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There was a lot more freedom i could go to various indoor climbing spaces or if i wanted to i could go rock climbing outdoors i could do it whenever i want to but now that im in a wheelchair i need to consider a lot of things is it appropriate for me to climb is it safe are people there to help me or him so all their his greatest achievement came on the fifth anniversary of the crash when like klimt hong kongs lion rock scaling the summit of a mountain that reaches to almost five hundred meters it come push men saw a light nominated for the laureus sports awards and sums up his answer to towards life. I understood from a young age that you only get one chance at life so i didnt want to regret anything. Like she why i hopes his story inspires other athletes with disabilities his triumph over adversity will surely see him reach even greater heights. And what an inspiration. And with that you are up to date now here on news im sarah kelly in berlin dont forget as always the conversation continues online you can follow us on social media. Thank. The above. The law but. The breaks for game are simply the be. The colors of true love. At least mourning to fans of person saw the brief visit to the club and on subordinates to inspire such emotion the body double. Quadriga International Talk show four journalists discuss the topic of the week u. S. President told trump is moving close to one year in office so watch house seat and she now has a new bed selling book about goings on in the white house damaged his standing. On his own for three to. Quadriga in sixty minutes on d w. Up to speed on the latest technology. Know when it may be time for an upgrade become part of the future become a cyborg must say words and design my perception of reality implants that make every day life easier. I use my gun on a daily basis that optimize the human body and connects people more effectively. I hope that this would make us more ethical persons what would life be like as a cyborg. What do you think will happen society does the human race need to upgrade i think its only the beginning of this cyborgs human machines starting february first on t. W. Casa day theres only one thing on the agenda up on top of the. The club was founded here back in nineteen zero zero nine these days theyve got black and yellow clad fans all over the world. Probation to the club i grew up with when. This guy supports dortmund all the way from mexico that is until we took him to see his first match in person gets to the venue gets very personal moment i. Dont want to get me going on. A visit to the stadium in dortmund is always special because i dont often ones long think yolland valiantly introducing study on their bed its got the highest average attendance in the world so whos the man who fires the fans up on almost all the big leagues. His name is mark potter a central defender he told us about his experiences at the club even the difficult ones. There was a ball of swords all of us and the happy ones to lets get this kick off life dorman special started. To. Mark potter hes played for brasil dont mean for just a season and a half and hes already a fan favorite. Dance taking a stadium to show their love for him and he loves them right back. You say so heres how the game is information to come by the if you want to know them. Well famous suit tribune the south sandwich islands twenty five thousand fans the yellow world chooses its favorites very carefully but once youre in their hearts each day there what a feeling that must be for this twenty six year old catalan. To remember. Morris laughs you know that. Allowed us feel. So to. Be the moment those that theyre part of the oh theyre not alone as they are. For the animals i mean youre out of over the party is going all around us or whatever the the. Rest of the role is. Even if you and. Me are. More. In the ne im. Part of the those that are going on and in a stereo. Their legacy. Is just the knowledge isnt immune to that was the new quitters a momentous in this case which i will be to space yeah i wound up on kind of the special. The battle with the new school. Is. To do about the. Underlying. Model is. This whereas with us while youre there you can tell us whether this is our game. You want to. Read about. It is that it can risky rescue the successes of the sally used. As the study of being tell them. This is. You know will diminish music could it be spiritual but it has made his movie a salary the. Demand that the men have and all along. You know even. This employee he. Is going to hold any new union only. They got a hostess coming up and theyre all nato in an all. Male they want they will nigeria. Shall get back. Most to stop or young it will be faster. Where for. The. Rest of their lives well be able to hold. Because there are you know there. Are those are those healthy. The you begin. Your stores in previous democrat is. Cake about it we were not here only. To bitch about contemporary to the member of. The you want to make. Your a little ditty a while he. Went to. The noisy april twenty seventh scene. Archer is injured in a bomb attack on the doormen team bus at the same time last night there was a bomb of sorts all of us sitting close to the window is being treated for a broken wrist where City Hall Book you want to. Call a macor eat alone and to see this this person bought the movies to. See where. The devil out of a female. Prisoner was they are. In the. Midst of a bush in the bush. In the. He. Put. Them in the. Mean. Even. Though he reverse one of them which is an employee who didnt want to. Look at the get annoyed the. Possible and theres. The were. Missing. The only for the. Moment this was. The. End of the mainframe are. Looking. Me he made a good noise the scene of the award for a few know so much of the even. A little bit of it was a bit of. A city that synonymous with hard work mining Steel Production its been that way for over a century in one thousand eight hundred nine some of those workers found it. Right here on bozak class for the club still celebrates its title. In one nine hundred sixty three job and took part in the inaugural season of the bundesliga with the sounds that become us from kabul an old fashioned. Currency common with even the home to show its economy didnt shoot us a call from high suppose she had a. Secret middle son and instead cussed out. In sixty six the black and yellow became the first german club to win a european title the cup win is. Relegation in seventy two was jordans first big setback on the lead to financial trouble. Came with a new ground the best fall in study and belts of the one nine hundred seventy four world cup today its known as acknowledged best known for this interview no sounding terrorist in the world where nearly twenty five thousand fans packing in every home game. In one nine hundred ninety five german won the first of their five Womens League it cycles and theyve been german champion three times before the bundesliga era. The biggest title of the mole came in ninety seven. I think it looks like its. A three one win in munich of events as and the Champions League title and became the first cup to fight on the stock market in two thousand but soon after big money broke big problems. And sold a lot of expensive players. Who helped push them to another league title in two thousand and two and push them to the brink of insolvency two years later the lights went south but not quite in two thousand and eight a promising young coach called you can close to the reins too because when he says not sure hes near the. High points of his tenure was winning a league and cup double in twenty twelve could have a. Good. Chance to hog and for many years its also meant winning and often entertaining football as well. Weve got a hoss way around the world now just to end up back where we started. We visit dont the fans in the second biggest city in the world. To cut to the indonesian capital the city and surrounding area home to some thirty Million People making it the second largest urban area in the world. Among the millions we tracked down one resident with a special passion. I mean one day i was out of the band in an essay and im fairly brought the bottom of the. Thirty year old when on the neural lives with his parents one of his dreams in life is to go to a dorm and match. I start things were said a while since two thousand and two. When they were in when i sleep. With my favorite player and. I think these. Players in the world with two hundred entries and the matter. Is about half that. Each weekend father and son head over to the local football pitch to play even when its thirty five degrees in the shade. I have a big him. Maybe in a future. Player. Or at least. We should have been friends. He grew up. Just like. Until obama gets discovered by george and its up to win and the him so

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