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Butcher of bosnia is guilty of genocide and war crimes the u. N. Tribunal sentences the former bosnian serb commander to life in prison for atrocities he committed during the bosnian war. And is germany in a National Crisis will not according to German Defense minister bristle up on their alliance w. s caught up with her to get her take on the uncertainty plaguing german politics in the wake of failed Coalition Talks. And also coming up stories of unimaginable suffering we hear from a group of ivorian migrants whose return home after experiencing the force of modern day slavery in libya. The rock a very. Warm welcome zimbabwes former Vice President Emerson Ganga Hauser arrives back home in preparation to take power after president Robert Mugabe shock resignation all a short while back he addressed his supporters outside the headquarters of the ruling zanu p. F. Party lets listen to what he had to say. The hardest. Day. Is. Getting home. While journalists are rainbow who joins us from harare for more re a rousing speech there by emerson is this what people wanted to hear. Yes thank you for having me and this means their work their people wanted to hear of stern he had not been seeing it probably didnt get arrested even vocally almost two weeks back and im going to quit beating him and saying that he was created to take charge and be had striven to the people making promises which included what people wanted to hear blocky kwame making promises and pledges to work with foreign minister and foreign markets to come back and rebuild at the quantum of zimbabwe so basically what are people waiting to hear and that he promised there to going to speak more theyre keeping operation which is expected to take place on friday. Now im gong as you know better than anybody else so was the right hand man of president s or Robert Mugabe for many many years are there any concerns at all or where you are that his administration will be just more of the same. Well the concern is definite here the people will feel director he has been associated with prisoner but will cover for a very long time in fact for almost fifty decades but quite interestingly in the speech that he gave a few minutes ago he spoke of prisoner going to grab the former president didnt read it you know basking in the fact that hes now taken charge into the tree but she played a big meeting that its time for a new un folding democracy so while we are concerned i think the overall assessment is as if its too early to judge him and hes been given a principle a chance are going to fly again and do something you know for him self and to prove the people wrong and thats what well be keeping a close eye on and trying to follow as he takes office on friday ray and do we know what will happen now to Robert Mugabe mugabe and his wife a great. I understand from the hes. A sports and who spoke earlier indicating that the president is going to be in the country as a private citizen you will be allowed to travel for medical attention we do know that he voted made to travel to singapore and malaysia for medical attention but indications are that hes going to remain in that country and hes with his son maybe and granger in jordan as well full immunity and be able to run the business is that they will parade here not to be the old it daily from which. They have run for several years ago indication of that prison or whatever it may not be in all states but he will still remain in the country are great novo thank you very much for your reporting. That outcome nottage the former Bosnian Serb Army chief accused of leading the massacre of eight thousand muslim men and boys in the small town of seventy has been found guilty of war crimes crimes against humanity and genocide judges at the u. N. Tribunal in the hague have sentenced him to life in prison the atrocities modish has been convicted of took place during the bosnian war in the one nine hundred ninety s. Sentencing caps off years of efforts to bring him to justice. And july nine hundred ninety five that stood before the cameras in the un designated safe zone of srebrenica and assured Bosnian Muslims that no one would come to harm. Twenty two years later he was sentenced to life in prison by the International Criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia for the genocide that so nearly eight thousand muslim boys and men from the typhoon murdered. The conviction of the former bosnian serb general was met with relief by the victims relatives. But for those like you know murder of each he lost two sons and two brothers it brings little consolation menace the same about men since those killed their only brothers they are all my sons they are all mine. They were the same age as my sons. I have no one left not even a neighbor. But its a son darko said that his father was appeal the ruling. This is not the court this is. Commission. And i must say. That. Criminalise go and there were a serbian people in times of civil war but the chief prosecutor surged ramat said lot it was no war hero and rejected accusations that the tribunal had driven a wedge between Bosnian Serbs and muslims some today weekly d. C. Judgment is a verdict against the serbian people. My office rejects that clean in the strongest terms not just guilt hes hes hes. Others was he does not teach. People. This judgement demonstrates that nothing could be further from the troops logical no spend his life behind bars after being found guilty of ordering the worst atrocity in europe since the holocaust. Well joining me now from london is. Is the founder and chairman of the u. K. Based charity remembering seventy a a very good evening mr oz made the i. C. T. Why found a lot of guilty of war crimes its a verdict that you had to wait more than two decades to hear how did you feel today when you heard it. Well its really historic moment to see it. Being being prosecuted the mothers the survivors have been waiting for over twenty years now to see this day the man who is the chief architect the man who was the commander for the worst atrocities on European Store