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When i visit sometimes it was the l. N. Who were killing people sometimes it was fog of the paramilitaries that it and the army terrorized people with their raids. On everybody like me and. The civil war in colombia has lasted for over half a century more than six Million People have been displaced. So you give it up but here we move but im here because i had to flee my village where the far corners during the terrible things to the civilian population but the level of your theory of. The conflict has claimed the lives of two hundred twenty thousand people more than thirty thousand people were kidnapped at least thirty five thousand people are still missing. But kuhn was already a group of men came to our door saying that they were taking my father to a meeting that was fourteen years ago. Making cement these fifteen meters to tell about the fifty two years of civil war in colombia. But i was not there was a small it means so much to us to learn what happened to all those people who disappeared a woman and twice so many people who were forcibly displaced from their villages and had to move to the city just put on us come face enough to give you how to let you out. What do i mean you know i work from four thirty in the morning until four in the afternoon. Im here because i had to flee my religion when the part where the fark was doing terrible things to the civilian population. But i love what i do you. I dont know. They killed two cousins and an uncle of mine. So you have a massacre nineteen people in a single night i well knew where that would see. How you act after it got you know that we grew coffee and raised chickens. But we lost everything we had lost it on walk and we came to mete you know and we had no home nothing wrong with pleasure i would. Pay you throw in his wife maria and their family are now among the over six million internally displaced people in colombia refugees in their own country. He told the fees but it was really hard at first our children which woman time we had no place to live no food neighbors helped us until the red cross gave us food. Thats yar. Pedros aunt dora muta takes us to the village of pedro marias family were forced to leave. All the houses around here were left empty after the massacre of february two thousand and three with not a Single Person was left that is the you see Paramilitary Forces killed people up in the hills and fog retaliated by killing people down below. And the army terrorized the community with their raids on. The metal flowers attached to a memorial in san carlos commemorate the many victims. Twenty thousand people have been displaced from san carlos more than a thousand people were murdered and about two hundred ten people have disappeared one hundred thirty people were killed by minors and many children have been recruited into the conflict. With legal. Means each. Week. My father was murdered in front of my nine siblings at six thirty in the evening when he was saying his prayers he was beheaded in front of our workers. The father of my first child was murdered. The paramilitaries held my daughter i mean his body was found lying by the roadside says my brother who was two months old when our father was killed later disappeared but all those cousins and uncles. Im surrounded by a circle of death and im terrified by the thought of more horrors of war they cant hurt my family more than they already have. That. Bad climate of violence and death has prevailed in colombia for more than fifty years. S. S. Near them i know this picture shows my father and my brother. My brother disappeared when he was twenty six years old he had one child. My father was forty eight when he disappeared while in chinas on. Why does he need. It so no concept of killer demos less complera is a secret musgrave this is the way they bury the victims and kill those who was still alive when we was healing my donna down. There was a break yacht there with of unknowns with a criminal case of the bodies to destroy the evidence. The painting left among them to become a part of the how do you think. In colombia they are not only victims. They are also people who have killed their fellow citizens. People like paramilitary commando throw the rico paris. Like a local up with has been called romania a war cannot go on any one store want to see this and no one can say how they will answer that call it home it was a merchant in my day you know what i have been the balibo block militia work starting money from me and that he got the supplies but i decided to hire two people as my private security guards yes and they were members of a Paramilitary Group what part of that. More and more men joined their. And i was caught up in the vortex of violence that has plagued this country and that youre lazy is that that is the by ace. So you had seven hundred men under your command its a sixteen hundred. And twenty thousand murders have been attributed to you. See approaching my years approximately twenty thousand murders that all people espresso placements recruitments all kinds of homicides people only seen. Every kind of crime you could imagine being committed in a war that weve been fighting for so many years we have in the hope of time to get those bottles on. My side because they was the zero massacre in into angle a small town here in. Full but as you know. They murdered a lot of peoples own claiming that they were rebels into the desert clay had lists of people who were to be killed only someone impulse i dont know what that. Last call but the and this will be able to start and as an item of healing the fighters in the illegal armed groups or civilian clothes so it was easy for mistakes to happen yes they wanted me saw the civilian population fall victim to attacks by armed groups. By law. They would get a little. Me looking at can see on your scenario my son was fifteen when he was recruited by the paramilitary fighters and i havent heard from him since there are many of us mothers looking for. Lost children seven or eight year old children who left their school and went missing. This is the most painful thing thats happened to us in the entire conflict. Knows england almost got it in this building was initially a residential building in the one nine hundred eighty s. It was the best hotel in san carlos in the late ninetys it became a paramilitary command center on the bottom that. It was a house of horrors