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Kenya and germany im male tiger i believe fossey park in Lagos Nigeria a my colleague sharma my joins us from nairobi hello sharon. Hello and today we have a glittering a ray of environmental ideas for you heres what we have lined up on the show. Today we are traveling to the stunning only National Park in kenya where locals and we alongside. Will find out how a mobile app in germany is helping to keep that would be great. In morocco were catching a ride in an electric car to explore how the countrys transport system is going. As you may know nigeria has a very ambitious plan to reduce c o two emissions by at least twenty five percent within the next ten to fifteen years it also has a lot of initiatives that could help. Me to get the effects of Climate Change but we have to totally sensitized people in the idea if we want to achieve that says nigerian lady george who is an environmental activists well we did catch up with her quiet and serene place tomorrow george tells us what she can do or what she brings others can do for the environment. Thanks for having me. Thank you so very what you do and start a consultancy welcome kind of finance and how africa. Some an activist some are searching and me about what i think. I want to ask you how old you are but for a young person i mean you have the world ahead of you while you take up activism and i was fascinated about the environment and the colors of this at this socalled full its so beautiful sometimes but i was also sad when i went to niger delta. Saw how where all the money nigeria has came from. And you just saw such on the development as such so its pretty sad when i go to the beach on the beach is no one of their awful beach so its its sad. So someone has to talk about this how can we encourage other young people to get involved i mean look at how to encourage the largest society to buy into this Climate Change martin kind of environment. We are the one thats going to face the impacts of Climate Change we are the younger one so we have a low should be included in all the Decision Making processes be included in all the stakeholders gauge menthe so that we have a voice we can because its easier with social media coming up everybody shares things easier to follow up on what is happening to you youve travelled around homeless around you or something germany or in other countries would you go to do. And as a climate witness to speak about Climate Change migration we have a lot of activists in germany thats a walking towards them shutting coal factories and industries so theyre broads there me and another person from the philippines to talk about how Climate Change impacts us how we have felt Climate Change so they can have sympathy and they can know what their mission is cause theyre in the other parts of the continent do you think that we believe you said that made any sense you know they made a lot of impact because some studies studies say that jamie the g seven countries will contribute up a fifty percent terminations historical emissions so we can say theyre responsible for Climate Change so they take up their responsibility and help all the countries that are still trying to develop and we had our government talk about kumar source a general who is in the can do jim and i think its not a good idea for niger to go into court but im positive im positive after the Climate Change conference morrocco the government of the german to the government to move in nigeria and i think thatll partnerships in the way for solar. Energy and for viewable energy theres also word of Renewable Energy in the north east so theres a lot of things on the ground and were hoping with good advice. With folk as per. The interest of the people at heart. Make the right choices and id say theyve done well and continue. From a dirty city streets to dusty roads out in the bush lets move from nigeria to the other side of a continent to kenya and talk about a new partnership in the. Shower only one tell us whats going on there well the African Wildlife foundation is busy setting up a network between the Masai Community and a safari operator all of an effort to protect the admin both that inhabit the result he has. When the sun rises here in southern kenya elephants make their way to the watering hole no matter what season it is in the south however i can certainly see they can count on finding water. The private Conservation Area is home to a diverse flora and fauna. The elephants and other species like zebra and will the beast use the current dog to migrate between tanzania and kenya. However human settlement and agriculture posed a threat to the ecosystem. In order to protect the wildlife the African Wildlife foundation decided to partner with the local mass i can unity. I think its low we recognize that. Government alone cannot effectively steward Natural Resources and people began to talk about the need for involving the local people who live depend on the natural his sources in the conservation of those resources i think thats a much more sustainable long of conservation. Together with the African Wildlife foundation the mass i devised a Land Use Plan now one part of the area is reserved for agriculture and settlement and another part is reserved for conservation. A small luxury lodge was set up to develop tourism at several hundred euros a night a room here doesnt come cheap yet a large attracts tourists from all over the world. Their environment the Majestic Mountain who suddenly comes off yeah its always beautiful and suddenly in the Early Morning hours when it is there and its in its ground there and. The environment. Typical amboseli look to elephants in a row kilimanjaro behind. This holiday. The lodge not only benefits wildlife and tourists it also benefits the community. The lodge is the community over four hundred seventy thousand euros so far. Part of the revenue is used to Fund Community projects such as a school a well and husbandry services. The large also trains and employs about twenty five members of the local community. For. One of the beneficiaries of this program i make the b. B. C. s even a shop at the lodge. Even the cattle you see at the bull hole we bought those with money we got from the lodge because im one of the shareholders and. Since the lodge was set up many locals have become more environmentally aware. What used to be viewed