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Nato briquettes forces heading for possible confrontation in syria the us defense secretary clashes with his turkish counterpart in brussels. And drooling not to read competent berlin for the International Film festival we took a look at the boss and how the need to movement is also having an impact on the billion dollar in germany. Welcome im. We begin in south africa followed to set to elect a new president said im a poser the Deputy President is due to be sworn in today hell take over from jacob zuma who announced his resignation last night in a televised address just hours after hed said he saw no reason to step aside his a. N. C. Party had given him an ultimatum to resign or face a vote of no confidence. The end of an era for south africa. As a showman gentleman zuma began the final address of his presidency with a typical moment of humor and gentian right to do serious work kind of in six different. Was happening. On. Yet when the smiles had passed zuma cant aweary figure abandoned by the a. N. C. Which hed served for over sixty years he said violence and Party Infighting that swayed his decision to step down or. See should have been divided in my. I have therefore come to the decision to resign as president of the republic with immediate effect. Zuma became president in two thousand and nine with the a. N. C. I call the looking on zuma had been jailed alongside mandela in the apartheid years but his rule was soon dominated by economic stagnation and corruption scandals. The a. N. C. Became mired in wrangling over his fitness for office that culminated this week in a demand for his resignation but zuma insists hes done nothing wrong i have a feeling that the leadership is unfair its not even helping me to understand what is it that is so critical. Oh you must have got a problem with that but the allegations of corruption arent going away shortly before zuma is resignation police staged a dramatic raid on the home of zuma as Close Associates the wealthy gupta family its alleged they are unfairly one lucrative government contracts and even influence the choice of ministers in the cabinet. With zuma now gone many South Africans are hoping things will change. Major battles lie ahead for jacob zuma against the scandals hanging over him for the a. N. C. Against south africas economic hardship. Idea of using christian men want to kill the monitoring that story for us and shes with me in the studio welcome again christy no south africa is reducing the dawn of a new era talk us through whats going to happen in the next couple of days first well in a couple of minutes we are going to see the National Assembly saying the room of course that as the the president we know that the chief justice plane is in the house and he will preside over the swearing in ceremony were told later today and then i guess more excitingly for South Africans is to hear from the new president tomorrow the a. N. C. Has sit on the porch the will give the state of the nation address tomorrow so no doubt there is a lot of excitement a lot of anticipation in south africa right now what will surrender porthos a lot of South Africans waiting eagerly as he had actually been briefed on and jacob zuma his era has come to an end he was a liberation fighting against against apartheid is political legacy good to be maad with all these corruption allegations against just like his presidency was you know jacob zuma in the beginning before the allegations started emerging before the reports started coming out we saw this person for instance are making Great Strides in tekken the hiv crisis that had prison persisted in south africa getting many South Africans on to the hiv treatment and he was attributed for for for assisting in that but then a couple of years in we started hearing of all the corruption scandals of all the people that were making money because they were somehow linked to him and unfortunately you know people look at president jacob zuma and they see what some have even gone as far as saying corruption personified they say he embodies everything that is anti a. N. C. That he is not about interesting further than overshadowed by his disgraceful its it with the party effectively saying you need to go and you say the pot has a give me reasons but part of that we understand of South African public understands is how damaging hes image has been for the party because of all the scandal surrounding him now you. Lived and worked in south africa as a judge in the city they recently reactions and youre hearing from them about the resignation of when jacob zuma resigned last night if you went on to social media you could see that South Africans by and large across the political spectrum had embraced that even the most loyal off a. N. C. Support his people embrace that people had been waiting a very long time for a long time weve been hearing the childs zuma must go zooming must for these a hashtags prominent hashtags in the south African Media social media space that and the president zuma alluded to its to himself yesterday when he said i know people have been saying to them must go for office and that thats not new surely thats not a reason for you to remove me as as the president so quickly so South Africans really welcoming this and and lets show some of that to all of us because weve got a clip showing express you said would be very good is very positive. The party must threw a party because he did very well and did you see that i think its a fantastic day i think its a big. Day and i think its a victory for south africa that man time was long overdue you know and im expecting for him even yeah he might be a very good to have there among one hundred forty. So gloom of excitement about the departed and im getting at some live pictures here on my monitor where from inside the parliament and where people are theres a very festive atmosphere not jealous of what have you seen this is the the speaker of the assembly this is. Released a statement earlier today saying that she had officially received a letter from the president resigning it was a very brief letter about two very short paragraphs she is now obviously opening the session recently yesterday and we thought that this nation would be. Backing an opposition led no motion motion of no confidence against the president s today were of course singing a different choosing the a. N. C. Says it will be officially in lexing. As the countrys president in fact