont yet have the answer to. If you have a science question website and send it in if we answer it on the show you get a fun and informative d. V. D. Featuring albert einsteins most famous theories. The most important thing is to never stop asking questions. Because. This year marks a major anniversary. Hundred years ago caught. Invented the bicycle it was one of the basic without pedals for a change. Since then the bicycle has moved up. Contrary to appearances this is no ordinary bicycle. Speed pedal blacks are the s. U. V. S among bites. Forty five kilometers an hour no problem even if youre not in great shape thanks to a bit of motorized assistance the frame has a built in battery and onboard computer with a touchscreen and a g. P. S. Module. Fully electronic gear is a range of up to one hundred eighty kilometers and every time you use your brakes the Energy Recovery system gives the battery a little extra charge. And theres more its a smart buy that can be accessed from a mostly via and up on your mobile phone. And the outlets may apply a user defined configuration onto the point that means i can set the motor how i want and if the point gets stolen or i cant find it and im worried that someone might be using it i can block the motor so the light will stop. To block size plus i can see where the bike is at any given time but thats just i was just bouts of inside with it. But that kind of innovation comes at a price this computer on wheels costs as much as some cars pretty hefty for most cyclists this trend towards high end is mainly something to admire in a bike fair or festival. But even ordinary bikes can be retrofitted with a security system. Around three hundred thirty. Bikes are stolen each year in germany. A thief with a pair of bolt cutters and europe love that bike is gone its a frustrating and expensive experience. And i knew that my boyfriend and i have both had a lot of bike stolen over the years when his racing bike was also stolen that we decided to fight back against the bike thieves modified. And this very annoying sound is part of the battle. Thats a stash of some pies and an insect isnt antitheft device in tracking transmitter i screwed onto the frame and it connects with my smartphone via bluetooth and identifies me as the owner of the net and if a thief tries to steal my bike in six Movement Sensor will detect that and set off a one hundred decibels alarm plus i get a message that my bike has been stolen and then insect also becomes a tracking device an. Insect doesnt just alert the bikes owner it also informs other app users who are in the vicinity so they can help look for the stolen property an entire Community Working together against bike caves. There are also new options when it comes to locks instead of rubber coated solid metal this one is made from fabric if. You wish the lock is about as tough as a steel chain its made of technical yarns that are woven together in multiple layers there are fire and cut resistant and have a high tensile strength so theyre pretty tough to crack and. She wished she had pushed. This we want to see. Pretty impressive. To light as a feather fabric lock really is as strong as one made of steel and it costs about the say. A lot of high tech is going into bikes these days of course some bike lovers still enjoy a touch of low tech. With accessories ranging from the decorative. To the imaginative. After dark no technology is once again called for good whites are especially. But unfortunately there are still all too many. Writers on the streets even bicyclists with proper lights can be hard for drivers to see. This could be the answer. Is the brainchild of two students from boston. Sixty l. E. D. S. Ensure the ride was visible even on the darkest of streets. The helmet also has built in brake lights and indicators. The blue most isnt the only new idea for boosting cyclists visibility. Most collisions with cars happen at intersections. Laser light designed in britain projects a fluorescent green image so drivers are aware of the cyclist even when theyre in the blind spot. Bright idea hoping to improve safety on the road. Until you can see. The blind spot it certainly is a problem its the pose of the road that cant be easily seen from the jaundiced seat. When it comes to cars a cyclist will always be worse off in a collision. Thats why researchers are looking into ways to make pedal powers safe their rule of thumb is simple the most vulnerable part of the body is the head. For the stunt man it was just practice but for others its deadly serious. Claudia hofmann was riding her bike to work just as she always does. Thats as it was so sudden that i couldnt react at all. And the street sweeping vehicle suddenly pulled in front of me and i was thrown over my handlebars. I rolled over i rolled sideways on to my shoulder and the helmet. I dont want and thats how i got hurt but i mean if for lets wait. Cody is injury was one of the most common and potentially dangerous injuries in cyclist a blow to the temple for forensic scientist fall from hell its clear she walked away from the accident relatively unscathed because she was wearing a helmet you know as a busy here we can see a human in the area of the temple below the left eye all goes as. And she had a concussion. Without a helmet it would have been much worse deadly even but far from hell has analyzed many bicycle accidents and determined that most helmets dont protect the cyclist as well as they