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Attack on a school in nigeria more than one hundred school girls are still missing well have an exclusive report on how one family is desperately trying to find their daughter. Also coming up top flight play in the book those leadership all got took on labor clues and in a crucial showdown up for grabs a top three spot in the overall standings. Plus well have a round up of the booze in the plaza at the Winter Olympics in south korea the closing ceremony colorful as they get. Brian thomas welcome to the show german chancellor all a macro has announced her cabinet with picks aim to win over critics from within her own party her conservatives are expected to approve her hard fought Coalition Deal in a vote. Later today but macko also still needs the final approval from her Coalition Partners potential partners the social democrats to be sure of a fourth term now as she awaits the green light from both camps the chancellor has moved to heed her partys call for a new direction and for new and younger faces. After weeks of speculation and rumor around the new c. D. U. Cabinet chancellor merkel says shes blending fresh faces with wise heads. Its been a moment the i instigated at the moment im the only one hes past the age of sixty all others a younger and some very much younger than this and with this team we cannot tackle the challenges of the future and there are many. In a grand coalition. Would be the ministry of Economic Affairs and or funder lyon would remain minister of defense the new minister of agriculture would be yulia click now perhaps the biggest surprises you can spawn poised to take the health ministry. Check would head up education and research it was the inclusion of one of americas most prominent critics an ambitious young conservative that raised eyebrows does mention. Is not the only one that makes critical comments thats fine were here to build a better germany i believe he wants to contribute to that just like all other cabinet members. Oh thats ok now inside the tent chan watched from the wings quietly for now. Million sponsors not alone in his criticism of the chancellor joining us now in the studio did have your political correspondence on the unborn son what does it look like does the appointment of spawn mean that is moving this party to the right. Well i mean hes a noted conservative and hes been a critic of. Particularly on the migration issue so she needs to include the right wing of her party and of course there have been grumblings for a long time from some within her party that shes. Moved it to thoughts of the left that she feels too comfortable. In coalition with the social democrats so obviously these ideas are coming up again right now with the prospect of another grand coalition which may be formed at some point in the next week or so and you know thats why i think youre seeing the chancellor moving this no conservative he stands for those sort of tough tough alone on on the immigration question the question in particular and is it ok do you think in spawn could be the next leader of a conservative government well hes supposed merkel of germany yeah i mean thats right weve got to weve got to wait several years angloamerican says that shes going to. Lead the government through this next legislative period for the next four years but after theyve been a lot of talk about you know has she done enough to put anyone in position to take over from. Bonn is known to be ambitious and you know its a rattling the gates of the jones laurie and but weve seen it before you know found a line who is who is going to remain in her job as defense minister she was one time just a few years ago sort of constantly mentioned as the person likely to take over the reins when medical leaves. Seems to have faded a little bit so you know dont count him out but dont count i mean its too early isnt ok now the delegates here in berlin one thousand senior delegates are expected to approve the Coalition Deal later today how much closer this is the big question is germany right now to getting a new government after almost five months after elections well you know youve got half the cabinet and these are just the conservative ministers that the medical has has power to cheese the other half of the government the social democrat half would still have to be named but the face of the government. Is it going to happen or not that really is in the hands of the s. P. D. Membership theyre voting down by post their decision will be revealed on sunday so we have to wait a few more days but that im afraid as far as the conservatives are concerned theyre holding the Conference Today its a conference of delegates and its pretty clear that they are going to give their approval for another grand Coalition Conservatives and ok a lot of those delegates have expressed their concern that the party has been leaking voters to the far right if the the alternative for germany. Could these new cabinet picks especially and spawn really assure some of those lost voters and have them move back from the a. F. P. To the c. D. U. Well that could happen that could happen if if theres a change of position i think on the migration question youre going to have a tough new interior minister a figure not seen here in the full force the whole as interior and homeland minister you know he has a newly named position as the head of the homeland thats right its been included i think has in part to appeal to those a. F. D. Voters who are