You can through the example of an entirely. Truthful. Result come forward for our own. Disapproval when the regime for its future report only you know received on a citizen some people often reality will focus about an equal the International Community must take action and concrete action. We began with desperate calls for a cease fire and eastern good as the United Nations Security Council deliberated on thursday for the past five days bombs have been raining down on the rebel held suburb on the outskirts of damascus indiscriminately killing more than four hundred people the red cross says it is shocked by the violence and Doctors Without Borders say that thirteen of its facilities in the area have been destroyed leaving the remaining staff with very little to save the hundreds of wounded brought to them every day in just a moment we will speak with one of the few doctors who worked through similar bombardments of eastern aleppo but first this report from eastern and a warning that the images are disturbing. Hell on earth and theres no escape this hospital now a graveyard. Government were planes have been pounding eastern cuba for the fifth consecutive day children are under siege in one of the most brutal bombardments this war has ever seen in some of the mobile activists all but the most within we were unable to evacuate our patients or treat them. We had to do one of the operations under the rubble and. Because we couldnt evacuate we had to do it under the rubble so how does our office for the Health Problems to them know as the airstrikes continue relentlessly russia a key ally of the assad regime blames the rebels holding duty for the regions humanitarian crisis. And im joined now by Hamza Alkhateeb he is a syrian doctor who is currently in the turkish town of ghazi on tap and last year the media spoke extensively with him from the besieged city of aleppo which at the time was experiencing the kind of bombardment that we are currently seeing in eastern good. Its great to see you again and welcome to the program. Thank you. And. As we mentioned you lived through the aleppo been barred men so you have seen the toll of the regimes military tactics firsthand what goes through your mind when you see the images from gupta. Or the memories just came back and say after a. While its just. Part of the situation. Its all of the same. Happened in two thousand and sixteen and now its happening. Almost seem out or over people are speaking about the hundred thousand if theres some life. Seized in a particular area and. Should have been strike with a kind of. And similar to that time in aleppo and the International Community there has really been an outcry here the United Nations in particular saying that they havent been able to take in a convoy with provisions since the end of november weve heard harrowing reports of people without shelter food water of people going underground was that also your experience how did people survive. Actually the situation in the old place warse then and i live where speaking about. An area that is sort of the countryside of damascus so we are not speaking about like very high building that can consider i would shelter for four people to two to be about speaking most of the buildings are two or three or five mix in fy floors and speaking about an area that had been besieged for five years so its over the. Half of that with everything. If you will. And. Its very like just very ironic that. They are still like at three in the Security Council house a gathering in the United Nation thank to speak about the situation and i will times about the situation in syria we have witnessed two years ago or a year and a half ago and i do people as you hundred thousand people have been besieged and ship it all kind of all over the war have seen the. The pictures and videos of the. Hundreds hundreds of people who have been being killed hundreds of children have been diet kind of woman all written up women over. What we have seen many that in and Eastern Liberal a year and a half ago and no one has did anything at all and that thats why our experience now and i will talk and you may experience this a year later in. No no one is doing anything the only thing that thats happened is the. The units of meat a statement saying that one sentence meant that there are no warts explaining or can explain or can give such justice to due to the. Dead children and their mothers and that its. Its pretty embarrassing for many its very embarrassing for the United Nations consul that one of their agency unisys have nothing to do and just to say that no warts can do you justice to those people you know its no action the thing at all and speaking of the word. Sorry to interrupt you there hands up but i just want to turn you know youre speaking about the words from from aid organizations from the United Nations i also would also like to ask you about the words that are coming out of the assad regime and also their allies the russians because we know that the regime for example they say that they are just targeting rebels and terrorists Something Else that they are saying is that they never intentionally target hospitals in their airstrikes we of course we have reports of multiple facilities that have been hit in eastern. What do you think when you hear claims like that what is your response. Like. I dont know if. Its not making sense at all its like thirty sheep again that for two years and so years ago they have been claiming that the white ten minutes right that and they are like tourists organization and not even a children a child can kind of like believe that. They have some programmed against me that im not a doctor and im not a like a. Supporter and. I dont know how they like god thats maybe from my long beer or something they they have been talking to doctors be the media war or the like you think that bakeries that bakeries are not making weapons of course and they are talking everything in and old ice baby like that but about a. Tack that are happening now they are talking everything the schools the bakeries the hospitals they have the state is everything they have the same claim spec in aleppo and they have time to nine tens and hospitals that were not at all and there were those nine months theres been right meat destroyed so it looks like a coincidence that they are the the host because just like by south and homs and lets talk a little bit more about those hospitals because youre a doctor as we mentioned and you were actually treating patients in aleppo during the siege and the bombardments what are the doctors and those who are in need of care and eastern good to what are they facing right now. First of all they are increasing to be trying to themselves if eating not secure in that lake that you are working that you are trying to do to treat or to. The risk you and emergency patient and god and the same time are maybe targeted at the same time you are like trying to to make operations and this anti in this hospital may like just collapse over your head thats the first thing the second sink their lack of everything that took medication is that all. Consumable leko fuel for generators for the hospitals that will even water. So that everything baby has to each station they have