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It may be seated. Well. Im not a war criminal i oppose this conviction i still believe. I bring golf in berlin also coming up i hope or high and alterman plan to bring peace to the middle east donald trump says hell do what no other u. S. President ever could tonight ill ask the president of the American Jewish congress if hes bombing whats wrong is trying to sell. We begin the day with an apparent suicide that took place inside a courtroom today at the hague judges at the u. N. War crimes tribunal for the former yugoslavia had begun delivering their ruling a dismissal of an appeal filed by the convicted bosnian war criminal slobodan pro yuck suddenly the seventy two year old shelled it i am not a war criminal and then he raised a small bottle to his lips and swallowed what he said was poison after several moments of stunned Silence Court was adjourned and the defendant escorted to an ambulance he later died at the hospital. Was about to go to prison for what would probably be the rest of his life the judge confirms a twenty Year Prison Sentence and then this. Im not a war criminal i oppose this conviction still place. Confusion at first and as the judge moves on to the next case come from within the courts i have taken poison. Ok. We suspend the. We suspend please to curtains later it became clear that died from the effects of the. Nowhere was the war crimes tribunal more closely followed than the town of must divided during the war years and best known for its destroyed and now rebuilt starry bridge one prominent croat war veteran had this to say about the tribunals and project suicide but as. We do the same it would be hard to serve time in prison while people are mocking you. This verdict will not lead to reconciliation in bosnia and herzegovina as for the hague court it should be accused of being a joint criminal enterprise itself. Others held in camps during the war saw some justice in the verdicts. They did those things its bad that they were sentenced for a war crime. But. What all of us who had been in camps expected at least the confirmation that this was a criminal enterprise. The tribunal may have finished its work but reconciliation is clearly still some way away. For more on that now we want to go across to either beggar village from bosnian serb resigned its good to see you today croatias Prime Minister told the rulings at the you when war crimes tribunals unjust and unfair and why. Yes well creation Prime Minister and a plane which held a press Conference Today and told a reporter this that actually what the product did which was a suicide was a symbol of the deep moral injustice for the six both man croats that was a deed which symbolizes how deeply he was convinced that the thing that he did was the actual right thing for the last me and croats he said actually by this final verdict i c t y also confirmed that craig was involved in the conflict of the boss and has to go you know that during the ninetys and this can bring a lot of consequences for their relationship from the end of boston had to go into as it with ross a massive responsibility and guilt as a country for the war crimes in bosnia and herzegovina and that can be actually a reason why the Prime Minister. Stated this today you know i dont think this speaks to the fact that there remains a lack of clarity when were talking about culpability in in the world and what does this mean then for any chance of reconciliation you know today i mean were talking about something that happened more than twenty years ago. Well yes actually it happened more than twenty years ago and this verdict or this reaction on the verdict doesnt tell any good for the reconsolidation in boston and i suppose you know and the whole region i have to say i think all the writings are still rooted in the society especially in boston has to go you know people are still ethnically divided into croats serbs and bosniaks and there are still divided schools where pupils from the same class are learning different history depending on from which ethnic group are they coming from at the same time a lot of citizens are leaving the country theyre not is not employed and this can only versed in the situation in the whole region for example in moscow to which is the biggest which is the biggest city in the boston area there are already officially morning mr prout yak which tells that also in bosnia and croats stare not theyre not expecting todays verdict. Or north korea has heralded its latest Ballistic Missile launch as evidence of its ability to deliver a Nuclear Weapon anywhere in the u. S. President double drunk responded by saying that his country will quote take care of this well that means probably more sanctions north korea says yesterdays are you see be is the first capable of reaching all of the u. S. Mainland including the east coast and washington d. C. North korea triumphantly claims it has become a Global Nuclear power after a lull of over two months it has fired another intercontinental Ballistic Missile this one flew much higher than previous ones before landing in the sea of japan. State media announced the news in a special broadcast it said the launch was a complete success and that the new missile represented a giant leap forward. And well pyongyang fames this brings the whole u. S. Mainland within its reach a direct challenge to President Donald Trump but this time his reaction