worried about you know changes to have to German Society that coming in as a result of migrants arriving so you know if you see a change in position on that policy then that may draw some of those voters back to the concern some humans over simon thanks very much. Well the german chancellor and french president among your mccraw have been urging russia to cooperate imposing a cease fire in the rebel held on clay above eastern now theyve urged president putin to put maximum pressure on syria over the weekend the u. N. Security Council Passed a cease fire resolution but despite that the deadly airstrikes by russian backed Syrian Forces continue. The rule there was supposed to be a break in the bombing instead. Responders are back plucking life from the rubble it has been a long and deadly week in this rebel held enclave. And at this hospital doctors are seeing the washed of it most of their patients some grew and seven year war medical supplies are running out for these children any truth cannot come soon enough this is a matter of life or death every hour counts at the moment and if the cease fire has been agreed at the u. N. Security council theres no reason why it should be able to come into effect immediately. Without people getting food and medicine with the bombing. Every day. Schools hospitals destroyed. Goes on to more children. For seven days the Syrian Regime has been bombarding this suburb of the capital trying to wipe out the rebels who control it. Just a few kilometers along the road to damascus it feels like a different planet. Once looked like this empty street speak to a fear of mortar shells fired from the nearby rebels. A well managed since mortar started to hit the area no one has been on the street and if you find anyone there probably going only to do something very important or to buy stuff. In downtown damascus. Signs of life but lets all hope that a truce will end this war. The truce is useless i mean after thirty days everything will return to the way it was whatever happens it is a chance for vital supplies to reach their cities desperately hungry and its injured. Well the man who was once the head of syrias main kurdish Political Party the p y d has been arrested in prague on a turkish arrest warrant ankara considered solid muslims party an offshoot of the p. K. K. A group accused of running a decades long insurgency on turkish soil his arrest comes as turkey continues its a military offensive against kurds in syrias afrin region last week he was here at the w. And spoke with my colleagues our kelli about whether his party had any links to the p. K. Turkeys outlawed Kurdish Movement lets just ask you turkey says that the white peachy and that the people that these are terrorist organizations. They say that they are no different from the p. K. K. Which we know that many governments around the world have classified as a terrorist organization the links are strong arent they no. True i mean were not where you yourself though once with the p k k no i was really. In so doing. It was amended and you notice what is it that then nothing to do with why the film was salo muslim the former leader of the main Syrian Kurdish Political Party the p y g speaking with us last week solid muslim was arrested in prague yesterday on sunday at the request of turkey you can watch the entire interview with him at our web site did you doctor. Now for some of the other stories making news at this hour students have visited their high school in parchman florida for the First Time Since the shooting there many left flowers to remember the seventeen who were killed in the attack at the majors Stone Douglas High School classes at that school are set to resume on wednesday. Six people are in hospital after an explosion destroyed a shop in the city of leicester in Central England two of those injured said to be in Critical Condition police say theres no indication the explosion was terrorist related. Michael mccormack has been named as australias new deputy Prime Minister after winning his Party Leadership contest it follows the resignation of Barnaby Joyce who quit last week over an extramarital affair scandal it threatened to damage ties between the parties and australias governing coalition. Well one of the holiest sites in christianity has closed its doors to visitors amidst a growing feud between the Church Leaders and israeli authorities the church of the holy sepulcher is where christians believe jesus was buried and that Church Leaders in jerusalem say theyve closed it to protest new tax policies and a proposed new property law which theyre calling a land grab by the israeli state has more. Barring access to christianitys holiest site. This wrist step was a necessary act of protest Church Leaders sit in front of the churchs shuttered doors they denounced a new bill being considered by israeli lawmakers calling it a further attempt to weaken christianity in jerusalem. The Systematic Campaign of folk music to see bridges bridges you know its the size that is to be no this is the. Third. Group are these issues why would there only. Is. The political feud playing out on these walls began with attempts by jerusalem authorities to collect tax on commercial properties owned by the church. Sundays protest centers on a new land law which would allow the state to confiscate property the church recently sold to private developers. The bills proponents say its needed to protect residents and accuse Church Leaders of self interest. We see this is a very cynical