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Prime minister warns we wont be pressured police and immigration officials moved in to clear almost four hundred refugees from an immigration camp theyre seeking asylum in australia but they fear for their safety at an alternative accommodation being all will get a live update also coming up emmerson in god while returns home promising full democracy in zimbabwe is due to be sworn in as president today what does the new era hold for zimbabwe will go to harare. Germany in political deadlock after talks to form a governing coalition failed what could the social democrats under their leader mountain scholtz be reconsidering their refusal to rule along with the back as conservatives we have the latest. Hello im Terry Marchant good to have you with us. Police and immigration officials in Papua New Guinea have moved in to clear almost four hundred refugees from an abandoned immigration camp the camp is on my most island which is part of popular new guinea it had been used to house refugees hoping to get to australia but it was closed at the end of october that was after the pup a new Guinea Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional some of the inmates refused to go because they feared for their safety the alternative accommodation being offered. They want to kill us they chant this mobile phone footage captures Asylum Seekers in a controversial australian run Detention Center in Papua New Guinea one that was officially shut down three weeks ago now police have entered the compound they ordered those remaining to leave. Shocking scenes of distress the crowd tries to revive one man who has collapsed. Oh. My god. These pictures show police attempting to clear the man s. Island center almost four hundred people have refused to leave the camp citing fares for their safety many tried to evade the authorities australia detained refugees arriving by boat in the controversial facility and shut it down after Papua New Guinea court ruled it unconstitutional australia now wants to rehire has them in the not the camp on the island to save the people at the. Menace Regional Processing Center which has been closed by the p. And three authorities who leave and go to the alternative accommodation that has been provided. The they should have by the law and the lawful authorities of poppy new guinea. There are alternative facilities that have been made available with food water security and medical services. Supplies that is sorely lacking atlanta refugees say police destroyed that belongings and took away food and water stockpiles adding to the hottest squalor and which they have been living here. For more now im joined by our correspondent in sydney dieter hammond data tell us more about whats happening there on the ground at the monist island camp well journalists in australia know that they have to treat information coming from these detention camps with very very much very careful what we definitely know and what we already saw is that the police and military went in this morning into the camp and what we heard and what is most probably jurors that the campus cleared now and that all the refugees between three hundred fifty and four hundred refugees are now in another camp. What about the new camp that australia wants to send these Asylum Seekers to why are the Asylum Seekers refusing to go there why are they concerned well the old camp is a military installation the new camp is not very far away in the old german colonial town of louvin go on manners island of course and this camp is as it looks most probably owned by the australians but Human Rights Organisations say there is not sufficient Drinking Water and there is not sufficient electricity for all these four hundred refugees. And this is quite a complex set up detail with people seeking asylum in australia but being held in a camp in papa new guinea is australia letting another nation do its dirty work it very much looks like that yes i heard a member of Parliament Just recently saying that he has the feeling that australia is dumping refugees on foreign shores and thats exactly what it is that two detention camps one another route and the one were talking about and on the island of my nose and these people who are on the island of menace actually of course wanted to australia but Australia Australian Navy fish them out of the water just a bit of a bit south of indonesia interesting is that new zealand the government of new zealand offered to take a hundred or even more refugees from manners but australia declined australia doesnt want that without giving a new reason. If these if these refugees are moved to the other camp thats still not going to solve the problem long term what does australia plan to do with these with these refugees looking to the future well most probably there will be no change at all this is all a big blame game australia is blaming papua new dia new guinea to be responsible and pup and the guinea the government is blaming australia to bury irresponsible so you never know who to to whom to talk to and you never know who is really responsible this is yes more or less a game australia is playing with the refugees peter thank you very much to hammond there reporting from sydney australia. Zimbabwes former Vice President emerson has arrived back in harare to take power after president Robert Mugabes resignation when he had fled to south africa earlier this month after being fired by mugabe he addressed his supporters outside the headquarters of the ruling zana party. Crowns in harare welcome home the hero. And innocent man and god why didnt fail to deliver. It didnt take him long to connect with the supporters. Was to. The embassy. The u. S. Senator who was on our. Forward journey one hundred sixty five years and was good. We were good and was fun but you know yeah. It