as a threat is now regarded as a valuable source of income. Personally i love elephants. I love them because when most tourists come here they come to see the elephant. Even in the conventions weve attended we see that the elephant has the most value. So were protect our border now and then where are the other animals. Solving human wildlife conflict isnt easy but the n. R. I. Conservancy shows that it is possible. Protected areas make up one tenth of kenyas territory and the human population keeps on increasing so its crucial to find solutions that benefit both humans and wildlife. Fire best is bad for your health but theres been no way to know exactly how much of it is in the vicinity at any given moment and how i miss it if that is building a network of sensors across the german city to measure how many of the dangerous particles are in real time and the data can be called on at a time on the internet four hundred of the devices have already gone online other review of that last year amount of five deaths in the air exceeded third levels are worrying number of times. The city of stuttgart in southern germany some of the countrys best known Car Manufacturers are based here most families have at least one car but lots of vehicles emit lots of harmful fine dust particles. This intersection is where i coach ignite lives hed like to drive less but thats easier said than done when combined fabric transport just doesnt take you where you want to go then you have no choice but to take the car because stuttgart lies in the valley cycling is also really exhausting. Stuttgart is the fine dust capital of germany the tiny particles emitted in car exhaust can damage the heart and lungs cheek now measures levels of the particulate around his home at a station he put together himself to data he collects is passed on to the website loft darton dought info their users can check to see how high levels are in real time in their neighborhood and throughout the city when levels rise cheek no leaves his car at home. His measuring equipment came from book a lab stuttgart which also provided online instructions on how to build it from scratch its made up of a processor and wireless chip a u. S. B. Power supply source and two plastic pipes to. From the weather total cost about. Seven that is im still just put it together and stick it in the pipe and then the hardware is ready to go of course theres still the software but it isnt hard to get it up and running it just so you dont have to program anything yourself. Yun lot the head of Ok Lab Stuttgart set up lift doughty info two years ago after he discovered the just five percent of the citys residents leave their cars at home even after fine dust alarms are issued. That bothered him so he decided to do something to wake people up to the danger by making the data more visible and more accessible. To mention its a way to help people change their consumer and mobility behaviors in this area has been shaped strongly by automobiles we have to do something and continue to develop our products productive right and this should provide a little impetus for people to just stop and think hey what are we doing here with. The burden filtering back State Government in stuttgart has already announced that in twenty eighteen days when fine dust levels climb to high it will bend certain types of diesel cars. Birbhum climatologist is responsible for the citys official measuring stations. Hes generally in favor of the self installed fine dust sensors so he does have a few reservations. Certainly a good measure for raising consciousness if the devices are used properly but there is a danger that data could be falsely interpreted. How. Well say one person measures on the street another in a courtyard one says his spot is heavily polluted the other says here where i live there is little pollution but only because the two locations really cant be compared at all and the movement to set up private measuring stations isnt confined to stuttgart people in other regions are also using them four hundred have been set up so far. Become were getting really positively back at the trans regional level is it people are enthusiastic and want to build one straight away. The group has received inquiries from as far afield as south africa Ok Lab Stuttgart is now cooperating with the organization open data durban which tracks in around Water Quality there in many of south africas cities traffic is posing the same environmental challenges as it does in stuttgart. In europe millions of tons of food end up in the rubbish every year much of it from restaurants and cafes that have not been able to sell everything at other startup wants to change that empty knows more thats right sorry too good to go has developed an app that helps Restaurant Owners to pass on leftovers before little money by the end of the day before they are tossed into the garbage another example a good way of doing your bit for the end. Did you know you can reduce food waste with an app. When restaurants and cafes call it a day they often have leftover food which they throw away. Thats how every year over one million tons of edibles end up in the garbage in germany and. The startup too good to go wanted to do something about that. They developed an app designed to reduce food waste. With the app customers can order food that otherwise would be thrown away. Later when the restaurant closes they can pick up that order they just showed the receipt and take home perfectly edible food for less than four years. The business and a little extra and kutztown Waste Disposal costs. Its a win win situation for everyone involved since the company was set up in twenty fifteen over one million meals have been saying. To us you are also doing your bit tell us about it. Is it our website or send us a tweet. Doing your bit we share your stories. The danube delta is one of the most stunning landscapes in europe much of it lies in romania thanks shes a vast wetlands on rare wildlife its remained a unesco World Heritage site joined the countrys comedies much of a delta was drained for farming and that proves to be an environmental disaster now. Help. Resident an environmentalist hoping to strike a balance between the. And the conservation. Fisherman valeri zero trophy mav loves his home he grew up in the danube delta in romania here the river danube widens before emptying into the black sea. A