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Popped up across the country some however answer them with a feeling of dread because it was one year ago that a major terrorist attack was carried out at a bustling Christmas Market in berlin a truck plowed into a crowd leaving twelve people dead and over seventy injured a year after that horrible incident the memory of that night remains fresh for many especially for those who lost loved ones while debate over how police and politicians handled the event continues to rage many of the victims families feel abandoned by the system that was supposed to protect them polish citizen gina urban lost her son he was murdered by the assailant who hijacked his vehicle to carry out the atrocity. Yanina orban has brought fresh candles for her sons grave truck driver luca was the first to die last year in the terrorist attack on a berlin Christmas Market. Visiting the graveyard in bonnie poland has become a sad ritual for her and her husband. A very we come here almost every other day we need to clean up because so many people come here from all over poland from all over europe it needs to be kept tidy. His mother does not want to speak on camera shes overcome with tears and bitterness especially now one year after the attack she blames the German Authorities and the german chancellor in particular and she also believes the attack could have been prevented. The family feels abandoned they still hope to receive some personal token of sympathy a letter of condolence from chancellor angela merkel. She isnt the only one critical of how those left behind have been treated many at the Christmas Market around berlins historic Memorial Church are also dissatisfied. Inside pastor catalina holds a service one year ago she was in here with her confirmation pupils when a truck drove into the crowd outside. Its caption they were quick to make public statements and hold an official service but any personal address asking what do you need how can we help that came later. Thats the main point the twelve victims relatives harshly criticize aside from flowers words and reads nothing much has happened they feel abandoned by the government which has yet to respond to the accusations. Whats more the past months have revealed a growing number of mistakes made during investigations which has further infuriated those left behind the police have been shadowing the attacker on his armory for months and traced his movements across two federal states yet they still failed to arrest the radicalized islamist one year ago on december nineteenth pastor she said goodbye to her confirmation pupils after a nativity play just minutes after the Christmas Market had become a crime scene. The attack fundamentally changed the community. With the attack this church lost a bit of its symbolism of security and other worldliness we are part of the world with all of its horace. We are unprotected from them and must respond. Pastor shtetl still feels like shes been left alone despite the countless Police Officers now patrolling the Christmas Market the authorities utter failure last year has broken lots of trust back then the community wanted to help the victims quickly itll be with us and its our letters were sent out fall too late and that was partly because the government did little to assist. That also shows we did things too slowly and we werent sure how to handle things. And has. All the. After the attack mistakes in the investigation merely increased the suffering of the dems and relatives alike. Cousin is also better. Owns the company for which look drove to berlin for the last scrap from the truck used in the attack hangs in his office its a valve kept the German Police secured in the drivers cabin to date hes only been compensated for a fraction of his Economic Loss for the room in addition to the main loss that of my cousin room theres more i didnt mention at first but all the costs i had to cover due to the attack. He had to get a lawyer to assert his claims so far germany has given him ten thousand euros he says the losses he suffered are ten times that but hes more concerned by the German Authorities behavior. I hope the victims families will finally be treated as they should a quick buck a humane way one of the. Germanys government squandered a lot of its trust after the berlin attack and not only in poland perhaps the most bitter realisation is that it took a year to recognize that. The German Government now has plans to set up a centralized Information Center which will offer support to relatives and survivors of terrorist attacks for the victims of the attack on polands broadside plats this help us come a bit late its estimated that turkey has taken in more than three million Syrian Refugees thats more than any other country and its a huge challenge especially given that i was half of them are children however turkey is getting billions of euros from the European Union to help it care for the refugees including providing education but our reporter julia hahn has met one young girl in istanbul whos plight is typical for the many children who are being left out. The clattering of the sewing machines for our us its long been part of everyday life. Iris is eleven and this is ten bold dressmaking shop is where she works the women here so long as youre a and she feeds the machines with fabric cutting sorting stacking twelve hours a day monday to friday for that she earns fifty cents an hour. As the house and sure i draw the gun to school but we have to pay so much rent food the water bill its all expensive. So i have to it to help my family. Our us is not the only child in the workshop child labor has long been a problem in turkey and with the arrival of so many refugees from syria its become even bigger calio from damascus is thirteen he went to school in syria then came the war and fleeing from it now he has little time to study. The youngest child here is only six years old. The head of the sewing shop is turkish he allowed us to film here but we had to promise him that he wouldnt be in the report child labor is illegal in turkey he knows that but as he says without work families would be even worse off. We meet. A district mayor of istanbul he admits that child labor is a massive problem in turkey. Our options are limited. Trying to get the children into our schools to give them books pencils satchels of course were trying to but we dont always reach the more. Often more help is needed than we can give. Is the talk. After work takes us to our family she has two sisters her mother hasnt gone back to work since becoming pregnant her father does have a job but even combined with his income the family can hardly make ends meet they dont receive any Financial Support from the state so he could live studio but i was the only one to work in syria and my salary was enough for all of us. Even for my parents but here its different the rent the costs for the kids. I just cant do it alone. That us we have to send our ass to work theres no other way every morning she cries and says i want to go