to because think for three or four times what the cation they should give him because all of the time afraid to be cut off kind of medication we are speaking about. Maybe four four hundred injuries each day thats a huge number that even if they. Had been in any and any place in america or u. K. Or germany. And hospitals can like treat those injuries at the same time four hundred injury and we are speaking about a host because that are have been besieged for five years. Its not that you missed the ration for or giving admin to care for the station. Hamza alkhateeb a syrian doctor currently in the turkish town of ghazi on top as we mentioned you were in eastern aleppo during the month bartman there so you have some insight into what those civilians are experiencing right now in eastern good to on the outskirts of damascus and we thank you very much for joining us this evening to share your perspective. Well it has been seventy five years today that the nazi regime executed hons and sophie schol and christophe propes the three were members of the socalled white rose one of the very few resistance groups in the third reich bay and three other members of the group paid with their lives for standing up against a brutal regime the soul siblings in particular have become symbols of resistance in germany our reporter went to munich where they lived and died for their freedom munichs big macs a Million University today looks like a fairly typical campus with students hurrying to libraries and lectures but look a little closer and you see that this is one of those places where germanys Twentieth Century history resonates and gives us a glimpse of a different part it might have taken. For a few months in one nine hundred forty two in one nine hundred forty three students of this university were the core of the white rose one of the very few resistance groups inside nazi germany which managed to organize and actually do something against the regime its best known members are hands shaw and his sisters of both students in their early twentys they were intellectuals interested in philosophy and religion but as they learned more about the nazis crimes they decided it was time to act they type defiant appeals to their fellow germans printed them on a secret press and distributed them around the country in these leaflets the shoals and the other white rose activists called on germans to recognize their moral duty and overthrow the system by passive resistance and then by sabotage spreading ideas like those at the height of the Second World War was a very dangerous and courageous thing to do. On the eighteenth of february nine hundred forty three hansens of the came here to the Main University Building Armed with copies of their latest flyer. What happened next was one of the tensest scenes in the movie the final days which made the white rose better known internationally. Films partly of the original locations it showed how determined the shoals were to wake others up to the evil of the nazis. They left piles of leaflets in the hallways knowing they would be found when students came out of their lectures. In germany almost every young person has heard this story. Today are probably different circumstances but if Something Like this would happen again people would stand up against such a reason regime was. If i were in that situation i dont know actually i think its. Very good what they did. And they should be a role model but. If im honest. I dont think i would have done that because i would be scared to get in trouble. Hansens and fi show all did get into trouble they were arrested by hitlers secret police the gestapo and along with another student who helped write the pamphlets given a show trial before the infamous Peoples Court on the twenty second of february they were executed. More than six hundred streets and squares all over germany and named for the shoals and other members of the white rose reminders that only a few people were willing to risk their lives for freedom. Seventy five years on the sacrifice of these young people still seems extraordinary and has the power to inspire as the white rose wrote if we dont have the courage to demand what is right we will deserve to be scattered like dust on the wind. Lets get more now were joined here in the studio by Hans Christian yash he is the director of berlins house of the vaughns a conference a memorial and Education Center based in the place that the nazis planned the mass murder of the choose of europe welcome to the program this evening thanks for joining us thank you. Why is the White Rose Group and the shells in particular so resonant in germany. I think it has a lot to do with their usefulness i mean there were twenty one twenty two twenty three years or hundreds and so if you show. The popes two was the first ones to be executed on this very day seventy five years ago after this. Show trial by fire Peoples Court president had come to munich especially for this trial and i think they can trust it so nicely was feisty was the the monster of the nazi state the monster judge. They were from the bush. That was self starters in the resistance and they didnt have any ideological affiliation and they were medical and from the us a few students and so this i think has helped a lot to coopt them as an image of resistance and then when they became i conceive of resistance i think this one picture of the official. Has become the i can offer resistance and of. And you have an x. Or actually of what they wrote in one in their papers as well something which is which is quite poetic tell us a little bit more about that and tell us a little bit more about you know they were also quite perceptive werent they they picked up on what was going on yeah they they started with the leaflets already in the summer one nine hundred forty two and of june one thousand nine hundred two two and the second leaflet depicted the holocaust which was quiet except. At the time they actually spoke about the three hundred thousand people which were being murdered and their ashes scattered it and they have those beautiful quotes and wonder if they leaflets where they actually say pull apart the coat of indifference which you have wrapped around your hearts side before it is too late so they were appealing to the general German Society which at this time was still very supportive of the of hitler of the food of others under started to change in spring and hundred forty three was the defeat that they very clearly had a sense that something was coming that something catastrophic in fact was coming and they were smoking certainly right just generally speaking how much resistance was there to the nazis in germany and when we look back at history the way that history has been taught. Was the way that people learned about the resistance to the nazis dependent on where they grew up virtue sample here in the country. Well according to historical scholarship the nazi vision was really a dictatorship of acceptance at least until the one hundred forty three until february nine hundred forty three when it became clear that sterling god was lost that the war was lost no one can say that there had been at least tacit support by the majority of the german population and theres even