i was looking at the pictures earlier and it was almost a festive atmosphere in the Parliament People are going to don sing and singing and moving around so obviously people are really kind of taken aboard this is the dawn of a new era in seize five clearly divided christine weve seen in the weeks you know they dealt with the whole issue how much pressure does that put on the incoming president saddam up was a really be able to bring the party behind him this is the thing and it is going to be crucial what he does with these cabinet appointments now within the a. N. C. Even in the National Executive committee there are still some zuma loyalists now what ramaphosa does with them whether or not he gives them positions is going to be interesting how is he going to treat businessmen loyalists is he going to embrace them or is he going to shun them which will tell us how he would handle those divisions in the party so what were really seeing in south africa at the moment christine is history in the making going to making up the life for delegates of them and read are addressing parliament thank you very much and of course we talk to you again as soon as we have would develop we certainly will thank you. Let me now bring you up to date with some other stories making news around the wild in the u. S. City florida a gunman has killed seventeen people in the latest School Shooting to shake the country the suspect is a nineteen year old former student who was express last year from the High School North of miami as zimbabwean Opposition Leader Morgan Chandra has died of cancer at the age of sixty five junger i founded the movement for Democratic Change and was a furious critic of president Robert Mugabe q one almost half the vote in the first round of the two thousand and eight election but boycotted the runoff handing mugabe victory. And save the Children Foundation says more children than ever before are living in conflict areas and are at risk of death and violence syria of gonna start and somalia other was countries for young people the global child she says more than three hundred fifty million children or one in six one wife and living in conflict zones. Having not a brussels very near to defense ministers have gathered for a second day of talks on the agenda was the Global Coalition in the fight against support Islamic State but there were deep divisions apathy with the United States and turkey supporting opposing factions and the us defense minister jim matheson is turkish counterpart exchange bobs over their countrys divergent interests the u. S. Is backing kurdish rebels in syria a group that turkey has branded a terrorist organization. Joins me now from the nato headquarters in brussels today the two need your partners are not on the same page when it comes to Turkish Military operations against the kurds in syria what did you hear what did the u. S. Defense secretary say about his meeting with his counterpart. Well one of the things that sticks in my mind the most is that defense secretary mattis who spent his entire life in the military says this is the most complex situation hes ever seen in four decades of fighting so that gives you some insight into how difficult its going to be to solve now of course here at nato they are trying to maintain this is a bilateral issue between the u. S. And turkey but these are the alliances two Largest Military so everyones watching very closely defense secretary mabus said that they are finding Common Ground in their talks on what to do in the north of syria where the u. S. Supports the y. P. G. Kurdish group and turkey maintains they are a terrorist group mattis says that the u. S. Will maintain its support for the wife as its fighting isis and turkey says that they must they must stop supporting the y. P. Gee turkey has has demanded that the us split the wipe out of the Syrian Democratic forces because it maintains that it is a terrorist group now what matters didnt say in the press conference but what i heard later from turkish journalists from their defense minister is that mattis came with a plan and told the turks that not only is the u. S. So certain that the wife is not part of the p. K. K. Which everyone agrees is a terrorist organization for turkey but that the wife you would actually fight the p. K. K. If given enough support so im told that this seemed a bit outlandish also to the turkish side but mattis believes that this can be done. And tell you what it took it to say above these suggestions and comments from not just. The two defense ministers were speaking at exactly the same time which is also interesting in itself minister john equally was briefing the turkish journalist while mattis was briefing the English Speaking and most of the International Press so it made it difficult for us to get immediate reactions but what i heard from turkish sources is that the turkish side did not give any ground on saying the white is a part of the p. K. K. A terrorist organization and that the u. S. As well didnt give any ground on saying that the wife is not a terrorist organization and is in fact the best chance to fight isis in the north of syria so as a defense matter secretary mabus said there is Common Ground and there is unCommon Ground but he also said that there is a lot of honesty and transparency in their discussions and that he believes that they will continue negotiating in this way and it is very urgent because obviously weve seen there are heavy civilian casualties in the north of syria and nobody wants the situation to continue any longer than than it absolutely must t. V. Shows at the need to have what is in brussels thank you very much. Youre watching news coming up ahead but in gears operatives and who Food Festival we look at which movies to watch out for and also the impact of the need to movement at the body nodded. At the. European aviation giant abas has released its annual results on that pretty good profit to jump to two point nine billion euros thats some two billion more than in the Previous Year but there are clouds on the horizon in december and us announced a management shakeup in the wake of corruption allegations and then theres the trouble with some of its aircraft models starting with the ailing a three eighty super jumbo which was almost council. Due to lack of demand but which was given a lifeline last month when dubai based kariya emirates ordered thirty six planes and then theres the a four hundred m. Military transport plane which was