network of waterways covers fifty eight hundred square kilometers of paradise for birds and fish but many here are wondering how long it will last. The area has been under threat before particularly during the communist rule of nikolai ceausescu he ordered land to be claimed and tried to set up large scale industry in the process huge spawning grounds for fish were destroyed. Now the site geist has changed. We need to find a new solution to protect nature and to protect us residents to where on the right track. Many of the Twelve Thousand residents here believe that eco tourism could be the solution. The locals want to attract visitors to this eastern part of the European Union to enjoy the river landscape with its rich ecosystem. The idea of eco tourism started in the village of meal a tray in the local community center. Has invited everyone to a meeting. Forty years ago he used to be an olympic Gold Medalist and canoeing. Now hes developed an initiative for Sustainable Development in the delta. The idea is that conservation is important but sidespin urges the locals to preserve their houses in traditional style he says everyone stands to benefit but thats not easy. Just want to rent out little cottages but have to fulfil the standards of a small hotel we cant do it and then Big Hotel Chains come in from outside. The outside understands the concerns but its exactly because he doesnt want Big Hotel Chains in the danube delta that hes encouraging the locals to get active themselves. At this building site theyre eager to show that living in a traditional cottage doesnt mean giving up the benefits of modern life. Building materials and this type of construction have almost been forgotten there are hardly any builders these days who know how to produce bricks or how to thatch roofs but we want to change that. And there are already signs of success some villagers have spruced up their homes and canoes and are now offering lodging for tourists. Larry a trophy is also renting out his home. A room here goes for twenty five euros a night with half. Still feels happiest when hes out on the danube pursuing his main livelihood. But if eco tourism can help to preserve this natural paradise hes willing to adapt to new business models. Lets now get back to africa morocco is one country in africa upon the arming role in the fight against Climate Change and has therefore a long. Green Strategy Plan to cope with threats and. Reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions. Tell us more. Of course this country has ambitious plans they want to get more than fifty percent of its energy needs from renewables by twenty thirty and one key aspect of the Climate Action plan is morocco is determination to promote mobility in the future that doesnt rely on fossil fuels take a look. Off from an ad buy in loves riding his bike he works as a waiter and cant afford a car it wouldnt be much good to him in Central America anyway here the most efficient way of getting around is on foot or by bike. She just you know inside the wall is that outside the newtown takes you twenty minutes twenty five minutes to go anywhere you want to just you have to be a strong legs on stronger knee. And buy in takes advantage of an initiative called medina bike its a cycle sharing scheme three hundred bikes are stationed at different sites across the city membership costs fifty year as a year all the organizing is done via cell phone. And if problems crop. Up users can seek help from one of the bike ambassadors who work at the stations twenty four hours a day. A simple just how to code i knew no need to know how to use it properly thats it. User data is collated in a basement workshop just outside the city center. This is where. Founded the start up six months ago its the first bike sharing scheme in africa five thousand users have already signed up. It really depressing but it is this really we plan to concentrate on tourists. We set up the stations at main sites where tourists would see them. What if it worked out even better now locals use the bikes even more than tourists do. The young entrepreneur even managed to enlist the support of the moroccan government which is keen to make the country more environmentally friendly. Its investing in Renewable Energies such as solar power the plan is that when you will provide fifty percent of Americas Energy consumption including in the transport sector. The Green Energy Park is a thirty minute drive from america cached around seventy scientists work here researching future technologies such as electric mobility. The countrys hot temperatures pose a particular challenge. But as engineer. Explains another major challenge is changing public thinking. From technical side. The battery and the performance of the vehicle but then we need to make sure that the electrical cars will be accepted. In the city and. To help this happen the research is donated several electric cars to social institution such as a home for people with disabilities. It makes it easier for residents to be taken out on trips. And it allows the researchers to see how the vehicles hold up to every day use. And the staff at the home love their new wheels. Save money. We dont need to fill up on petrol. We use the car a la exist but we only need to recharge it once a week. But for electric cars to become more popular they need to become more affordable says. Until then people like kaufman and his friends will stick to bikes. So thats all for todays africa show we hope youve enjoyed latest addition about nature and the environment my name is now its a way from the first to park in Lagos Nigeria. And of course visit our website if you want to find out more about us tories or visits as on us social media pages and have your say my name is sharon will mine you will see you again next week for another edition of the european empanada and battlements magazine. The but. The big. Success from the troops. The first. The best in conduct. Young musicians from germany and. The best. Seventeen campus project gets the best. Through eat sleep. Images from an isolated country images from the north korea. Captured shots of everyday life in a regimented society. A north korean diary starting december twenty. Every journey begins with the first step and every language of the first word elephant of nikko hes in germany to learn german. 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