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The lookout for new challenges. We started the show with a rising star on the International Fashion scene thirty five year old our tour. Now hes austrian but he really located to milan a few years ago to make a name for himself among big labels like Armani Versace and alta and gabbana just presented his latest collection at Milan Fashion Week and we were there to see some of his ideas take shape on the catwalk. Its that looks like paintings creative yet timeless above short lived trends and opening highlights at Milan Fashion Week. That came courtesy of thirty five year old austrian design talent are sure. Even seasoned critics are convinced they welcomed the breath of fresh inspiration to italys fashion capital. This is young and fresh as who is really breathing new life into see people take elements from his own backyard and time it makes it very much that hes able to do this which is quite rare so every election two thousand sunni vs the same time it fits perfectly into the modern world the location is an old school a shabby background chosen to create a stark contrast to the apparel the other says collections are always inspired by personal story or theme this time around its viennese artists from the turn of the last century. Beam of fire to it all then it is celebrating one hundred years of viennese modernism in twenty eighteen so i made it the theme of the collection that means taking inspiration from artists like egon schiele or gustav kilt and especially coleman more and also wagner this isnt right down to the architectural features or details from the furniture glassware own jewelry all of that was incredibly creative back then and thats what i wanted to put into this collection and is a critical part of. Art that so combines classical with high tech fabrics. He regards bodies and clothes as his candace. Was going to go so its all for example theres disco stress here is very fluid and just very feminine however i like very clean lines but then i combine it with Something Like this a feminine wide slim. Then i suggest to wear it with a parka made of a very thick wall printed with animal motifs. He creates his designs at his small studio in an old town apartment. Vesa studied fashion in london and in two thousand and five moved to milan to work for george no armani. There he learned that you can only reach your goal with passion and hard work. After seven years he gave up a well paid job and took a leap of faith he founded his own label. And for the money you have to decide either you take a risk in order to completely develop your own vision or you can stay on the easy track but if i dont well i have to try to live once and theres no fun without a bit of risk. And somehow i had enough selfconfidence to take the leap. Is and want us to be. Fresh from the success of his first shows he managed to garner the praise of fashion journalists like susie. She was impressed by his talent and now considers him to be a rising star in the land fashion scene. Other fashion houses are also keeping tabs on the young designer. In twenty seventeen the longstanding italian brand face made him their creative director here he has to deliver more mainstream designs the opposite to his own playful nisha label is absolute i know its very challenging to create in two Different Directions but if its Something Like faith i think it works very well. Its important that the two projects dont neutralize each other creatively office as both need their own going to sign are going to sheena. Is now showing his eleventh collection in. The critics darling has to prove that hes not just a fluke. Newcomer is under a lot of pressure and its also a financial adventure. This is i guess you put yourself on that pressure im proud of what we did i was happy before we do it with but i know it has to be better every six months if im the one who puts the biggest pressure on myself of course theres always. Our best theres ranges produced in small numbers mainly in italy prices for his sweaters started six hundred euros though he still has to cut his clothes the cording to his measure of a skill his job that faith helps develop hell also present their collection at the current midland fashion week. When wing on now to carnival and while the festivities here in germany have already come to an end in other parts of europe they are in full swing in france for example carnival on the coat does yours one of the Worlds Largest events thats been taking place for hundreds of years while the tradition of the famous flower parades began in eighteen as seventy six four we joined in on the colorful fun. Its time to party in these. Very fundamental so much core long we can every year card of all. The highlights of the con of the needs of the flower parades they represent the good desire and spring. Throughout the afternoon sixteen floats coupled with a good fifty Thousand Flower with move through town from them around five tons of flowers are tossed into the crowds below. The very beginning a toast to promote the flower production a look. In when john show the world thats going several you cannot say i was a on the desert which is still the case. Every viet eighteen women are selected as flower ambassadors for a custom tailored costume is designed for each one. For costume designers have been working on them since november one candidate claims the role of flower when this year its twenty three year old marine issachar of nice shell be the face of the cougars us florrie culture industry until next years connell. Its something we are proud to have because its a lot of work for them to sit on their feet for. Everything so its an honor and to work with them and. Theyre very very present in their work in. The cloud queens gown has to be the most lavish and most splendid of all the first makers have spent two hundred hours working on this question a look. At the place thats. Used about sixty meters of fabric just for the skirts and whats special about this. Is the sequence and the number of rhinestones is it was extremely time consuming in there when you would you dont just move. The gun only reveals its full splendor in the sunshine but the conover revellers of nice move that a bit of rain stopped them hundreds of thousands from the parade route. This year its on the trunk security in twenty sixteen the waterfront perminov dont play was the scene of a terrorist attack that claimed eighty six lives in the field or is out of a can myself because hell syrians are tough friends and funny that everything that made that cannot it done if you meant that we had to leave