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A hatred of men the french actress catherine didnt attacks the me too movement she accuses it of conducting a witch hunt against men is she right at the accusers of abusers gone too far or has ingenue of simply missed the point. Its good to have you with us a long day ahead and a lot of work to do those were the only comments by politicians as they arrived this morning to begin day four of exploratory talks about forming a new Coalition Government here in germany now the parties have agreed not to brief the press for fear of scuppering any deal merkels conservatives the center left social democrats they both have set themselves a deadline of tomorrow to find out if they have enough Common Ground to Start Formal Coalition talks to give germany a government. Day four of the exploratory talks between chancellor merkels conservatives and the social democrats but much remains unclear the parties have agreed on a news blackout so information about any breakthroughs is scarce us or any statements by party leaders. And also Something Like i suppose this is going to be a long day so first of all good morning for all of you and i hope that we will make some progress today. Throughout the talks are scheduled to run until thursday night on friday the two sides then announce whether they intend to launch a full Coalition Negotiations however the s. P. D. Will also have to seek the backing of its rank and file Party Conference in bonn on january the twenty first i dont early a Party Conference in december delegates had already voted in favor of the current exploratory talks if the Party Conference backs full Coalition Talks the conservatives and social democrats then start a fresh round of negotiations which could take several weeks just like four years ago the social democrats will vent put the final agreement to the end tie up membership back in twenty thirteen they followed the Party Leadership recommendation to enter a correlation with conservatives so there are still a few unknowns before germany has a new government. For our correspondents a lot of parties covering the talks for she joins us now from our Parliament Parliamentary studios here in berlin good evening to you so we know that politicians are being tight lipped about whats going on but we have that deadline tomorrow what are you hearing are we going to have an agreement by the deadline. So at the moment it does look like there will be some kind of agreement and a positive conclusion of these exploratory talks at some point thursday night or maybe in the Early Morning hours of friday we have heard from a senior christian democratic official tonight hes been saying theres some tough negotiations ahead for example on the issues of education on some parts of the issue of migrants that will be discussed tomorrow but the progress has been made and what everybody is stressing is that they both parties share responsibility to at least try and form a new government and at this point to be honest politicians would also lose a bit of their credibility the leadership has put all their weight behind these talks and they need a positive outcome the tricky part though that comes after the leader of the social democrats has to sell it to his party base the grassroots of the social democrats are very reluctant and in the end a new government could fail because of the social democratic grassroots even if these talks so are successful and everything works out itll be weeks until germany has a new government and for people watching and who may know something about german politics they know that the conservatives of the social democrats they are really governed to go there theyve done that for the past four years so they know what the problem areas are what are the hurdles after four years that are still keeping them from coming to an agreement. Well first of all theyre for a lot of issues i think where they see eye to eye for example increasing police force or a new Immigration Law that they apparently agreed upon we learned about that yesterday so they are seeing eye to eye and i think its fair to say that the parties have in the whole history not been closer together than having as you said worked together for four years it looks like the parties are failing to paint a vision of what they want germany to look like in the next four years and it looks like a forced marriage and then that they share a grand ideas for the future of germany so maybe thatll change maybe they will present results that will surprise us tomorrow night but this is how it looks like right now but we will certainly be on that story moreover you know it will be if and when there is an agreement on the show on the ports in berlin just like thank you for what. Heres some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world at least fifty people are dead after a powerful rainstorm triggered flash floods and mudslides in Southern California thousands fled from their homes as the heavy rains sent money pouring down hills stripped of vegetation by recent wildfires there has been some relief for the roughly thirteen thousand tourists trapped in this swiss ski resort of mach and thats due to heavy snowfall of the year trains are due to resume Service Later today after being cut off for two days with helicopter airlifts ongoing two senior british officials have urged germany to support a deal protecting londons Financial Sector after brags that the European Unions chief brightly go she has ruled out including such a deal in future talks on trade with britain germanys government spokesman said that berlin does not intend to break ranks with the e. U. On this issue. Of south koreas president it says that he is unwilling to meet his north korean counterpart under certain conditions president mood said that deve nuclearization of the Korean Peninsula would be his goal in any talks with the north his comments came a day after the first high level talks between north and south korea in over two year. Youre watching news live from berlin still to come anger grows in tunisia hundreds are arrested dozens are injured after why its robbs in several talents well look at whats driving unrest in the