A burden many married childless women in niger suffer from. A wife is only fully accepted upon motherhood. A very personal film about the suffering of childless women in niger. Fruitless tree starting january fourteenth on t w. For g. W. On facebook and twitter. To date and in touch. Drilling at all costs seven years ago the deepwater horizon catastrophe cost death and viral mental havoc now the Trump Administration wants to open nearly all u. S. Coastline to offshore exploitation also on the program the dow its twenty five thousand points the u. S. President says thanks to him well put that into perspective for you and turkeys economy is boasting impressive growth but is it Sustainable Well get the word from istanbul. This is a business im crystal folbre Welcome Energy independence is king Donald Trumps government wants to open u. S. Coastlines to more offshore drilling while Energy Companies are cheering several coastal states vaal to do whatever it takes to stop that from happening. The five year plan calls for forty seven new offshore leases opening waters that have been off limits for decades including areas off the california and florida coasts is a move that the u. S. Interior Department Says is in the nations interest but it is a clear difference between interview we. And the president were going to have the strongest Energy Policy and become the strongest and. We certainly. Do that the proposal follows last weeks announcement of plans to roll back or even repeal safety regulations adopted under the Obama Administration environmental groups have vowed to oppose the move and are organizing protests offshore drilling is is inherently dirty its inevitable that there will be an oil spill such as was the case off the coast of Santa Barbara in two thousand and fifteen where hundred thousand gallons of oil spilled into the ocean killing fish Marine Mammals and other wildlife. And you can go as far back as two thousand and ten to the b. P. Departed horizon spill which spilled millions of barrels into the gulf of mexico the plan has already drawn heavy criticism from several coastal states among them the carolinas and california also in florida where memories of the deepwater horizon spill remain fresh the two thousand and ten oil platform explosion claimed the lives of eleven oil workers and devastated the gulf coast. Staying in the United States the Dow Jones Industrial average has surged past twenty five thousand points for the first time thursdays milestone comes off the back of a rapid rise for the new chip index in part by an overhaul of u. S. Taxes which substantially cuts the Corporate Tax rate u. S. President donald trump was quick to claim responsibility for the new record and already has his sights set on yet another. We did in fact break twenty five thousand very substantially break it very easily. So i guess i do numbers there he says but what they what it means is every time you see that number go up on wall street it means jobs mean success all right lets put that into perspective for you and have a look at the dow jones over the last decade after the financial crisis u. S. Markets hit a low of about six thousand six hundred points back in march of two thousand and nine just weeks after barack obama had been elected to the white house since then the market has seen the longest rise in wall street history now the dow had almost tripled in value by the end of two thousand and sixteen mm and donald trump won the election and yes it has continued to rise since then. To turkey now and the countrys economy has proven surprisingly resilient despite political uncertainties but there are some dark clouds on the horizon g. D. P. Growth took a big hit and twenty sixteen after a failed coup attempt but then roared back a surge in construction and Government Spending puts turkeys g. D. P. Growth on track to exceed six and a half percent for twenty seventeen that number only outpaced by china and india but inflation remains a major problem at the end of last year annual Consumer Price growth reached almost twelve perth percent and thats had an impact on the turkish currency the lira has been a long on a long steady decline for years worth over fifty u. S. Cents five years ago now down to around half of that now the weak currency helps make turkish exports cheap but it reflects a lack of confidence in the economy and its making it increasingly difficult for many turks to make ends meet. Activists suddenly had to get used to serving tea for the last four months hes been working as a temporary waiter in this istanbul cafe. Hed never imagined things could come to this only last summer move that was the proud owner of a small hotel he was the boss but the economic crisis runed his business he went bankrupt was forced to sell up. Because if you do we are going to. It feels awful to crash like that its just such a huge difference between what i was and what i am now. Doing my house is mainly european tourists in my hotel but they stopped coming and i started to lose money on whats happened in the last two years my business collapsed completely the. Lots of turkeys businesses have gone the way of move outs on the stumbles main shopping boulevard the lively misty club the signs of economic malays are everywhere. Turkeys inflation rate has hit a fourteen year high and the lira is constantly losing value creating problems for many. But senator look thats all we