move from the church where were talking about something affecting their pockets and nothing else and them wanting to turn this into religious conflict using terms like persecution visitors to the church of the holy sepulcher were left disappointed on sunday thousands each year traveled to see the place where christians believe jesus body was buried. Its a bit of it said i wanted to go because theyre my grandma you really cant really get that went to i get to go inside and check and you know as a tourist all of a pledge that it is not possible im going to have one just because i did not know much was going to be chosen like him to jerusalem only to save ourselves which is theres a lot of christian songs. Amid the protest israeli lawmakers postponed a planned vote on the new land bill. But christian Authorities Say the church will remain closed indefinitely until then this is as close as worshipers will get. Well more than one hundred girls are still missing a week after an attack on a school in northeastern Nigeria Boko Haram insurgents are suspected of targeting the teenagers in the town of. The countrys president mohammad who bihari has described her disappearance as a National Disaster correspondent creech traveled to doxy where he spoke to one family desperate for news on the whereabouts of their daughter. They came to come forth with their loved ones but the relatives of the cut down family themselves income so. Help us price one just crossed arms. Inside the family home. Shows a picture of his missing daughter ayesha shes just seventeen years old. Her sister was the last person to see her. Sitting outside the mosque. Then we suddenly saw. And heard shots. My sister said we should grab our things and run we held onto each others hands but at some stage i lost sight of her while we were running. The school is now deserted a few belongings lie scatters on the ground. This is the school where the siblings i should have sat where divided when they tried to run away during the attack since then the school is deserted classes are suspended its and nobody knows where i currently is. The parents have compiled a list of the names of the missing schoolgirls. Eye witnesses have told our logic or doubt that boko haram drove the girls out of town on a truck. And were totally disappointed by the action of the government formally i mean is that the same for the security suits in the in the town after three weeks ago. So this. Would draw back to the barracks and gave them. That moment where only sucked as result of that and then. Come as a result of that the states commissioner of education rejects any responsibility he says its impossible to place soldiers on guard at all schools under his charge but hes concerned that parents in the region might stop sending their children to school under school one week. I dont think it when we can open that school after the one we have given because the pattern is i develop code to fit they may not be willing to as their wants to go back to the school after one week that on his own is already a setback so the terrorists can achieve that august. Was younger daughter that doesnt want to go back. She says shes too afraid will her father continue to send his children to school. And get into that. And by the skittish about sending. Prayers and face over the family to not lose hope that their daughter i will soon return continue her education and fulfill her dream of becoming a doctor. Or christoph here now a difficult trip for spains King Philippe who was in barcelona for the mobile World Congress thats right bryan a difficult trip indeed Pro Independence protesters clashed with Catalan Police in barcelona on sunday as they demonstrated against a visit by spains king family been now supporters of catalonia split from spain have expressed criticism for what they describe as a lack of the kings attention to the region and his refusal to promote political dialogue between the Central Government and secessionist parties. Now inside the Convention Center there were different concerns at the end of twenty eighteen Global Smartphone sales declined the first ever such drop on record so now more than ever the question in barcelona seems to be how to customers for its part Market Leader samsung believes the answer is beefing up its new flex of model. Samsung is focusing on cameras its new galaxy s nine and the slightly larger s nine plus might dont look a whole. Different from their previous answers but the pictures they take in low light are less grainy. And theres a new super slow motion feature it takes nine hundred sixty images per second and is able to capture even the fastest moving objects samsung says that could even attract professional photographers but at mits most of the improvements are under the hood. Is it is a huge amount of innovation that you do not see a list of us because weve weve kept the best design of a phone out there that we introduced last year that weve weve designed around that best looking phones and then there are the animated emoji is that something apple already introduced on its i phone ten users can create three dimensional avatars that match their clothing in facial expressions the new galaxy is cheaper than the i phone ten still they cost around eight hundred fifty and nine hundred fifty euros when they go on sale in europe next month samsung has this show to itself fast growing chinese rival huawei wont be unveiling any phones in barcelona just tablets and laptops but even without having to share the