commissioned back in two thousand and three its been plagued by losses ever since due to technical problems but the demand for the a three twenty series remains robust narrow body jets a special interest to Asian Airlines china for one is reportedly planning to buy one hundred eighty four of them this year and abas just tested a long range transatlantic version as well so lets talk a little bit more about ab us and my colleagues and to do my loughran is joining me in the studio now and general id like to know first of all i mean the a three eighty despite all the trouble is still alive and kicking the however it looks like avarice is ready morphing shifting attention towards the a three twenty even for transatlantic flights well really what i think is happening here is that airbus is trying to cover all its bases in a really tough market now passenger demand is increasing while slots at airport airports from the limited so theres a solid argument to be made for making sure you can carry as many passengers as possible so for bigger commercial airlines like emirates so planes like the a three eighty makes sense but for small to midsize carriers single aisle a three twenty jetliners are of course very attractive so you mentioned the long range version the a three twenty one that could be more interesting if they start looking to long haul flights and what single aisle models of course you can pack more passengers in even if the psni the planes are smaller and the costs of flying them are also are now airbus has been outselling boeing in this particular market so as such continuing down that path is strategically very sensible for them ok in terms of strategy certainly within management this seems to be quite a change on the horizon of some major shakeup actually what do we know whats the biggest overhaul. In a long time we know that three key figures are leaving john leave the head of sales hes been credited with much of airbus a success in the last thirty years as well as the head of the commercial planes division fabrice dredges so theyre both going and c. E. O. Tom enders has about a year and change to go now the shake up is coming at a really strange time we have all these corruption allegations related to the use of middlemen in terms of plain sales and its reinforced the french german divide within the company so both governments of course have a stake in this now French National is thought to be going because he failed in his bid to succeed anders who of course is a German National now investors have worried about how the Management Changes will invite political interference as of course both france and germany want to see airbus become a european vehicle against chinese and american competitors and they both want their own people to do it now some investors would actually prefer that anders is succeeded by by a person that is neither french nor german perhaps someone less considerate of National Interests in talking about that is that really some speculation of any names floating around do we do we know any preferences in terms of succession well we already know who is supposed to succeed get him a foreign im very sorry from a french pronunciation but its thought that giving the giving brings us positions of what it pave the way so that you could eventually take over enders position next year but of course we dont have any confirmation of that yet yeah yeah and i mean the stepping down by april twenty nine thousand doesnt come as a surprise i think that it was planned a long time ago how does all of this is that reflected in the results that we have which at first glance look impressive but theres more to it isnt there yes certainly well it tells us that airbus is capable of turning in a good performance despite these looming cauldrons in the future but also despite being weighed down by past turbulence you know you already mentioned the a four hundred m. Theyve taken a one point three billion euro hit on that. And thats brought the Financial Impact of this particular the beleaguered a military transport plane about eight billion euros but you know this year of course has its own set of problems we have to see what will happen with Management Changes we will indeed and you will keep us up to speed version of the milo and thank you very much for this. My with jakob summa asked president of south africa its time to focus on the countrys economy and turn it around south africa is the only african nation included in the elite group of g twenty industrial and developing nations but its economy as falling behind other emerging markets unemployment is at almost thirty percent its Credit Rating has tumbled to junk status and corruption is rampant now the countrys hopes lie on suma success in. South africas economy has taken a beating on the president jacob zuma it has fallen into recession the countrys bonds are rated junk and its political elite is no longer trusted and due to political mismanagement its second largest city cape town is running out of water fast growth has declined steadily from more than three percent seven years ago to less than two percent in recent years one of the weakest rates for all of Subsaharan Africa is the community crushing at the moment stability is pretty difficult so your guess is that he can be just an addition to the deal before the brits say the countrys hope is resting on this mans shoulders Cyril Ramaphosa is a former union leader who has become a wealthy businessman. Since he was appointed head of the African National congress in december the countrys currency is served by ten percent. Thats a good sign that investors are banking on a change in south africas fortune. For the Winter Olympics at pyong chang day six of the games and a little piece of history has been made Jonathan Crane from last fall says is here to tell us all about the action that welcomes elton. One downhill skiing today im i still in the process what is that about yes the norwegian has become the oldest to ever win and the gold of mao pine events the five years old age is no barrier and he did it in the downhill which is the showpiece for the longest course high speed going up to eighty mph a point on this course you see that have a technique trying to build up the speed but sometimes it goes so fast they literally have to be thrown in. There is no stranger to success every good lookin flying for the hes got a string of big wins to his name including olimpico in the super g. Twenty ten but hes had a lot of people