was more muted than before after meeting with his secretary of defense trump refrained this time from issuing threats but i wont tell you well take care of it when you have general most of them with us and a lot of discussion about it. It is a situation that we will handle. North koreas immediate neighbor was less restrained within minutes south korea responded by firing missiles into the sea to demonstrate its ability to strike pyongyangs launch sites the south korean president said the International Community had no choice but to continue applying pressure and sanctions against the north. You know. This action does not only increase tension on the Korean Peninsula but gravely in Dangerous International peace and security we strongly condemn north koreas reckless behavior. Seoul has warned the situation could spiral out of control the United Nations Security Council will hold an emergency meeting to discuss the situation. And for more on the implications of this latest missile tests we want to pull in lisa collins in washington d. C. Shes a fellow with the korea chair at the center for strategic and International Studies its good to have your on this show a lot of people are saying ok another missile test isnt it time for the International Community to accept the north korea is a Nuclear Weapon state and trying to coexist peacefully so there are experts who do argue that we should do exactly that acknowledged north koreas Nuclear Weapons state and then deal with the situation and then there are other experts who disagree with that and believe that if we allow that to happen acknowledge north koreas Nuclear Weapons state it would do great damage to the nonproliferation treaty regime and it would also give other countries around the room and a reason an excuse to develop their own weapons so there are these arguments out there on both sides ok you know theres a lot of criticism out there there are calls for more action which means a more sane sions can sink sions get more severe against north korea. I think they can one of the best things that we can do with regard to sanctions is better implementation theres always an argument that china needs to do better with implementing some of the things that have already been passed through the United Nations Security Council and so i think we should follow up on that and theres also secondary sanctions that the United States has been ramping up in recent months i think the Trump Administration has even announced that there will be some more sanctions probably coming down the line today so i think more pressure in regards to Financial Institutions in china and other countries that are facilitating north koreas Money Laundering and illegal activities are probably what will be targeted next and begs the question you know why havent these sanctions been instituted early youre. And what will it take to make kim jong un take notice. Well i think there are a number of reasons with regard to the multilateral sanctions that go through the United Nations Security Council there are a number reasons why they may not have been as strong in the past and that has a lot to do with china and russias influence in the voting in the Security Council and then with regard to you know lateral sanctions on the part of the United States i think in previous administrations the Obama Administration had really wanted to work with china more closely and was afraid of north korea and saying sions taking a toll on the u. S. China relationship and so they have held back on some of the secondary sanctions but we see the trumpet ministration really getting rid of that hesitation lisa call ins with the sort of for strategic and International Studies joining us tonight lisa thank you very much. Well the north Korean Nuclear threat is just one of the Foreign Policy crises u. S. President trump faces trump has promise not to allow pyongyang to progress further with its Nuclear Program see yesterdays latest i. C. B. M. Watch near japan trump has also promised to end what he calls the mess in the middle east and from day one of his presidency he has boasted that he will do what no other u. S. President has been able to do so the israel palestine conflict. I would like to see a deal be made i think a deal will be made so im looking at two state and one state and i like the one that both parties like its a complex subject always been considered the toughest deal of all well see if we can put it together. Who knows Stranger Things have happened. True words there trump is expected to unveil what he calls the ultimate peace deal early next year a Foreign Policy to bet on or again still my next guest says that trump has proven to be a real friend to israel and he says the disruptive president may just deliver on his promises im happy to welcome to the day tonight jack rose and he is president of the American Jewish congress he joins me tonight from new york mr rosen welcome to the show id like before we Start Talking Foreign Policy id like to get your reaction first to Donald Trumps read tweets from today the u. S. President reach we did some very disturbing videos posted by yet of france in the deputy leader of the u. K. Far right Group Britain first theresa may number ten downing street quickly condemning the actions of mr trump saying that britain first is the end to this is of decency intolerance how does this sit with the American Jewish congress. Well we are strong supporters of tolerance