spotlight the s nine s. Refinements might not be enough to wow consumers after a year of flat smartphone sales. And. All the latest on the. Next hour now shares of chinese Automotive Holdings were up more than seven percent this morning this after the company. That he has become the largest shareholder in germanys Diamond Company bought. In the. Aims to forge an alliance with which is developing electric. To respond to the challenges for a new company such as tesla google and. Easing persisting energy deficits in south asia thats the idea behind a new pipeline delivering natural gas from turkmenistan into afghanistan pakistan and india the project has been planned for more than twenty years but conflict and political instability in the region proved hurdles to develop and now construction has kicked off in the afghan section with an unusual move even islamist taliban signaling support. Much is riding on the trans of ghana stand pipeline natural gas from turkmenistan is supposed to help alleviate afghanistans chronic Energy Shortage and provide a measure of economic stability for the conflict ridden country at the groundbreaking ceremony afghan president struck a hopeful tone. Deaf in my get mad at them and this program will result in the creation of hundreds of millions of dollars the bush this program will bring us electricity. Gas bring us jobs this program will bring us life but that now that god said he hadnt caught up with for its part turkmenistan is hoping new customers for its gas would help it reduce its dependency on its main buyer china the company turkmen gas will operate the one thousand eight hundred kilometer pipeline its meant to run from gallatin asked the worlds second biggest gas field to puzzle near the border with pakistan and northern india carrying thirty three billion cubic meters of natural gas a year but the pipeline is also meant to run within taliban controlled areas so far they promise not to disrupt the project if all does go according to plan the pipeline is to be completed in two years. To child labor continues to worry authorities and Rights Groups despite a recent strict law against United Nations figures show more than three million ugandan children are employed forcing them out of school with some exposed to hazardous work and abuse. Uganda is rushing to develop. But behind some of its me jane for a structure projects. In the shadow vic is growth. High demand for sunday has meant involvement of child labor as thats the end of the. Instruction industry. And so i and seven thousand shillings about two dollars a day that i share with my siblings we take the money to mom mostly for buying books. Together with his fourteen year old brother. Has worked at this center ugandan son mine for about two yards. He often works more than eight hours a day alongside simmias im very intense working conditions. Sometimes im not state and sometimes i stay hungry. When that happens i just go home to find food ate and sleep. At home his mother struggles to feed her name children. And im on my. Poverty has forced the kids out of school im turned them into breadwinners for the large family. Than i was and im a sole carer for all my children. Their fathers neglected. Round about now as a parent its my responsibility to educate them but i cant afford it. Like fletcher so instead of sitting around at home i tell them to find employment to at least and some money for our survival but so will. At a nearby scored it was just begun. Children here dream of big car ias. And teachers are helping them to reach their full potential. Costs he wants to be a lawyer but already missing school could mean a dream so far away. That child who has suffered more. For the money hes getting is a very literal compared to the able cation that he would have gained when hes in school. And being at these days. Is of goat form this child is left behind. According to the uns education and Culture Agency you missed School Uganda has over three million showed laborous. Forty five percent of these work to supplement family incomes according to government which in two thousand and sixteen in the uk today know that criminalizes child labor. While the International Labor organization sees that globe or child labor trends of drop. Africa remains the region with the highest number of wealth over fifty. Years. Ok still to come on the show christophe a life most wanted us we need a journalist whos fled the ongoing crackdown against those who speak out against the government of president. And campaigning is in full swing for italys general election next week and it could mark a breakthrough moment for the populous five Star Movement will have an exclusive report. And much more straight out. Of. The three people who have crown. And have found their case. They both experience prejudice and xenophobia what impact does this have on the. Black skin. Possible. Sixty minutes on. The conflict zone confronting the powerful lobby challenging those in power tough questions demanding. As conflicts intensify ill be meeting with key players on the ground in the centers of power through the rhetoric holding the possible. Conflict. Conflicts on confronting the powerful d. W. League school. The scars on. The pain still tangible. For good. To see because. They have survived do they also have a future. I really understand people who say they do want to stay here. But they also admire people who want to stay here and who decided to create something good in peace time for the people making it possible