writes him off because he got injured in twenty sixteen have tore his a. C. L. Recommence in his knee he was the favorite in sochi in the downhill four years ago but he any finished fourth say hes shown a lot of mental strength to come back and now hes got his rewards hes got a lot of gold in the ribbon event and good on him on the other side of the age spectrum is going another lie still and whats that about yes mckayla schifrin i mean shes one of the best skiis in the world at the moment so strong in the technical events the solomon the john solomon shes actually won the giant slalom today and i would think that shes been around for ages doesnt make a list of friends shes only twenty two shes had a lot of success already and she was dominant in this one she won by nearly half a second that she has now she has got more events to come shes actually going for four gold medal. In these limited games that the slalom have favored event is tomorrow theoretically she could go for and of the form shes in you may be going about against her achieving that and i believe a gemini theyve won a gold every day of these olympics today was no different whos the latest person to get on the podium yes this isnt a figure skating the past competition. Have have won that event were going to see them and they have been in touch in fourth place on the Short Program but this is a two ponts events at every turn they chanted around with the Super Performance and the free program you basically have more flexibility to do the moves you want and that when they dont sneak by the french. Im on the routine was so good they broke their own world record they scored a hundred and fifty nine point three one points and now the win was particularly poignant. On the left she finally got her first gold after competing in five games germany been doing so well theyve already matched the gold medal hole from sochi were not even halfway through these games yet ok finally jot that now the jamaican womens history bumps. And they did do it is and its right the story that yes jamaica has never had a team of course remember the male team in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight in the Calgary Flames inspired the film Cool Runnings and the jamaican women they were set to debut today but theyve had a bit of a rout with the lady there on the right systems or curiosus from the both. Arguments for the ball play federation shes threatening to take away the flight so its all up in the air at the moment hopefully they will still be able to take healthy and good luck to them Jonathan Crean for most bosses thank you very much for being us all of the action from young child. Away from sport on awareness of Sexual Violence in harrison to women is being filmed at butlins and your Film Festival the billy nona begins tonight its the First International festival to take place since the flood of allegations of rape and Sexual Misconduct were made against the Film Producer Harvey Weinstein and other big hollywood names. And your call has sent this report. Where the red carpet will be it still looks like a building site. Construction crews here are racing against time with just a few hours left until everything has to be ready for action. No hi here its back relaxed Natural Beauty thats what actress and when i left shane once she supports the Initiative Nobody stole the dress code on the red carpet she says its part of an outdated view of the world. Via does a bit of images that the cameras capture have a huge effect on people all around the welt on women on children on everyone who sees them. A lot. And women are portrayed as though they can only be attractive and successful if they have a certain look. On the scale we sniffed just then. Festival director dieter cosmic has its own take on the debate. There are lots of initiatives and this is one of them and its an important one. Where you got for you i can only encourage every woman to wear whatever she wants. Doesnt mean there has never ever been a dress code for the belly nala im not about to reject anyone and i certainly wont be rejecting a woman wearing flat shoes you know what id be turning away a man wearing high heels. Thank you most likely the opening film will be without any here whatsoever it claimed director wes anderson is showing i love dogs the first any mation ever to open the betting on. The here and dont come back. Not the benny not a would be unthinkable without an iranian film. The concept of time to do with it which is a closet a sign a movie audition this years director money huggy looks at states elect listing film directors pick is an ironic turbulent comedy. Refugees and migration will be twin themes at this politically charged fin festival geminis christiane pets sot tells the story of a refugee she when World War Two reflected in the fate of those who off today. Movie lovers can choose from a total of three hundred eighty five films over the next ten days whether its serious art house or popcorn entertainment standing in line for the tickets its more than worth the wait. Thats it for now thank you very much for a company. To. Endure the conflicts with patients from the treatment of migrants to freedom of expression and to terror alongside all standards of human rights across youre all slipping my guest in vienna is my fellow clergy director of the. Agency called on the man for the right gus he believe you up is doing all he can to protect human rights. Live next on live. Alpha dog. Drowns in the bow which come down again. We take you to europes most famous no boundary just. This one tops them all europes highest peak. Because the winter is that its best right here to go to the mountains all series this week. The scholars. Play the pain. The suffering comes. To cities edge but. They have survived but do they dont still have a future. I really understand people who say they dont want to stay here. But i also admire people who want to stay here and who decided to create something. In peace time and what needs to happen if tolerance and reconciliation are to stand a chance darkness cities to work place starting march tenth d. W. From the treatment of migrants to freedom of expression to end to terror a lot our standards of human rights across are all slipping this week on conflict so my guests indiana is Michael Oflaherty director of the u. N. Agency for fundamental rights thats he believes europe is doing all it can to protect human rights

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