people were named to have entered the building but they disappeared and will never seen again. The long list of Human Rights Violations in colombia includes abductions carried out by far crevel forces. A high Ranking National Police Officer luis men there was held captive by the fox for almost twelve years letters were the only way he could stay in touch with his family. So you know muddy up there is a body. That is about it yes my love you know i greet you with thousands of kisses hoping that you Jose Luis Jenny Nicole and the rest of the family are all right. I wish i could come and give this letter to you know i woke up with pain in my legs in my bones and joints. For us all this walking has made my feet ache. How hard it is to march in the jungle tormented by the rain and insects he will be to us. One of us are going to have the fark has been sharply criticized for the kidnappings he carried out which have caused immense suffering to many people. Wouldnt it be fair for fark to apologize for that. And. Its true that the families of hostages have suffered. That is why the representatives so far have apologized and asked everyone to reconcile. My diffuser this is. The most difficult thing about being held hostage is that from the first day to the last we felt like we were sitting on death row. We were under constant threat during those twelve years we could be shot to death at any moment you can imagine how hard it is to live from day to day just hoping to survive one more day trying to cope with this ever present threat. He said. During his twelve years in captivity luis mindi a to came to know the rebels who had kidnapped him. There were three times of guerrillas the first the senior founding members of the movement whose ideology was based on communism and who believed in gaining power by the use of weapons. Is a. Second there were those who had been recruited from various parts of the country when they were ten or twelve years old. And brainwashed into seeing the world through the lenses of the guerrillas. I mean. Yet theres a lot of. And the third groups. Were the ones who ended up as rebels after the National Government began to eradicate the cocoa plantations. Compazine was because this president s from all over the country looking for a better income. They worked in coca fields and produced cocaine in laboratories. Until the colombian government with international help. Just as we began to eradicate the plantations. By. Communal an aerial spraying and police and military operations were carried out to eradicate the coca fields and destroyed the laboratories. He just we dont know or at least yet he is working in the fields and laboratories were left unemployed. Get on scene and their best option was to try the fuck out of. It was the Colombian Army that finally liberated men. Is the who thought. He put. This photo was taken on the day of my liberation. I was really surprised on the stairs. I did not want you to look. You were so young when i laughed even see the difference between these two photos is enormous it was in this area. And you know whether youd be tall or short i was really surprised to see you with the beard. You sit with out there but what they say they are in the morning that is the day before was june thirteenth your birthday i think i was at home at the farm with my sister mother was in bogota i dont so thats one thing at about eleven am the phone rang and the police and the Police Director told us that shed been freed. And this photo. Well the i had this photo with me the whole time he. Said good morning to you every morning and good night everything. Was part of a delegation of victims who met with fark leaders in peace negotiations in cuba in his fifteen minute address media to describe what it was like to spend twelve years as a hostage separated from his family in his former life. And he said when we thought we would go there were twelve of us victims there. And we were on one side of the table the fark leaders on the other. In our fifteen minute addresses we explained why we regarded ourselves as victims people who had suffered a lot it was every one of them to take responsibility for our suffering and for the countless victims claimed by this conflict because. One of those on the other side of the table was far commander victorious on the no. That is what allowed those hearing all the stories of suffering and violence made a tremendous impression that im in the main because i mean it has no color no party and no race no ideology. Media look here you know the pain of all those who have suffered more than fifty years of violence in colombia. But mothers when they dont. Do any schools it was that we were held hostage for years in those concentration camps. Or cages really. On the road and they havent shown the slightest sign of remorse out of it feels on the contrary. Declarations of shown that they dont regret a thing that. It there might. Be apology as an individual lacked. But we must admit to the damage we did during those fifty some years in combat. We didnt intend to do it. Weve harmed people. Thats your own not your. Kidnappings and ransom demands were just one of the ways that the fark financed its operations. Laughin and says young boys. Did finance our operations by means of detentions we dont deny this. We also had some properties that produced certain things helping us in that way. Import about taxes. We collected taxes from businesses and traders who gave us a certain percentage. To finance our operations here and elsewhere. They were in there with a lot of it in busy and go into. The subject the fact that. We collect taxes from everyone who came if i took a pain in that. You could make a lot of money in the cocaine trade we need as yet though you dont think that is why all the narco traffickers ill be needed is a tax for every well you know the people in there because. I love when he says you dont. Like gayla. You need this money and thats. In this conflict in colombia. It has been the proletariat the poor people who are fighting each other like letting you know going in there the most the under privileged class those who have nothing. When it comes to the National Army of colombia. And can barely read or write. When. They join the army because they need the money to provide whatever mothers family. Supplants. So in the same way those of us who join fark. Were all poor peasants who can hardly read. And i do some revolutionary greetings