Already been in jail at the age of twelve and told us you are no longer children you are adults. You wish the waiting the fear of the unknown. But it wasnt clear how it would end and you knew going in and then the premonition that the building would be stormed the expectation of more shooting. Was there with you in there. After two and a half days an unidentified sedative gas was pumped into the hall through the theaters ventilation system Russian Special forces stormed the theater and shot the terrorists. The world going to what it says all. The dobro theater is located in a residential area. We said in one of the apartments and watched the attack from fifty meters away. We put the t. V. On it and compared the official news with what we were seeing. We were horrified at what we saw that night. The media were reporting that there were no victims. But we saw bodies being carried out and put in front of our building in which we watched this line of corpses grow longer and longer. Then the most awful thing the secret service men started to pile another line of bodies on top of the first. We understood that these people were no longer alive. It was a nightmare absolute horror. One hundred thirty hostages were killed during the storming of the theater almost all of them by the unidentified gas the moscow doctors werent told what it was and couldnt find an antidote nonetheless the Russian Media portrayed the hostage rescue as a victory. That indoor only cats that was a National Basis the day before i was due to publish an article about it the f. S. B. Turned up. They took the server and my computer with them searched everywhere and summoned me for interrogation to prevent its publication. They told me stop writing about ne and the proceedings against you will be dropped it was blackmail and very very very unpleasant that was how they unobtrusively destroyed freedom of speech in russia. Vladimir putin ruled without compromise introducing antiterrorism measures and restricting the freedom of the press he also had plans for the billionaire all the guards who would become powerful media owners through privatization more to the point he had plans to silence them under yeltsin and they had a big say in the running of the country put in put an end to all that but it was only vulcans a change the rules of the game the pas the only clocks was constrained. Political scientist on xander dupion is a right wing nationalist with controversial views but the kremlin was starting to look at things his way. The only guards were forbidden to form their own factions in parliament or to finance Political Activities or to have the mass media in their pockets or to use them to present their own line. Those oligarchs who acknowledged the primacy of the state could remain those who didnt lie either sent into exile abroad or to jail. That was the fate that overtook Mikhail Khodorkovsky head of the yukos oil conglomerate he had publicly criticized putin and put forward his own political policies in october two thousand and three he was arrested for embezzlement and tax evasion and sentenced to nine years in prison you course was nationalized put in now had one opponent less and control over the gigantic oil company. Was a very Large Companies were formed which allowed the ruling group to redistribute the huge flow of capital freely and beyond any parliamentary control. Day facto were dealing with blatant state capitalism. The political power of the dollar guards in russia was broken. The other states of the former soviet union however didnt manage to consolidate their power in the same way in georgia the popularity of president Eduard Shevardnadze reached an all time low he became increasingly authoritarian in november two thousand and three he was accused the rigging the election. I sent that we wouldnt accept the Election Results and spontaneously invited the people to a meeting in the philharmonic hall. And that there were three or four times more people than we expected to deal with that. To revisit them was a feeling we felt that there was a revolutionary mood in the country. If she were not say had made the appropriate decision and announced new elections there would have been no revolution. Unfortunately he simply did not realize how serious the situation was and thats why he stubbornly ram through a session of parliament we wanted to stop him from doing so and so the revolution happened. Its not. The rose revolution takes its name from the roses the demonstrators carried when they stormed the parliament. Shevardnadze it was forced out of office because saakashvili who had placed himself at the helm of the insurrection was one of the georgians who had taken up shevardnadze as invitation to return from. Abroad. Newly arrived from the u. S. Really wanted to do what shevardnadze had been able to democratize georgia and bring it into the west the rose revolution the first of the socalled color revolutions and its successor states of the former soviet union was a sign of the rebellious nys of a new generation. Russia watched with concern moscow was still hoping to draw the former soviet republics into its fear of influence rather than losing them to the west. Grows hope left ukraine divided Eastern Ukraine is mostly russian or pro russian western ukraine and the capital kiev aspires to western values. We look to europe many of our doctors go there to see how their colleagues there was a musician. Tell your group shingo has been a nurse at a Military Hospital for twenty five years. Ukraine is in the center of europe so we are also a european country we want to live like normal people. Russia was actively involved in the polarization of ukraine. In the two thousand and four president ial elections putin gave the pro russian candidate Viktor Yanukovych his personal support. The brush the elections were over and then everything turned out to be a big fraud thats why people took to the streets against the dictatorship for human rights and for a change in the power structures is mean in your system unless. Tens of thousands of people went to the my dime kiev Central Square to demand a change of course away from russia and towards the west. Coast of the my older son was on the mind on in two thousand. Or he was a student students are the first to sense in justice thats how young people are against. The elections were repeated this time pro european candidate Viktor Yuschenko won it was a major setback for putin who are now realized he was losing influence in several countries that russia still thought of as the near abroad. Then came another setback chechnya was once again making headlines. Bill dont stop on this day i should when you bring me with a problem was that the agents of global islam as a man were absolutely irreconcilable. It was precisely these people who became the enemies of both coderre off

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