amongst all peoples in all religions and we think israel is a fairly good example of that arabs and jews and others live in peace and harmony there its not a perfect situation but it is a good example of how we tolerate each other. Earlier this month you wrote in the Jerusalem Post that jews in the us are disillusioned and that they want a stronger sign of a commitment to the mideast Peace Process i mean beyond trumps tweets and his rhetoric what has the u. S. President done to give them what they want. Well he has been keeping up his commitments during the campaign to be a strong supporter of israel which i think the Jewish Community strongly believes hes done hes taken action against iran and certifying the iran deal as he committed to during this campaign. Theres been some continued strong rhetoric theres been strong action in the United Nations i think hes into you know the first year of his terms a president that rhetoric now needs to turn into action. And into the you know solutions and i think theres you know time you have to give some time to see how that comes out its course up to the palestinian israelis as well as it is to america to bring the parties together i want to pick up on the Iran Nuclear Deal you also wrote that the u. S. President s rejection of that deal has been a displaying displays moral courage now the allies of the United States who spent many years negotiating that deal they would disagree with you how do you square that circle mr rosen youve got germany france the u. K. Looking at the us and saying what is trump doing. Well i respect the views of European Countries and we america and america have our own point of view on that deal i personally in support of an iran deal during the Obama Administration when i finally learned that in fifteen years the rand could go nuclear i sat back and we as an organization decided that you know at a moment when you had iran in a weak position that was not a time to sit back and turn the problem of the Iranian Nuclear nation over to our children. So i think the sunset clause is a serious problem and you know the deal could be improved on so we can make sure that iran cant just push a couple of buttons and become a Nuclear Threat to the world and is that what you would want to see the u. S. President do would you like to see him improve the deal or would you like to see him you know decertify and pull out. Id like to see him improve the deal look the problem in iran is this is the leadership in iran its not the iranian people theres been a long history in tradition with with iranians and then americans. Being at peace with each other and even the Jewish Community in the arabian community have had a long history of living together including you know and getting along together so an improvement of that deal should allow for some more time to you know change the leadership over the whole of the you know the long run i mean do you believe thats possible. Well i think history says that you know these kinds of you know dictatorships and leadership that cause terror and harm in the world. Do do and at some point weve seen the fall of the soviet union and in other such situations we see no reason why at some point the iranian people can become a democratic nation and choose a more reasonable leadership. And ask you a little bit about what were seeing going on in the middle east particularly with israels neighbors theres a want of writing a lot of chatter right now about a cozying up if you will between israel and saudi arabia particularly against iran what does the Jewish Community in the United States how do American Jews view this very Unlikely Alliance that some people say is for me. I think most of us for some time now weve. Been advocating for regional solution weve been proponents of the American Government getting the gulf states especially and other neighbors of israel to put pressure on the palestinians so we think its a very positive move its it certainly is a moment in time that we should take advantage of. The arab countries surrounding israel and israel have now have a common am an enemy of our enemies i should say around isis. And hamas and others and so this is a time where they can come together and and Work Together to find a peaceful solution to the palestinian problem so what are you saying that israel and saudi arabia arent our allies i mean you know there arent even any flights between riyadh in tel aviv for example. Im not saying theyre their allies i think they have a common interest common interest often brings together the you know the same goals in this case the goal is to stop Irans Nuclear development and their support of terrorism thats an important common goal whether you call them allies or not. I think you know that that certainly trumps if i can use that word the other difference is that they have today. And i just came back from saudi arabia you know to our yeah then. I found you know ive been traveling to that region for a while and i am finding some significant differences of attitude. You know among saudis and qataris i think theyre looking for ways to open up the dialogue open up trade theyre working together you know quietly on. An intelligence and other military type of issues so i think theres a theres a real sea change going on and its up to you know america and the European Countries to support that and try to find more Common Ground to bring the parties together and i think will you