Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20180131

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A special session on a victims of the holocaust and the bible has strong words for those who still deny this dark chapter in german history. Plus luckys john gazes around the world are enjoying a respect. For the first time in decades a blue moon is going siding with the blood and super moon during a Lunar Eclipse creating an incredible celestial show. On a warm welcome to you im on that that she mom president dollar trump a school in the country to unite behind him to create a new american moment during his first state of the Union Address trump also asked lawmakers to support this plan as an upgrading the countrys aging infrastructure and to overcome the deadlock on Immigration Reform since more. Not surprisingly they gave the president a heros welcome the big question ahead of Donald Trumps first state of the Union Address with the leader of the free world adopt a more president ial term on twitter trump or teleprompter trump a lot of change he said over the last year but one refrain from his Election Campaign remained constant. A new tide of optimism was already sweeping across our land each day since we have gone forward with a clear vision and a Righteous Mission to make America Great again for all americans. And there was praise for his own administrations achievements two point four million new jobs rising wages after years of stagnation more red tape cut them by any other administration unemployment claims at a forty five year low stock market smashing one record after another this in fact is our new american mom there has never been a better time to start living the American Dream and together we can achieve absolutely anything to it wasnt all upbeat a magical moment for the world to give up Nuclear Weapons had not yet arrived and the u. S. Would exert maximum pressure in the face of north Koreas Nuclear provocation in one surprise trump announced the cohen tandem obey Detention Center would stay open he clocked in at one hour and twenty minutes one of the longest state of Union Addresses in recent years as long as we have confidence in our years faith in our services and trust in our god we will never share. Our families will thrive. Our people will prosper and our nation will forever be safe and strong and proud and mighty and free thank you and god bless america. It was another landmark on Donald Trumps extraordinary white house journey. There was fifty action to the state of the union speech independent senator Bernie Sanders said it was hypocritical for a divisive president like donald trump to make an appeal for unity. The American People do not want a president who is compulsively dishonest who is a bully who actively represents the interests of the billionaire class who is and part science and who is trying to divide us up based on the color of our skin our nation of origin our religion our gender or our sexual orientation. And washington correspondent cattanach money has been following the latest developments for us can i know what stood out for you most of income speech. When we tell most the first hour of his speech that i said why dont i have our was about his achievements during this first year in office he made really fair to the economic upswing in the United States of his career four and the rescue operations during Hurricane Harvey and his son with few sentences he also mentioned puerto rico and hurricane airmen maria that devastated that island and state of the United States of america and the work that theme of the federal agency has been doing there in puerto rico but the truth is that nearly thirty percent of the island still has no electricity also a female has stopped its support in puerto rico because the government doesnt consider it necessary also the proposed changes in gratian policies were an important point during his speech donald trump underlined again his proposal of offering citizenship to one does eight million undocumented migrants but only in exchange to the financing of the u. S. Mexican border wall also under the condition of ending the green card lottery and limiting the family reunification for the ones who already have a green card for the United States he calls it a migration chain this is a very important topic in retail because the next deadline for the Government Shutdown is the eighth of february and the immigration policy is probably the most important bargaining chip during this is cash and so were going to hear a lot about it so how would trump comments received by congress. While i was here i did mention it the state of the union speech should normally be a unification of the country and of the congress but in this case democrats were really less impressed Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer for example treated that the eighty minute speech told the fires of division instead of bringing us closer thats what he said so that division was quite obvious in the chamar to the hispanic caucus for example of the black caucus they didnt applaud at any time even when donald trump was talking about unification democrats and the caucus i already mentioned didnt react to that they were just sitting there and listening and they seem to be very skeptical conan in washington thank you very much. Here in germany a special session today the German Parliament paused to honor the victims of the holocaust the ceremony was led by the parliaments president was functionally into and german president from fatah steinmeyer its key moment was an address by anita. Fish one of the last known surviving members of the womens orchestra of auschwitz the orchestra formed for high level nazi efficiency they also played at the concentration camp gates of business as they went in and out for a walk. With me in