since the second of war that man has been put in jail for life its something which will not return those innocent children those women. Whose whose whose dignity were taken away through rape camps you know those people who are men and boys who were murdered but he certainly will be some consolation that this man has been put behind bars you know he represents evil and everything that comes with evil you know he was behind that what is the significance of this sentence. Its significant that anybody who. Tries to promote the ideology of hatred the i. P. U. The evil ideology and this is what the. Men also bitch carriage and malarkey age including billion of passage all these leaders promoted example billionaire plant huge argue journey she was a professor of biology before she became leader of the poppy serbska which is the party that carried out the genocide she are you and i quote that those people in other words her people her race white people those people who embraced islam five hundred years ago one hundred people in jeans and over the centuries these jeans the great poet there and gets worse and worse you know this is a nazi ideology that was that was promoted to dehumanizing muslims and when we had the holocaust when you were up i said never again not the whole of course when six million jews were murdered simply because they were jewish simply because they had jewish identity they were the most integrated community weve had in europe in one thousand. Times and that the faith group which is muslims the most integrated everyone if you look in bosnia is why they dress like europeans you know they have the same culture as serbs and croats you know they were you know murdered simply because they had different faith and they have a different religious identity this kind of not see evil ideology must be must be eliminated and this is a powerful message right there all those people whether theyre Political Parties right now in germany or in that village and except like some power message there its a powerful message and so i just want to get into there because i want to also show a picture where you know the unspeakable atrocities that lot of she was responsible for were captured in a single iconic image that opened the worlds eyes to what. Was happening and i believe we have the picture that we can show you right now its a very difficult cover to see it shows a mass yet it a prisoner held at a serb concentration camp that prisoner figured alledge you see him right here managed to escape arrest torture is here he is at the court in the hague today where he saw that calm that its being brought to justice. Its a remarkable remarkable evolution that we see that survivor growing through your organization very briefly asked me once to raise awareness of the genocide in bosnia what lessons can be drawn from this tragedy. Well the fact that we live in troubled world you know troubled world where we look at you know the the you know the rise of extreme right wing organizations weve seen this not just the rhetoric of donald trump or the fact that you got ninety four seats in german parliament. Bill this in holland or in britain we have the English Defense League all these organizations basically the target. Is islam and muslims before you is the jews and six million jews were murdered us the irish in this country but now the simple and muslims and muslim. Communities certainly but dont feel that theres something horrible is going to happen and we must learn the lessons of sort of that hatred can lead to genocide that leaders have responsibility and i was possibilities to come a quick to promote equality for all rather than targeting people of based on faith and race and dehumanizing them and leading them very very Important Message a very very Important Message indeed. As me founder and chairman of the u. K. Based charity remembering seventy thank you you thank. The president s of russia turkey and iran have been meeting to decide on the political future of syria while the three met earlier in the russian resort city of sochi and agreed to back a dialogue process that will bring together Syrian Government and opposition figures well the aim is to find a way forward for the war ravaged country putin also said the Syrian Government is committed to free and Fair Elections iran and syria support the Syrian Regime while turkey supports the opposition. Is monitoring events from moscow we can talk to her right now emily what do these three countries hope this meeting will achieve well the leaders seem to have the leaders seem to have high hopes for this congress they hope that it will provide an opportunity to work out a new constitution which could be the basis for what they say for elections in syria and they see it as a key step in the political process now what they hope is that this congress will bring together different groups from the opposition and the government and actually this congress was already scheduled to take place on saturday and it was actually canceled because the list of attendees included kurdish groups and turkey was not ok with that so now its been postponed and russian diplomat diplomats are supposed to work out the details of the new congress well have to see what the guest list is for that new congress because there are some very notable absences the opposition is not there at the table the e. U. Is missing the u. S. Putin is clearly in the drivers seat is this russias attempt to set the terms of peace in syria. You know just to just to point out there were there will be opposition groups at this congress but absolutely this is this is his attempt to take the driving seat weve seen in the past few weeks and the past few days Putin Holding a series of meetings in sochi really trying to bring such heat to the forefront of negotiations and this whole syria conflict has in a way been an opportunity for russia to show that its a key player on the world stage as well as in the middle east and of course putin is has been trying all along to prop up. As as a leader as a future leader potentially in in syria as well or at least as a leader in a transition