what needs to happen if tolerance and reconciliation are to stand a chance. This citys after more starting march tenth on t w. Welcome back your top stories this hour for all america has announced a new line up from within her conservative ranks for top posts and the proposed grand coalition. The top critic is Health Minister an apparent move to win over opponents ahead of a party vote to approve the Coalition Deal later today. Lets turn now to the issue of press freedom in turkey since twenty sixteen failed coup attempt more than one hundred fifty turkish journalists have been detained and imprisoned on allegations of supporting the overthrow of the government last week the german turkish journalist you joe was released from prison after more than a year in tuscany but many other reporters remain in prison. Turkeys president. Has openly condemned journalists claiming some are supporting terrorism through there are reporting but critics say hes conducting a witch hunt with the aim of quashing freedom of the press now in a moment the director of Reporters Without Borders germany will be joining us to discuss the situation in turkey first we have this report on turkish journalists who fled the crackdown she says its deja vu for today given she keep seeing the same News Headlines president. Is personally attacking journalists including her husband for unflattering coverage or once response is threatening them he says. You will pay for this. The given family was living in istanbul in the summer of twenty sixteen on the night of the attempted coup in july that year they discovered their names were on a wanted list jetty was editor in chief of the newspaper noctua which is critical of the turkish government the couple are members of the movement set up by the turkish cleric. Had been working as a journalist to the family went into hiding before escaping to North Eastern greece across the river evidence with help from Syrian People smugglers for the past year and a half the family has been staying in thessaloniki. Because im journalist and i know many of them so if you ask my Close Friends many of them are now a prisoner the given family has been granted political asylum in greece human rights organizations provide them with four hundred euros per month which pays the rent they get by on borrowed money and savings as do most of the roughly five hundred turkish Refugee Families in athens and thessaloniki. Many of them live in fear that the Turkish Secret Police might find them. As they go the pylon the opponent party rated that theres a team. This nation team was established against two opponents people who are in foreign. Missions journalist are many of the people i live you people. So we were sometimes we are ready afraid of. Tens of thousands of members of the glenn movement are in turkish prisons. Tens of thousands of others have lost their jobs. As far as the turkish government is concerned all of them are terrorists including tuba and her husband even though they were on vacation the night of the attempted coup we have done some mistakes some of our members may be getting more of the coupe but this doesnt mean that all of us is guilty and all of foss is there terrorist between two and three thousand turkish citizens came to greece during the coup attempt teachers journalist professors and computer specialist all of whom were fired from their jobs these days they meet in a nondescript restaurant in an affluent suburb theyve also found new homes in greece and find it has a lot in common with turkey. The same the same game by men the food the people everything is a stage but the only difference is its more civilized than their rights anymore in turkey and democrats in more thats why we came here. In the meantime turkish nationals are new players in the athens Real Estate Market anyone who invests more than two hundred fifty thousand euros is awarded a socalled golden visa under greek law. Thats why turks are snapping up property here. Because they havent moved in but they can in case they need to. Because they were i think buying property in greece offers these people a way out and a place to stay in europe. To go. To bed given the exiled journalist is adamant that she had nothing to do with the attempted coup in turkey. She enjoys going to newsstands to see the diversity of publications and to remember what press freedom looks like thats something she missed in turkey shes grateful to be here. I love all of them all i have many good friends and. I have a good relations with them and the worst day im living the worst day of my life worst days of my life. So they are helping me too much thats only part of the platform the to me. All of turds when it comes to the Greek Language to be given and her husband are on a steep learning curve her two children are already fluent the chance their parents will ever work as journalists in greece is very low but tuba is optimistic about the future. Happy as a normal people more plans i have. Just have a normal life as a whole as other peoples. Greece itself is no stranger to crisis. But for turks who have fled here its practically paradise. But what about back in turkey to talk about that im joined by Christian Meir director of borders germany an ngo promoting freedom of the press good morning to the morning is there any freedom of the press left in turkey there is freedom of the press left and i think every journalists who im in touch with who i talk to in turkey im constantly traveling to turkey for observing trials