the city is a Political Correspondent simon young sami what some of the proceedings of the house some very moving testimony from anita last couple fish what did she have to say when she spoke very movingly bringing some in the bundestag today to the brink of tears as she told in this very straightforward way of hers without pay thaws the story of how she came to auschwitz having been forced by the way by the nazis to sign a document saying she was going there voluntarily but she arrived there expecting she said to die as her parents have been murdered already but she survived because as they told her she was needed she was needed to play the cello in the in this case in the camp band and thats how she survived and she told that story today again in detail just very movingly and its a story shes used to telling because she makes frequent visits to germany to speak to School Groups and others to remind them of her story but also to inspire them with a sense of significance for the present and for their own lives and she spoke about what the holocaust has meant since and what it means today in her speech lets have a listen to a little bit of that speech as well. Now there. After the catastrophe germany behaved in an exemplary manner no one lied about the holocaust antisemitism was no longer in vogue. Now times have changed the world is full of refugees back then the borders were hermetically sealed and not open as they are today thanks to the unbelievably generous courageous and humane gesture that with made here. Theres a very awful comment there so sadly so what is the political resonance of the holocaust in todays context i think its poignant because this is the first time that the ceremony in parliament has been held in the presence of the far right party the a. F. P. That is sitting there with one hundred almost one hundred members in parliament and they sat and listened to her they joined in the standing ovation at the end which some had said you know they might use this occasion somehow to try and attract attention to themselves because of course this is a party that has risen to prominence with a lot of controversial anti immigrant statements and indeed some in the party of said that germany needs to do a complete u. Turn on its culture of memorializing the holocaust and such events you know the leadership of the party i should say has distanced itself from that now clearly they have risen to power or at least a presence in the bundestag also as a result of the influx of migrants into germany and there are concerns there that migrants particularly those coming from the middle east dont share germanys sense of what the holocaust means they dont share their sense of the the mainstream sense here of the danger of antisemitism and indeed a lot of people have said that you know some of the migrants and refugees have imported and semitism into germany and thats obviously a bad thing and what does the holocaust for sure does hanukkah. For the Younger Generation here in germany well i think there is concern that a lot of younger people are likely to say you know this all happened more than seventy years ago what is it got to do with me and just recently weve seen a debate thats come back periodically down the years you know should all young people teenagers be compulsorily taken to visit a concentration camp or another nazi related site so they can get a sense of the importance of this you know there are also fears about how hate speech on the internet you know some of its anti semitic some of the sort of the certainties of the postwar view of the holocaust not what they used to be thats whats so important that i witnesses people like and its about fish still able to tell their story of course they wont be able to do that for many more years suddenly im thank you very much for that analysis lets not take a look at some other stories making news around the bond activists of hate hong kongs decision to ban all three of the five hundred twenty twenty one killers in what they say is a major loophole in the global effort to protect elephants from poaching the chinese territories one of the biggest markets for ivory in the wild the trade has been outlawed in most other countries since one thousand nine hundred ninety. Six and the European Union has the u. S. Not to go it alone in any effort to make peace between israel and the palestinians warning that it would end in failure wednesdays talks in brussels brought together top u. S. Palestinian and israeli politicians for the First Time Since Donald Trumps controversial decision to recognize truth in them as the israeli capital. Britains Prime Minister to resign me has met with senior officials in china shes there for a three day visit ms office says shes traveling with the largest business delegation britain has ever taken overseas china is key to british hopes of forging new trade deals around the want after it leaves the e. U. A turkish quarter sentence three Syrian National still lives sentences in connection with a suicide bombing which killed twelve German Tourists and wounded sixteen others and the attack took place two years ago in the Historic Center of istanbul the suicide bomber blew himself up groups off terrorists close to the landmark blue mosque and sophia turkish authorities blame the socalled Islamic State for the attack. Well go to our correspondents we are harner for more on the sentencing but first a look back at the devastating attack on in january two thousand and sixteen. A selfie in front of the world famous i assume fia. In memory shots next to the blue mosque the sultan ahmed district is a must see for every tourist coming to istanbul each day visitors from all around the world are crowding here and it was no different on the twelfth of january twenty sixth time. City dietitian cousin bobo will never forget