was going to be the that was never going to be was the job the eve. Of. His return follows a historic day in zimbabwe on choose dead the speaker of parliament announced that Robert Mugabe had resigned after thirty seven years in power one was the runner and celebrated the beginning of a new chapter in zimbabwes history. But now all eyes are squarely on man in god well. Hes expected to be sworn in as interim president on friday. In the midst of political changes the African Union took a more cautious approach. To the theres a transition must be a short term one as to constitution provides for elections in july and these elections must be Free Democratic inclusive where everybody is allowed to run. The vote is expected to be held by september two thousand and eighteen what shapes and bob i will be in by then will depend a lot on this man. For lets get the very latest on this developing story from zimbabwes capital harare christine joins us from there christine emersons live in god well was forced to flee the country just a couple of weeks ago now hes returning as its leader how big of a challenge is he facing. Sorry he has a huge challenge ahead of him there are about eighty percent of zimbabweans without work as as we speak terry graduates leaving university face a prospect of not finding any work when they competes they studies government is essentially the biggest employer and it often struggles to pay Civil Servants on a daily basis private companies shutting down in this country so that is the immediate challenge that he faces hes cost to get this economy go you get there is a massive cash shortage ive spoken to people yet not held a physics physical cash now in months and it just tells you how desperate things are the Public Health six for example is falling apart hospitals not able to give people adequate treatment if they cannot pay for it upfront this is the Public Sector so there is a lot that needs to happen the plot in this economy and that is hes a bigger challenge huge challenge huge expectations delivered a rousing speech upon his return i understand even on the streets gathering some reactions lets listen in to some of that. You can tell me but you know i dont like news if you dont live there or you dont you know im looking functioning well so for president i mean if i move through i could go down to the shores be either phillip or professionalism did not try to during the time with the first of them for good or for good men used up before they actually placed himself that hes going to be at that event to say of the people so is not how hungry the agilent was fired you complied and you left that for the love of this continent for the love of his people he came back so all to you does so that the person with people that caught so big expectations indeed is there widespread confidence christine that men and god will steer the country toward positive change. There is terry and when i also involve me in why theyre so confident about that they tell me things like well hes being backed by the way they are quoting governments from the United Kingdom government from the governments from the United States to say if they all supported me and theyre willing to talk to him theyre willing to invest in zimbabwe and open up our economy they quote for example the fact that he presided over a program was an Agricultural Program in zimbabwe called command agriculture that the gentleman referred to at that weve just listened to it was a knuckle program that essentially souls involved exporting maize for the first time in the largesse so that means a lot to people and when he was speaking yesterday to the crowd he indicated that he was already talking to people that were interested in supporting zimbabwes economy and helping people in this country and so that really that the crowd received that very well a lot of them the move comes in response to a controversy hooka touched off in january he condemned the memorial and suggested germans should be more positive about their history. Argentinas navy says its investigating a new lead in the search for a submarine that went missing last week with forty four crew members officials are looking into an unusual sound recorded a week ago in the ocean several hours after it last communicated with the vessel. And palestinian political rivals fatah and hamas say theyve agreed to hold elections by the end for twenty eight teen theyll be joined by eleven other factions the last parliamentary elections were held in two thousand and six and were won by hamas sparking widespread on rest the two sides have been meeting to firm up a reconciliation agreement. Two months after germanys election the country is still without a new government talks between chancellor merkels conservatives the greens and the liberals broke down last week and now the focus is turning to the social democrats they initially ruled out entering into another coalition with merkels conservatives but some members of the s. P. D. Now seem willing to reconsider. The conservative c. D. U. C. S. U. Bloc working together with the social democrats and the federal government will the only team also form the new one theres already support for a new edition of the grand coalition the conservatives want to stay in power. You know but also we need a partner who at the moment still refuses to go along the s. P. D. Needs to quit pouting so far s. P. D. Party leaders have shown no interest in governing on Election Night they ruled out joining a grand coalition something they reiterated after the collapse of the recent coalition negotiations. Be a showing we remain unafraid of new elections. In view of the results of this years elections on september twenty fourth we will be available to enter into a grand coalition. United goes. But germanys president is increasing the pressure he even alluded to the s. P. D. Is a