now know that you are so its got us to go out a lot to eat but thats become a luxury for us. Were always comparing what we were able to buy and what we can buy now but thats not much use. We only lose money because of years of bad policies of the we are not in the discontent is rife even though officially the economy is booming skyscrapers a sprouting up in istanbuls financial district thanks to state subsidies the week earlier has seen exports increase president one claims that the economy grew by as much as seven percent in twenty seventeen the main in you economies dont even come close to that. Economist. Doesnt trust the glowing figures he says turkeys economic miracle is built on sand we do have an investment boom in structures as you know istanbul is now covered with this skyscrapers but thats that investment it doesnt productivity growth it is what the economists call sustainable we cant go like that. That active player has his own crisis to deal with after hes finished his shift in the cafe he often walks past the hotel he owned not so long ago. But move thats already given up hope it might one day be his again. Not for more lets bring in Gareth Jenkins who is with the Nonprofit Research institute for security and Development Policy in istanbul karratha to the program now we just heard in the report an economist saying that the growth in turkey the Economic Growth is built on sand and not sustainable whats your take on that i tend to agree i mean certainly the extraordinary high growth rates we have seen for the Third Quarter of two thousand and seventeen eleven point one percent thats not sustainable thats necessarily mean thats going to be an economic collapse but i think everybody expects the pace of growth slowed considerably in two thousand and eighteen and a lot of business is already complaining about squeezed Profit Margins and things like this so were not going to see a sustained growth of these kind of levels well but present data on seems to enjoy these growth figures do you see any attempt by the government to steer towards a more Sustainable Growth its very difficult for him because he faces president ial elections in two thousand and nineteen after moments that show you from november two thousand and nineteen theres the expectation he may try to bring move forward and he knows that a lot of voters are going to be looking at the state of the economy. In order to have the Structural Reforms to if you really need the economy its going to be some time before they pass through two terms of people being out to feel offended in that daily lives he doesnt have enough troops to do that before november two thousand and nineteen or course if the elections are held. What are the Structural Reforms that seem necessary here. Well one thing of course as mentioned in your report is that you have to have you know you have to have some changes to the way that the central bank operates it has to be allowed full independence at the moment its independence is only on paper it has to be able to enter raise Interest Rates etc in accordance with the Economic Conditions there also needs to be an overhaul of the legal system were still under a state of emergency here with a lot of right suspend it i dont think anybody seriously thinks and its actually rule of law in the country at the moment because investors need to know when they invest their investments could be safe so has to be a lot of very major reforms in the economy like this and gareth bravery meanwhile one of turkeys allies iran is facing a political crisis how will that impact things when not sure at the moment i mean turkey is a relationship with iran has always been highly compartmentalized you have it has quite a lot of trade with iran with of course their sectarian libels to a certain extent as to teach it rivals even have a short term Tactical Alliance at the moment weve seen the economy the economic relations picking up this year with iran not such a good year last year were expecting around about twelve million. In bilateral trade twenty billion dollars sorry bilateral trade two thousand and seventeen. But its the butyl not to the turkish economy i mean the balance of trade is two to one in irans faith. Jenkins of the institute for security and Development Policy interest of all thank you so much. And thats i shall thanks for watching for more find us on Facebook Follow us on twitter and of course theres always the website thats d. W. Dot com slash business and heres a look at markets are trading at the moment. Trauma strong emotion. The a q. And a out because she saw. The stocks experience this clash of time what makes this encounter. To. Be called. The. Intensity of. Chinese. Needs to be. Done to stop destroying. Safe farms and the down there are countless ego at africa in sixty minutes on d w. Where i come from we have to fight for a free press that was born and raised in a military dictatorship with just one to the shadow and if you newspapers when official information as a journalist i have walked off the streets of many canvassed and they have problems are always the same forward to social inequality a lack of the freedom of the press. Corruption weak on the floor to stay silent when it comes to the fans of the humans and see the right to fold who have decided to put their trust in us. My name is jenny paris and i work a day w

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