that day she was then when a suicide bomber blew himself up among the group of German Tourists. In the door then called me and i just stood there and couldnt move his vision of him but the little boy who learned about my go to me that a lot of people started to run. Police an ambulance as came on the for a minute i thought what should i do this in the. Injured were taken to the hospital and i didnt know which nationality they were so i went to the hospital as well as i thought i might be able to help about. Twelve germans were killed that generally morning the bomber died as well on the same day the turkish government set the Islamic State group was behind the attack this is where the suicide bomber carried out his deadly attack two years ago in the historic hearts of istanbul right at the center of turkeys World Heritage site very close to the famous blue mosque the fact that a terrorist was able to strike here shocked many and changed this city. The most visible change police and all of the vehicles are now everywhere the number of Security Forces around major touristic sites has increased drastically. Security analyst asked matanzas the sultan ahmed attack was like a wake up call for turkish authorities. At the time different after the priorities were not set properly. This was the track that was long agenda and. Turkish Security Forces were not. Prioritizing it it has been a wake up call definitely the Security Forces are now. A better prioritizing be collecting better intelligence so you are paying much more rigorously own justice text mists tourism numbers have declined dramatically after the attack the year twenty sixteen has been a catastrophe for istanbuls economy but now tourists are returning. From living we came to istanbul i was a little worried but there are police around so i feel safe we should worry about something that happened two years ago with a crazy guy so go where you want to go do what you want to do a dog be frightened consumers and if i didnt feel safe here i wouldnt come here in. The city gaieties in category but is showing around a group of chinese visitors since luton asked me today. That she hopes she will never have to victimise an attack again and wants to show tourists her city help them find the best spots for the beautiful memories shot. And that report from the queen who now joins me from istanbul a little three men have been sentenced for their role in that attack which took place two years ago how significant is the after doing. Well first of all this is probably an important day for the victims families because they have been waiting for a word act for more than two years now you have to know this was an attack in a series of similar attacks here in turkey since mid twenty fifteen but this one really hit the touristic heart of istanbul and tourism figures off to that decline by three million visitors that year so a terrible year for hotel owners for Restaurant Owners and so on today three syrian man were sentenced to jail time life time in jail for aiding the suicide bomber back for example logistically but most of the other defendants twenty six in total were acquitted due to a lack of evidence and we know that many others actually were not detained in the first place one very important suspect was able to escape to iraq so even after today many questions about this trial about this case actually remain open right after along this road and there was another important decision at a Turkish Court today the release of the chairman of the turkish branch of Amnesty International. What more can you tell us of. Well thats a completely Different Court case its about eleven human rights defenders in total they were arrested on an island. Last summer while they were attending a Digital Security workshop but prosecutors say they were secretly meeting in order to organize an op rising so the charges here are terrorism charges connecting to the failed military coup here in turkey in some of twenty sixteen last year most of the most of the defendants were actually released pending trial and today. The local president of Amnesty International was released as well but the trial continues and all of them actually still face up to fifteen years of jail time so what does this all mean for human rights in turkey. Well this might be a tiny little ray of sunshine here in this situation but these terrorism charges are actually leveled against tens of thousands of people here in turkey since that failed military coup attempt and the fact that human rights defenders who are actually trying to help out others whose rights are being violated now have to show up in court and defend themselves i think is actually showing how difficult this job has become here in turkey. In istanbul thank you very much for that. Then joins me now from business and seaman sounds like its speeding up plans to x. Thousands of jobs but thats what it sounds like thats what basically the signal coming from the c. E. O. Of the German Company its key Industrial Power business is puttering along right now its other segments making up for the losses thanks to a global up but thats not stopping the german phone from slashing jobs world wide chief executive officer. Theres much to do to future proof industrial giant now thats not been seen protesters because while winding back some operations in germany is embarking on new ventures in the United States the demonstrators going to huge lengths to make their voices heard today. Workers from the eastern german town of cycles hundreds of kilometers to the annual Shareholders Meeting in munich theyre determined to fight back against plans to cut their jobs. Are fighting for our future and as long as we continue to do so and see a chance were going to keep going. Seaman c. E. O. Joe kayser pointed to Market Trends in his defense of the