know if trump is to succeed in bringing peace to the middle east and i may throw in maybe get a Nobel Peace Prize at the end of this for bringing that peace i think itll take a concerted effort to put some pressure on him and bring the you know the arab countries along in creating a dialogue with the israelis and putting pressure on the palestinians for peace missed. Me as do you think the president has doing the right thing by not committing to the two state solution between israel and palestine. I think everybodys committed to the two state solution including the Prime Minister of israel what trump is not my no he it said it and not sure that he well i dont he he made a statement i dont know that hes repeated that statement i think it is its a given that everybody supports a two state solution not shouldnt say all people but certainly the leadership in the government. All right jack rosen president of the American Jewish congress joining us tonight from new york always good talking with you mr rosen appreciate your time tonight thank you. Well how do we ensure residents student one day become refugees that is at the core of a summit taking place in ivory coast more than eighty african and european leaders are meeting to tackle the root causes of migration which include high youth unemployment add to that the horrors of modern day slavery in libya misery and death on the path to europe are becoming the main reasons that africans are giving up on their dream of a new life. Was younger a date these two can spell the beginning of a new life initially john had wanted to try his luck in europe but halfway into his journey into his ear he gave up and returned home to ivory coast the International Organization for migration gave him a small amount of start up money for his chicken farm. Jumping fish should be more of these initiatives to stop young people leaving africa thats his message to the heads of government reason just a few kilometers away. Like to see them spending more money on young people there are so many unemployed young people many of them are highly qualified and have plans and ideas something has to change in. The middle for. The topic of migration is high on the agenda at the african and European Union summit german chancellor Angela Merkel said the issue is tied to the fight against people trafficking. In recent weeks there have been shocking reports from libya detailing how african migrants have been sold as slaves. The theme i would add in a highly emotional element to the issue so i think there is a common interest in stopping illegal migration and instead offering legal ways for people from africa to be educated and study in europe africa. Humanitarian critics say there are far too few legal possibilities for migrants but most n. G. O. S are excluded from discussions at the summit an alternative summit for n. G. O. S was cancelled by the ivory Coast Security Services Without reason. Khadijah khanate was one of the organizers she thinks the official summit is undemocratic. Its important to make it Something Like this is good for the governments but not for the people here i really dont think that they concerns will be heard at the summit. Even these tests are not allowed to cross the cordons they say the summit will do nothing to help them. Young people will continue to try their luck elsewhere as long as those in power and africa continue to ignore them. The conversation continues online your find us on twitter or write to me. The hash tag the day every member and matter what happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see you then. Enters the conflict zone a new president has taken the oath of office in zimbabwe but is he any different from the old one my guest here in london is nic by one of the u. K. Representative of the countrys ruling zanu p. F. Party with thirty five years of bloodshed the lives and the economy really was one business so they have continuing to double. Folks in thirty minutes doubling folks. He tells us stirring stories told it makes us laugh. And cry a little tremble and smile fold magical images and big emotions come out. Fold geno the movie magazine every weekend on d w. Meet the germans new and surprising aspects of life and culture in germany. Us american keep news out take a look at germany it is increasing at their traditions every day lives and language doesnt just come out of my life. So im young which has. The big guy a d w dot com the germans. They now look like. They know what we think. And soon theyll even know how we feel. Well im not a real person im still just a piece of. Scientists around the world are working to measure our emotions. So hopefully i can be a helpful piece of software. No virtual person as a therapist or a robotic as a teacher neither would have human empathy what does a machine need to do to create empathy and a medical context when i disclose more information to a person or to a computer in this case. A few years and lots of feelings of the instruments that steer us and whoever can control these feelings has great power over us by taking possible algorithms instead of feelings measuring emotion starting december sixteenth on t w. This is d w news live from berlin a court room turns into a crime scene at the United Nations tribunal for the former yugoslavia a former Bosnian Croat general is dead after drinking poison as judges of held his twenty

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