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President donald trump try to stop him from publication trump hits back at accusations in it that hes not fit to govern describing himself as a quote very stable genius. And deadly Winter Weather blasts the northeastern United States well take you to massachusetts where the cold is paralyzing communities along the east coast. Im having a good to have you with us germany and turkey have pledged to take steps to calm tensions between the two countries German Foreign minister and his turkish counterpart. Were meeting to discuss recent disputes including over a wave of the arrests in turkey following the failed coup when twenty sixteen at least nine german citizens were among those arrested including that is you joe a correspondent for germanys do you read newspaper hes been in a turkish prison for more than ten months without formal indictment. Well heres what the two Foreign Ministers have to say about the outcome of todays talks. We have set ourselves the task of doing Everything Possible to overcome the difficulties and the german tarkus relationship. And remembering what unites us to find more Common Ground for the future and. That of the yes there are differences. There have been problems even tensions and escalations. But we only agree and have the shared desire to overcome these tensions and differences through dialogue and notable news. For more im joined in a studio by. Who has reported extensively from turkey great to have you with us here in the studio yeah hi im now the German Foreign minister and his turkish counterpart have met in capitals hometown of eight germany what was the mood like well the atmosphere during that press conference was not exactly relaxed id say but it was friendly and it was respectful and there seems to be and thats important the necessary willingness to overcome the Current Crisis both minister has said they will do everything they can to improve relations because after all germany is turkeys biggest trading partner and they are important nato allies and there are more than three Million People with turkish origin living here in germany but of course appeasement and warble appeasement is only one side there needs to be action actually it is only one side you and i both scenarios that talk can be cheap in diplomatic circumstances what will the main challenges now be well there are still disagreements over. Postcoup crackdown on opposition members and people suspected of being supporters of that twenty sixteen coup attempt and the arrest of server old german national. Including journalist didnt is you joe and the German Government clearly says here until. His huge oil is not being released and doesnt get his fair trial there cannot be a normalization in the relations whereas turkey on the other hand always claims that that germany doesnt show enough understanding for the trauma that this coup attempt has caused in turkey and that germany is also helping suspected terrorists to hide on on German Ground and in germany and they certainly dont agree over turkeys prospects for even membership well lets just touch on that case of the imprisoned german journalist an issue jailed in a turkish prison because according to media reports germany is ready to restart arms sales to turkey does this boil down to to you show his release in exchange for weaponry well ahead of todays meeting there was an interview that German Foreign minister god gave to a dish and apparently there he suggested that many arms of military Equipment Sales to turkey are currently on hold because of the strained relations and this will not change until there is a solution to the case of din is your chill he now denied having said that but of course the debate is going on for example members of the green party and of the political left in germany in germany are heavily criticizing this now saying that of course youre jill needs to be released but this should be a separate thing it shouldnt be on the condition a condition for arms sales and arms sales should be blocked until there are real improvements in the general human rights situation in turkey. Covering that story for us thank you very much indeed. Now to some of the other stories making news around the world the u. S. Ambassador to the United Nations nikki haley has warned a wrong that the world is watching its response to antigovernment protests a comments came at a u. N. Security Council Meeting that iran and russia criticized the u. S. For calling the meeting saying the protests are a domestic matter. Scuffles broke out in bethlehem as the Greek Orthodox patriarch for the holy land arrive to celebrate orthodox christmas protesters clashed with police and churchgoers as thier follows the third made his way to the church of the nativity palestinians accuse the greek patriarch of setting than two israelis in favorable deals. And us President Donald Trump has rejected claims made in a new tell all book about his presidency in response to questions raised in the book about his fitness for office trump said that he would not just qualify as smart but genius and a very stable genius at that well a us secretary of state Rex Tillerson also disputed claims in the book saying he has never question the president s Mental Fitness but in the meantime the book can titled fire and fury has become an instant bestseller the book the u. S. President could not stop from hitting the shelves sold out within minutes and many straws deeply critical it depicts a chaotic white house and questions Donald Trumps fitness for office its author Michael Wolff appeared on u. S. Television to back up his claims. I will tell you the one description that that everyone gave everyone has in common they all say he is like a child and what they mean by that is he has it and the need for Immediate Gratification its all about him they say hes. A moron in. There is a competition to sort of get to the bottom line here of who this man is lets remember this man does not read does not listen so hes hes like a. Its like the pinball just to shooting off the side this is the man wolf can factor helping the title sorta number one on amazon Donald Trumps former chief strategist and