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Im sorry kelly welcome to the program and thank you for joining us we begin here in berlin where german political leaders are reported to have reached a breakthrough in precolumbian talks chancellor Angela Merkels conservatives and the social democrats led by Martin Schultz negotiated throughout the night to find the Common Ground needed to enter formal Coalition Talks now merkel has been heading a caretaker government since the National Election more than one hundred days ago she and her conservatives have been in exploratory talks with the social democrats since sunday for more lets bring in our Political Correspondent rupert vietor volves who is standing by at the social democrats headquarters where the talks are taking place and rupert im looking at the scene there behind you it is quite different from the scene that we saw about an hour ago when we spoke with you last tell us a little bit more about whats been going on. You know since we talked about one hour ago there was this news that a potential breakthrough agreement was reached between the two sides its conservative block on the social democrats and since then the journalists have been queuing up at the poe social democrat headquarters where the negotiations are taking place and while waiting for the press conference to stop which is going to take place here i guess within the next hour here at the social democrats which is the agreement was reached after twenty four hours of negotiating and all the parties up front had said that they wanted to reach an agreement last night then and then they pushed it further to some time during the night and then they said well perhaps its going to last until the morning and now its nine oclock in the morning and. It seems as if the agreement was reached we have havent got any details yet on board issues that we had them the main agreement was reached but we will hear that in the press conference i hope within the next twenty four hours of negotiations you can only just imagine how much coffee must have been involved there. Tell us a little bit more about those issues that you mentioned because there were some contentious ones. Do you have a rich you know an agreement on do we have some details about what has been agreed upon. Well we know what the most difficult issues were and in the end it all breaks down to money the coalition of. The two sides over the days had agreed on several projects and which they wanted to bring through and if you if we add it all up it comes up to a sum of one hundred billion euros far too much both sides said they had already agreed that they only wanted to spend hoffa this sum so that the main problem was on how to get the money together and the social democrats were very much in favor of higher tech session taxation especially of the wealthy and the rich something of the conservative look on the america. Has always been very reluctant of they how to lead their Election Campaign with the words no higher taxes. And one of the other big issues of course is the refugee policy where the actual agreements and how the actual agreements look like we will find out i hope very soon will but i want to. Get your analysis now on the Bigger Picture for the china political scene i mean where are way along the road to a coalition because this is really just the first step in many ways right. Absolutely this is only the first stop on especially the social democrats have to go a very very long way until they can even just and real Coalition Talks d. S. We always have to remember our own have only been exploratory talks so the talks before the talks and now the social democrats want to present this agreement whatsoever to the two to the rank and file and in the end the Party Convention a Party Conference house to decide either whether the social democrats want to and real Coalition Talks with Angela Merkels comes over to block a yes or no and most of the social democrats are very reluctant to do so. We have to remember they have. Seen the worst Election Results since one thousand nine hundred forty nine under twenty a little bit over twenty percent and the first reaction then most to rule out any coalition with. Now they have to utah on the policy and now Martin Schultz the social democrat leader house to sell it to his party and im very very very eager to find out what he can sell to his party here because. From my impression right now i dont i cant really see the policy field that is really the one field that can win over the social democrats so theres a long way to go for the social democrats but also for the conservative block of america but its not only the social democrats that fear this grand coalition its also the conservative party see as you from the varia which wants to shop its conservative profile which is going to be very hard if you are in a coalition with the center left of but the center left party as a social democrats report we see so Much Movement there behind you thats presumably the press which is gathered in anticipation of some politicians exiting there just just walk us through what it is that were likely going to be saying you know over the next few minutes over the next few hours there in berlin. What we are waiting for right now is the press conference here at the social democrats headquarter the negotiating in the negotiations have been taking place here for the last twenty four hours all three parties then bill at this print press conference. Tell us what the agreement will be i dont i cant really see that this is going to be a very long press conference first of all all of the involved parties Matthew Perry tired after twenty four hours but also they are already the next. The we already have the next points on the schedule theres a party if the party. Both parties have their own meetings sometime presumably within the next three hours where they will talk about the agreement and whether they want to say yea or nay to it so after twenty four hours of negotiations no rest for the weary report we had evolved with the very latest little they are joining us from berlin at the scene of these pretty Coalition Talks thank you so much for your reporting repair work. So what does this mean for the german political scene we are joined now here in the studio by Spanier Krauss she is a political scientist at the humble to university in berlin and an expert in Coalition Governments thank you so much for joining us here in the studio today what do you make of what were saying. Its exciting right they seem to reach a Common Ground but as rupert correctly said i mean this is just the first starting point here right we have the Party Convention that will take place and after successful Coalition Negotiation we will also have the referendum of the members of the social democrats so this is just a first step but its and very important first step so there are so many next steps to come but are we on the road right now to is Sustainable Coalition would you say definitely i think not only policy wise but also like from a perch on a personal basis these two parties were very well together but why i mean because they were reluctant partners at least on the side of the s. P. D. I mean they wanted to enter the opposition for example the parliament so why would that then mean that this is now a stable coalition yes i mean it was a very initial reaction rights and they thought there were an options but now with mike of the table there are no other options left because marco doesnt want to have the minority governments so i think the social democrats are off the fact that they actually have to get into government in order to present a stable government to