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Im burned off in berlin we begin the day on a day that will go down in history now these are the first hours of a zimbabwe minus mugabi the embattled president turned iron fist ruler resigned today the man whose presence was matched for almost four decades by his omnipotence outside the rule of law did not show up to let it all go instead he sent word of his resignation by letter to the speaker of zimbabwes parliament his absence some will say a final act of disdain for the democracy that he dismantled for others mugabes sudden a strange moment didnt come soon enough. How quickly a new chapter of history in zimbabwe has been written exactly one week ago tonight there were reports of tanks rolling into the capital harare my colleague christine joined me here to talk us through what would become a bloodless military coup mixed with a forced constitutional transfer of power tonight christine is in harare with zimbabweans celebrating an end and a beginning like never before. The only. Way right now ok. I am. The only really would show you the. Way i. Would. Do you own. The. Load. The old. Oh and the old. Was. The old the. Toyota o. O. O. O. O. O. O. O. And. People would. Take oh and. Celebrate the yellow. Im sure. That was our colleague christine in harare there as history was being made today of the celebrations are also underway in south africa tonight for more on that we are joined now by they were loving guy the Southern Africa director at Human Rights Watch in johannesburg its good to have you back on the show i have to ask you what went through your mind today when you heard that mugabe had resigned. To do it if i could not believe that you know the man who has been in charge and. In. Zimbabwe and. Really imagine a to put it lets get seven years it finally given in resigned i did not see it coming. I almost thought you might think something might happen that everything i i could not believe you know that finally this was the end of this route and that perhaps now is that what you did for a start was in but with. Mr loving it how important is this moment for zimbabwe and for Southern Africa. Absolutely important it is a huge lesson with an africa but. Again shoot anyone men have so much power and control over a mission and over that institutions. It is time to celebrate it is the moment you have to. Revel in it and you know that this is finally happened but i think its also important to. Be mindful of how it is come about it was the military that set of the event but it resulted in this resignation for the role of the military involved with politics is a consenting thing Going Forward and i hope that they will be a framework to dealing separately little from politics so thats Going Forward it will not be the military thats at the guarantors. But the people of this but with themselves through free and Fair Elections you bring up a very good point because this euphoria is going to have to give way at some point to the sober reality of what mugabe leaves behind what condition is the rule of law in zimbabwe. Totally absent collapse rule of law over the years mugabe has completely disregarded the rule of law to get his way so for example the from invasions despite the laws of the land in the judiciary saying clearly that it was a question illegal with a hit with that program of for far from incursions with this serious human rights abuses that ok over the years there was absolutely no accountability you know the people responsible for those crimes when scot free now they hope that zimbabweans could rally together to push for accountability and also a huge challenge in the compromise of state institutions including the Security Forces themselves who have just stepped in to intervene politically so there is no need to go back to the drawing board and say the Political Leadership of the public should insist thats Going Forward the military and others should be independent should be from them and it without involvement in political and civilian affairs it was that that would remain a huge challenge there would be a block to reforms to accountability for human rights abuses and one of the man he was going to take mugabes place the former Vice President mr emerson. His record is just as tarnished and as problematic as mugabes. Yes thats correct a muslim god has been in force for the last seven years effectively dislike him and complicity in almost everything that was doing so its really. These people from the same camp and hes likely to continue on the same. Is sufficient pressure from zimbabweans from opposition groups and from with neighbors to insist to go to forms to ensure that what does not go the same route that mugabe has taken over the last seven years and weve got about twenty seconds i mean ask you do you trust then mr willing to be a good caretaker until fair and free elections can take place. Not really need for gotten to reach an agreement days need for close monitoring of the process and for the International Community to announced it in and he hopes for what we can not to leave them and i got what you and allies in the military. Have their way so it is really need. To start a new political chapter all right with Human Rights Watch in johannesburg thank you very much we appreciate your insights tonight. From the un chartered political territory of one country to the next tonight germany is no closer to a new government and then it was on election day two months ago talks to form a new Coalition Government collapsed on sunday and for the first time in her twelve years as german chancellor Angela Merkels future looks very uncertain at the center of all of this is the man there you see in the center. Christiane linda his party the three democrats known as they walked out of the talks today lanier visited the german president who is calling on all parties to try again to cut a deal the cochairs of the green party also met with germanys president today here in berlin as the backroom talks continue germans are split on what should happen next as for americas she says she would rather campaign in new elections than try to lead a minority government. At least the ushers in germanys parliament can stick to their regular routine they cordoned off areas for t. V. Interviews and prepared for the upcoming session otherwise nothing here is business as usual when this type president falls gun show his concerns early starts give my all state power comes from the people the people have spoken to us with these elections and now we must act in accordance on the responsibly. And. Although the failed Coalition Talks werent officially on the agenda im glad merkel was under close scrutiny which he tried to persuade the social democrat leader Martin Shultz to join a new grand coalition that would be the easiest way out of the gridlock but the