their children on to get back in jail i would think that. The thing. We have in here are is again. The theme of this years Qana Billy Mays is the king of spades as in many of the con of those the Folk Builders and dance troops poke fun at the world the national leaders. The kick which it figures convictions high a seventeen meters this year thirty five groups from eleven countries are joining forces to Party Together all the people gather at the same time for the same party. Whatever is their social mission. They will get rich people poor people got it together no matter what they dont have to be together and sing and talk to. The conover the needs is an explosion of color lost in two weeks. Snow on stuff on whether its drizzling rain all rain in conflicting claims. Germanys lucas imler is one of the worlds best slack learners and that means he balances on a two and a half a centimeter wide stretch but he does this over breathtaking valleys and that Stunning Heights well recently he undertook a project in the dawn mights in northern italy where he faced some daunting challenges. The dollar might send south to roll a high line runs between two cliff faces balancing on it is extreme athlete. Hes about three thousand metres above sea level the challenge he set himself may be terrifying but he says it feels like flying and the fun is in facing the fear and doing it anyway. You feel like youre suspended in midair you look for a spot that works you set up the slack line yourself then you balance along it and have this incredible experience in thin air. Then you take it away again and leave everything the way it was just you take away a new experience and the memory. Of. Reaching the spot is often a challenge in itself because for athletic skills from mountaineering and ice climbing to jungle tracking. Scaling the dolemite is also demanding that has two other professional slack liners with him theyre heading for the slow down one of the most recognizable peaks in south to roll. On this course for some serious mountaineering its a sheer drop in the rock face is quite loose. Theres nowhere where you can secure yourself. Im going to go to a novice. Once they get to the top look as him then the others are in for quite a disappointment they cant find any way to anchor their slack line drilling into the rock face is out of the question as the slam is a Nature Conservation zone there are just climb was in vain. This means we have to come up with a whole new project and back to square one i dont know if ill find a new spot here in the dolemite and. Disappointments are part of the slack learning experience lucas is used to dealing with it he first tried slacklining in two thousand and six and was hooked immediately initially he studied chemistry and economics but eventually became a professional slack liner he organizes events and gives talks and travels across the world. I didnt start out thinking this sport was going to take your around the world but now ive already been to china of the u. S. South america africa. Has said a number of World Records a while ago he walked across the highest high line ever over the misty volcano in peru five thousand seven hundred twenty one meters above sea level. But look is it insists the World Records arent his First Priority hes more interested in finding in mastering personal challenges testing his limits in spectacular surroundings his personal highlight was in two thousand and fourteen when he walked a high line across the Victoria Falls in zimbabwe. Back in the dull mites the slack liners have more luck the second time and find a suitable spot in the long core group. They stay with night in a mountain. Knives and make an early start the next morning this time anchoring the slack line is straightforward. Your first time on an alpine high line is always interesting youre nervous and tense. But. You know its here in the hopes that you set up the most or some slack lines with incredible views youre so exposed and its so harsh its also incredibly demanding psychologically to do lines like this thats what appeals to me. Im not successfully walks the slack line here in the dolemite and hes already planning his next trip to antarctica he wants to become the first person to slack line in all seven continents. And time to take another trip now we are off to the austrian city of innsbruck now its located in the alps at an altitude of over five hundred meters this makes it a popular Winter Sports destination and for example the winter Olympic Games have already taken place there twice now its fork is so close to the mountains that you can really enjoy stunning views from there but that is not all the city itself has a rich history tucked in cosy corners theres a closer look. Things broke through selfstyled capital of the alps is surrounded by mountains like a natural rampart. The city got its name from a bridge over the river and. At one end is the Medieval City center the golden. Your golden roof is one of the main tourist sites it was built of fire gilded copper tiles in the air fifteen hundred. Its our landmark other high medieval cities also have these orioles but this one is special as you can see by the golden roof this is you see in important fact it is not just the roof the logit itself is quite special and. We took over that machine long golden shingles or something quite extraordinary for that time. The coldness tucker was built for the holy Roman Emperor maximillian the first man financed in the dowry of his wealthy second wife paul twenty six hundred fifty seven gilded tiles are the originals. If youd like to take a shingle with you visit cafe morning the oldest pastry shop until it features international and regional baked goods including a chewy sweet version of the golden tiles. This is about leno my brother came up with the idea for a prayer line he said weve got to offer Something Special from ensberg this shingle was made of honey roasted allman flakes pistachio mars a pan and only a new god in three layers partially dipped in dark chocolate eclairs talk about it dont. Along with all its imperial splendor in spork also boasts some world class modern architecture. In two thousand and one the baggies of ski jump was remodeled by the late british architect design. It since become a city landmark. It was also commissioned to create the four stations of the home a book banned from the killer railway. The futuristic contours are a striking addition to the skyline. The sets on unseen saw so how do you design the stations to evoke a river and the stations colors are supposed to reflect the melt water from the glaciers that empty into the