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Feel about the controversial campaign. Im sorry kelly welcome to the Program Thanks for joining us germany has moved one step closer to getting a government formal Coalition Talks between chancellor Angela Merkels conservatives of the social democrats have finally begun more than four months after germans went to the polls now both leaders were upbeat going into these talks merkel says that she has confidence that a deal can be agreed quickly and thats essential because in addition to the future government the political future of both Party Leaders is really at stake here and here is what they had to say as the talks began. You get this filing down the spirits not go its important to me is that we make even clear what impulses we want for germanys future. We are experiencing a fast changing world and we must make progress in digitization and especially in our schools for our children. We have to push the planning process harder so that the investments can actually happen. Nearly zero in can he get us on thats fair and also germany also has to be a place where startups receive good investment where investors say germany is the place where the future happens for the so this is about a new dynamic for germany not only a new beginning for europe but for germany as well thats very obvious that mr. Cd you will work toward these goals and make sure that we negotiate swiftly. I think the people expect us to found a government quickly so im both optimistic and very determined that we achieve results and i think its possible in the brief time window. Does this all in and for place was a bomb site is annoying almost for the new government must give germany packets proper role the one we should play is the strongest economy in the European Union operation when you will not structurally starks that europe needs a strongly pro european germany to meet the challenges coming from china and the us. I say this on a day when we are expecting to hear from the u. S. President in davos that america is moving in a different direction so strongly pro european germany can only happen with the social democratic participation in the government and should organise at home to make germany fairer and more modern under the International Level to make it once again a leading power in the European Union. Creation or more down a party you know this is our intention and becoming into. The Coalition Talks in this spirit. These moon and these guys thank you for going its what its for lets get more now on the start of these formal full Coalition Talks our correspondent our Political Correspondent brant is standing by for us outside of the c. D. U. Headquarters there in berlin where those talks are taking place and you know we just heard both of the Party Leaders outlining their positions giving a sense of hope you know as to whats ahead and what they might be able to achieve Going Forward hands could this finally be the start of forming a new government at last yes i think there is a sense of hope and also a sense of urgency obviously off of four months after the elections its never taken this long for a government to be formed in germany since the Second World War so all of these politicians involved do feel that they finally have to deliver the nitty gritty of an agreement for a new government but at the same time one has to say the social democrats are still a little bit reticent about this whole process theyve brought a few extra demands to the table now they are demanding as well that their members more than four hundred thousand of them take a vote on whether or not theyre going to accept this Coalition Treaty which is going to be negotiated in the next couple of weeks so if everyone is saying this has to happen pretty quickly and its very likely that some sort of agreement will be hammered all out it will still take at least another four to five weeks possibly until the end of march before we finally have a government in germany and hands in addition to that extra vote that the social democrats want they also want to revisit key issues that were hammered out in the policeman area agreement merkels conservatives say that they wont budge is there any sign that the parties might be willing to compromise how difficult is this going to be. There are three issues on which the social democrats want further concessions one issue concerns Health Insurance here in germany which is divided basically between people who pay for it out of their own pocket and people who have a state assisted or a state Health Insurance and there seems to be some preparedness on the part of the conservatives has to make concessions on that issue the second issue concerns temporary contracts in germany these are very widespread especially among young people and the idea from the part of the social democrats would be that these kind of context should be restricted quite strongly and the third issue concerns migrants the number of migrants coming into germany and whether or not they are allowed to bring their families once they have been approved to stay here in germany these kind of issues are very difficult for all the parties concerned so thats really the three parts on which the negotiations will become quite tough i think in the next few days and today is just day one of those formal Coalition Negotiations hans brant covering all of it for us there in front of the c. D. U. Had quarters where those talks are just kicking off thank you so much hans lets get a quick check now of some other stories that have been making news around the world in south korea at least thirty seven people have died in a fire in a hospital in the city of near young the fire broke out in the emergency room of the hospital which also operates as a home for the elderly its not yet known what caused the blaze. The New York Times says the u. S. President donald trump planned to fire prosecutor Robert Mueller just weeks after he took over the f. B. I. s russia investigation it says that trump only back down after his leg. Top lawyer threaten to resign now if true this could bolster our mullers potential case of obstruction of justice against the president. Turkeys Health Minister says that the death toll from its operation in syria has reached