to your mother i hope you and the family are in good health. And now for the main thing mother i think we can finally meet so lets not waste time. On now here in the yard playing. At the National Conference of fucking religious police im waiting for you. Love to everyone i mean. Thanks as a been long since you last saw your mother. Sixteen years. Sixteen years thats a long time with him thank goodness it is. A long time since ive seen my mother. Since i joined the rebels i havent had the chance to meet my family. One. But i write to them. Four or five years ago we spoke on the telephone. But now it looks like we might finally meet. Your mother is your mother. Though she respects me and supports me in what im doing it must be painful for her not to have seen her daughter for such a long time. You have spent sixteen years as a rebel in the mountains how does appeal to return to civilian life. I mean. I dont know whether it will be easy. Or hard to leave behind all those things youve become used to like the military training and life in the mountains as a guerrilla fighter. So in that sense i dont think itll be easy. On the other hand life is a guerrilla fighter is hard so i dont really worry about going back to civilian life. Im very happy about it. And i dont think itll be too difficult. Sorry pentagon is an easy word to say easy and yet very difficult. Then i thought i get right i think i more in all warfare there are casualties and mistakes. You know the mistakes we made were not political or did from above. The intent of any some of our commanders crossed boundaries carrying out personal retaliations causing a loss of how. We recognize those mistakes because we are a part of the organization and we apologize for them and that. They must be very much better gone. On women right. But rather pet is the former commander of the infamous unit of the a you see paramilitary learn the meaning of para dawn during the nine years he spent in prison. On a group of women victims of the conflict he came to ask about their loved ones who had disappeared most of those women were mothers of the missing persons that this was but one of the bodies is as if the medical mental our first moments together were really hard and we had feelings of shame and pain when the law got a gun we were carrying on the way in terms of moral responsibility on this. Team and the victims were very afraid and more cold some of them were angry scorn all you call them and there was an atmosphere of mistrust. So when but in reality it was a benefit to a song. Yes they wanted information you know salt and we wanted to tell these women this is and this was victims. About the remorse that lies heavy a part of me and it is also what it was for someone else we wanted things to change but of course you really got you and we wanted to be able to admit our crimes to them. Yeah it was getting minutes on a yes. And no i know that get on with them as i want to theres no bigger incentive than being able to admit their wrong doing and person in the know because it goes the faces of those women reflected on pain and sorrow it is their plan. That he stays that way its not easy to face so much pain all at once this case so they said it was a restorer to process and that their pain was eased somewhat as they listened to those who had caused their suffering. In that was because of what will be. The man up in the little one i they came to apologize to the entire country to tell us where those missing persons were when it was a crucial moment for us victims and also very important for all those boys who have been to mobilize trials. After more than half a century of conflict colombia may finally have arrived at a moment of reconciliation apology and truth. I would have given last flashed up if they dont now that fokker apologizing as well i believe we will soon learn the truth about many things that weve wanted all those rebel groups to tell us look at we gave the best amends they could make to us victims would be to tell us the. Truth no matter how painful it is we want to know the truth. As you look at over there how they came. As a gate on the land yes we will carry on until we find our loved ones. We have no graemes for grieving over our loved ones. But we have many stories to tell to our country about why we are weeping for our beloved children for whom we feel such terrible pain. As rosie was going over there i wonder we got. One one told me that four of her sons were killed and yet her granddaughter and daughter disappeared oh yeah i understand she asked me for a lift to the cemetery so she could cry over her dead son he those boys were buried my thought was where is my own daughter whom i know nothing about who disappeared nineteen years ago. This is all i was shared but all of us whose children have disappeared at the nameless here theres a body. Although colombian lawmakers approved the most recent peace deal between the fork in the government its no guarantee for the end of the conflict. One sign of hope is the fox political wing the left display. Seems to be tired of fighting. Since it was founded in the one nine hundred eighty s. More than three thousand Party Activists and other former guerrillas who went into politics were murdered by right wing paramilitary squads drug gangs and Colombian Security forces. That are all needed by us we very thousands of our comrades the dead speak for themselves we cant go on accepting that people die on both sides every day colombias history is full of stories like that story is. Also seen carlos peace out all of them nineteen was assassinated we hope well soon see an end to this. Pisano is the demobilized guerrilla groups candidate for president in one thousand nine hundred instead of the president ial palace he ended up in a grave in bogota. Does anything worry you about returning to the civilian world. Yes or no if the government and the far rise in particular dont add here to the accord and begin to attack us instead. I think that. Were afraid that the same thing will happen to us that happened to those members of the on your own Party Article they were deceived and killed one after another but not on the place another little where the narco on the vehicle we were afraid but also optimistic. Can the victims ever forgive. Will side a place can tell you may have been liberated youll see it but youll never forget what happened was that in your dreams youre still onstage so those so