to school and it breaks my heart i know that she is too young and many people want to keep her job because she is still a child. But i know the owner of the sewing shop he said he wanted to help us. Because she has to work during the week can only go to school on weekends in their neighborhood syrian teachers offer lessons turkish arabic math the basics at least but to really help the children the families have to get out of poverty says the teacher. Kind of given if the turkish state wants to help the refugees it should provide Financial Support for families who send their children. School with rent subsidies or social assistance i dont think anyone would let their kids work in that case. With has been met that is in audio for only a few hours of lessons on weekends for our us these are the best moments of the week when the sewing machines are no longer rattling and shes allowed to just be a child. The turkish government has announced that by two thousand and twenty it will guarantee every syrian with e. G. Child a place in school. Lets turn our attention now to spain where the government has called for elections in catalonia ever since separatists held a referendum in october declared illegal by madrid catalonia has been in a state of emergency and the country deeply divided our reporter traveled through this part of northeast spain to gauge the mood. A sea of spanish and catalan flags you see a bull is coming here on spains Constitution Day to express his support for National Unity and oppose the catalan separatists who held an illegal independence referendum in october the crowd wants them jailed u. C. I. Is glad to be with like minded protesters back in his home town vic such a protest would be unthinkable the town is fiercely in favor of Catalan Independence. For things are different there its the the birthplace of the Independence Movement. The mood in vic is staunchly Pro Independence along the Market Square post has called for the release of political prisoners. And locals still consider colors put them on who fled to belgium to be their president one of them is raymone casals he wants independence from spain many like him have been notes calling for succession to this wishing tree. Is the best ive spotted many notes that are concerned with the countrys future the people want independence and a Free Democratic country. Ramon think spain is undemocratic he works for me im a Cultural Organization that promotes the catalan language and Catalan Independence because sells ko organized vic solidarity jail citizens let themselves get locked up on vicks Market Square for two hours to express solidarity with incarcerated separatists. More than five hundred citizens have already participated and theres a long waiting list with the catalan Regional Elections nearing they want to mobilize Pro Independence voters. We will organize more events to achieve a great election result so that our Independence Movement can grow even larger than it is now. You see here a coffee entrepreneur thinks this is unlikely since opposition to Catalan Independence is becoming increasingly vocal some are even speaking out in the Pro Independence bastion of vic like these farmers they explain how the conflict has divided their family. The owner of a new reality we had a family party on november first fifteen people sat at this table with after dinner the two of us were the only ones still sitting here the others were over there talking politics without us you know and i wasnt really there. Catalonia has changed over the past months you see a says the Political Climate has become tense. I stopped going to a bar for a coffee or a beer half a year ago we can vote for the left them in the center or the right all that matters is that the Party Supports the constitution. Better but if you have the. Cells meanwhile wants to mobilize as many voters as possible because the separatist fervor after octobers referendum has waned. It was thirty years later im hoping for a catalogue republic that would be my ideal of course but its very unlikely. So no matter who wins the upcoming Regional Elections Catalan Society remains deeply divided. Sometimes its just the brave actions of a single individual that can benefit so many enslaved archaea roma people faced segregation large scale unemployment and discrimination by Police Despite being the Second Largest Ethnic Group in the country they live in the margins of society with little chance of integrating but ever since being elected mayor of a small village in eastern slovakia vladimir led decided to change things. Like let it ski is the hands on type of mayor hes making a lot of changes in his village spin off big changes. But. After my election as mayor i quickly realized that you have to tackle the problems in the image it was clear that something had to change that we have to get the roma into a settled lifestyle with the possibility of finding a job so we set up a company for roma who otherwise would not have had a chance on the free labor market with. The roma were initially has a tent then more and more gradually joined the scheme and took up jobs earning a wage gave them money which they used to build new houses. Even catch up also recently moved into his new home with his wife and four children it has gas a sewer system and Running Water it was a big change. And. We used to carry the water into the house and buckets now all the apartments have their own water closet you dont have to walk around the yard at minus twenty degrees celsius in winter thats good for the children alone. Even shows his children videos on the internet telling how the roma in the village used to live and how most of them in slovakia still do he wants them to learn from them. My children are shocked by it just one example i have a wooden crate for our firewood other roma actually live in a crate like that of. His wife is very happy that the family is doing better now. Martina catch it also works for the community. People who have work feel better so they can create something they can build something for their children. Thanks to a joint initiative by the mayor and the School Director things have also been changing for the roma children there will be more so much from both groups the roma and the other children from the village must feel that they are equal and equally welcome after two or three years its borne fruit were on the right track. The neighboring village of but its upset is a good example of how the roma usually live in the country around one third of its two thousand two hundred inhabitants are roma they live in a simple settlement of huts on the edge of the village most of them dont have a job and dont have any chance to work they say they feel excluded. We mustnt leave the weakest behind its about cohesion and theres no such thing if we fail to take part of our society into account we must give the roma a chance at long last. More and more but they benefit because if they appear. Suspicious shows that roma in slovakia dont have to live on the fringes of society but can thrive right at its heart