thirteen the figure includes three turkish soldiers and ten fighters with turkeys syrian allies meanwhile president recha type air to one has traveled to his country southern border for a briefing on the turkish offensive against Kurdish Forces there turkey began what it calls operation all of branch nearly a week ago it has targeted the area around afrin in Northern Syria in an attempt to clear the town of Kurdish Militia the attacks have opened a new front in the already complex syrian civil war. For more lets bring in correspondent you leon who is following the story for us from istanbul good morning to you we know that the turkish troops are continuing the offensive and attempting to move east words what our president wants plans there. Well almost a week into the African Campaign now took soldiers and their rebel allies appear to have made only limited gains so far at least thats what we hear from the border region. Of course the plan is first to take over the enclave offer in and then move further east towards another majority kurdish area called monday each thats more than one hundred kilometers away from where the turkish army is right now and thats also where u. S. Troops are stationed so moving further east for the Turkish Military means increasing the risk off confronting a nato ally but the turkish government thats what i get from recent remarks is willing to take this risk so this is one worst Case Scenario that International Observers are discussing right now another one is the possibility of the Syrian Government actually intervening on the halls of the Kurdish Forces in north in syria at least the offer in a Regional Authority colder for help cold on Bashar Al Assad to intervene and help protect the Syrian Border against the Turkish Military so this shows you how complex the situation can get and how messy it is actually on the ground and despite the fact that it is messy there i mean it does have broad support among turks baghdad right why is the. Well patriotism and nationalism are really running deep in Turkish Society and thats what political leaders are using and appealing to when mobilizing when actually preparing the population for such a military offensive and there is a strong enemy image here i mean for encourage the Syrian Kurdish fighters are practically the same as the outlaw p k k that is fighting a war inside turkey since decades so there is a strong am enemy image here and of course media reporting has been very much in favor of this offensive so this is shaping Public Opinion you barely hear any critical voices let me show you what i mean i follow the reports here from istanbul lets have a look at this. War on every channel the military operation in syria is the top story on Turkish Television the tenor of the reporting there e petry ot how critical the majority of to people it seems support operation all of french in this teahouse at least no one thinks the offensive is a mistake the terrorists are looking for an opportunity to divide the country but we will not. Desert we are fighting against isis and other terrorist groups those who dont want to help us should at least not stand in our way out of the will. Of. The fighting and. In strength of that and i hope that. We will take home to reason that it is the me. When im absolutely sure of it. Turkish politicians agree as well and its not just the ruling a. K. Party that supports the offensive in syria Opposition Leader kamal kill extols says he also backs the operation as does meryl action are the head of the new party that wants to challenge president dredge of tired aragon in the next election she tweeted that shes praying for a Glorious Army the only party to condemn the offensive is the pro kurdish h d p g. A former Spokes Person calls it inacceptable. The olive branch has always been a symbol of peace but now it is stained with blood its also the one is extending the olive branch to Bashar Al Assad in syria who once used to be his allies said it was upmarket this operation is an attempt to massacre the kurds opus we hope that statements like this one by jimmy are dangerous right now in the past days the turkish government has detained dozens of people including politicians activists and journalists for criticizing the military operation in syria the official charged terrorist propaganda. The journalist who knows servile colleagues who got into trouble with authorities over reports criticizing the offensive he says the government gave editors of turkeys leading Media Outlets directives on how to report patriotically. With congress i mean have you noticed how all of the newspapers have similar headlines. This is actually government propaganda. For their journalists my sense of themselves to avoid trouble. Unfortunately i cant do you proper journalism in turkey anymore. But mahmoud a columnist for the government friendly daily sabbat disagrees he says the government is not influencing coverage of the friend offensive. When it comes to National Security every journalist bears responsibility thats how it is everywhere in the world. But that doesnt mean theyre not free to report on everything but there are some media and intellectuals in turkey who can use freedom of speech with hatred of the government. To be out of the offensive enough in looks set to stay turkeys main story for now the government has announced that it intends to further expand the operation. And as we saw there in your report we saw some turks basically mentioning their doubts about this ongoing offensive do you have the sense that their voices are being heard. Well badly so actually i mean since most of the parties the Major Political parties are supporting the operation critical voices are not given any ad time on progovernment channels so you would really have to look for those critical voices somewhere else in independent online media for example but as journalist mentioned self censorship is a really big issue here many journalists fear for their safety for the familys safety so its really its become really difficult for them to speak out and to waste criticism. Nearly ahana miscible thank you for your up to date. On the. Whole d w one up. For in focus Global Insights the news out for local heroes. 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