good us nights are hard for us because in our dreams were still changed to a tree that was out of woods when we wake up spent to hear the voices of our families. Its a joy to be free is that we have got. What is more important to punish or to forgive. Europeans ok custom got bored he id say to punish him but he is but i get in order to set an example going to do india or canada as it is to prevent the young generation of today and from joining criminal organizations i will see as you on this getting unite as. A whole and in west or by a nose hoeing as it was taught by young people in our country are attracted by guns as you know and at that i hope theyre fascinated by people wearing olive green uniforms the only way hes going to sends out a represent a thought are to you know any regions that are neglected by the state units on a sport is the. Main base you know where the i was impressed by the people in uniforms and by that weapon is one of my it was all new to me. I mean it took away it and thats when the really got put in poker when i saw little boys playing their favorite game you know playing rebels and paramilitaries with make believe wooden guns out people stadium and later those same lawyers were no longer playing with staal who got was thought they were killing people with real gods. And one of our goal is is to demystify the power of weapons political scene that put the last out of us. Thing that we. Can mass you know and help us and look you know who could be better suited to that than me that that or that they did this that i was involved in armed groups in Armed Conflict killing taking off or just an old. Yes all of you up and that i ended up losing my family and my freedom. And ive been living with this moral burden that repenting the crimes i committed during all those years. That its not just the former fighters. That day but also the victims who were telling their stories and also i mean they one of us what the and when the hope that young people will learn and understand the suffering that you cause yet when you harm another human being look as it pulls one to one dont know yes and you will top that sort of. Tennessee to god has forgiven those responsible for her family suffering and the disappearance of her daughter. That if you. Want to listen more. Yes there are. Good music that i think that want to enter to see to the example that you have set for this country shows that forgiveness and reconciliation are possible that plus of course they all mind yet. They can all sit in baguio because a by admitting the damage weve done and by accepting the fact that we had done terrible things we were not on the cake we made it possible for these women to open their hearts you know spread immediate onus by the unit thats what allowed us to tell them that what we did was wrong. And that we want to be reconciled they could she had not. Been which as we know chase white boy a is to go without little by little im starting to be able to sleep again so much and we dont but i have had many painful nights long away. Is what is sad when it comes even though. Because once you stop and think. Once you realize what terrible damage has been done at the end and understand that this war had no justification whatsoever. Once you realize that by fighting an evil war we were causing even greater on which was why its impossible to sleep peacefully most of. Our love the but dont its too hard to talk about refinancing. Because if the rebels were the only armed group that would be wonderful because disarming one group would be all it would take to achieve peace annie but there is still the l n fighters and the Paramilitary Groups people still go missing and get killed its much too complicated. For myself. The possibility of reconciliation is perhaps the best captured by post or a meta whose capacity to forgive was put to the cruelest test. Eighty though i found a wounded man outside my house moaning in pain. I tried him in england when he saw the pictures of my son on the wall and he was shocked and said whats he doing here we killed him we are today. Legal estates i said to him your in his bed and im his mother. In a panic he started to tell me about all their atrocities and of how they tortured nice on during his fifteen days in captivity raped him and poured salt into his words associate. Value of weird. I went out to speak with my family who were furious. They wanted revenge and. I said to them see if you can guarantee that if i kill this man that my jorge will come back alive or he doesnt all kill him but i dont think that will happen all that will happen is that for the rest of our lives we will become murderers and i think it was the end of who was as it seems. To be. Losing the one you love more than anything but your own child is the only single in the dictionary theres a word for someone whos lost their spouse widow or widower children who have lost their parents are orphans. But theres no word for parents who have lost their child no word to describe that pain. Why. The women wait till nightfall to cross the border into israel. Their syrian mothers bringing their wounded children into Enemy Territory clandestinely. Doctors there will treat the little ones who are often seriously injured its a gesture of humanity in an inhumane conflict global three thousand and thirty minutes on d w. W. s Program Guide internet highlights leave the home not. Dot com highlights. Their black and living in germany. Hes reminded what that means on a daily basis presenter like this not being able to blend in and all this kind all. The. Group and being you know different than the brands. She travelled across germany to meet other black people and to hear their stories. So it seems as. Though i grew up in a white family in a white neighborhood it was definitely a challenge. And she decided to put me up for adoption. So the main thing was to keep your head down can your mouth shut of course of the phrase like this i could never completely disappear if you see all these stereotypes about africa its good to see you. Do something for your country but youre still the black young. Afro germany starting december tenth w. Protests have erupted around the wild as anger and tense surprise over president Donald Trumps decision to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel two palestinians have been killed and many more injured often violent clash

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