and others doing at the same thing that giving assistance their say please dont declare press freedom that we try to say wifey a living press freedom doing journalism of course in a very severe conditions like always having the risk of being detained all of always having the risk that your website is sender but there is press freedom and i think we have to support these journalists who try to live press freedom ok so there are Still Critical reports inside turkey in the newspapers on t. V. Yet there are Still Critical reports in news media which which are under High Pressure and of course these are not the mass mass media but there are newspapers Like Community it like websites like deacon and i think these are the websites who are revealing corruption who are really in human rights abuses and doing what we understand as press freedom ok you you mention theres a leading publication inside turkey a number of its journalists executives are on trial right now what is your organization doing to help them out or first of all we are trying to drive like that jim youre a travel i try i myself i will be next week for two trials and in turkey again one will be the real trial but apart from this because we know that being in observe it. It is really makes it different was different was in courtrooms. The because the people behaved differently the judges but apart from this were doing lots of practical assistance for journalists in prison meaning supporting families from time to time in. As well submitting socalled coolly as this is. Juridical. To ridicule statement within the hour horde and sings would we are doing in lots of turkish dr like the two who are tribes what are you doing here in germany to pressure the German Government would an option be for example for germany to deny turkey parts for the tanks the german leopard tanks being used in his deployment in Northern Syria i mean what we saw last year that economic pressure can make a difference we saw last year when there was this dubious list of turkey putting German Companies on a list to which all would be under suspicion of terrorism and when germany criticised these list and really said this is impossible we saw that this was a Tipping Point for german turkish relationship this was a point when turkey and germany began to talk about german people imprisoned and i think this highlights that economic pressure can make a difference that is very much for being with us this morning and good luck with your efforts. Well italy is set to hold its a general election on sunday with economic worries corruption and e. U. Membership dominating the debate this week is presenting a series of reports on the state of that race our correspondent there mathis is starting out in sardinia that island is a power base for their. Five Star Movement they could ride a wave of voter resentment and come out the big winner. He could be its of these next Prime Minister nuri g. D. Myal thirty one years old leader of the five Star Movement ive come to the island of sardinia to meet the new head of the anti Establishment Party the front runner in the italian election. We want to shape the euro he tells his supporters we demand relocating migrants from italy to the rest of europe we want more flexibility on euro zone deficit targets but what will italy offer in return i want to know more sort of. A second largest manufacturing force in europe i mean every year we send a two digit billion some to the e. U. And always get less yackety of it and i dont think italy has to pay more to europe i think you have to give more to italy. The more you has toned down the partys euro skeptic rhetoric and drop the long held promise for a referendum on the single currency the miles Regional Campaign manager one of italys first mayors from the five Star Movement invites me to meet him but first i want to check up on the Movement Health in the south of the island and while im at it my teeth. Dentist nikolai cork or has supported the five Star Movement since it was founded nine years ago it turns out my teeth are fine but cook with things the movement is in trouble. Would you say the movement has lost its ideals probably in mind. Quite probably has some still exist like others disappeared like the idea of direct democracy in. That was a key element in our Decision Making process and now its just non existent democrats. Hell abstain in the election the dentist tells me to teach his movement a lesson coco fears the movements next broken promise will be the one to never see him a coalition. The center right party in italy for instance is already teaming up with the far right. The five star mayor of as a mini mario putu believes thats a real threat for italy and for the e. U. Its welcome but i meant on the far right attitude towards migration is almost racist he actually it is racist their leader makes italians believe that all the problems stem from migrants he says you are poor because of foreigners but i implant not true its the only better called but the me get out the west im only half full time and have added that as for the five star party its complain is no longer anti euro all anti immigrant instead its manifesto makes big promises to focus on two pages of pledges ranging from a guaranteed basic income to higher pensions. The five Star Movement started with the aim of destroying Political Parties all together but if they want to govern they will need exactly that Political Party to realise any of those ideas. Its to been asleep football now