government so that should be his that will be his goal in the weeks to come as well in the thirty seconds that ive got what unites russia turkey and iran. Well they are all the guarantors of the. Peace process with which is an alternative Peace Process to the un geneva talks so they all want those to work out and to keep up their influence in syria there. For moscow thank you. All right im going to hand you over to danielle now because its been kind of a delicate balancing act for mr han and thats right Philip Hammond has the an enviable task of trying to relieve the burden of austerity as the u. K. s finance minister at the same time he wants to reduce borrowing and the timing couldnt be worse in his autumn budget today how mende lowered his countrys five year growth forecast that stew to the uncertainty caused by brecks it the countrys decision to quit the European Union has resulted in a sharp fall in sterling and an increase in inflation now he set aside billions of pounds for breakfast contingency plans what does that say about the u. K. s hopes for brics that conrad who isnt has this analysis would Philip Hammond is not really precise he says he sets aside an extra three billion pounds for bricks that Contingency Planning and that he wants to ready britain for every possible outcome of the wreck that negotiations this indicates that the government in london is still not sure what the Economic Impact of breaks it may eventually be so the government gets prepared for lower tax income and if theres really a hard brecks it then the government will need extra money for extra Civil Servants for example for border control. Conrad who is now its a massive data breach which affects millions of customers and yet kept it under wraps for a year your name email address and phone number could be among the leaked state or the right heading out even paid hush money to keep it quiet now new yorks attorney general is looking into the case in a federal level investigation could also take place. Not only did he know about the hack and keep it from authorities it paid the thieves one hundred thousand u. S. Dollars to keep quiet hoover isnt the only company to be extorted by hackers experts say yet firms in the u. S. And u. K. Are required to disclose breaches to the government that means could face have to fines or stay the cover up also expose the firm to customer lawsuits. More seriously it raises questions about hoovers management at a sensitive time the companys trying to change a reputation for recklessness following a string of scandals under founder and former c. E. O. Travis colonic its also pushing for a new round of investment the fact that they refused to tell people that tens of thousands of drivers licenses that all of this personal data was around floating around outside of its control only reinforces the impression that people have this is a company that doesnt care about what happens to its users data customers say the latest revelations make the money easy on comfortable for them now its a little disappointing i mean as a consumer i mean i you who are now at it had no idea this was going on but will they actually leave valued at nearly seventy billion dollars the company is already the largest Ride Sharing Service in the world and its continued to grow despite past controversies. That means the latest scandal for over may just be the latest bump in the road. For tech editor Constantine Klein says theres going to be a legal backlash. Well yes maybe facing Legal Proceedings around the world new yorks attorney general Eric Schneiderman has already launched investigations authorities in australia and the philippines are looking into that matter and britains top Data Security official james diplo johnston said. Raises huge concerns which in britain amounts to a possible phone of up to five hundred thousand pounds which for you and me is a lot of money but not necessarily for a company which on one side has never made any money money on the other hand has a market value of over seventy million billion dollars staying in the tech world that internet blacklist is getting longer china has reportedly added skype to its roster of banned apps major tech firms including apple say china is demanding they remove the app from their download starts chinese Authorities Say skype does not comply with local bars but did not specify what rules were violated the move has prompted speculation that the government wants to limit access to encrypted services that are less vulnerable to monitoring the country already blocks other leading foreign websites including facebook and twitter. And its only business for now be back later with even more thank you know the u. N. Secretary general has called for urgent action after recent video emerged of african migrants being sold as slaves in libya c. N. N. Broadcast footage of what it said was an auction of men offered to libyan buyers as farm hands they were sold for four hundred dollars. These ivorians overturning home the home they left to seek a better life in europe. On the way many suffered unimaginable horror as an abuse at the hands of smugglers in libya one hundred fifty five migrants were repacholi to abidjan on monday each with a story to tell and what theyre telling is slavery is real. Home nothings selman in libya even fifteen year olds theyre in a car armed they kidnap you sell you for one or two hundred dinars and then others resell you thats the truth. So that it was prison they take you they tell you to pay money if you dont pay you stay in prison when you pay they free you but then someone else takes you. Through. Their accounts confirmed the images of african migrants being auctioned off in libya in a recent t. V. Report it sent shock waves through the world but it didnt come as a surprise to the people working here. Statistically to push its an open secret many people knew what was going on in libya weve talked about the abuse of migrants women in particular time and again in our awareness raising campaigns in ivory coast were trying to tell people in our country that its time to open our eyes and see that the tragedies of