for a life without poverty for life with a future like even captured and his family oh wow. I can remember when i thought that twenty eight was old and now i think that sixty is rather young wouldnt it be great to find a way to bridge the gap between old and young to alter the perception that young people are entitled and spoiled and that the altered generation is stuck in their ways this would likely lead to more compassion understanding and friendship between the generations in another lims such an initiative is already underway it involves allowing dutch students living rent free in retirement homes. I give the go student sorest doman moved into his new home. Its not the typical kind of Student Accommodation one would imagine. The primary marty voice link is ninety two martin stories have become good friends they both live in a nursing home marty moved in ten years ago she loves all dogs and appreciates her young housemates saurus. It sure. Ive adopted saurus as my grandson. Yes we get along just fine for me though. Thats a very good you said it a loop. Physically and mentally martys in great shape she loves restoring historical dolls and her housemates saurus shows her how to photograph and document her work with an i pad. When stories moved in with the Senior Citizens he pitied them but thats completely changed in part because of monti. But how do you do on this i dont view our friendship differently. We get along really well because we treat each other with respect that makes a lot of things easier marty inspires me. She wants to keep learning and make the best out of her life despite her old age thats brilliant and. Today another student is moving into the new leader funded vols shes one of six students living alongside one hundred sixty Senior Citizens aged between seventy and one hundred and four. First i thought this is crazy all my neighbors are seen is but i think it could get really sociable. You leaker cant afford a four hundred euro room in Student Accommodation or a furnished room in this nursing home is free on one condition you leaker like all the students here must spend thirty hours a month at the scene against. You because it doesnt have much time to said lynn its time for seniors and students to come together for dinner. You lekas eager to get socializing but first she needs to learn a few things. Why dont you let me tell them that for you. You know. Oh i didnt know. They said they can do that themselves their eyes are close i dont have to do that for them. To know theyre like. Yeah. Its not easy for you leakers to know exactly how to treat the scene is sorries has been living here for a year now hes more experienced and knows what interests the senior most. As i can imagine you are very interested in our love lives and our sex lives student life and. The duck city of defense on the ice a river has a hundred thousand inhabitants twenty six thousand of them students the Town City Center makes clear that society just like other societies its growing progressively older the dutch called this trend the gray squeeze new approaches i needed. Making retirement more enjoyable and life in Nursing Homes in particular that is missing home director because gold it was her idea to get students to move in she hopes it will bring together the young and the elderly our children have been a bit brought up like prince and princess they are not so what enough to take care of the elderly we need to. Emancipate the way we look at the elderly that they are of use day care have their own meaningful relationships we show it every day. You leak a fund that falls is living the dream many in her generation hoppa she studies at the academy of music in neighboring on them she dreams of a career on stage. You know a little better. But when classes are over she experiences something new with the nursing home what it means to live among people in need of cash she has become particularly close with one resident every be very seventy three and shes still mentally very fit but her legs gave out a while ago. But you leka has managed to break through her reserve recently the old lady even went with her to a student party. That we were playing the drinking games beer pong belly stood at one end of the table and a student stood at the other and then she had to throw balls into the cups yeah youre really good at that wintery. Yeah i knew cut more yeah i was good it had in a cup in white and the student standing there had to drink it up each time they. Dont do they jam it was just some snaps but he didnt want to drink any more. Hed apparently had too much already. Yeah. That was nice wasnt it yes. I knew a highlight for all residents is the orania orange crest on. It was the students idea to throw a party at the nursing home they wanted to create a more comfy unlikely atmosphere like in fetching communities and they want to stir things up a bit. All the way i see older people as changed a lot of. I used to think mostly about their limitations but now i see their possibilities and the things they can indeed do. You leka has been living in the nursing home for a few weeks now she and her housemates know sometimes its the small ideas that make the biggest changes. I hope projects like this pop up in more places check our Facebook Page news stories if youd like to find out more about any todays cases or better yet send me a tweet until next time goodbye. Commentary to lifes more demanding how much of my heart that yeah. Shes shot at the satellite the oldest luxury hotel in london. Has helped restore the restaurant status as a landmark of fine dining we take a peek into the scots to see whats coming. To. Him and g. W. With different languages we fight for Different Things thats fine but we all stick up for Freedom Freedom of speech and freedom of press. Giving freedom of Choice Global news that matters. Made for mine. Hijacking the news. Where i go wrong the news is being hijacked journalism itself has become a scripted reality show its not just good versus evil us versus them black and white. In countries like russia china turkey people are told that its that simple and if youre a journalist there and you try to get beyond that you are facing scare tactics intimidation and i wonder is that where were headed is well. My responsibility as a journalist is to get beyond the smoke and mirrors its not just about being fair and balanced or being neutral its about being true. When he was born golf and i work you need. Some people who dont care about me. Because they dont see night beauty. Some people dont care about me because they think i have nothing to give. Two billion you can do. To then i am everything. Their home. The a food. Their livelihood. But day by day i disappear. And so does everything i keep. Two billion people care about me. Me me. And now. I need. I. M ps in britains house of commons have voted to give themselves the all forty to veto the governments final breaks a deal and a defeat for Prime Minister theresa may about ten members of the conservative

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