s. P. Day doesnt seem willing to help the chancellor. Its a move for mccabe from merkel has failed miserably with the coalition she wanted she cant lead apparently shes lost her touch and now parliament can try by itself to make progress perhaps itll be even better for the people wouldnt have to build a few nights ago a few near the probusiness free democrats have also had enough of michael for the moment they walked out of talks on sunday party leader chris young lives no matter german president frank valter steinmeyer on tuesday afternoon but he and other Party Members appear reluctant to go back to the negotiating table this is not binding nothing was achieved in the talks we werent able to bring change and reform into german politics it wasnt an easy decision but it needed to be taken to avoid losing credibility. Of the greens meanwhile find themselves getting closer to america and her conservative bloc with it would make most sense for all parties involved to resume negotiating were ready to talk. But in the end talking alone isnt enough in order to form a stable government chancellor merkel will have to find a clear majority within parliament and many here believe the only way to do that are fresh elections. And thomas joins me now at the big table its good to have you back on the day let us to the fact lets talk politics here so weve got the free democrats the f. T. P. Very are being called the negotiation killers now four years ago they didnt even get enough votes to make it into the federal parliament now theyre standing in the way of a new government being formed if youre looking at this from the outside this Party Looks Like they their power is inflated overweighted well but you have to understand what all this is about if you look at the German Parliament and i was there today you have seven Political Parties there you have six fundamentally groups you have more than seven hundred m. P. s this is indeed a Fragmented Parliament and it is also a fragmented German Society when you have that then you have very few options for and that american for the conservative bloc to try and form a coalition that the only viable option once the social democrats decided they were not going to join another grand coalition was try and work with the greens and the liberals and from that perspective the greens and the liberals had indeed a lot of power and thats why when mr lindh now decides to simply leave those conversations basically everything fall hard what about the a. F. D. This far right party if there are if we do see new elections what are the chances that the. Game even more seats important well there are the chances are obviously high that they could gain more seats in parliament if theres one party that can actually win out of all of this is the beginning in part because of the were seeing this Fragmented Parliament the a. V. Took away votes from all major parties on september twenty fourth and those votes thats a percentage that other parties are not willing to work with so obviously this shows how fragmented this whole situation is and how difficult it is for and for the conservative bloc in particular because they ultimately have the response of it is to try and form the government you know weve been saying. In the last twenty four hours the chancellor merkel has never been so wounded as she is now today a commentator wrote that black sunday when the Coalition Talks collapsed may go down in history as the beginning of the end of the eternal some people indeed have been talking about that i dont think thats the only common trend that and direction but there are also other opinions there are those who say that its precisely in the most difficult moments precisely when people are describing merkel like that that she comes out and shows political stature we saw that for example and some occasions during the migration crisis i think its too early yet to simply say this is the beginning of the end for merkel what we can say for sure is that shes facing a very difficult challenge and a challenge that will certainly need to show all her political stature if she is going to be successful in this case thomas bearer as always we appreciate your insights good have you on the day my pleasure. My. Well tonight in an exclusive interview with d. W. News qatars foreign minister has accused saudi arabia of undermining security in the gulf region Shaikh Mohammad bin abdul rahman out tunney met his german counterpart zoomer gabriele in berlin today now the two men opened a qatari Cultural Center germany is taking an active role in diplomatic efforts to end the blockade of guitar by other gulf states including saudi arabia my colleague Christopher Spring gate spoke with foreign minister danny who says the saudis are refusing to engage with his country. The saudis and their allies say that qatar sponsors extremist groups that destabilize the middle east is that the case its not the case at all i thought i was as an active player and there was a guest actually weve been one of the founding members of the Global Coalition and we are hosting the center for their Global Coalition and everybody you know started to realize that it was just a smokescreen to justify the blockade again and again to stop it and they know very well they nor the reality of our contribute to the fight again are stirred up this narrative is being used by by saudi and u. A. E. Mainly to justify him to gain sympathy with the west as far as the conflict in the tensions between saudi arabia and qatar your country what are you doing to deescalate those tensions since the beginning weve been calling for a form of dialogue and since the beginning we want to understand what are the concerns of those countries if its a security concern then it will be our own concern as well so i need took to sit with them on the table in order to understand they are. Using a different attitude which is skittish and they did all the illegal means against my country they blockaded the only land border suddenly we got up in the morning there is no access for our supplies whether its for daughters medicine for our people they exposed our people they separated the families they expelled students from their universities there are more than twenty six thousand human rights violation conducted by saudi and u. A. E. And. Because of because of the legal measures and what they are doing they are continuing the same attitude they they submitted a list of demands and ultimatum which is no country not over the mission accept other countries to impose any demands that we can we didnt escalate against anyone we act with a. Matter of maturity and. We talked we told them that we are ready if you want to engage in a serious dialogue with without touching the sovereignity or. International law we are fine we are willing to engage other than that they want to remain with