rigid stance during a visit with schoolchildren visiting. Those who barricade themselves behind assertions as were now witnessing can only be reached with great difficulty later. There are even rumblings within the s. P. D. Itself not everyone is thrilled with the possible role and the opposition as president president steinmeyer has made a very clever announcement he sent that we now have been called upon to talk i always very much favor coming to decisions at the end of talks and not at the beginning. Among funk. Even the would be governing green party thinks the social democrats should not refuse in spite of everything. That i probably wont work to their advantage to enter into a grand coalition again thats the dilemma but this general refusal to negotiate is unacceptable. As chief Martin Schultz has probably started to reconsider suddenly he is reported to have said that the s. P. D. Will put the countrys interests ahead of its own shorts is due to meet president on thursday. Or for more lets cross over to day to be a Political Correspondent whos standing by at a parliamentary studios hons theres pretty leadership initially ruled out another coalition with michaels conservatives but could they end up changing their minds. Yes it looks as though the stonewalling is starting to crumble if one or more and can mix ones made to first like that for instance we have a quote from one speedy social democratic parliamentarian your hundred costs lets listen to that quickly i think the social democrats should reconsider what the president said that all parties have the duty to talk with each other before they go into another lection and thats what we are going to do so we are talking about all the issues that we having there were parts of our Election Campaign and were looking for partners and nobody knows it will end if we have a new election a grand coalition or if you have if you tolerate some other coalition without a majority so that was your highness cause a member of parliament for social democrats social democrats hes a representative of a more conservative group within the social democrats and theyve been pushing very hard in the last twenty four to forty eight hours for the Party Leadership to reconsider their refusal to enter into another grand coalition now understand that s. P. D. Leader Martin Schultz is going to see president steinmeier today the president is pressuring all prospective Coalition Partners to try to form some kind of government how do you think that conversation between the time and schultz will go. Well we have to remember here first of all that these two people know each other very well the president is also a social democrat for many many years he was germanys foreign minister he was also involved in a grand coalition with or in a coalition with angle america with the with the conservatives you know very well what hes talking about when hes pushing the current leader of the social democrats to reconsider his refusal to enter into talks again and as weve just heard there is some sense that shows as reconsidering his position that hes starting to swing a little bit towards the opinion that the interests of the country might into being more important than the interests of his party once explain to our viewers why these social democrats are so reluctant to enter another Coalition Government led by medical the problem is that everyone who works with america in government ends up somehow disappearing into the background even though the democrats in these past four years of grand Coalition Government pushed through a lot of the issues a lot of the plans that they had a lot of social democratic content actually was turned into law in germany yet at the same time when the voters had to make a decision on whether they liked the social democrats whether they would virtue of the social democrats as a result of such a grand coalition they did not to the social democrats lost a lot of lost a lot of support in the end social democrats fear that being in the coalition will end up hurting the party thank you so much the w. s husband there from our political desk at our parliamentary studio. Its Business News now german industrial giant to some cop is in the spotlight today its presenting its latest Earnings Figures kristoff has made its right terry and these figures coming in stronger than expected earnings before tax are up by almost a third at one point nine billion euros and to some clips european steel business contribution a big chunk to it however its precisely these operations that the Company Wants to merge with the steel business of indian competitor tata workers here in germany fear that the merger will eliminate more jobs than the company says. Thyssen krupp may have solid foundations but the companys merger with tata steel has left employees feeling like theyre on shaky ground the tie up is likely to result in about two thousand job losses in germany. The issue has even spoke to bait in the German Parliament members of the social democrats say the government should have intervened. On. Its fun clear if this merger will help secure Steel Production in germany and europe. It seems as if this is about shutting a profitable part one thats no longer of interest to the group as a whole. Crude stand accounts for well over seven billion euros in ten Thyssen Krupp steel made products like elevators almost as much products made for the car industry and socalled Industrial Solutions are also lucrative but the division that is worth the most by far is material services. The magic is intended to battle over capacity in china which has been putting steel makers elsewhere under pressure. Thyssen krupp and tata believe a joint venture will make them more efficient but what because i feel their future is being put on the line. So lets talk some more about this and crop its earnings and the