cuts. Declining market for fossil fuels is not temporary it reflects the expectation of a Dramatic Development which we can and must address with structural measures. Siemens is planning to shed a total of seven thousand jobs worldwide mainly at its power and gas Division Half of those cuts are said to be in germany. For the workers affected its a bitter pill to swallow especially at a time when siemens is posting solid profit overall and spoke about this with coal power financial correspondent in frankfurt daniel from what cases saying today the job cuts are unavoidable that have become even more urgent sounds like the demonstrators should pack up their bags and go home. Well when you look at the numbers of turbine gas turbine business you can understand what he purines with urgent because sales were down was twenty percent and also profit was down with even more than fifty percent so of course these are very alerting numbers and in the past siemens has been criticized a lot for not reacting very fast whenever there would be changes inside of the market the mens employees those see all of this very different i was talking to some of them as they were also demonstrating here in front of frank for a Stock Exchange they are not understanding that now they gas turbine business in the United States get expanded and here in germany thousands have to fear that there might be losing their jobs very soon exactly that was one of the promises that was giving trump did they had in davos although that was a deal that was already in the works and done before tax reforms came through which case a really praised trump and said the that was the reason why he was the best in the u. S. Yeah exactly i would also describe the relationship between german or european c. E. O. s with donald trump rather difficult because of course whenever there was a meeting you just mentioned World Economic forum in davos he is nice hes charming hes saying well im very open also to do business with other countries then you know some days later hes back in the United States then he is all that again about being very protective saying its all about america we dont care that much how business is being done in other countries so yeah the relationship i guess on facebook you would describe it its complicated thank you very much daniel for your analysis. Ok from the complicated to some fun now the worlds biggest toy fair it takes place in your burger each year started back in one thousand nine hundred fifty and since then become a platform for the latest trends in kids toys then hula hoops dazzled the visitors then came a bill at electric train sets now high tech is taking over here the top trends of twenty eight. Robots are gradually rolling their way into kids rooms new technology is the norm for todays children and is becoming an increasingly important feature of how they play the little machines can even be programmed instead using apps its the adult world in miniature. Even traditional toys are getting a high tech make over like diggers for the sand pits and even board games where your smartphone or tablet instructs each special agent what to do next is skewed toward its why is it there are two worlds classical toys and old tronic toys theyre developing side by side and as they do theyre creating new possibilities for toys all of which is bringing exciting change here to necessary if you think gaming generation has long enjoyed bringing a virtual edge to real world fun like teaming up to play laser tag and linking up to sixteen players with smartphones and wife try. Hard but there comes a point where kids just need to get moving no matter how old school that my baby. Something going on outside and i want to take a look outside the yes theres a reason why because the moon is putting on a rail. For the first time in decades a blue moon has coincided with a blood and a super moon during a Lunar Eclipse. Blue blood moon the u. S. Space agency nasa has called it. The event is visible from north america and asia. Youre watching the news coming to you live from berlin heres a recap of the top story that were following for you dont trump is delivered an optimistic report on the president. Of the Union Address. Creation and soaring stock markets. And on u. S. Security. To remain open and the Nuclear Weapons arsenal to deter any acts of aggression. From me. Remember theres lots more on our website. You can also follow us on twitter. On facebook ill be back. What drives the economy. To see it come true. Median germany always has its finger on the homes. Of the market the manager. Made in germany. Entered the conflict zone after many delays kosovo has a new War Crimes Court but many people want to see it scrapped before its even up and running oh this is lining up on the desk of the Prime Minister. Who is my guest the west has told a list of cool she stalks he can pretty much forget about joining nato police you whats he going to do. In sixty minutes p. W. Are you up to speed on the latest technology. Know when it may be time for an upgrade its become part of the future become a cyborg. Sidewards and design my perception of reality implants that make everyday life easier. Ill use my implants on the databases that optimize the human body and connect people more effectively. I hope that this will make us more ethical persons what would life be like as a cyborg. What do you think will happen to something does the human race need to upgrade i think its only the beginning of this cyborgs human machine. Starting february first on t w. What a load of rubbish our oceans a full of waste it could soon be more plastic than fish in the seas what does that say about the planet and how we treat it it only takes five seconds to produce a plastic bag it takes five hundred years to do

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