the citizens because if we get an unstable government this my potentially even strengthen the far right parties but talk a little more about those far right parties because we saw the a. F. D. Party that far right party and to the German Parliament for the first time after september elections now youre going to potentially here have a coalition which is governing from the center the s. P. D. Being center left the c. D. U. Being center right what does that mean for germany Going Forward. I mean we we dont have the government from either the center left or the center right anymore so theres always room for these parties on the fringes rights on the on our foreign aid or on the far left and i think the f. T. Might be able to to draw even more voters from from the mainstream parties on the other hand it will be very important for a grand coalition to actually. And that policies that are favorable for those who feel not unlike who feel that the politicians do not care about them anymore so i think this is actually the way forward to prevent the voters switching to the fifty so if you have a crystal ball band from four years from now for looking at the next election say that this is a viable coalition you know Going Forward and it is able to last for here. Where do you think the voters will swing next i think in general they will swing to the smaller parties but again because i mean thats what they did in september basically you saw the center bleeding out yes but i mean this is also also has to do with the fact that there are just more parties in poly and right we had before we had four parties in the parliament now we have six parties in the podium and so this is just the mathematical part but its also going to be like we we have to look out for what is happening globally so what about the refugee crises what is going to happen with the u. S. With trump. So this is this will have a huge impact on what is going to happen in on the next elections but i wouldnt say that coalition necessarily and ultimately leads to another strengthening of the the there has been so much speculation about the future of the german chancellor herself Angela Merkel many people saying that her her days are numbered as chancellor would you agree and how many days would you should say that she has left i think she will be able to finish the korean legislative term but off towards there will be no chance for her to to start the fifth term but i also dont think she she wants to have a fifth term as the chancellor i think it will be it will make sense for her to stop trying to become chancellor ofter the next election spend you cross political scientists at the Humboldt University in berlin an expert on Coalition Government and just to remind our viewers of our breaking news at this hour apparently there has been a breakthrough in precolumbian talks to form a German Government between the c. D. U. C. S. U. And s. P. D. We are following the story for you and we are standing by for any press conferences that are likely to ensue. But in the meantime here at the w. Would like to get you a check of some other stories that have been making news around the world in japan more than. Four hundred people were stranded on a train overnight after heavy snow the train got stuck some three hundred kilometers northwest of tokyo officials decided against evacuating passengers until daybreak some parts of northern japan have seen ten times the average snowfall this winter. Saudi arabias first car show geared to women drivers has opened at a Shopping Mall in the city of jeddah the exhibition is taking place just months after king solomon ordered an end to the countrys ban on women driving saudi women are due to take to the roads in jail. In tunisia an emergency meeting is planned between the main Political Parties and businesses they want to find a solution to the wave of protests gripping the country demonstrators are angry about austerity measures and growing inequality as many as six hundred people have been arrested this week. French police are reported to have recovered all of the jewels stolen wednesdays brazen heist at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in paris some of the loot was seized when three armed peeves were arrested as they tried to flee the remainder was in a bag recovered by police the gems and washes stolen were thought to be worth over four million euros. U. S. President donald trump has canceled a trip to london next month to open the u. S. Embassy there trump tweeting that he is not a fan of the new embassy which he said wrongly it was a bad deal made by his predecessor barack obama secretary of state Rex Tillerson will go in his place. And staying with the u. S. President he has come under fire after reportedly insulting haiti el salvador and several african nations in a foul mouthed outburst trump is said to have asked why are we having all of these people from villages paraphrase that were there you can see its a profanity he was referring to countries coming to the United States there according to the Washington Post newspaper the president became frustrated during talks on immigration lawmakers are trying to put together him for the whole package that includes protection for the children of undocumented migrants. Well given the almost daily controversy around trump some critics have asked is he fit to be u. S. President trump is due to undergo an annual medical check later today as allegations over his physical health and Mental Health abound the white house says that the results of the health check will be made public as more slurred words at the end of a major speech in december the United Church thank you very much fueled a flurry of speculation about Donald Trumps health. The oldest person to become president in American History he was seventy when he was sworn into office he doesnt drink or smoke but he makes no secret of his love for fast food. Or his aversion to the more rigorous forms of spores. He uses a cart for golf and once said that his name source of exercise comes from moving his hands during his speeches so how does the president shape up problem and theres. A letter written by trumps doctor during the president ial campaign showed he was overweight and on medication to control his cholesterol but that proclaimed him to be in excellent physical health. Fast forward sixteen months and hes dealing with the pressures of arguably the most demanding job in the world questions have existed from the beginning of a term psychological and intellectual competence for the role of president just days ago he came under fire for seeming to forget the words of the u. S. National anthem. And a bombshell book released last week claims that most of his staff and advisers think hes mentally unwell trump it back with one of the twitter bursts his famous for assuring the world hes a very stable genius. And allies leapt to his defense now im not there seven days a week but im there once a week and im there for a day with white house meetings everything no one questions the stability of the president the wife has says todays medical check will be purely physical but the debate about trumps Mental Health is sure to rage on. And to discuss a little bit more about that im joined now from los angeles by Chris Faulkner a republican strategist who has worked on past National Campaigns welcome to you chris. Chris id like to begin first with what trump has reportedly said in the past twenty four hours basically questioning why the u. S. Would accept more immigrants from what he calls asshole countries i mean im for of course paraphrasing mary used an expletive. Language aside why not

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