irregular migration are not just the deaths there are other tragedies to. From. You know to slavery they chant news of the slave auction sparked protests outside the libyan embassies and paris and across africa libya is a migration not far from europe with some seven hundred thousand migrants within its borders its a lawless place where exploitation is rife and the revelations have brought more International Scrutiny upon it. Including from the United Nations secretary general who condemned the human rights abuses. I abhorred these appalling acts and call upon all Competent Authority is to investigate these activities without the les and to bring the best potatoes to justice. Libyan authorities have launched a formal investigation but for many its too late. A scandal is brewing at one of germanys oldest academic institutions students are up in arms after a professor was caught posting racist comments on social media and our very own a for that about your has been following that story for us so good to see for that it can tell us more about this professor so thomas is an International Law professor at Leipsic University in the eastern state of saxony he has come under fire in the past for hes some of his views particularly on islam but this time hes gone too far courting to many and this is why here you can see one of his latest tweets where hes voicing support for a White Nationalist movement in poland a saying a white to europe of fraternal nations for me is a wonderful goal and just as they are after he tweeted this saying we dont owe the africans and arabs anything they have destroyed their continent through corruption inefficiency unchecked breeding and the tribal and religious wars and that they are now taking away what to rebuild with diligence now these comments really didnt go down well with many students at the university here you can see. A man in the white shirt and some of his students actually stormed one of his the lessons and they began holding a Powerpoint Presentation trying to expose the kind of things that hes been writing on twitter and this also has led to protests just yesterday students gathered outside the University Building they want this professor to be fired over his statements. I mean are there any consequences that will that he will have to face well the university has condemned strongly hes a statement we also got in touch with the dean of the low faculty and she said to him russias cummins are inhuman and racist weve also seen other fish oils from the state of saxony. They will also be speaking out for instance the minister for science and even mary. Stunned she tweeted saxon these universities are open minded and international i strongly condemn russia in a public views but not everybody is against him and we should remember that saxony is the birthplace of the. Movement its also a state where the far right attorney for germany is the strongest potsie so there is a pool of supporters for such ideas we can also see here a tweet by a member in a member of parliament who is vowing to fight for he says freedom of speech was always something that had to be fought for and defended rush or were fighting for you. Its unclear whether this will cost the professor his job the university i mean hes comments have gotten him into trouble before but so far theyve always been chalked up to freedom of speech the university is investigating and theyre considering disciplinary action and for his part is denying any wrongdoing we got in touch with him and he told us he deems and he considered he considers himself as a as an open mind its color and he says that hes views have been distorted by he said narrow minded people so well keep following the story and see what happens for that thank you. Youre watching it every news resell have a lot more to tell you about heres whats ahead. Is germany in a political crisis were not according to the fence minister orissa law ponder a lion she tells didnt use that such fears are unfounded despite failed Coalition Talks on the possibility of new elections. And the icelandic pop phenomenon bjork is back with a new album utopia is coming out this weekend shows a much softer the romantic side of the singer scott rocks her from our culture desk will give us all the details in just a few. Stick around. Health. And hearings to law. Solidarity. They fall by the wayside when the gap between rich and poor grows. Larger in an equal societies. In forty five minutes on d w. Its all about the moments that lie before. Its all about the still lives inside. Its all about George Chance to discover the world from different perspectives. Join us and be inspired by distinctive instagram or others at g. W. Stories new topics each week on instagram. Your children like chocolate. You cant live without your smartphone. You go to major hopes the supermarket. As we go about our daily lives human rights are all from the last the lower minds. Invisible hands. In the twenty first century. Starting december second on g. W. Great to have you back with us youre watching the. Iraq and berlin these are main headlines right now. Zimbabwes former Vice President emerson gone wrong as arrived back in harare and preparation to take hour after president Robert Mugabes shock resignation. Had fled to south africa after being fired by mugabe earlier this month hell be sworn in as president on friday. Judges at a un courts have found the former bosnian. Serv army chief about privilege guilty of war crimes and genocide and have sentenced him to life in prison under a law that has command served troops massacred thousands of muslim bosnian men and boys in the town of seventy chalk in one thousand nine hundred ninety five. Lebanese Prime Minister said howdy says he is putting his resignation on hold after the countrys president asked him to reconsider and allow time for more dialogue how did he attended in the penn state celebrations in the capital after returning to lebanon late last night well its nearly three weeks since he suddenly announced his resignation while in saudi arabia while lebanese officials accuse saudi of forcing me to resign but haiti