former ally steve bannon his disparaging remarks about the u. S. President released in early excerpts triggered trumps public attempts to block the books release and sent him on soaring. Trump has threatened to sue bannon and wolf and on twitter who described the book as full of lies and i authorized zero access to white house actually turned him down many times for author a phony book i never spoke to him for the book full of lies misrepresentations and sources that dont exist look at this guys past and watch what happens to him and stop he steve with a message from us for those doubts about wolfs credibility have been echoed by some of trumps allies and by others including former british Prime Minister tony blair he called a claim made about him a complete fabrication. Wolf says he stands by everything in the book though he does acknowledge he could not resolve certain discrepancies between some accounts very little presents the truth may not be clear in fire and fury but thats not stopping people from lining up to buy it. Face it Winter Weather is gripping the northeastern u. S. Again this weekend threatening a fresh round of record breaking those also the u. S. In canada seeing wind chills at around minus thirty degrees celsius in massachusetts city streets a turning into frozen fields of ice and snow the biggest storm surges in massachusetts in three decades and at minus twenty nine degrees celsius water is literally freezing in the streets here. Traffic is frozen to those hoping to get into their cars will just have to wait until the ice thaw its. Keeping an eye on all of those different floodings and if anyone wants a question Global Warming just to see what a flood flood zones are those zones didnt flood thirty years ago weather agencies are calling it a bombsite clone where cold and warm air masses collide triggering a rapid drop in bear metric pressure many people need help to get to safety several u. S. States have declared a state of emergency the National Guard is out in force and coming up with creative ways to help the rescue effort it was scary and i want to get out they came up to the front door and they. Like he put me over their shoulders and put me in their car and new yorks central park the extreme weather isnt putting everyone off but the weekend might put even the bravest to the test because believe it or not its going to get colder. Will german football now most been does lead to teams are in what climates as they prepare for the second half of the season on munich arent they at their winter Training Camp in cattle for the eighth Straight Year and have been criticized again for not commenting on the human rights situation in the gulf country for the football well the action kicks off next friday when table top of the uk horns with labor coups in and that working on integrating a new high profile signing. Byron munich has sunning themselves in the middle east in preparation for their post winter break much is germany strikers and will wagner has been drafted in june in the break to provide backup for main man who bet leaving. Wagner was let go by byron as a youngster and hes delighted to be back. And i was one hundred percent sure that i wanted to go back home to my club that was clear im really really happy that it worked out. By owner spending just five days on the persian gulf that doesnt leave much time for fun meet and greet and marketing stunts. But they arent losing any sleep over the human rights situation in qatar either. Were here for sport were trying to do our job here. We want to prepare as best we can for the rest of the season. You punk is knows exactly what shortcomings by our need to work on the veteran coach has studied the ship since his appointment as Carlo Ancelotti successor in october. That happens quickly with his coaching team. Things work he still knew some of the teams so it didnt take long to adapt a few chords byron want to take their newfound impetus into the second half of the season as they aim to win as many trophies as possible the been this league title at least already looks a certainty. Well north korean athletes take part in the Winter Olympics next month in in south korea both countries have agreed to hold their first formal talks in over two years next tuesday and that could pave the way for a north korean athletes to attend the upcoming day. The host city for the Winter Olympics chang is just eighty kilometers from the Demilitarized Zone that separates the two countries. On the ninth of january officials from both sides will meet at the truce village p. On yom in twenty fourteen the two nations were able to reach an agreement here ahead of the asian games in incheon. North korean athletes crossed the border to take part but tensions prevailed throughout the tournament at the two thousand and three university some a games in south korea the two countries much together under one flag at the Opening Ceremony now several experts and officials have suggested that they could do so again at the pyongyang games and could even compete as a single nation on thursday the president s of south korea and the United States agree to postpone their joint military exercises during the olympics which has led to this sporting opportunity by next week north and south korea may well have settled on a deal that could see sport replace military tensions at least for a while. Now lets take a look at a rather unconventional take on a Winter Sports top ski is teamed up with motorcyclists in the italian alps for the first of a bike and ski night race first off skiers hurtle down the slope at a race against time but when they reach the bottom things get a little bit unusual once a skier drives their motorcycle teammate faas up the engine and drives straight back up the runway to coke in the overall time a joint swiss italian team took first place at the bag attended by almost four thousand spectators. For more news coming up at the top of the hour you can always get the latest on our web site d w dot com i had a home for him but then thanks for joining me and i hope to see you again soon. Center. I. Find. That. Discovery. Video and audio podcast and

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