the stalemate and they want to. Get to qatar and to submission this is will never happen so youre saying that the Saudi Arabians have refused dialogue with you they did actually the saudi arabia and us and the head and egypt the blockading states. They didnt want to engage in dialogue we have been very cooperative with the emir of kuwait and with you know i said its when it comes to the dialogue we have issued more we have fifty fifty different assessments by different officers from all levels about calling for dialogue if you will can their. Statements about dialogue you would find them if you will find you will find this very few other of them that cannot do more if they are going to sort that out but was the victim we were subject to a cyber attack to start and to create this entire. Crisis and now they are claiming that they just they are minimizing the issue and they are calling it its very minor and small issue if its very minor and small issue it is disturbing that they gulf countries does destabilizing the region and it means that theyre minimization is really that they dont care about the stability of the region and the security of the region they dont care about the g. C. C. As an organization which meant to be for collective security and that was my colleague Christopher Spring gauge in conversation with the foreign minister of qatar Shaikh Mohammed bin abdul rahman. Amnesty international has published the findings of a two year investigation into the crackdown by me in mars military on the ethnic hinge of people in iraq kind state of the findings are hard hitting amnesty accuses the authorities in me and mar of creating a system of apartheid which is classified as a crime against humanity they were in jail have faced state sponsored discrimination for decades according to the report but this has worsened since two thousand and twelve when violence broke out between buddhists and the Muslim Minority to date six hundred thousand have fled to neighboring Bangladesh Amnesty International has now called for the Un Human Rights Council to hold a special session on the crisis. These are the latest real hinge arrivals seeking safety at the refugee camp and coxs bazaar in bangladesh the campus run by the International Organization for migration has seen a massive influx of rutin just since last august several hundred thousand are sheltering here and in the surrounding area violence and persecution in their home country of me and maher drove them here. And i visit my and forced us to work as forced labor taking our Identity Cards from us. They burned down our houses we kind of lived there we had to leave to come here that route out but i didnt know that. Back in may in mar the countrys leader sun suit she has expressed what appears to be support for the brutal crackdown today and for that shes been heavily criticized brault the authorities and me and maher have accused the real hinge of terrorism and regard them as illegal immigrants. For more on this im joined by barbara bila from brussels she is a german member of the European Parliament for the green party with a focus on human rights is look whether its good to have you on the show european and asian Foreign Ministers are meeting in me and more this week do they have any leverage to help resolve this crisis yes they do i think they have the possibility to discuss with the chinese and with the myanmar government on this plane you just mentioned and its good that theres a ceasefire and its good that they agree that all of those refugees from a kind state that are us have the right to return to their place of origin but what is not in the plaintiff the Chinese Government is that we have to look who is responsible for this atrocities which the high commissioner for human rights face it amounts to ethnic cleansing so the e. U. Foreign ministers and their asian Foreign Ministers do have to insist that those who are responsible for this have to be brought have to be held accountable well Amnesty International claims that b. M. R. Has effectively effectively created a state of apartheid and its discrimination against the road if that is true then the International Community should be reacting in trying to stop that. Yes i mean one effect is that within me and mar the routing guys do not have any legal status or citizenship and this is very essential every plane and every possibility that they return and then have a decent life yes this is it is its end and yes the human rights institutions in the United Nations but also the European Union has to insist that this fundamental discrimination has to end and theres a lot of discrimination on the side of the government but also within the society like a do scroope out reaches preachers and teachers haters against the ruling guess and the government has to address this human government mean mars leader Aung San Suu Kyi she has been harshly criticized for her failure to stop the gravity on the region what more can be done in your opinion to pressure her to act well clearly to see that for example the chief commander of the myanmar army should be held accountable what he did in reaction to this takes in august and i think sung suki has to be more vocal and made more determined to find a solution to it she refers to a plan. Drafted by kofi annan or two could be done in the right kind state she is willing to do this they describe it but this plan does not include all the atrocities and the Human Rights Violations committed there so she has really to be on the side of her people in these includes the rohingya guess ok Barbara Miller joining us tonight from brussels misl ocular thank you very much you weigh. Well the day is nearly done the conversation continues online youll find us on twitter either. Use the hash tag today and remember no matter what happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see it in everybody. Risk its part of the business of doing business. But what if an investment goes bad if performance doesnt meet expectations. And want to give people get bit by the gambling by the. Way managers can learn how to manage risks and what poker can teach them about Risk Assessment made in germany next d w. Because that is where they start to divide the country you need to know where they start to divide the language your blood flow for cooling the collapse of the soviet union left its constituent nations on their own how strong is the legacy of soviet rule today the reemergence of russia part three of our series moscows empire. In forty five minutes. Your children like chocolate. You cant live without your smartphone. Or tomatoes in the supermarket. As we go about our daily lives schuman lights off from the last thing on the minds. Invisible hands of slavery in the twenty First Century starting december second on d. W. Bush

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