has yet to confirm those allegations. All right well for more on this im now joined by a bent a shell or she is the Beirut Office director of the foundation a think tank thank you so very much for joining us so why the sudden change of heart. I think is very relevant and as you might know were celebrating lebanese Independence Day to day and this is a crucial moment religion in which you see quite a small states run by neighboring states and other regional hose who want to tear the internal affairs of lebanon disagreement and its very symbolic thing in there for everybody was waiting for how do you come back this way and to attend the raid so i mean is this him staying on is that a saving face option saving face excuse me option for all involved this way saudi does its damage control the lebanese establishment looks good including hezbollah you know theyve resisted outside pressure that way. It made me seem like this you really have to keep in mind that lebanon has the massive paris to be sort out and have a belief that this is sad to suspender temporarily suspend his resignation should allow for more dialogue and reasons in the political background of it i think it is important that lebanon has a government that can produce the stability and the readiness of foreign experience parliamentary elections so this this mean that they have staved off a political crisis. I think were not get through the big his there are difficult tasks assault as think that they claim is the cattery made when he was in saudi that he was a friend for his life here and that he saw a massive problem in the interference of running lebanese paris i think these are very strong accusations and something that the future weeks will show how can these be overcome how can all the lebanese political actors deal with that what kind of reception that the people of lebanon get heavy. And what is the very warm bed also over the past years and was not in the cards weve seen and other precedented expression of solidarity here if you walk through the streets of beirut or any other lebanese city you to proceed to meet her with posters all of her duty all having the hash tag we are all human have you and this is also how the welcome today was celebrated all right benza sheller they were the officer rector of the Boat Foundation thank you thank you. I am going to hand you back over to daniel because were going to be powering up the answer were talking development lay low a new u. N. Report has drawn attention to the hundreds of millions of people in the world who have no access to electricity take a look at this map the forty seven countries which are going to be marked on here they go are classified as the least developed nations in the world and as you can see most of them are located in africa together these countries are home to some eight hundred eighty Million People the majority of them sixty two percent in fact have no access to electricity and thats a huge problem when it comes to Economic Development the u. N. Has set itself the goal of providing universal access to energy by twenty thirty but how the answer could lie in renewables but it wont come cheap getting the worlds least developed countries powered up by twenty thirty could cost up to forty billion euros a year. And roth trager coauthor of the report joins me now from geneva thank you very much for speaking to us energy is clearly very important but why did you decide to dedicate the entire report to it out of all of the possibilities for development. Well and this is a related to another goal no which was chosen by the United Nations reaches the top elimination of all forms of all the time between now and twenty third and this is just so cold Sustainable Development goal number one what is necessary in order to eliminate sustainable you poverty there in these countries in the least developed countries which are the poorest countries of the world that they have this truck or transformation of their corn but then to him for us in the structural transformation of their economy this means developing more performant more and more and more productive Sector Workers in. My years in the g. D. P. Our heated street to holler more than i will tell just to follow a modern service six thats why the supply of more than in that you formed he is so important for these companies ok but the last un conference on the least developed countries in twenty eleven set the goal of lifting half of the countries out of the list by twenty twenty two since then just to have socalled graduated is the un conference on development failing. Let see that these go no wait it was adopted by the International Community ben a q twenty live and in istanbul its part of this Temple Program or paxson for the least developed countries it was very ambitious it foresaw there some twenty four countries would graduate out of the cathedral your ability to look countries until twenty twenty this was a very ambitious goal but what i think that hits insisted on is the important factor is not when countries grandly out of each developed countries start towards but how they grant degree its important that the grantley through such approach a process which is sustainable over the median long term so there is no me russia we have it subject important you think it needs to pull of the bathers for long term Sustainable Development of these countries in this can only be achieved through the structural transformation then what then is asian the changing structure of the transfer of the capital of their workers to more morgan and more productive activities and said ok so there is still room for hope that definitely results trade thank you very much for the thank you very much employees of bankrupt Adeline Abilene have taken to the streets in the german capital to protest against job losses their futures hang in the balance under the companys new owners last hands up and easy job. They say theyve been forgotten hundreds of former air berlin employees took to the streets to vent their frustration the Airlines Insolvency has left them in a peculiar kind of limbo. Part two and here Mission Began