should. Thats because most bike accidents involve a blow to the front or side of the head not necessarily the type of impact that helmets are designed for. In the past helmets were tested as though there was a brick falling on your head so only the top of the helmet was tested thats not what happens in real life. For. Still without a helmet such blows to the side of the head or forehead can be life threatening. Lists of the make of the helmets even if its old or has poor test ratings its still much much much better than no helmet at all riding without one really is. Helmets are already very effective but if helmet manufacturers act on the results of our study they could make them even better this and. That seat. Thats whats happening at the university of strasbourg where raimi village a has developed new helmet tests first he shows us some old ones still in use however you cite in the us a star on the test today well show you a test method thats clearly limited in value and has a number of problems. Like its. Helmet complete with dummy head is dropped onto a surface at a speed of twenty Kilometers Per Hour if the impact force doesnt exceed two hundred fifty g. s the helmet passes the helmet is sturdy enough to prevent a Skull Fracture unconditional. Thats not good enough you cant just Pay Attention to the two hundred fifty g. s. You also need to look at what happens to the brain when it experiences this type of impact but lets them get. Thats why the village is new testament that uses an angled surface and a new modern dummy head fitted with six sensors to measure acceleration. He also sets the impact velocity to more than twenty three Kilometers Per Hour. The impact on a sloping surface makes the head rotate just as it would in a real accident this would result in serious injury to the nerve cells in the brain the sensors in the test head measure how much the helmet can dampen the force and whether this brain injury can be prevented. So i know. If you take what is in effect a bullish on apply linear acceleration theres no problem you can see the snow so thats understandable thats you want but as soon as you apply a bit of rotation some results in this impact which puts a strain on the nerve fibers in the brain from fossil. And can lead to serious brain injury. Using the readings obtained from the sensors on the test head the scientists analyze whether the helmet would be able to prevent brain injury. But thats not all. In the new test the point of impact is lower not on the top of the head but on the forehead side and temples thats what happens in real life crashes so thats what the helmet should protect. By the first redesigned helmets tested with the new method are now hitting the market. Into the head into a new red white helmet is much lower down around the temples. The wall of the helmet is also thicker and for cyclists who want to travel light and this is what we call soft protection its for people who refuse to wear a helmet. A headband made from highly shock absorbent material it offers some protection to the vulnerable areas of the forehead and temple better than nothing. But the helmets that have passed the new tests are a better choice. As a not enough after what i went through there is no question that i definitely go for a helmet that offers the best Protection Associates and. Youll find more from the world of science and technology on their website. If you have questions or comments get in touch on twitter and facebook wed love to hear from you. Thats all for now next time well be looking at pregnancy whether its physical and emotional effects and how does it affect the brain. Join us for that next time. It was the be. The be. The but. The but the but. The be. The belly all School Nominees these europeans the best chance is the but all they all and six the belshazzar education the coveted prize we get the lowdown from a film exit Scott Rockstar the bell fingers crossed you ever now be our series on schedule yeah be good. Happy birthday in good shape returning ten this year and you can leave this Amazing Fitness backpack if you want to know whats inside isnt on when. To turn in the most favorite venues until like some coffee or maybe a little bit to soak and fall in love. Good luck. Every journey begins with the first step and every month or each of the first word emerge because the cohesive germany to cut. This is first why not come a little. Bit simple online on your own while and free. To suffer. D. W. Zyklon in course could. Maybe see. The freedom of expression. Of value the old ways has to be defended and new. All over the world. Of Freedom Freedom of art. A multimedia project about artists and their rights to express their views freely. D w dot com part of freedom. A news analyst committed she gets a full on some name sounds of socalled shake up the british confidence boost side but infamous. Book. The play put big dreams on the big screen. In the movie magazine on the demi. This is deja news coming to you live from a german court drews cities can impose driving bans and diesel vehicles the landmark ruling allows look the part used to ban it all but the very latest do you see it calls from the city center as a drill stick move but one environmentalist groups say its long overdue also coming up reports of mortar and rocket fire. In syria city some who monitor groups report new as trying some the rebel held on cave brought

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