there were two cracking games on the schedule sunday had mccambridge from deja vue sports is with me to talk about that both games had a huge impact on on both ends of the standings didnt say well were reaching the business end of the season now so any any teams that can grab three points are really moving up and down the table and as were about to see that is there was a huge clash between two teams at the top of the table and and also one on the bottom of the table that could make some difference ok now as the days early game pitted leyva whos in against both sides have exceeded expectations in this campaign and this showdown was bound to be a good one lets take a look. To ambitious teams battling for the Champions League laverick who is in coach heiko hair lish looked skeptical at the start of the match he may have suspected the visitors were poised to pounce along and veto books the other be just red sauce. One deal for shaka in the eleventh minute. The austrian made it look easy and served up a perfect finish. Laverick goes in needed some time to bounce back leon bailey with a good chance after twenty minutes. Both teams went all out laver cozens dominant core going a bit too far here a second red card and the hosts were a man down. After the restart shaka dug in at the back and threatened on the counterattack band lay no preventing braille envelope from adding to the score but it was only a matter of time after a red sauce followed them below in the box substitute not be able been talib stepped up to the spot to make it to nil am shaka celebrated a win on the road while laver couzin continued to struggle on their own turf theyve lost three home games in the second half of the season. At a crucial win their first shock and underlines their european ambitions. Has coach dominik go today proving that he is after all the right man for the job well i think it be hard hard to argue otherwise i mean when to make a tesco took over well they finished tenth last season and abundantly. It wasnt really where club of their ambition should have found themselves as a say to disco came in they now find themselves third in the table to enhance the Champions League football and their points of great stuff and indeed himself to shock the fans forever for that full four result i got against dortmund earlier this season and things have gone really well under him ok why why did river cruz and come up short well in shock in the way they did i think it was simply a case of them losing their heads they lost they lost the central midfield in just thirty eight minutes and it is going to be an uphill struggle from then on. The red card after that they also received a penalty in the second half so they are really all over the place theyve had some poor home form a season they lost last week against. At the berlin. And theyve got a game against wolves next week and they really need to turn things around theyre ok no one son is late game bottom of the table cologne travelled to leipzig and the billy goats were in dire need of points but they face an uphill battle against leipzig side that was bent on finishing the season second in the table. Colognes fortunes have been turned upside down in this season but the billy goats fans were still here in numbers on a freezing night and light sick. Coffee and Winter Clothes were the order of the day and light sixty move in are hard to wrap up to after he was surprisingly left out. But things hotted up for a late cigar for just five minutes when john kerry although stern put them one no look at him a look man with a shot against the post was done with the finish. For him or a thought hed equalize for cologne i what the goal was ruled out for offside and late sick no lead into the break. Looked like he thought things were over at half time but the visitors came out with fire in their bellies vance on cause yellow crack told his debut goal for cologne to equalize on seventy one minutes. Six minutes later cologne sensationally took the lead through sub leonardo button could. Outstanding work on the right by marcel fisa court took advantage. Couldnt find a reply and cologne went wild at the final whistle no wonder as they cut the guy in the relegation playoff spot to seven points. And it was cologne coach different gutenbergs turn to dish out the consolation. Levels there cologne of setting high flyers leipzig is it to a little too little bit too late for them you know for for cologne to fight off relegation and what about lives they get and their european dreams well i mean lets take nothing away from that was an absolutely fantastic result for cologne against the european hopeful but i have to say it probably is a little bit you know too too little too late eight points off guaranteed safety with just ten games to go and the way theyve been playing this season youve got to say thats going to be a very very true now like to get sick in the table and now thats not really not where they were hoping to be by this point in the season they were tipped to challenge for the title so theyre really going to have to stop picking things up now the only. Thing i like to say they dont end on saturday evening and they need to get three points there if they want to thank contention plus Champions League spots ok you know were following that very closely. Mccambridge from the sports thank you very much ed thank you but with the olympic winter games and kung chang over now russian member of the i. O. C. Has stated that his country could be reinstated to the