a stretch to some of the crimes committed by the nazis that especially when it came to the deportation of the jews there was wide reaching supports was in the population people buying. Property of jewish families so they willingly accept that these crimes resistance was magia know that had been resistance groups in the army already before the war started. That been several attempts to kill hitler had there was extremely lucky also. To escape these attempts. But generally we are looking at less than one percent of the total german population was actively willing to risk their lives in resistance against the nazi officially. The other question that it depends on where you grew up did. Depended a lot of when you grew up for example in the early one nine hundred fifty s. It also took some time before the military resistance the ranch to cook had been officially established that was the attempted assassination on hitler on the twentieth of july are going to four to fall and it was tom cruise. Embodying. A french dolphin but also a sort of iconic figure of the resistance that has become better known but even this in the early fiftys was still very controversial the majority of germans saw them basically as traitors and had been a trial in one hundred fifty two and the city of bones with its power who later became famous for his efforts in the ocean its trial did actually try to show that the nazi state was not a state where high treason could be committed because the state itself was treacherous to its own population and this was really one of the breaking points where resistance started to be acknowledged and we thank you so much for telling us a little bit more about it on this momentous day as we mentioned seventy five years since hans and selfish all that were executed in fact Hans Christian joining us from berlin house of advance a conference a memorial an Education Center based in the place that the nazis planned the mass murder of the jews of europe thank you thank you very much kelly. Ive. The Berlin International Film Festival is in its final few days ahead of the gold and silver bears being awarded and my colleague david levitt have been going to the movies for us theyre the lucky ones and they have been observing what has been going on on the red carpet down there so whats the action today. Right outside the World Premiere of touch me know if this is the latest movie by experiment. Director. And this is really a very different look at human sexuality and intimacy than were used to seeing on the Silver Screen its a very intimate look at human intimacy shall we say and we should also know that interior is one of only four female directors out of nineteen that have been nominated in the competition section of the festival the other sections are a little bit better with the gender balance is about forty percent female directors shes only want to four in this section and this film is also very female centric like many others in the competition we see a while an older woman who is struggling with intimacy issues we see a disabled man and it really it straddles the line between documentary and drama it was also a trans woman theres a lot of a lot of different narratives here than what were used to seeing on the Silver Screen and thats one thing that we really appreciate about the. Ok so those are some of the new films i mean theres a lot of new films down there but today it is also Throwback Thursday in a way isnt it. There is the barely know a retrospective section of the festival and they are showing some films from the one nine hundred twenty s. And thirtys the public era of german history which is really considered the golden age of cinema in germany right before the nazis came along of course and this is actually. Being really looked at now because theres a new series coming out in germany and on netflix. About the one nine hundred twenty s. This the roaring twentys. In berlin and its codirected by the president of this years jury trying to crack so lets take a look. Nostalgia for the one nine hundred twenty s. Is booming like never before the period drama series babylon berlin revels in the glamour and the vice cops. At the in our weimar cinema revisited is a wide reaching retrospective that explores one of the most productive and influential times of german filmmaking. His hands ears yeah this is a very rich time in film a period that was particularly influential and successful internationally its also a time when german cinema gained a level of importance at home. Because of a daughter in. Films like the docks of hamburg already come and france and paoli a sailor lands in search of adventure and a bit of fun but he gets more than he bargained for when he meets jenny the star of a local dive bar she drags him into her life and a gang of smugglers just a few years later nazi sensibilities white flawed characters like jenny from the Silver Screen. The devious path or up vega typified the artistic spirit of weimar film and you restored version can now be seen at this years been a not a retrospective it tows the story of a woman who leaves her husband for a painter she loses her way and plunges into a world of drugs and excess. So many of mazing films to see down there David Leavitts my associate are standing by with the very latest for us and we just have to mention to our viewers that the golden bear will be awarded on saturday you guys have been reporting on this all week and you will also be there on saturdays so we thank you so much to both of you and well be seeing these are more of you in the coming days. And with that the day is nearly done but as ever the conversation continues online you can find us on twitter either i t w news my handle is at sarah kelly t. V. And dont forget as always you can use the hash tag the day the conversation continues the day well be back tomorrow i will see you then pick so much for watching. The boundary international. Journalists discuss the topic of the week following the release of turkish german journalist and from a prison in turkey the question. Game is president and one player france is join. The. European stars the balls in the form of the be. Rebellious concerts every weekend luck good luck in concert. The be. Loved. By. The most colorful. The most traditional. Any time. With a web special. Take a tour of germany state by state on g. W. Dot com glenn youll see. The scars on some up. To tangible. Central up for god plays for cities and. They have survived but do they also have a future. I really understand people who say they dont want to stay here. But i also admire people who want to stay here and who decided to create something. New beginning in peace time more the people making it possible what needs to happen if tolerance and reconciliation are to stand a chance to learn. How to start mass cities after more players starting march tenth on d w. Player playing. This is d w news live. Reports of russia effectively blocking a un Security Council resolution that aims to bring a cease fire to eastern gupta the situation for people trapped in the damascus suburb is getting worse with no respite from the brutal government airstrikes shelling is reaching new levels of intensity

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