nation that was the birthplace of the arab spring. Three in mars military says that its soldiers summarily executed ten right hinge of muslims last september referring to those killed as quote terrorists and this is the first public admission of wrongdoing by the army since it began a crackdown on ethnic group in july last august the admission appeared. In a statement on the Facebook Page of a military commander in chief more than six hundred thousand britain have fled their homes into neighboring bangladesh to developments in what kind states. Meanwhile prosecutors in myanmar have charged two journalists for reuters with violating the countrys official secrets act and thats despite Widespread International condemnation the pair say they were trying to report on the militarys crackdown on range of muslim. Journalist while lone managed to smile as the soldiers paraded him outside the courthouse but he and his colleague chose so who seen here in a gray shirt are facing serious charges prosecutors allege they collected secret documents related to the military situation in Rakhine State but according to wile lone theyre actually in jail for trying to tell the truth about whats happening in iraq. This is unacceptable i want to tell you that they are challenging us like this to stop us finding the truth their actions are wrong and unfair. And you know to a bevy you got you got a few journalists have ventured into Rakhine State since last summer these are rare images of what the United Nations calls the textbook ethnic cleansing going on there they show burning revenge of villages and locals fleeing the violence. The me and army strictly controls access to Rakhine State it has allowed few journalists in and only under the conditions it sets. The reuters journalists say they were there to report ethically and truthfully but they were arrested under old laws on secrecy after visiting rakhine. Their families have been devastated by the arrests they are convinced their loved ones are innocent. People in every minute to get out he told me not to worry because he didnt do anything wrong. He voted for this government so to get i know he strongly believes that he will be released soon. I hope that also the only way that the new dont get a lot of good in my lifetime and to sit in on the jailing of the reuters journalists has caused an outcry both inside and outside me and maher colleagues gathered outside court the fear among many me and maher is stepping up its crackdown on those who try to report a grave humanitarian crisis. Or earlier we spoke to journalist dave groom to belmar who is covering both of these stories in b m r we asked him how significant the admission by b. Me and mars military is the fact that they were involved in the killing of those tambora hinge of muslims and where it leaves the two reuters journalists who were charged in myanmar under its official secrets act. Its kind of like theyre trying theyre trying to play it on two sides here theyre egg knowledge ing that these people were killed by the military and then theyre saying that theres a good missions of murder between Security Forces and villagers its not quite we clear who did what against these are row hinges but theyre also saying that these were hinges that were terrorists who had threatened lucas so. It doesnt hold up a strong with the other argument that theyve been making where theres absolutely zero wrongdoing where theyve been making to saying this for months. But. There again im trying to qualify it by saying that theyre that these people were dangerous so. You know down rather than it really comes down to what other evidence might be coming out over time in these two reuters reporters who you were just reporting on its been widely reported for weeks that they were looking into this mass grave and we really dont know what kind of evidence those two journals have turned up. All right lets switch gears now to our business the u. S. Carmaker forward facing diesel emissions allegations weve been here so many times again and yeah they just keep coming dont they these allegations the fumes of diesel gate are now swirling around car giant ford a u. S. Lawsuit alleges ford installed Emissions Cheating Software in two of its diesel pick ups it says emissions on fords f. Two fifty and three fifty super duty trucks were often five times the limit when tested on the realistic conditions the lawsuit also names german car parts maker bosch which said it takes such allegations very seriously last year bosch paid almost three hundred thirty Million Dollars to us owners of folks fogging diesels for its part in the emissions cheating scandal. And car makers are just one example of how companies are using the Consumer Electronics show in las vegas as a forum to show off their newfound tech and green credentials as well of course theyre desperate to promise a Self Driving Technology within a matter of a couple of years not decades and this year the show begins before you get to the convention center. Tito paean vision of a driverless future is already taking shape before a visitor even reaches the c. E. O. s. Self driving taxis like this b. M. W. Awaiting to take them there for now theres still a human driver on hand for emergencies but on this trip hes not needed. It has three l. Sixty degree sensing radar sensing life and vision and the fuse that information together so we can combine basically the readings and the track all the objects along i dont often get when this toyota goes into service therell be no need for human backup its a joint development between amazon and pizza hut. The transporter can carry twenty passengers but it can also double as a mobile office or the bar a tree or even a delivery van that comes in sixteen different versions expected to debut at the Tokyo Olympics in twenty twenty toyota says its on course for the future. Is changing quickly and the race is on. Germanys mercedes is opting for private automobiles the luxury carmaker strategy includes onboard driver entertainment with highly promising Artificial Intelligence it should hit the road inside two months if you are driving at it in the morning at seven oclock to your office why do you have to type in your