organization this week. So the season would be made after all doping tests by russian athletes at the games were completed kung chang has been in excellent hose city and the games have run like clockwork but some complained of a lack of atmosphere in any truly great moments of take a look now at the legacy of junk chang twenty two. Seventeen days of the Winter Olympics and all of them brand like clockwork it was cold especially at the start of the games and windy too but a bit of flair was missing the p. R. And chan games arguably havent created many memorable moments. Bester the decade certainly will be remembered though the snowboarding World Champion took gold as expected in the parallel slalom but shocked the sporting world by claiming a second success on skis in super g. Two goals is the same total as that achieved by the combined efforts of one hundred sixty eight socalled of the pick athletes from russia they competed under a neutral banner following their countrys doping excess at the sochi games in two thousand and fourteen. But then two of their athletes tested positive for the banned substance in p. R. And chang that means russias colors will continue only to be seen in the stands and not on the athletes for the time being. A more positive story was Cross Country skier merritt the oregon becoming the most successful athlete of all time the norwegian won five more medals in p. On chang to take her overall tally to fifteen eight of them gold. Thirty. Urines exploits helped norway topped the medal table at the games with thirty nine in total including fourteen goals. Germanys athletes also bagged fourteen goals and oh how they celebrated pm chung was germanys most successful ever games yet their most inspirational feat was in a goal but the silver one by the mens Ice Hockey Team they came within an inch of the top prize but lost in extra time but that didnt take the gloss of a fairytale first of them picked final appearance. By another silver medal that was celebrated like a goal was won by south koreas womans curlers making popular overnight a sport previously unknown in the country. Choose form to see the garley girls in public screenings the athletes themselves were kept strictly isolated from the hype a hype that would have been unlikely in the pre internet age. Apart from the curlers north korea made headlines with the decision to participate in the games we can only hope of thawing tensions on a conflict ridden partitioned peninsula. The attention grabbing door kurian cheerleaders were certainly a propaganda coup but more important for the possibility of a peaceful future was the combined of the big team of the north and south which competed on the socalled unification planning that is one thing for which the seventeen days. Will undoubtedly be remembered. Lets get you a minder now of our top stories this hour the german chancellor machall has announced a new line up from within her own conservative ranks for top posts in the countrys proposed grand coalition. Sas are named a top critic as Health Minister now thats an apparent move to win over opponents ahead of a party vote to approve the Coalition Deal that is coming up later today. Well dont forget you can always get good of news on the go download our app from google player from the apple store that gives you access of course to all the latest news from around the world as well as any push notifications out there for breaking news we can also use that app to send us photos and videos you think we might be interested in. Well thats it for now for the entire team here in berlin and around the world thanks so much for joining us well leave you now some colorful images from the Chinese New Year celebrations in new york enjoy. That. That. The people. Commitment from. The must. Be a. Goof. From. The from. The from. The from. The from. The bottom of the food. Going. To. Come. From the Small Businesses of the sleepy fools who have proud to be german and have found the case against society but they will also experience prejudice im santa phobia what impact does this have on the. Black school. In germany costumes but. Thirty minutes on g. W. Its all happening to children. Who are linked to news from africa and the world. Your link to the simpson stories discussions continue and will come to do Something Program tonight from funny gems from the news of easy to our website d deputed close match africa join us on three split d. W. Africa. Happy birthday in good shape returning ten days to you and you can leave this Amazing Fitness backpack and if you want to know whats in each visit on with a good place to turn the amused favorite holmgrens into my coffee name or maybe you will get a chance to do so before actually looking good. There could be a great mystery to depend on critters cool things a little. Weird comes filmy much more energy than the really necessary id prefer to take the bus to work every day and thats a little over the edge. So that someone if theyre going to point here is bringing the population growth worldwide to a halt this one for you can log support an ever increasing population and cannot produce acceptable m. N. C. For the folks who are. This is the news live from. Her new cabinet choices team of rivals the german chancellor moving to deflect criticism from within her party that the leadership is too old and too out of touch shes named a young outspoken critic for a top post also coming up. A Deadly Campaign of errors

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