companys strategy with greater care costs is to screw ups chief Financial Officer good morning to you sir explain to me if european steel business is profitable and its contribution heavily to profits and the Overall Results why do you want to merge it ta with ta. Well thank you for the question i mean one thing one clearly has to say about steel markets if we look at the recent past im Going Forward as well it is a volatile market so you see periods of good good earnings and of worse earnings and the underlying issue of that is that we still have overcapacity in europe and in china and what we want to address with the joint venture is clearly these underlying things to make it a stronger business in europe overall and therefore more sustainable however all involved parties be at the work force be it the companies and the onus ok but still markets have recovered do you not have any faith in this recovery in rising prices no clear i mean clear this year what we see and what we see throughout the industry is that were in an up market and that companies are recovering were now about to earn our cost of capital but if you take a look at the average of the last years they have always been periods where we made it but there have been periods i know average we have never made it for cost of capital and very often these good situations have been lost after a short period of time because of the overcapacity there are always people than addressing this and then the market goes down again now Union Leaders say they fear that more than the two thousand jobs that to sync up is talking about will be lost with this merger are these fears justified from your point of view. From our point of view the joint venture will have a much stronger position and will have advantages that we cannot realize on our own that means we can have synergies around better Capacity Utilization on r. And d. That we cannot do stand alone and if we have to survive in this market stand alone i think and i expect that the cuts we will have to take on our own might just be stronger because we cannot stop them with a with the possibilities we do have an adjoining venture so therefore the underlying idea that in a situation like now nothing will have to change Going Forward in steel i think is unrealistic and with a joint venture we can address it in a much better and more appropriate way because we will clearly be a strong number two in the european factor and were combining strong assets in the flat rolled business a period in the market and therefore we should have indeed a strong position and a better position compared to being standalone and these job cuts they are nevertheless the bone of contention here Union Leaders have said that they will block the merger in the supervisory board. What makes you so sure that this merger will go through because it needs the approval of the supervisor board. Now first of all lets indeed take a look at the numbers that we have sat we have stated that we will have a job costs of about one thousand in Production One thousand in g. N. A. T. Functions over a period of time we will not address in the first phase which definitely takes some time in the Blast Furnace and the hot rolling side now if we compare this to the last standalone restructuring we did with big rig loaded four years ago this was largely the same amount of people that we address there so it is not some thing in size that is so on common now thats why weve clearly said and this is part of the tradition and the d. N. A. Of to drop that we will always sit together with the Union Leaders weve started a working group we are discussing with them and were clearly explaining what were doing within this Due Diligence on m. And a process and then we will see how that will continue ones we will come to a decision which is then in early twenty eight all right you know character of chief Financial Officer of his in group thank you for a time this morning. And thats all your business for now back to you terry thanks chris tof we got some european football for you now and then the last match day five in the Champions League honestly a leaders bar in munich that already made the knockout stage but one two one at belgians on the left to give them a chance of top spot the big drama came off the field came off the field as by and fans faked through fake money on to the pitch and held up banners to protest against the one hundred euro cost of tickets robert leavened opened the scoring after fifty one minutes rallied equalising through sofia honey on sixty three minutes but minutes later koren tun bagged the winner for by and its their nine straight win since coach because took over the reins last month. Before we go just a reminder the top story were following for you here today on d w news police and immigration officials have moved in to clear almost four hundred refugees seeking asylum in australia that they were in an immigration camp and happen again a they fear for their safety at an alternative accommodation. Thanks watch. My song curiosity. To. Enter the conflict zone this week conflict zone is as the u. S. Army sole infos Training Area in bavaria holland guest is Lieutenant General ben hodges commando of the some thirty thousand u. S. Soldiers in europe with such comes home come on the in chief in washington many people in europe are wondering is america still a reliable power not the first in sixty minutes. Climate change. Waste. Pollution. Isnt it time for good news to go out africa people and projects that are changing their mentor for the better its up to us to make a difference be good for gun. Magazine d w. Germany state by state. The most colorful. The liveliest. The most traditional. Find it all at any time. Check in with a web special. Take a tour of germany state by state. On d w dot com

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