address in the vehicle at seven in the morning why do you have to ask why the car doesnt tell you on your own that ive bought and set your navigation to your Office Address and it gets get into the car and it just drives the way you drive it and you dont have to interact with the Navigation System at all comparable hyundai is pictures the next zero s u v powered by a fuel cell it converts hydrogen into electricity to drive the vehicle emitting only steam the next hour. Main advantage of a standard batteries of any cars is the tides and can be pumped as fast as petrol the drawback is that there arent many hydrogen filling stations yet. Which have a model comes to dominate future mobility the chances are its already on show at this years c s. Now when you think of top ten restaurants your mind might wander to paris all rome but the worlds seventh best restaurant is located here in cape town in south africa according to one review website at least you might still feel youre in the European Capital when you talk into one of the dishes like hello as the restaurant is called as part of a growing trend for high class Dining Experiences for an ever fussy a cli on tell. Some restaurants are all about quantity but the chefs here are more concerned with quality dining they combine big flavors in small dishes many restaurants worldwide do the same its one way for chefs to garner recognition but the cooks in la cologne in cape town are not only recognized by the restaurants guests theyve also received great reviews from the tourist review site trip advisor. It means the world to the team we put in fourteen fifteen zero is the day here every day just to be recognized for what we put in its an incredible. Heres what the quail dish looks like when its presented to the guests. Head chef scott curtain is a south african but he specializes in french cuisine. He soon wants to add asian touches to the menu. With youre sitting down there taking you through this whole suite of flavors of course after course with wine pairings and but at the same time theres like an adventuresome list to it with that the combination of flavors that you dont see in a lot of other places and every day they offer a menu with ten courses special dishes activate the palate to all five kinds of flavor. One of the restaurants Signature Dishes is actually called tuna and it can. Like a lawn restaurant as part of south africas oldest winery even napoleon enjoyed wine from the cellars wines from the region paired with a special Dining Experience could very well be worth a trip. Now on a friday about to put you off your food fancy eating plastic for dinner well thats what you may already be doing micro beats the type you find in Beauty Products washing down our drains polluting Water Supplies and the food chain now the United Kingdom is banning the manufacture of the plastic particles. In this ocean lies an invisible threat might create be the plastic particles can be found and face crops toothpastes and shower gel and a deadly form rain life but now the u. K. Is taking action the country has banned the manufacturing of products containing micro beets and will stop sales later this year it marks a move beyond regulating Plastic Packaging on the outside to managing the use of non degradable plastics as actually agreed with in products. Weve recommended the latte leftie because of the recyclability of coffee cups and weve also recommended that producers who may call to recycle products halt mixed paper in Plastic Products should be forced to pay more for them there are many biodegradable replacements the plastic micro beefs but they are mostly found in the more expensive brands. Weve got pumice powder which we use in the products its a little bit more exposure the ating and weve ground rice powder which we use in all facial scrubs as well and the benefits of things that because we never use plastic theyre all biodegradable if they break down in the oceans they dont get into the food chain and we dont end up eating them the ban could also mean future changes for companies who make cleaning products due to the widespread use of micro b c. Thats all your business now back to brant and to north africa thank you more than two hundred people have been arrested Dozens Injured after one of a ruptured engine easy one protester has also been killed anger and government all stare at the measures has been driving the violence to nature has earned praise for his transition to democracy after the arab spring in two thousand and ten but tensions are rising over economic hardships by ordinary. Bangor new austerity measures spilling over into unrest tunisias government introduced the measures on january first and placed a strain on the pocketbooks of many tunisians. And many places demonstrators took to Looting Stores and to board a one man died possibly from breathing tear gas from police. It was seven years ago that the arab spring began here in the west tunisia is seen as an example of a Successful Transition to democracy not everyone is happy though. We had ten governments in seven years but got nothing but promises. To be the kind of problems are getting worse for poor people but politicians are living the high life look the search people also took to the streets in the capital tunis as well the origin of the protests is a deal the government agreed to at the International Monetary fund to help curb rising Debt Economic reforms were introduced one result fuel prices as well as many taxes went up as of the new year. It is our right to demonstrate for a lot of people it will be more difficult to make ends meet. Discontent is growing in tunisia more protests are planned for this coming sunday the seventh anniversary of the countrys revolution. When the french actress Catherine Deneuve and at least another one hundred women have signed an open letter criticizing the me to movement now they accuse its supporters of underestimating womens ability to simply say no and of ruining the lives of innocent men but the news critics have condemned her remarks with some calling her an apologist for rape. We should mention be free to hit on women this response to recent feminist social media campaigns comes from Catherine