in me thats why they have this greenish tinge based its at the said going to touch. Its only ten minutes on the on a board bond from the city center to the top station on the mountain side. And it takes another ten minutes by cable car to reach the ski slopes this is a paradise for Winter Sports in tokyo is twice hosted the winter olympics. Some thirty thousand University Students fuel a youthful and creative attitude into roles capital. The entrenched over association as a platform for the regions artists and artisans the selection changes every month. Focusing. Course it off in spoke has a lot going on relative to its a dynamic place. Maze in search of typical to really include zener best served with farmers fare pastries and noodles specialties locals often cook with regionally sourced ingredients and that applies to the National Dish as well. As the two million gresh that is a classic main course right to take those bold beef onions friday all ingredients youd normally find in a well. Kitchen. To rolled in gross to northfield pastries or even taste year with a panoramic view of work shining under the alpine sun. I. Next up a real rubble in the kitchen and im talking about shuffle. Now you may have never heard of him but he is getting lots of attention in Danish Company cafeterias who these places are not necessarily known for their gourmet fare but car start is looking to change that and according to him you dont need much money or even time to have a delicious and healthy meal. This is constants favorite way to cook outdoor was open. Today hes using fresh mussels from the danish baltic sea then he. Pulls garlic. Simple and authentic and its made him famous throughout. And region speak for itself i learned a lot on the season and watch and shes right now and then try to use that because when its in season its both cheap. To teach them to take a picture and it is just perfect. Looks rugged coastal is a source of inspiration for me. As a child he loved to spend his free time by the ocean he still comes to most every day. Preaching choir here have pretty. A lot of during the week but if i can just have a small trip into nature cooking or. Just walking in there were three. Piece in mind my my here. For copenhagen. A misnomer restaurant. To switch to places where people can enjoy his food Company Cafeteria. Twelve he took over the kitchen of this new office back then it served up a lot of meat and gravy. Today the menu reflects his signature style. Which changed everything. Some of the first thing he did was just to wear. A lot of there was a lot of. Free prepared food. Convenience food. We want you to everything from to pick a. Course that says that healthy Cafeteria Food neednt be expensive for him the biggest challenge was changing the employees eating habits many were very skeptical at the start it took him four months to win them over when your shelf people why are you doing things and explaining. For people to understand why youre doing it and so i was standing out here just talking to people tell me this is this this were doing it this way because they meet with these folks the ball really well. And win them over he did today lines form at the buffet on the dot of twelve. This cafeteria has gone from being one of denmarks me to being one of its best while i love our food its a very healthy and we just get to keep things that we dont know. I have been here for. Fifteen years i started with. A girl called opening campus here will fish only if you will for started littlepage. And it was just kind of change and it was a big progress. Because that is happy that his concept has been so well received hes currently helping seniors home and hospital with their new concepts while maintaining his reputation as one of denmarks top chefs he wins awards and also publishes cookbooks his most recent evergreen provides recipes for to tary and. Middle class stuff knows how great pictures can entice people to eat good food so he posts a new dish each day on instagram. He also gives insights into his private life as constant is a father of four who spends as much time with his children as possible. Balancing family life with his profession as a top chef was a huge challenge. Mostly he gave up working in michelin starred restaurants to be able to sit down to dinner with his own family in the evenings. I need some new challenges. All the time but i think most important it was a good thing for us as a family there was no fucking way im very happy that make all decided to do this we wanted to have a big family and thats not so easy again and still. Didnt set the clock. Starts a new type of chef with lots of refreshing ideas both personal and professional. We have greek food in our Company Cafeteria so were quite spoiled here at g. W. And with that we come to the end of another week of your remarks one dont forget to check us out on social media for more on the program as always for me and the rest of the crew here at euro max thanks for tuning and well see you again soon. The book the book on the be. Stamped into the world of Classical Music when sarah was this time she takes us to her favorite pastime. In japan. Denmark. Switzerland. All these festivals is always really special if theres one near you go youll love it. This is. The back on the bus small trailer to observe the but. I dont want to. Yes you know i mean youre monotonous incline us. Closer and i doubt if you cynical media. All of a dollar but i. Dont want it. This you know i mean in your mind noticing. The uppercase when a moment tonight is. What empathy is going to be sort of what im with what an organizer i know what is a term. Is you know i mean in your mind not a single you are going to get what you guy i dont want to. Me number one and unanimous. Shoko because as youve said. I shouldnt quote ive only said that i thought of going on with her to a vantage. Point zero point one zero because as if to say i said. Earth home to millions of species the home worth saving. Google ideas tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world like to use the protect the climate boost to Clean Energy Solutions and reforestation. Using interactive content to inspire people to take action over global ideas the multimedia environment series on w. This is state of the union is live from berlin the german chancellor names her picks for the new Coalition Cabinet merkel surrounds herself with fresh faces including a cabinet job from one of her fiercest critics also coming up with no response in syria despite a unanimous un vote for cease fire the bombs keep raining down

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