the party today were calling on politicians to take responsibility but this is about a Company Takes over as the facts stand today eighty percent of us here are flight crews we have no work anymore we were let go conditionally which means were not entitle to social welfare because we werent officially fired i dont think people realize. Its a good job for me and more than anger especially at the decision to guarantee payments of up to four and a half Million Euros to former air berlin c. E. O. Told must think im on. Many people accuse the company of breaking promises. To restore back to square one people need to apply for new jobs from scratch not other companies which makes sense but weve been counting on being kept on with the same salaries as had been promised this hasnt happened and thats a great shame. The protest took place as air berlins bondholders learnt that theyre unlikely to recover more than one percent of outstanding debt as a result of the companys insolvency meanwhile the future of thousands of workers remains up in the air. And from chaos in the capital to chaos in the capital like a sack leader because failed Coalition Talks in germany have catapulted it this nation into a Major Political uncertainty president meyer has been meeting with the heads of the countrys main parties to take stock of the situation on thursday you know meet with the social democrat leadership you know urge them to rethink joining conservatives in a grand coalition the social democrats have so far rule that out but their position is increasingly difficult to maintain because that is because the s. P. D. Is coming under pressure from both inside and outside the party w. s christopher springeth met a leading member of chancellor Angela Merkels conservatives defense minister earls off on her lion and she too called on the s. P. D. To enter into talks this is from the line is germany in a state of National Crisis no because we do have a constitution that is wise and realizable and that is working with a lot of checks and balances so we have an unusual situation but it is manageable. Do you think the s. P. D. Is going to be able to continue refusing to join at least exploratory Coalition Talks with your party with the conservatives here in germany well my personal opinion is that if you have been elected as a party your voters wanted you to fulfill a program you have been voted for so i think all of us the democratic parties. Are obliged to at least talk to each other and to try to sit down at the negotiation table and this is what i expect from the social democrats so you think theyre going to come and talk to you i hope so tomorrow the leader of the social democrats will see our president and i hope that he will after that meeting he will be accepting to enter in at least. Talks to explore whether we could go into Coalition Talks and what would the conservatives what would chancellor merkel be able to offer the social democrats to get them into another government well im pretty experienced with Coalition Negotiations its where fifth time im sitting now with that so this is a long process so you dont start by offering big things but you start by talking and to find a common position from which a new develop project for the future what germany needs what europe needs where our responsibility for the world is and then you define the details the other option of course will be a minority government is there anything that you find attractive about the perspective of a minority government in germany im very skeptical about a minority government because my experience is that you need a stable strong government first of all to push forward common projects but also in a moment of crisis and we have seen many crises the euro crisis the refugee crisis we had different other difficult situation you need a very strong and a government that is determined to step forward and for that a minority government is not sure that one last question there has been criticism of chancellor merkel style of negotiation that it perhaps hasnt been effective enough you were in these negotiations whats your view of her style of negotiation i have seen her ive seen are highly concentrated very balanced actually the greens were very satisfied with her style of negotiation and liberals as long as they have been in the negotiations were very satisfied too. She was acting in the same way we know her from International Negotiations and we know that she and most of the cases was able to find a good solution why was she not of able to find a good solution this time because its not only depending on the chancellor there are four parties and all four of them must have the. To govern together are you suggesting the liberals never had that well. You have to ask this question to the liberals at the very beginning and weve been sitting together for four weeks i was convinced that there was a strong will and all sides so it was we were quiet surprised when they walked out of the room on sunday night this is from the line thank you very much for talking to us thank you so much. Force now in europes top clubs are add it tonight in the season long tournaments called the Champions League and what its like aside byron munich are already certain of advancing to the round of sixteen on our very own Jonathan Crane is here with me to talk about about these matches byron players are talking like they really really need to beat under left why they are now and were not really expecting them to be too troubled by the bout inside in brussels tonight and thats very important because finally looking to claim talks in that group. Well what can records with by and stick it to the knockout stages already signed sealed and delivered the focus now is on topping that group helped by the goals of robert levin duff ski theyve won a Senior Writer under coach youre behind kids. Just two months of i dont think the team will relax just because weve already qualified for the next stage but if its the food i think the team will want to keep moving forward and europe wont allow them to to relax

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