Deneuve seen here put train and attractive housewife half a century ago of sexual double the leading french actress such that men have been some really punished or forced out of their jobs when all they did was touch someone sneak or try to still a kiss. To nerve and the other womens main target the me too movement which emerged from the rape allegations against hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein in october they say the movement amounts to puritanism and poses a threat to sexual freedom they open intricate fierce reactions from french feminists who denounced the letter as eventually like the oak wood work clique or annoying uncle who doesnt understand whats happening or more does it clearly in this letter published in le monde you find all the stereotypes that we have to deal with every day by the Office Coffee machine or at family dinners and. The letter also prompted a backlash on social media actress a gentle one of the first to accuse weinstein wrote that the women who signed it a telling the world quote how their interiorized to massage any hazlitt bottom ice them to the point of no return. Strong views on both sides and that means to debate could still have a long way to go. Or traditionally skiing is a major highlight of any Winter Olympics at the Upcoming Games in john. Will be the start to beat still just twenty two the american has been this boards dominant figure for several years her peers believe shes the best skier of all time schifrin believes her professional work ethic is the secret to her skiing success. Olympic aspirations dont come much more nailed on than in the case of u. S. A. s mckayla schifrin the reigning olympic world and world cup champion is one of the biggest draws for the upcoming winter games in. The twenty two year old was crowned u. S. Slalom champion in twenty eleven aged just fifteen and former olympic Gold Medalist bode miller believes she already ranks among the greatest ever Alpine Skiing yeah i mean mikael is a favorite of mine all the time i think shes maybe the best serious ive ever seen male or female shes you know so balanced dynamic intense and focused so for me i think shes got a chance in any event shes used i would say its likely she wins two golds i would say outside shot of five medals and i think probably her best maybe three or four of them are gold if shifrin makes hurtling down mountainsides at breakneck speed look effortless she owes it to hard work as much as talent the american also believes confidence in our own ability is key to success i tested myself more which is a huge piece of it going into races just feeling like when im nervous and im like trying to get and i have to trust that i know what im going to do schifrin heads in chang in prolific form having won her fifth straight slalom event in austria on tuesday a forty first career win but dominance was labelled as frustrating by runner up frida hands daughter. If a rich vein of form carries over to next months games the question isnt whether shell claim a medal but how many. And now to the end of one of the most extraordinary i thought the careers of all time after hussein far and now the frenchman. Has announced his retirement from competitive sports at the tender age of one hundred six yup the record setting cyclist has done just about everyone for his staying power but now hes finally saying goodbye to the bike. The end of an era for the man whos outlasted them all. One hundred six year old sean has quit cycling with a string of World Records to his name the last of those came one year ago when he set the record in his age group the distance cycled in an hour twenty two point five kilometers he said he could have gone further the centenarians remarkable life has taken him far beyond cycling hes had stints as a firefighter in paris a sugarcane plant to invent as well and done a lumberjack in canada he was also in prison during World War Two his long life and multitude of experiences have given him a sanguine perspective on mortality. You know sir it takes nine months to come into this world and then only thirty seconds to kick the bucket. His life on two wheels has come to an end now for. Its on to the next adventure. Your legs look that good at one hundred five or six heres a reminder the top stories were following for you german chancellor Angela Merkels conservative bloc in the social democrats are entering a decisive phase in talks about forming a new Coalition Government in germany the deadline for those talks tomorrow. After a short break ill be back to take you through the day. Enter the conflict zone a new president has taken the oath of office in zimbabwe to see any different from the old one my guest here in london is nick one of the u. K. Representative of the countrys ruling zanu p. F. Party with thirty five years of bloodshed and the economy really was full of business so they have continued to govern. In sixty d. W. The top stories followed across social media to share your comments and content welcome to the t w news. Are you up to speed on the latest technology. Then it may be time for an upgrade. Become part of the future become the most exciting board i must say a word so i have created a new sense on the new organ and design my perception of reality implants that make every day life easier. I use my plants on a daily basis that optimize the shoeman body and to connect people more effectively. I hope that this will make us more ethical persons if we have a greater understanding for each other. What would life be like as a cyborg how far would people be willing to go to so at the end of the day these technologies can be used against us or what effect will it happen society does the human race really need an upgrade i think its only the beginning of this. Cyborg schiemann machines starting february first on d w. Question for you which donald trump do you see were just this week we viewed a genius an idiot the hardest of workers and a president who likes to sleep in in washington he remains first some russias best friend and tonight he says that hes the reason the two koreas are talking again im broke off in berlin this is the day

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